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Heavy Metals


The increase of irritability in platinum, as in hysteria may go on to paroxysms, to clonic-tonic spasms, to crying out, dyspnoea, etc., joined with characteristic sexual erethism which one finds expressed by preference in positions and attitudes taken. The increased erotic trend also comes to expression in dreams.

Platinum also has a series of sensations in the peripheral nerve fields which seem to stand in transition from the psychic neurotic to be peripheral nerves. The increase of nerve irritability increases and decreases gradually, the pains of platinum having this characteristic-like stannum. The pains frequently are followed by numb sensations, a sign of excess over a certain stimulus threshold. The peripheral nerve actions are said to go on to trophoneurotic effects on the fingers and toes and toes and platinum has even been recommended for caries of the bones of the feet. The platinum picture is rich in pains and they give an impression of hysteria. Sensations of tension and numbness prevail: sensation of numbness or superficial coldness appears in spots, constriction and numbness of the head and in the scalp as if tensed rigidly, similarly in the neck, worse evenings and on sitting; sensitivity from cold, numbness and crawling in the eyes, ears and in an entire half of the face as well as in the feet on sitting, also tensive cramp-like constrictive pains as from a firm band around the extremities. But this sensation of constriction also comes in the neck, in the epigastrium and in the chest where it embarrasses breathing, Another characteristic sensation is that of a plug, particularly in the headache, with painful pressure from within. The headache can be associated with trembling and twitching of the eyelids and flickering before the eyes; it is worse at rest and in the evening also in a warm room, better in the open air. The slow increase and decrease may also be suggestive here. Moreover the plug sensation is also noted in the chest and abdomen. A feeling of weakness prevails in the back, sacrum and the extremities and may become quite severe. Trembling or rigidity of the muscles may be present.


The organ actions of platinum in the first line involve the sexual erethism exists. The excessive sexual libido which is said to be present in the male is not so characteristic as for the female sexual functions; indeed in general platinum in its entire character is adapted for the female sex to a special degree. The excessive irritation of the sexual organs conditions the sensual itching of the genitals, at times associated with anxiety and cardiac palpitation: there is a tendency to onanism and the excitement may increase up to nymphomania. Thereby a painful sensitivity of the parts may be present, likewise vaginismus. The marked flow of blood to the parts is expressed in the pressing downward and the feeling as if the menses would appear. Platinum is also extolled in actual descent of the uterus. An irritated state of the ovary which is designated as ovarian neuralgia is often associated with a migraine in the frontal region. Corresponding to the marked excitation, the periods are too early and too profuse (not too long). The blood is said to be dark and clotted. Cramps occur at the appearance of the menses at times; during them there are many pressing pains. Less definite as a point of departure, theoretically as well as practically is the reported hardening of the uterus which has led to employment in myoma.

On the digestive organs there is an aversion to food because of sandess, then again ravenous hunger and rapid eating, loud eructations, persistent nausea with anxiety and trembling. Obviously all these stand decidedly under the influence of the psyche. Formication in the anus, a shuddering of the entire body after stool also reflects the nervous component. A constipation with unsuccessful urging or only insufficient evacuation is said to occur on traveling. One other symptom is peculiar that the stool though soft as clay, remains adherent to the rectum. In the constipation and colic of lead poisoning platinum is an antidote.

On the respiratory organs and the heart occur only nervous manifestations in platinum: loss of voice and brief dry cough which is depicted as “hysterical,” palpitation causing anxiety and an almost spasmodic yawning.

Dark, thin women and girls of tense fibre are said to be the types which are most sensitive to platinum.


Chief Trends:

Central and peripheral nervous system. Hysteria. Increased nervous irritability, paroxysms. Psychically marked changes in disposition, changes between physical and psychic symptoms. Haughty nature. Neuralgias, paraesthesia, tense, numb sensations. Feeling of a plug; slow increase and decrease of pains.

Sexual Erethism:

Great sensitivity of the female genitalia. Nymphomania. Ovarian neuralgia. Menses too early and too profuse. Downward pressure.

Digestive Disturbances:

Under psychical influence: constipation on traveling. Stool rema- ins attached to the bowel though like softclay. (Rare: tropho- neurotic ulcers; lead colic.)


Worse on sitting and in the evening. Better in the open air. (Right side seems to be preferred.)


As a rule D 6 is employed.


Manganese chemically is a close neighbor to iron. Corresponding with this fact in nature manganese is usually found in association with iron. The relationship is “horizontal” as so frequently occurs in the periodic system.

In plants at times manganese seems to have the role of iron as an oxygen carrier and indeed in the test tube oxidation catalysis of manganese salts is often used. Small amounts of manganese enter the human organism in grains and plants but nothing is known of a physiologic vital role of manganese in the human organism.

It is stated 609 that manganese as iron causes the number of red blood cells and the hemoglobin to increase markedly, but a lessening in the after effect, although exact investigations on this point have not been performed. Nevertheless manganese compounds have often found use in chlorosis and secondary anemias (usually with iron) on account of this iron-like action.

In the compounds where manganese appears in the basic fraction (2 and 4 valent) as well as in the acid fraction where it is 6 and 7 valent manganese determines the action, so that there is a great pharmacologic similarity in all manganese compounds. The compounds most used are manganum aceticum, Mn (CH3 COO)2 which Hahnemann introduced into materia medica and potassium permanganate KMnO4. But also manganum muriaticum, MnCl2, manganum carbonicum, MnCO3, and the (4 valent) MnO2 employed in the same sense as the acetate.

The compound best known in medicine is the dark red crystalline potassium permanganate, which produces a violet red solution in water and even in a solution of 1:500,000 still gives a rose red color in water. On account of its marked power of oxidation potassium permanganate is often used as an antiseptic and deodorant. A further use occurs in morphine and phosphorus poisoning as well as an antidote in snake poisoning. A strong concentration acts locally on the mucous membranes producing marked swelling, dark discoloration and scab formation; particularly dangerous is the edema of the glottis. In poisoning there is vomiting, cyanosis, and finally cardiac paralysis. Often the difficulty in speaking is prominent. Albuminuria is also observed. On the contrary it has not been proven in manganese poisoning that manganese is excreted through the urine so that the kidney is not known to be a site excretion of the poison; though the intestine is with all heavy metals.

The experimental acute animal poisoning with compounds in which manganese makes the basic fraction as the sulphate, reveals some action on the central nervous system in the form of paralysis and tetanic spasms, so characteristic in chronic manganese poisoning. But also inflammatory alterations are found to the blood forming system.


It is particularly remarkable that chronic manganese poisoning has such a great similarity in its central nervous system symptoms to those of Parkinsonian syndromes and in a lesser grade to multiple sclerosis. The first description, on which apparently Lewin has based his report has not been forgotten in homoeopathic literature. In workers who were occupied in crushing manganese, Cowper 610 observed paralysis especially of the extremities with propulsion, moreover weakness of voice, vacant facial expression, flow of saliva especially on speaking. Even this first observer noted that though years elapsed after the removal from the work, practically no improvement occurred in the condition. Industrial manganese poisoning was described more exactly by V.Jaksch. 611

Outside of the spastic paralysis symptoms (without Babinski), a peculiar gait and walking on the metatarsal phalangeal joint, propulsion and retropulsion, the facial mask, flow of saliva, and monotonous speech, v. Jaksch described spontaneous laughing and crying and psychic alterations. Likewise nystagmus, trembling of the tongue and extremities and limitations of the visual field (according to Lewin) are observed, moreover writing in small letters without the ability to make them larger. These represent many signs of disease of the basal ganglia as we see them after encephalitis lethargica so that one would think manganese poisoning does not improve, then he will not place his hopes too high in the expectations of a possible therapy in spite of the similarity. All these symptoms show degeneration in the central nervous system whose slight power of restitution is well known.

Otto Leeser
Otto Leeser 1888 – 1964 MD, PHd was a German Jewish homeopath who had to leave Germany due to Nazi persecution during World War II, and he escaped to England via Holland.
Leeser, a Consultant Physician at the Stuttgart Homeopathic Hospital and a member of the German Central Society of Homeopathic Physicians, fled Germany in 1933 after being expelled by the German Medical Association. In England Otto Leeser joined the staff of the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital. He returned to Germany in the 1950s to run the Robert Bosch Homeopathic Hospital in Stuttgart, but died shortly after.
Otto Leeser wrote Textbook of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Leesers Lehrbuch der Homöopathie, Actionsand Medicinal use of Snake Venoms, Solanaceae, The Contribution of Homeopathy to the Development of Medicine, Homeopathy and chemotherapy, and many articles submitted to The British Homeopathic Journal,