
Epilepsy is considered an indication also in homoeopathy. The symtpms cited give some indication of what cases are suitable for borax. In single cases I have given 0.5 g doses 2-3 times daily and have seen some success. With finer indications one should make an attempt with the lower potencies.


In connection with this another symptom is common with aluminium must be mentioned: the spider web sensation which is perceived as if a spider web were on the face. A certain basis for parasthesias are found in the toxicologic material on boric acid. Also in the second effect trend, trophic skin and mucous membrane alterations borax is to be compared with alumina. However borax strikes less deep; in place of the ulcers of alumina there are aphtha. Then in borax the sodium fraction conveys an accent to the mucous membranes of the digestive canal and thereby general nutritional disturbances especially in nurslings. The emaciation from poor utilization of the food with increased loss of intestinal epithelia has been mentioned above as a result of the prolonged use of boric acid. In small children for whom boric acid is especially suitable a marasmatic state is present: the face is pale or earthy colored, the entire skin pale, lived, and wrinkled, the child is relaxed and emaciated, cannot digest the food, vomits and has diarrhoea. Characteristic is an aphthous state, the mouth is sore, bleeds easily, the aphthae extend apparently throughout the entire intestinal anal and indeed are said to be responsible for complaints on other mucous membranes. In any case here we are confronted by trophic mucous membrane disturbances. The mouth of the nursling is so sore that it cannot nurse. They retch, cough and vomit sour mucous and have abundant light yellow slimy stools; slimy masses “like cooked starch” are passed without stool. To this is added that borax also influences the milk secretion of the mother; the milk is too thick, taste badly and coagulates rapidly. The child has an aversion to milk which causes diarrhoea. If here one recalls the trend of action in impairing the coagulation of milk outside of the body and that borax is excreted through the milk, such an action can be understood and moreover the merit of borax medication for the nursling through the lactating mother. Likewise another mammary gland symptom may be mentioned here: on nursing the mother has a pain in the breast from which the child is not nursing, or painful sensation in the breast when it is empty. In lactating young mothers, if the secretion of milk does not cease, the use of borax solution externally gives results. It is in the sense that the clinical indication “galactorrhoea” is meant.


The functional, trophic and sensory connections between the mammary glands and the female genitalia can perhaps cover the bridge to borax effects on the female sexual organs. The long maintained view that borax in large doses is an emmenagogue and abortifacient has not been entirely imagination. In the homeopathic school borax has always been held as an important remedy in sterility. Thereby a characteristic menstrual disturbance is present: dysmenorrhoea membranacea, severe labour- like pains before and during the flow as through the uterus had been pushed out of place or sticking pains as if from a knife, the pains ending with the extrusion of the membrane. To this is added and egg-white-like or starch paste-like leucorrhoea with a sensation as though warm water were running down the leg or an acrid leucorrhoea appears for two weaks between the periods. The menses are too early and profuse. Nausea with faintness is observed in women and also belongs here. The libido is reduced. If such a general state, together with the borax mental disposition and nausea occurs in sterile women, then the indication in sterility can be founded on several grounds even if we cannot explain the deeper connections of all these manifestations. Moreover a sensation of enlargement and sticking pain in the clitoris reported.


The most important symptom on the urinary organs: the child cries each time before or at the beginning of urination; also a feeling of soreness in the urethra on urinating and afterwards (especially on contact). The urine is hot. The painfulness of urination was traced by Kent to an aphthous state of the mucous membrane. Moreover unsuccessful attempts at urination with (or from) cutting pain in the urethra is noted; furthermore acrid offensive urine.

Chronic catarrhal states of the nose and eye-lids are described as for alumina. The chronic granular conjunctivitis here is said to be associated with inward turning of the eyelashes (trichiasis) and entropion. The chronic catarrhal state whows thick, greenish mucus and crusts, ulcerated nasal folds and easy bleeding. ON the skin are vesicular, itching eruptions, but also, as we have seen above, psoriasis-like manifestations. The report “erysipelas” remains unexplained, and is doubtful. The skin in borax is said to be unhealthy; the hair mats easily.

Without connection stands: cough with expectoration of mouldy odor and taste, mouldy smelling breath; sticking, right sided cutting pains, high in the chest; dyspnoea on climbing stairs. Hoarseness from sudden chilling is said to be relieved for some time by dissolving a pea-sized piece of borax in the mouth.


Chief Trends:

1. Nervous system.

Anxiety, excitation, vertigo (epilepsy) Sensitive to sudden noises.

Aggravation from downward motion.

Paraesthesia (spider web sensation) and trophic disturbances (aphtha).

2. Nutritional disturbances of nurslings; sore aphthous mouth, marasmus.

Vomiting of acid mucus, light yellow slimy diarrhoea.

Child cries before and during urination (aphthae?).

Aversion to mother’s milk.

(Nursing pain in the empty breast of the mother; galactorrhoea.).

Dysmenorrhoea membranacea, sterility, egg white like leucorrhoea.

Leading Symptom: Aggravation from downward motion. Aphthae.

DOSE: The remedy has found little employment so that the best dose has not been definitely determined. The D 3 is usually employed.

Otto Leeser
Otto Leeser 1888 – 1964 MD, PHd was a German Jewish homeopath who had to leave Germany due to Nazi persecution during World War II, and he escaped to England via Holland.
Leeser, a Consultant Physician at the Stuttgart Homeopathic Hospital and a member of the German Central Society of Homeopathic Physicians, fled Germany in 1933 after being expelled by the German Medical Association. In England Otto Leeser joined the staff of the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital. He returned to Germany in the 1950s to run the Robert Bosch Homeopathic Hospital in Stuttgart, but died shortly after.
Otto Leeser wrote Textbook of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Leesers Lehrbuch der Homöopathie, Actionsand Medicinal use of Snake Venoms, Solanaceae, The Contribution of Homeopathy to the Development of Medicine, Homeopathy and chemotherapy, and many articles submitted to The British Homeopathic Journal,