Homoeopathic Treatment of Syphilis -2

Very often in syphilis you will get good results, when after having used Mercurius in lower dilutions, you use Nitric acid in lower dilutions also.

It is complementary and a ground remedy of Mercurius. It is often related to Thuja.

It has very painful ulcers having the sensation of pricking by multiple needles, bleeding ulcers that do not cure easily.

Fluoric Acid: Among the halogens we have seen Iodium, now we come to Fluoric acid.

Fluoric acid acts on the interstitial tissues and on the veins, varicose veins, induration of venous walls, cellulitis.

It also acts on mucous membranes, when there is the possibility of ulcers.

Finally it acts on the skin; degenerescence of cheloidian cicatrices. It is really a very good remedy in this case and we get splendid results. It is to be compared with silicea and Petroleum.

Fluoric acid and Nitric acid are to be used in heredos. They act better.

In our synthetic study later on we will show that the problem of the treatment of hereditary syphilitic temperament is solved in Homoeopathy, while during the activity of the parasite, specially in the primary and secondary syphilis and even in acute troubles of the tertiary period, we are not up to the mark. We should ask ourselves whether syphilitic parasitosis of acute troubles may ever be considered within the field of Homoeopathic treatment.

Calcarea fluorica: We will study this remedy in detail later on but it is used in all ages, in children as well as in heredos of ripe age and of old age. It causes, on the one hand, laxity of muscles ripe of the articulations of the ligamentary order and on the other hand induration and early sclerosis, either of the interstitial conjunctive tissues or of the glands. It is used specially when the organism hesitate between imprisonment of the Germs in sclerosis or suppuration.

Very frequently persons may be saved from cellulitis, form chronic infections, of tissues by a good suppuration or by an open abscess.

When induration begins to become soft and suppurate Calcarea fluorica will check it acting in a contrary sense.

It has somewhat the same action like that of Hepar sulphur. It will rather check an infection or cause it.

In cataract Calcarea fluorica is used.

Later on we will see the constitution of Calcarea fluorica which is the opposite of Calcarea carbonica and we will study their import on the hereditary syphilis. But now let us say: The ideas of Dr. Nebel have been deformed by some. It is, therefore, premature to conclude on this point.

But as regards Calcarea fluorica the teachings of Materia Medica is interesting. We can understand very easily how in children, in adolescent and then in adult there exists that ligamentary laxity, which finally causes ptosis. In children there is still tonus, we will not find ptosis of the stomach or of the kidneys but we will find easy sprains. Later on in the adults ptosis are seen and you have then the two important remedies: Thuja and Sepia. In such cases you will have to know the relation between Calcarea fluorica, Sepia and Thuja.

As for example a Calcarea carbonica child when becomes a Sepia has only the bearing down but a child when it becomes Calcarea fluorica it comes from Calcarea fluorica to Sepia, has the uterine ptosis.

Hekla lava. A very interesting remedy in hyperostosis, in necrosis of bones, syphilitic hypertrophying osteitis.

Badiaga. It should be compared with Iodium and Spongia. It is also a sponge. It acts specially on the ganglionary tissues, on the skin; roseola, buboes.

One important symptom of Badiaga: hypersensitiveness of the skin to touch as in Lachesis, China, Hepar sulphur. Aggravation in contact of dress.

Aggravation in cold, amelioration by heat, inverse of Mercury.

The Vegetables.

In syphilitic lesions their number is very small. We will study only 14 to 15 remedies.

Anantherum. It is an Indian herb which causes hypertrophied glands. It will act on the chancre of the neck of the uterus. It may cause abscess and ulcers.

It has some urinary troubles, involuntary urination, incontinence of urine, polyuria, cystitis.

On two points the remedy in interesting:

(a) Skin: There may be some sycotic phenomena, specially tumours and button on the tip of the nose.

In deformation of nails it acts well.

In a word, this remedy acts on syphilis, in sycosis and in cancer or pre-cancer state.

It seems to be a satellite of Mercurius and Thuja.

Calotropis. It is a satellite of Mercurius and is given with Mercurius and after the subject has taken too much Mercury.

When it is prescribed in lower dilutions it produces profuse sweats. It may also be given to patients who have profuse sweats.

It acts well in anemia and obesity caused by syphilis. It has been used in exotic diseases: Leprosy, dysentery, elephantiasis and even tuberculosis. But I have no experience as regards this remedy.

Corydalis. It is used in syphilis. There are Corydalis formosa and Corydalis cava.

Experimentally it may act on Parkinson’s disease. It has clear picture of Parkinson’s disease but we do not get any appreciable results with this remedy.

Corydalis Canadensis has also been tried in syphilis, as causing ulcerations of the mouth and of the throat, gammas, ulcers with pains at night as is always the case in syphilitic diseases.

On the skin it causes dry crusts and darts in old persons. It may be compared with Cinnabaris which acts well in small canceroids.

It is compared with Cinnabaris and Nitric acid for its nocturnal pains of ulcers of the mouth and of the throat.

Asafoetida. It is an excellent remedy of hereditary syphilis, sometimes of the tertiary syphilis, with syphilitic ulcers, Corneal ulcers with terrible pains at night, foetid otorrhoea, syphilitic ozaena, and caries of the nasal bone.

It is an important satellite of Aurum metallicum.

The painful part is extremely sensitive with throbbings, deep ulcerations, bone caries, lesions of mucous membranes, and on the other hand spasms and some symptoms of irritated sympathetic system which were formerly called as `hysteria’.

It is a remedy of hysteria having hysteriform troubles, like that of Ignatia and Moschus. It may very well act on the spasms of oesophagus like Cajaputum and Moschus.

Sometimes it is also given in aerophagia, in intestinal flatulence, in nervous pregnancies, in flatulence of women who think themselves pregnant.

Baptisia. It has been used in some foetid syphilitic secretions but really speaking it is a remedy of acute states.

It has dysphagia for solid food, the inverse is Belladonna.

Mezereum is an important remedy of hereditary syphilis. It is a satellite of Mercurius, Calcarea carbonica and Syphilinum.

In children it is given in eczema with crusts and exaggerated itching. The eczema may be dry or crusty but it is accompanied by intense itching. Child having milk crusts, eruptions and impetigo which are important manifestations of Mezereum, and of Calcarea carbonica and of Antimonium crudum. These three remedies go very well together. You can cure marvelously ring-worm, impetigo giving Calcarea carbonica 200, followed by Antimonium crudum 6 and Mezereum 30, the one in the morning and the other in the evening. These remedies act remarkably without any external treatment.

Mezereum may have indurated and hypertrophied testicles like Aurum metallicum.

Aggravation at night, by touch and in humid weather ( just like Mercurius)

Burning pains like Sulphur and Arsenic but amelioration by heat.

Extreme sensitiveness to cold which makes it comparable to Hepar sulphur.

Mezereum is a cross-road with Calcarea carbonic, Hepar sulphur, Mercurius and Syphilinum as deep acting remedies.

The Mezereum subject is so much afraid of cold that he plugs his ears with cotton-wool because he thinks that his auditory duct is too big and that tympanum will catch cold in the cold air.

Guaco has been used in used in lower dilutions in syphilis, in cholera and in dysentery.

It is one of the interesting remedies of which the pathogenesis is not complete. It is also used in India against snake and scorpion bites.

According to its pathogenesis it may be said that it surely acts on the narrow causing spinal irritation. It is necessary to use it in paraplegias and spasmodic troubles in paresis and in paralysis when Lathyrus sativus does not give any effect.

Jaguaranda Calandai. It is not the Jaguaranda habitually used in chancre and gonorrhoea in hot countries. It has particular action on syphilitic eye. It may be compared with Thuja. It acts in acute gonorrhoea and in rheumatism resulting out of gonorrhoea.

It is also in phymosis.

Kreosotum. It has ulceration of the mucous with deep excoriations with yellow-green discharge, corroding the skin.

It has specially ulcerations of the mucosa, of which the secretion burns the skin.

This remedy is to be compared with Nitric acid and Kali bichromicum in syphilitic ulcers; when there is secondary infection Kali bichromicum, Lachesis and Sulphur are to be thought of.

It is good remedy of the ulceration of coluteri. In metritis it acts beautifully internally. It acts also in gonorrhoea of women specially in acute stage when there is fluid and corrosive discharges. The discharge becomes thick and non-corrosive. After his remedy comes the field of Pulsatilla and Mercurium corrosivus.

Mauritius Fortier-Bernoville
Mauritius (Maurice) Fortier Bernoville 1896 – 1939 MD was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become the Chief editor of L’Homeopathie Moderne (founded in 1932; ceased publication in 1940), one of the founders of the Laboratoire Homeopathiques Modernes, and the founder of the Institut National Homeopathique Francais.

Bernoville was a major lecturer in homeopathy, and he was active in Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, and a founder of the le Syndicat national des médecins homœopathes français in 1932, and a member of the French Society of Homeopathy, and the Society of Homeopathy in the Rhone.

Fortier-Bernoville wrote several books, including Une etude sur Phosphorus (1930), L'Homoeopathie en Medecine Infantile (1931), his best known Comment guerir par l'Homoeopathie (1929, 1937), and an interesting work on iridology, Introduction a l'etude de l'Iridologie (1932).

With Louis-Alcime Rousseau, he wrote several booklets, including Diseases of Respiratory and Digestive Systems of Children, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Rheumatism, treatment of hay fever (1929), The importance of chemistry and toxicology in the indications of Phosphorus (1931), and Homeopathic Medicine for Children (1931). He also wrote several short pamphlets, including What We Must Not Do in Homoeopathy, which discusses the logistics of drainage and how to avoid aggravations.

He was an opponent of Kentian homeopathy and a proponent of drainage and artificial phylectenular autotherapy as well.