BORAX Medicine

BORAX symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Plain Talks on Materia Medica with Comparisons by W.I. Pierce. What BORAX can be used for? Indications and personality of BORAX…

      SODIUM TETRABORATE-Na2B4O7 plus 10H2O (Boracic, or Boric acid-H3BO3).


      “Although by constitution Borax is a acid salt it has an alkaline reaction to test-paper” as the sodium is “not fully neutralized by to boracic acid” (Fowne’s Chemistry).

Borax is soluble in less water than is boracic acid (borax 15-20 parts; Boracic acid 25 parts cold water) and is prepared for us either in dilution or trituration.

For our dilution, one part of pure Borax is dissolved i ninety nine parts of distilled water to make the 1st; one part of this and ninety-nine parts of dilute alcohol to make the 2nd; and one part of this and ninety-nine parts of alcohol 87make the 3d, or the lowest dilution that will not dissolve our pellets.

For our trituration, one part of pure Borax is triturated with ninety-nine part of sugar of milk to make the 1st or lowest official trituration of Borax.


      Hahnemann, who contributed to the symptoms of Borax, tells us that “in household practice is has been for a long time empirically used in solution against the aphthae of children” and at the present time amongst the old school: “Borax is seldom used except as a lotion in aphthae and other oral affections” (Dunglison’s dictionary).

We, as homoeopaths, dread to see the indiscriminate use of Borax, as it will not only make bad worse, for all causes of aphthae do not call for the remedy, but it will cause trouble where none previous existed, for we know from the proving that its action on jokes membranes is marked by aphthous ulceration.

Borax is a valuable remedy for aphthous sore mouth (140), aphthous stomatitis or thrush. The aphthae are seen on the inside of the cheeks, on the tongue, the mouth is hot and tender and the child cries on nursing. Associated with this we have thirst and vomiting, but the character stiff indication for Borax in aphthous stomatitis is that the mucous membrane looks shrivelled as if burnt.

With the aphthae of Borax and especially in nursing infants, we are apt to have diarrhoea. The stools are mucous, light yellow of green (59), usually preceded by colic and frequently associated with hot and smarting urine; the child screams before urinating.

The urine is of a strong, pungent odor and there is frequent urging, but the child dreads, or is afraid to pass it and will retain it as long as possible and cries or may almost have convulsions when the necessity to urinate is felt.

Borax has a peculiar nervous phenomenon that is very characteristic and unlike that of any other remedy and that is the fear or dread of any downward motion.

In order people it may be noticed in the dread of walking or driving down a steep hill. One of the symptoms reads, “very timid in driving down a mountain; quite at variance with his customary bearing; he felt as if it would take his breath away” (Chr. Dis.).

In young children, however, where this condition is more frequently seen, there is additional anxiety and nervousness; they are very easily startled by any sudden noise; the slamming of a door or even the rustle of a paper or dress will cause the child to start, scream and seem badly frightened.

Any downward motion is especially distressing and if the child is rocked, carried down stairs or laid down in bed, it will, even if asleep at the time, start and throw up its hands as if afraid of falling.

During sleep, the child often cries out and anxiously grasps its mother, as if frightened by a dream.

The hair is affected in Borax, and turns on itself so, that on the head becomes tangled or matted (88), and on the lid the eyelashes irritate the cornea. In inflammation of the edges of the eyelids, when they turn inward, entropion, so that the lids rub against the eyeball, Borax may effect a cure if the trouble is not of long standing.

Borax is to be ought of in erysipelas (68) of the face, with a feeling of a cobweb or as if the white of an egg had dried on the face (165).

In the female sexual organs the menses may be too early and too profuse (135), but preceded the followed by leucorrhoea (136). The Leucorrhoea is acrid. (126), feels warm as it passes and is white and albuminous, like the white of an egg (126).

It is a remedy to be thought of for dysmenorrhoea, with extreme pain during the flow, and especially for membranous dysmenorrhoea (138). It has proved useful for chronic vaginitis and metritis.

It is to be thought of in pleurodynia (120) or in true pleurisy in the upper part of the r. chest, with stitches (30) on breathing or coughing, and with expectoration of a mouldy taste and smell.

Acetic acid is incompatible with Borax.

I use Borax 3rd.

Willard Ide Pierce
Willard Ide Pierce, author of Plain Talks on Materia Medica (1911) and Repertory of Cough, Better and Worse (1907). Dr. Willard Ide Pierce was a Director and Professor of Clinical Medicine at Kent's post-graduate school in Philadelphia.