The Halogens

In the sexual system a nervous state of excitation prevails, leading to dissolute acts (even in old people). This sexual erethism is particularly liable to be associated with degenerative processes in the central nervous system.

The total status in acidum fluoricum is said to be aggravated by stimulant agents as coffee (also tea and wine?). However, a desire for spices, herbs, should be prevent and an aversion toward coffee. The aggravation from heat extends to the digestive processes as well: warm drinks provoke eructations, nausea, diarrhea. There is a strong desire for cold drinks. An increase of appetite up to gluttony, constant sensation of hunger, is often expressed. Here we find a further accord to iodine. Also in fluoric acid the improvement from eating temporarily relieves the feeling of emptiness as well as the heat in the abdomen and the headache. There is an emaciated, cachectic general state as well as a special adaptability for the maladies of the aged (also senile pruritus?) in acidum fluoricum. Parts go to sleep easily; a feeling of numbness and loss of power of the extremities is found in the provings.

Finally, the catarrhal symptoms of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes as well as the salivation are to be mentioned because of the similarity to the toxic manifestations with those of iodine. Acrid lachrymation and salivation have already been mentioned as toxicologic actions of acidum fluoricum. Therapeutic indications have not as yet been reported for these symptoms. The acute toxic actions on the gastric mucous membrane are less valuable, although the gastric damage seems to be more resorptive than merely local in effect. At any rate, Siegfried observed them in cats after subacute intoxications.


Chronic remedy Complimentary to silicea but better from cold A: Molecular – chemical and tissue affinities Supportive Tissues. Bones, teeth, hair, hairs. Telangiectasias. Varicosities.

B: Ionic actions of fluorine:

Vascular Erethism:

Heated state without real fever.

Better from washing and bathing in cold water.

Itching worse from warmth. Aggravation from warmth in any form, also from warm drinks. Profuse sweats.

Muscle unrest. Sexual excitation (as in beginning diseases of central nervous system).

Aggravation from stimulant agents. Headache relieved by micturition.

Physically: at first serenity. Then depressive-anxious states with aversion and indifference to family.

Sensation of hunger. Increase of appetite but cachexia.


In the calcium salt of fluorine the affinity to the bones and the connective tissues (including the elastic fibres) appears to come still more one-sidedly into evidence. The provings are, however, even more defective than those of fluoric acid.

(1) Murch: Amer. Hom. Observer, p. 123, 1864, with the original substance without symptoms and with the D.3.

(2) Bell: N.E. Medorrhinum Gaz., p.300 1874. Of three provers with the 15th and 30th potency.

The chief indications have been taken out of homoeopathy by the Schussler trend and in consequence the minimal so-called biochemic drug treasure has been excessively stressed there.

On the bones and on the teeth are the same carious processes with the same manifestations, for example, fistula, as with acidum fluoricum. Also chronic arthritis with irritant body formations and ricketic deformities come into consideration. On the teeth the enamel layer is defective. The teeth are loose, and pain on contact with food.

The bony thickening, exostosis, is present in a stronger degree with calcium fluoricum, for example even ranula. Generally there exists in this preparation a stronger tendency to new formations, especially of fibrous type: stone-hard tumors, arising from tendons, ligaments and fascia, ganglion, hard glandular tumors as well as tonsillar enlargements, hard cystic formations (for example, of the thyroid), fibroma of the mammary gland; moreover, myoma of the uterus is reported as an indication. To these may be added recurrent hordeolum, chalazion, and cysts of the lids. Displacement and particularly prolapse of the uterus with downward pressure and tugging designate the supportive tissue weakness. Moreover, calcium fluoricum has been recommended to prevent adhesions after operations.

The connective – tissue hypertrophy stands in contrast to the loss in elasticity, particularly in the vessels, so calcium fluoricum is indicated in a series of old age diseases in which the elastic fibres are replaced by connective tissue and infiltrations (calcium), for sclerotis process, aneurysms. Likewise cataract and sclerosis of the middle ear with calcium deposits on the tympanum, and difficulty in heating and ear noises are to be considered here. Varicose processes and naevi vasculosi again appear as indications as in acidum, fluoricum. The ulcers are again characterized by hard borders and offensive secretions. Differing from fluoric acid are the persistent suppurations of the nail folds, cracked eczema of the palms, and itching anal fissure; moreover corneal ulcer with indurated borders.

As with acidum fluoricum, inflammatory mucous membrane and bony processes likewise of syphilitic origin are counted to its field of action, inflammation and ulceration in the mouth and throat, ozena with crust formation, caries of the nasal bones, strongly offensive, lumpy green or yellow nasal secretion, induration of the tongue after inflammation, etc. Here one will always recall the salt in reference to the leading halogen, iodine. Croup-like manifestations in the larynx with dry cough and difficult respiration may be mentioned at least as analogous to the entire group of halogens.

In contrast to acidum fluoricum the aggravation from cold, change of weather and damp weather is reported for calcium fluoricum, which presuming that it is confirmed, may be ascribed to the calcium fraction. Besides chronic arthritic alterations of the finger joints and synovitis of the knee, one indication has special significance: chronic lumbago with aggravation at first then improvement from continued motion, also in cases where rhus tox. is commonly selected. Diarrhea in gouty persons is a report which is repeated only with caution. The same holds for the report of hydrops of the legs and scrotum, a report which emerges from acidum fluoricum as well as calcium fluoricum (but perhaps was confused with a venous stasis?).

From the entire field of indications emerges that calcium fluoricum is eminently a chronic remedy and that it tends to be prescribed with intervals over a long time. The results of the provings, which up to the present are scanty, have not been utilized in this picture of calcium fluoricum. According to the list of symptoms, a definite connection to the throat, in particular to the larynx and the epiglottis, may be expected. Manifestations from tickling in the larynx were reported by all provers, many times huskiness and cough, and further, particularly in the 3rd decimal potency, a feeling of oppression and suffocation in the throat, worse at night and from cold drinks, transiently better from warm drinks: at the discontinuance of the proving on the eighth day there was an oppression of breathing as though the epiglottis were nearly occluded. This affinity to the upper air passages is indeed so characteristic for the halogens that perhaps a greater significance is deserved for the croup-like symptoms in the drug picture of calcium fluoricum than the present subordinate place now accorded them.


This double salt is not proven and has found only isolated clinical recommendation in bony affections (caries) tumors, lupus, and ethmoiditis.


The most commonly employed potency of fluoric acid and its salts is the 6th decimal potency, still, the acid is used in high potencies, the 30th, when the general symptoms determine the choice.

Otto Leeser
Otto Leeser 1888 – 1964 MD, PHd was a German Jewish homeopath who had to leave Germany due to Nazi persecution during World War II, and he escaped to England via Holland.
Leeser, a Consultant Physician at the Stuttgart Homeopathic Hospital and a member of the German Central Society of Homeopathic Physicians, fled Germany in 1933 after being expelled by the German Medical Association. In England Otto Leeser joined the staff of the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital. He returned to Germany in the 1950s to run the Robert Bosch Homeopathic Hospital in Stuttgart, but died shortly after.
Otto Leeser wrote Textbook of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Leesers Lehrbuch der Homöopathie, Actionsand Medicinal use of Snake Venoms, Solanaceae, The Contribution of Homeopathy to the Development of Medicine, Homeopathy and chemotherapy, and many articles submitted to The British Homeopathic Journal,