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Part 9 – Miasmatic Background of Diabetes Mellitus

Dr.S.Hahnemann has considered this chronic disease as a psoric miasm, however some other authors and homeopaths have considered it as a pseudopsoric miasm.

The pseudopsoric miasm is also known as Tubercular miasm. It is a combination of both Psora and Syphilitic miasm. Tubercular miasm is usually characterized by a “problem child” i.e. slow in comprehension, dull, unable to keep a line of thought, unsocial, morose. He/she gets relief from offensive foot or axillary sweat which when suppressed often induces lung troubles or some other severe diseases.,” according to Dr.Deepak Sharma at hpathy.com.

He continues; “The patient’s mental symptoms tend to be ameliorated by an outbreak of an ulcer. The slightest bruise suppurates; the strong tendency is to the formation of pustules. As a general rule, the patient is very intelligent, keen observer and a programmatic planner who wants his life always busy but possesses a sedentary lifestyle. The patient’s mental symptoms tend to be ameliorated by an outbreak of an ulcer. The slightest bruise suppurates; the strong tendency is to the formation of pustules. As a general rule, the patient is very intelligent, keen observer and a programmatic planner who wants his life always busy but possesses a sedentary lifestyle.”

Patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus may be cured completely or reversed in 15% of cases and partially treated in the rest 85% with homeopathic remedies according to Dr Guillermo Zamora, the Mexican homeopathic physician. Professor George Vithoulkas believes diabetics’ conditions can be reversed through homeopathy. That’s what the author believes and announces to his patients in their 1st interview.

Of course he believes proper diet and enough physical activity along with homeopathic method of healing comprise a perfect triangle of complete cure of diabetics. That is the author’s theory that he’s been working on 25 patients recently during the year 2012. After a while patients will be able to have normal diets as other people. Since their self-healing systems have been enhanced and balanced by the homeopathic method.

Theory of triangle of cure in diabetics; the author believes to reverse diabetes mellitus in affected patients one has to do as follows:

  • Participating in an interview and having systematic follow-ups with his/her homeopath and taking homeopathic remedies properly makes the base of triangle which is the main part.
  • Following diabetic regimen is the right side of the triangle as the 2nd important factor.
  • Having enough physical activity, by following the table of exercise mentioned in the personal website of the author i.e. nanohomeopathic.com and http://emri.tums.ac.ir makes the left side of the triangle as the third main procedure to reverse the condition in diabetics.


Diagram No.3

The triangle of Complete Cure or Reversing DM


*Signs and symptoms of miasm;

Dr.Deepak Sharma says:”As the miasm progresses and predominates, weight loss, depreciation and destruction are the first signs of this miasm. Other signs are cosmopolitan habits, i.e. mentally keen but physically weak. Symptoms are ever changing; rapid response to any stimuli, (e.g. slightest change of weather or atmosphere). Emaciation instead of taking proper diet and drink, tendency to cough and to take cold easily, desire and craving for unnatural things to eat, with desires and cravings for narcotics such as tea, Coffee, tobacco and any other stimulants have often their origin in pseudopsoric or tubercular miasm. They sometimes have constant hunger and eat beyond their capacity to digest or they have no appetite in the morning but hunger for other meals.”

Seyedaghanoor Sadeghi
Seyedaghanoor Sadeghi M.D., Hom.: Graduated from Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services and Iran Homeopathic Learning Center. He is a Certified medical doctor in Iran, and Official member of the Iranian Homeopathy Association, and was granted RIHA certificate and LMHI certificate of membership. He also writes a health page as a journalist in the Tehran Times daily newspaper. Visit his website: http://drsadeghihom.ir/en/