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Homeopathic Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) Patient

Introduction: Type 2 (formerly Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus)appears to be prevalent at ‘epidemic’ level in many places  mainly due to changes in life style, but also because of better diagnosis and improved longevity. Higher prevalence occurs in Asians, men, and the elderly (18% in men over 80 in Liverpool). Most are over 40 years but teenagers are increasingly getting type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The main Cause is decreased Insulin secretion and Insulin resistance. It is associated with obesity, lack of exercise and calorie excess about 80% concordance in identical twins, indicating stronger genetic influence than in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. It typically progresses from a preliminary phase of impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose. Maturity onset

diabetes of the young (MODY) is an autosomal dominant form of

Diabetes Mellitus that affects young people with a positive family history.


Analysis of the patient: A tall, rather thin and sad 64 yr old widowed woman suffering from this disease at least for 5 and a half of  years, referred to me on the 10th of December 2009. Her father used to be a diabetic patient, too. Her 2nd daughter had been affected by a stage 4 Breast cancer 6 years ago. She had been deeply influenced by the occurrence. The patient used to be independent mentally and almost financially ever since 35 years ago, when her husband was affected by a schizoaffective disorder.

She used to reproach him before others badly. She has done the same to her children. Cramped states have been suffering her especially during sleep. She liked to sleep even during the day and her eyes showed peri orbital edema without any renal involvement. After taking the case, Nux vomica was found to be the most similar remedy.

Prescription: Nux-v. 12c in solid form caused her mild hypoglycemia which was treated instantly at her home. Her fasting blood glucose was checked twice a week. Thereafter she was put on liquid form of Nux.v30 c. which was taken continuously after dynamizing the remedy.

Report of course of treatment: After prescribing the remedy and  insisting on her diabetic diet ,  her oral anti diabetic agents, Metformin and Glibenclamide  were continued and not tapered, until her FBS decreased from 130 mg/dl to the normal range of 85  mg/dl after 28 days of taking the remedy repeatedly. Of course she did not experience any aggravation of her blood sugar. After 60 days of close observation and follow up her 3 tabs of 500 Metformin and 3 tabs of Glibenclamide were tapered gradually and ceased.

She had become more alert and no sleepier as she used to be in the

beginning of her treatment.

Her careful obedience of my recommendations and diets helped me so much.

After stopping the tablets, she was only taking her homeopathic remedy, Nux-v.30c which was also tapered and ceased after 2 weeks.

Her FBS was checked once a week. Her mental condition was much better than before starting the treatment. She felt more energetic so started managing all her 7 children who had been  married. Thus she imposed a high level of stress on herself. Thereafter her blood glucose began to rise again.

A single dose of Sulphur 30c was prescribed and given as a complementary remedy to stabilize and deepen the effect of Nux-v. on her blood glucose

and because of her mentality. She had been loquacious ever since we knew her, and so much scared of snakes however with a very good self confidence. She took 2 other remedies during the 17 months of follow up as single doses: Lachesis mutus 30c and Lycopodium 30c.

Her last blood and urine tests  was taken 7 days ago on Jan. 16 2010 , her Fasting blood glucose 102 mg/dl ,Hb A1c near normal limit and her blood pressure ~130/80 ,her blood cholesterol and triglyceride had not changed and effected by the treatment ,and were mildly higher than normal limit.

Last Monday (before presenting the case) she was visited at her home; Her mental condition was very good, hopeful, optimistic, and she was only taking one and half tabs of Glibenclamide bid. She was happy and content with her treatment .She has experienced a terminal aggravation of Nux-v. which was a wart behind her left ear.

Discussion: I prescribed 1 tablet  of Nux-v. with potency of 12c and recommended a special diet appropriate for a Type 2 diabetic patient. First she experienced a mild hypoglycemia  but war treated instantly. So I

increased the potency of the remedy to 30c but in liquid form. She was said and taught how to dynamize the remedy by shaking it 12 times after each uses.

She continued to take her 3 tabs of Glibenclamide and 3 tabs of 500 mg Metformin until her FBS decreased to 85 mg/dl by repeating the first remedy.  Her oral anti diabetics were tapered and ceased after 2 months of taking the last remedy. Nux-v. was continued for 2 more weeks and then tapered and ceased.

Her mental condition had become much better than before taking the remedy. She became free of the anti diabetics for 60 days! But her FBS began to rise again so the tabs and a single dose of Sulphur 30 c in liquid form were given. Two other remedies were prescribed and taken by the patient which have been  Lach-m. 30 c and Lyc.

Her last FBS was taken 7 days ago on Jan. 16 2010 , FBG of 102 mg/dl and normal,  Hb A1c near normal limit ,her blood pressure ~130/80 . Last Monday she was visited at her home. Her mental condition was very good, hopeful, optimistic . She was taking one and a half tabs of  Glibenclamide bid. She was happy and content with her treatment .

Conclusion: The results of this case report, as an observational study, reveal multi- potential characteristics and capabilities of the prescribed homeopathic remedies , Nux-v., Sulphur, Lachesis mutus and Lycopodium. They not only decreased the patient’s FBS to the normal level but also made  her free from taking the anti diabetic drugs for 60 days and finally decreased her need to anti diabetic tablets, but also  created a much better  mental situation, vitality for her.

Her children who were very anxious about her treatment by homeopathic remedies have become very much excited because of such a wonderful effect on her totality of symptoms. Thus the homeopathic treatment has not only been effective in normalizing  her blood sugar, and decreasing her

need to the anti-diabetics  but also has improved part of her totality of

symptoms and changed her mood condition from down mood to good mood

which has been  very significant. Maybe if the complementary remedy of Sulphur had been prescribed and taken right after ceasing the first remedy, she could have experienced longer duration of cure or had become totally cured.

The author’s second article published in hpathy.com;

Homeopathic Treatment of Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus

Introduction: There are different therapeutic methods for treating non- insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. It is one of the leading endocrinology diseases and problems. Allopathic treatment is primarily done by oral anti- diabetics until they have no more effect on lowering blood sugar.

These drugs do have certain side effects, so doctors have to shift to insulin therapy, which is not a curative treatment, either.

Analysis of the patient: A 56 yr old woman suffering from this disease for 20 years was referred to me. She also complained of chronic fatigue, leg pain and a sense of hopelessness. After taking the case and converting symptoms to standard rubrics with radar software, Phosphoric acid was found as the most similar remedy. Prescription: Phosphoric acid 30c in liquid form, 40 drops was prescribed and taken by the patient.

Report of course of treatment: After prescribing the remedy her conventional medicines were continued and not tapered, until her FBS decreased from 290mg/dl to the normal range of 100 mg/dl after 13 days of taking the remedy.

The patient came in for a second visit on the 28th of October 2009. There was a significant decrease of FBS which had changed from 290mg/dl to 152mg/dl in her last measurement at home (verified when tested at a laboratory).

Her chronic fatigue had almost gone, her leg pain had decreased almost 80%, she felt much better than she had at her first visit, and her hopelessness had changed to hopefulness. I recommended she continue special diets and placebo was prescribed. Her anti diabetics were not discontinued. Her third visit was set for the following week.

Discussion: I prescribed 40 drops of the remedy and recommended a special diet appropriate for a diabetic patient. Her FBS decreased 190 mg/dl in 13 days by taking a single dose of ph-ac. Her allopathic doctor had recommended she take insulin, since she was resistant to oral anti diabetic medicines.

She used to take 4 tablets of Glibenclamide and 4 Metformin per day which had controlled her blood sugar poorly and of course had no curative effect on her mental status.

She had been suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome for many years. She feels much better now and her weariness has improved almost totally. She is feeling very hopeful and the severe pain in her feet has almost disappeared.

Seyedaghanoor Sadeghi
Seyedaghanoor Sadeghi M.D., Hom.: Graduated from Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services and Iran Homeopathic Learning Center. He is a Certified medical doctor in Iran, and Official member of the Iranian Homeopathy Association, and was granted RIHA certificate and LMHI certificate of membership. He also writes a health page as a journalist in the Tehran Times daily newspaper. Visit his website: http://drsadeghihom.ir/en/