Alcoholism and Criminality

9. Petroleum-Drunkards without energy, without strength of mind, cannot refuse a glass of wine, vomits after the least excess of drinks. Speaking much when they are drunk.

10. Opium-specially drinkers of brandy. Intoxicated himself after humiliation. Very gay, hebeted, or asleep drunk. Tendency to weep easily. This remedy suits to those who become intoxicated with wine in the first case and in the following two, to those who become intoxicated by ciders, beer, alcohol of grains, of potatoes.

11. Staphysagria-Suits to drunkards who have made abuse of venereal pleasures. Being enerved he believes to make himself steady by the abuse of alcohol, specially by mild liquors, than by strong liquors. Sad before, during and after being drunk. Hypochondric. Persecutory delirium. Single and specially debauch husbands. Onanism. Jealous. Use tobacco.

12. Conium maculatum-People who drink to restore himself, because they are fully of ennuis, cold and frozen.

People who cannot tolerate continence. Great indifference. Intelligence not yet well developed. Adults wanting in reason like children. Paralytic weakness of the kidneys, specially of the legs. Tendency to paraplegia.

13. Pulsatilla-People, who, while drinking, thinks to make strong his stomach and whose power of digestion is really very weak. Sad during drunkenness. Likes ciders. Chlorotic women or girls who drink for developing their debility. Jealous and still more envious even heneaous. Extravagant by ostentation. Timid and even coward.

14. Magnesia carbonica-Suits to persons who drink mild liquors, to those who, in their food, make frequent used of dainty things and sweets. Teasing, sad, taciturn, and loquacious. Face livid or bright red, insomnia at night. Somnolence during the day. Speaks unceasingly when drunk.

These are the 14 principal remedies which, used in high dilutions (200 and above) a single dose, every 2,3,4,6,7 weeks may ameliorate partially or completely the disposition to intoxicate oneself and even check the manifestations of different symptoms during drunkenness, symptoms that I have indicated for each of the remedy.

II-Now I am going to mention 9 medicines that are indicated against different symptoms that may appear during drunkenness. These remedies are generally sufficient to cure the troublesome and dangerous symptoms of intoxication. But they should be used then in 3, 6,12,30, six to eight globules dissolved in in half tumbler of water and a teaspoonful of this solution to be given every 5,10 or 20 minutes. I am going to cite an example showing how rapid is the curative action of the medicines indicated in each case.

Case I

Convulsive form of drunkenness. Cured by Nux vomica 30.

Having been in the village for sometime, I was called to treat a big and robust man of 20 who was drunk with eau de vie and wine. His four limbs moving convulsively and 4 men could hardly immobilise them. They were trying to keep the young man on bed. I dissolved 6 to 7 globules of Nux vomica 30 in a half tumbler of water and I gave a teaspoonful of that solution to the drunkard every 5 minutes.

After 3 spoonfuls of that solution given to the drunkard, the convulsions completely subsided from the 4 limbs and the young man became calm and began to sleep as it happens in such a case.

I am giving here the different symptoms that may appear during intoxication with the remedies for each symptom:

Convulsive form of drunkenness with violent contusions of limbs, body and head: Nux vomica, Belladonna.

Jealousy: Lachesis, Pulsatilla, Staphysagria, and specially Hyoscyamus.

Fury to strike: Nux., Hepar, Veratrum, Hyosc.

Fury to destroy: Veratr, Belladonna

Fury to kill others: Belladonna, Hepar., Hyosc.

Tendency to suicide: Arsenic (poison, dagger, hanging being crushed under a carriage), Nux (dagger, fire-arms, drowning), Belladonna (Poison, hanging, jumping from a high place).

Great gaiety: Opium, Coffea.

Plying comedy: Stramonium, Belladonna

More intelligent: Sulph. Calcarea c.

Hebetude: Opium, Belladonna

Cannot sleep: Nux., Coffea.

Speaking ceaselessly: LAch., Causticum, Hepar., Sulphur, Petrol., Mag.carb.

Crying: Stramonium, Hyosc., Ignatia, Causticum

Insulting: Nux., Hepar., Petrol.

Grumbling before, after and during: Hydrast., Nux., Causticum, Lachesis

Becomes nacked: Hyosc.

Great genital excitation: Nux., China, Phosphorus, Cantharis and specially Causticum

Saying and doing things that he would not have said or done before: Lachesis, Belladonna, Sulphur

Among the men whom I treat to cure them of their drunkenness, there are some whose drunkenness persists or relapses for 3,5 or 8 days. This prolonged drunkenness may have some dangerous consequences for the drunkards themselves and for the persons around them as for example, the coachman who may fall from his coach-box or may overturn their coaches with the passengers. In similar cases I give to the parents or friends of these drunkards Belladonna 12 and specially Nux vomica 12. The parents dissolve 3 to 4 globules of one of the remedies in a half tumbler of water and they give to the drunkards a teaspoonful every 5,6,15,30 minutes, according as they want to act more or less promptly only or mixed with coffee, wine or in any decoction.

III-As there are in France some Homoeopathic pharmacies in 10 or 15 towns and some allopathic pharmacies in all the towns and even in many village, I am going to indicate the curative remedies of drunkenness that one may get in the allopathic pharmacies and which may be used in drunkards having the following symptoms:

Convulsive movements of the limbs: Nux vomica.

Fury to destroy: Belladonna.

Fury to strike: Nux vomica.

Fury to kill: Belladonna.

Fury to kill himself: Nux vomica, Belladonna.

Insulting: Nux vomica.

Crying: Datura, Stramonium, Jusquiame.

Cannot sleep: Nux vomica, Coffea cruda.

Hebetude or sleeping: Opium, Belladonna.

To become nacked: Jusquiame.

Great genital overexcitation: Nux vomica Cantharis.

Jealousy to kill: Jusquiame.

Saying and doing what he would not have done or said, before intoxication: Belladonna, Sulphur.

Vomiting: Nux vomica.

Vomiting and diarrhoea: Arsenius acid 1000 solution.

It will be enough to take a drop of alcoholature of the tincture indicated and to put this drop in a half glass of water, from which is to be given a small teaspoonful to the drunkard every 5,10,15 or 30 minutes, which will dissipate the drunkenness soon.

Many families, all the coffee stalls and proprietors of cabarets should procure themselves with these remedies which should be administered to those who will have the need for them and this in the interest of drunkards and of people around them.

IV-There are, I repeat, two kinds of drunkenness which are very different as regards treatment.

1. Acquired drunkenness and which is easier to cure the help of some remedies well indicated to each individual case.

2. Hereditary drunkenness from parents who have procreated in the state of intoxication or who have this vice.

To cure, rather to prevent the development of hereditary drunkenness, it is necessary, before it is manifested, to treat the young man, or even the child from two to three months or more, by giving him successively the remedies mentioned below in their following order:

1. Sulphur; 2. Nux vomica; 3. Arsenicum; 4. Vivus; 5. Opium;6. Lachesis;7. Pulsatilla;8. Petroleum;9. Conium; 10. Causticum; 11. Magnesia Carbonica; 12. Staphysagria; 13. Calcarea carbonica.

These thirteen remedies will be used each in one dose and in the 200th in a young man from the age of 13 to 14. The remedies will be left to act:

1. Sulphur 40 days 2. Nux vomica 40 days 3. Arsenicum 40 days 4. Vivus 40 days 5. Opium 40 days 6. Lachesis 40 days 7. Pulsatilla 40 days 8. Petroleum 60 days 9. Conium 60 days 10. Causticum 60 days 11. Magnesia carbonica 60 days 12 Staphysagria 40 days 13 Calcarea carbonica 60 days

In Children of drunkards who have less than 13 to 14 years and who are very sensitive to the action of remedies the above remedies are to be used in the 30th and in the same order. But as the dilution has a less prolonged action, each dilution should be left to act for less longer period, say half of the period than that of the remedies in 200th dilution, thus for example, Sulphur for 20 days, Petroleum for 30 days etc.

But when the family of these children are predestined to drunkenness they would be in frequent relation to as homoeopathic doctor, the latter should not always use the 18 remedies in their order that I have recommended. But he will prescribe preferably among the 13 remedies, the one which is the most indicated to each subject according to the totality of symptoms, somatic and psychic, which are often very different and more numerous in the children of the drunkards. Acting thus the doctor will gradually cure the subject of his other tendencies, defects of character and will be able to check the development of drunkenness more easily and more rapidly. If the treatment is done in this way the preventive treatment will implicitly cause the amelioration of the somatic and psychic symptoms of each adolescent, in whom the medicine will really play the role of an agent of moral and intellectual culture. Also it will help the children of drunkards to develop earlier their moral and intellect more completely than other children, which will bring gradually the parents of these children to take the advantage of this treatment and will be profited by the psychic treatment.

Jean Pierre Gallavardin
Jean Pierre Gallavardin (1825 – 1898) was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to gain international renown. Gallavardin was a Physician at the Homeopathic Hospital in Lyons.
Gallavardin set up a homeopathic Dispensary for the cure of alcoholics, often working in conjunction with priests, and he wrote several books on this subject.
Jean Pierre Gallavardin wrote Psychism and Homeopathy, The Homoeopathic Treatment of Alcoholism, How to Cure Alcoholism the Non-toxic Homoeopathic Way, Repertory of Psychic Medicines with Materia Medica, Plastic Medicine, and articles for The British Journal of Homeopathy, On Phosphoric Paralysis, and he collated the statistics on pneumonia and other cases for the United States Journal of Homeopathy, and he contributed widely to homeopathic publications.