Homoeopathic Treatment of Syphilis -2

Aurum metallicum acts on nervous system, on the glands, on bones and on blood. It will have close relation with two important medicines – Sulphur and Phosphorus. A subject of Phosphorus or Sulphur will move towards Aurum metallicum and it will also be related to Arsenicum album in case of nerve troubles.

We will use it like Phosphorus in exostosis of the tertiary syphilis.

The salts of God, are they to be considered on the same plane?

Aurum muriaticum natronatrum is particularly interesting. It has an elective action on conjunctive tissues and on indurated glands when there is a tendency to fibrous hypertrophy.

It acts specially on genital glands, on the prostate, uterus and testicles ( elective action on the lesions of testicles).

This remedy will be given in lower dilutions in order to have good results. The 6x is the choiced dilution.

Aurum iodatum is less known, though it is interesting. Whenever we study a compound of Iodine we may say that there may be one indirect action on syphilitic troubles, because all compounds of iodide, like iodine, have an elective action on conjunctive tissues.

But in tertiary syphilis, it is necessary to fight against sclerosis, aggravated and advanced by syphilis.

Therefore, Aurum iodatum, Kali iodatum, and Plumbum iodatum are all susceptible to act on this affection.

Aurum bromatum, Aurum arsenicosum, Aurum metallicum and Kali are already studied.

In summary we have the metal gold and the six compounds that may act in syphilis.

There are 4 compounds:

Argentum nitricum. It is more important, and is used like the Gold in nervous troubles.

But when you compare these two kinds of lesions you will find that they are different. Gold is used in higher spheres, on the medullo-cerebral axis and often on the cortical region and the mental sphere. We know that it is our important remedy for the tendency to suicide.

Argentum will act rather on the peripheric part of the cerebro neural axis, on the peripheric nerves, on the marrow, specially in the lower part. It will be a remedy of tabes with Alumina and Plumbum.

The Romberg symptom is often seen in Silver nitrate and in Alumina. The salt of lead have an action on the sclerosis and are related to Mercury and Kali iodatum.

Argentum nitricum also causes tremblings and incoordination. It is for this reason it may be used in tabes. It has often intense neuralgic pains, but it does not act on bones like gold.

The Protargol has been used in ophthalmia of the new-born and in the secondary troubles of syphilis.

Argentum cyanatum, and Argentum iodatum may also be indicated.

Platina: Less important, comes to the third place. However, a word must be said about it.

Platina or Platina muriatica may be indicated in certain tendencies to paralysis and to anesthesia with sensation of coldness and numbness and of spasms like Argentum. These symptoms are not seen in Gold because it acts on the higher part of the nerve axis.

Platina has elective action on the genital organs of women. You know its mentality, full of disdain and pride and who may often be a hereditary syphilitic in the second or in the third generation.

The relations are curious between Calcarea fluorica which translates the hereditary syphilis and the precious metals and are used as remedies in Homoeopathy.

When the syphilis penetrates in one generation, it develops in the adolescence restlessness or anxiety.

Being restless the person turns his mind to possible realisation and towards search for money and at the same time he has the desire to be important in the society.

These are the symptoms that we find in Calcarea fluorica.

It is interesting to note here that from the hereditary point of view when we have the heredos who have the pathogenetic symptoms and to whom we should live either salts of Gold, or salts of Silver or salts of Platina, we have persons who have the need for money. They cannot live without precious metals; these persons often belong to the easy going class of the society; children of financiers, children of parents who have amassed fortune.

Calcarea fluorica is a remedy of bankers, who, because of loss in the business, have shot themselves.

Aurum Metallicum has the periodic desire for suicide.

A Calcarea fluorica may have an Aurum Metallicum child.

Platina is to be given in women of high society, who are extremely proud and have an internal anxiety, constant fear of losing money, the desire to appear in the society, to become ladies with honours because of their power.

They consider other people and things with contempt from a high platform. Everything is inferior to them, everything is insignificant.

Let us recall again that a Fluoric-calcic, because of his anxiety amass money in his old age. Calcarea fluorica is to be compared with Arsenicum album, the old man who has spent money throughout his life and who has become a miser in his old days of life. Arsenicum album prescribed to such an old man will not cure his miserliness but will ameliorate his general condition and may even ameliorate his mental condition.

Plumbum acts ion para-syphilitic lesions, on the sclerosis. It is for this reason we have not studied it as a specific remedy.

Unfortunately Plumbum is a very inconstant remedy, although if you study its pathogenesis you will easily understand that this remedy has, according to the law of similars, a very wide field of action and that you may use it and cure by it renal sclerosis, arteriosclerosis, and all sorts of sclerous lesions which are extremely frequent.

Unfortunately you will be soon deceived. Plumbum seems to be very interesting in pre-sclerosis and when it has not been established. Not only it does not act well but it is extremely unfaithful. Perhaps we do not yet know its exact dose and the optimum dilution. It also possible that instead of the metal itself we should use its compounds which are more active.

Dr. Barishac has taught us the value of Plumbum iodatum and specially of Plumbum sulphuricum which is very useful in cases of renal sclerosis where Plumbum metallicum does not act. It will generally be given conjointly with Viscum album which acts on the hypertension of renal origin.

We may also give it in syphilis of nerves, the tubes. But its action is inconstant.

As regards the fidelity of the actions of remedies, all sorts of questions arise, which we can be elucidated in future. This shows well that we should not practice Homoeopathy blindly following the law of similars, but we should always try to know how wide is its field.

Now we have the Mercury.

It will be given in all the ages of life, specially in the heredos.

You may recall that we have studied 15 of its salts.

The most important are: Mercurius solubilis, Aethiops, Cinnabaris and Mercurius corrosivus.

Mercurius corrosivus has corrosive action on the mucous. It is closely related to Kali bichromicum, Nitric acid and Fluoric acid.

Mercury does not act much on the lesions of nerve.

However, there is a compound of Mercurius, which is not often prescribed: Mercurius phosphoricus. It may be useful in syphilitic lesions of nerves.

Mercurius auratus: It is an excellent remedy in cases of psoriasis of heredos, swelling of testicles, ozaena, tumours of the breasts and in all sorts of syphilitic catarrhs.

Mercurius bromatus acts little on the skin, while the other salts of Mercury dos not act at all.

Mercurius nitrosus, Mercurius precipitatus ruber, Mercurius cyanatus are to be given in syphilitic ulcerations with necrotic destruction of the palate.

Mercurius dulcis is to be used in hepatic insufficiency of syphilitic origin or in cirrhosis of the liver in which case Pierre Jousset used to get good results with the 1st dec. dilution.

In Homoeopathy some salts of Mercury are used in chancres but really speaking we have no control on their action.

However, there is a sure fact: It is that when one wishes to give Mercurius in high dilutions, no result is so to say received. The lower dilutions are to be used and even the high dilutionists should come down to the lowest dilutions of Mercury.

The Germans use it in 3x or 4x.

Bi-iodide of mercury is used in all possible stage of syphilis.

Aethiops is very much indicated in scrofulous states in heredo children.

Cinnabaris is used in warts, in ulcers and in condylomas.

Let us recall its value in canceroids.

Optimum dilution is 3x.

Therefore, in summary we may say that all Mercury compounds are to be used in lower dilutions. Besides it is law in Homoeopathy that in order to act on the visceras or on mucosa, the lower dilutions are to be used. On the contrary when one wishes to penetrate into the higher spheres the high dilutions or medium dilutions are to be used.

Really speaking, I do not believe that one may kill the treponema by giving Aurum metallicum and Argentum, but we can re- equilibrate the subject so that he may react against the treponema that are still less virulent.

If your really wish to act on the treponema, there is only Mercury which we may use, but for the moment we will have to leave Homoeopathy when it has reached its limits, like the officials. Some compounds and Bismuth may be used. Recently we have used Bismuth in Homoeopathic dilutions, without much success. For all the treponemacides, the ponderable, or almost ponderable doses alone should be thought of.

Mauritius Fortier-Bernoville
Mauritius (Maurice) Fortier Bernoville 1896 – 1939 MD was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become the Chief editor of L’Homeopathie Moderne (founded in 1932; ceased publication in 1940), one of the founders of the Laboratoire Homeopathiques Modernes, and the founder of the Institut National Homeopathique Francais.

Bernoville was a major lecturer in homeopathy, and he was active in Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, and a founder of the le Syndicat national des médecins homœopathes français in 1932, and a member of the French Society of Homeopathy, and the Society of Homeopathy in the Rhone.

Fortier-Bernoville wrote several books, including Une etude sur Phosphorus (1930), L'Homoeopathie en Medecine Infantile (1931), his best known Comment guerir par l'Homoeopathie (1929, 1937), and an interesting work on iridology, Introduction a l'etude de l'Iridologie (1932).

With Louis-Alcime Rousseau, he wrote several booklets, including Diseases of Respiratory and Digestive Systems of Children, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Rheumatism, treatment of hay fever (1929), The importance of chemistry and toxicology in the indications of Phosphorus (1931), and Homeopathic Medicine for Children (1931). He also wrote several short pamphlets, including What We Must Not Do in Homoeopathy, which discusses the logistics of drainage and how to avoid aggravations.

He was an opponent of Kentian homeopathy and a proponent of drainage and artificial phylectenular autotherapy as well.