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ARSENICUM IODATUM symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Plain Talks on Materia Medica with Comparisons by W.I. Pierce. What ARSENICUM IODATUM can be used for? Indications and personality of ARSENICUM IODATUM…



      First proved by Dr. E. W. Beebe, of this country.

Allen in his Encyclop. reports only three provings, by as many different persons, one taking repeated doses of one grain of the 1st, another took six doses of the 2nd in three days. It is a remedy that would well repay the work of a thorough proving.

Hering makes the following statement: “Introduced by friends of the lower” (potencies), “it has been given most in the third decimal and always repeated.”

In Arsenicum iod. we have a combination of two drugs and, as in other chemical combinations, when taken into the system they break up each element seems to work better, or at least quicker and more vigorously, than if either were taken alone. The arsenical characteristic preponderate over those of iodine in this preparation.


      As a constitutional remedy in chronic conditions, it is of value for the scrofulous anaemic patient (15), with enlarged mesenteric (83) or other lymphatic glands (83).

In the eyes it is of value in scrofulous inflammations (76), with burning pains, and in the ears for catarrhal inflammation (630 and deafness, due perhaps to scarlet fever (63), with fetid (63), corrosive discharge.

In the ordinary coryza (37) and hay-fever (88), calling for this remedy, we have a very similar condition to that found under Arsenicum, only a more aggravated form. There is the great irritation and tingling in the nose, with constant desire to sneeze and no relief or satisfaction from sneezing, the profuse, watery, burning (39) and acrid (37) discharge that excoriates the upper lip. etc. It is a very frequently indicated remedy in hay-fever (88) and my preference in this condition is for the 6th potency.

In the lungs Arsenicum iod. is useful in many conditions, including catarrhal pneumonia (151) and phthisis (149), “the special indications being debility, night-sweats (185), either after the cavity has formed or when a cavity threatens to form, with a decidedly cachectic condition of the patient.” “It seems probable.” as Allen goes on to say, “that in the Iodide of Arsenic, we have found a remedy most closely allied to the manifestations of tuberculosis; it will be indicated by a profound prostration, rapid, irritable pulse, recurring fever and sweats, emaciation, tendency to diarrhoea.” etc. ” It is especially valuable in non-tubercular phthisis.”

It is great value in anaemia (15) and anaemic conditions, for the night-sweats of phthisis (185), blood-poisoning and other debilitating disease, and as a tonic (16) after exhausting diseases, especially after follicular tonsillitis and the grip. For these purposes I use Arsenicum iod. 3x triturate.

I dislike the tablets for two reasons: they are apt to be mottled in appearance, the iodine coming to the surface (I am told that this does not harm their efficiency, even if it does their beauty); again, if made with any degree of heat a certain amount of the iodine will be driven off (I am told that they now know how to make the tablets by a cold process).

One other word; do not dissolve the triturate or tablet of the 1st or 3rd in water and have a teaspoonful taken every so often, for the iodine will be set free and more or less of it will be given off as vapor.

Willard Ide Pierce
Willard Ide Pierce, author of Plain Talks on Materia Medica (1911) and Repertory of Cough, Better and Worse (1907). Dr. Willard Ide Pierce was a Director and Professor of Clinical Medicine at Kent's post-graduate school in Philadelphia.