Alcoholism and Criminality

According to William Crookes, the radiating matter constitute in reality “the limit on the matter and the force seem to be confounded (Conference on Radiating Matter. Revue scientifique, No. of 25 Oct. 1879, P. 395). This gives one the idea that inn certain conditions, if not in all, the medicines that contain less matter, contains more power. This is what shows the following observations:

Paracelsus seemed to have foreseen and found some similar facts, when he describes to use thus the preparation of Arcanums which preceded the alkaloids of the allopathic doctors and the high dilutions of the homoeopathic doctor: two preparations with which these arcanums are related “20 lbs of a substance is reduced to an ounce of quintessence which is however the medicinal part. It is for this reason the less there is substance, the more there is the medicinal powerque minus corporus est. ed magis verturis in medicina-only one thing is necessary. Do the arcanums and use them against the diseases. With them, one cures apoplexy, Paralysis, lethargy, broken down condition, mania, and melancholia, diseases against which the drugs of the apothecaries can do nothing.

Case I

An old man of the Charity Hospital, at Lyon, had since six months, every night, an attack of fever with frequent need to pass urine. I cured this attack by Natrum muriaticum 25, i.e. to say with the table salt in 25 centesimal. And however during these six months, this old mn had taken with his food hundred thousands of time more salt in quantity. And besides the old man, had taken Sulphate of quinine and other febrifuges, prescribed in massive doses by a famous doctor, who knew well the therapeutic resources of allopathy.

It may be objected that a man will not die being poisoned by an infinitesimal dose of Nux vomica and however will be poisoned by a certain massive dose of this medicine. It is true. But that massive and unique dose, a mortal poison for such a person, will be for another having powerful reaction a medicine curative of constipation, migraines and paralysis. In the last case the curative action of that unique massive dose of the remedy in the 30th dilution or in the 200th and specially in the 10,000th will have much more prolonged curative effect.

Case II

Thus for example, that unique gross dose of Nux vomica may cure constipation by causing some diarrhoeic stools during 12 to 36 hours while a single dose of this remedy in 10,000 has, in one of my clients treated without his knowledge provoked similar stools for 11 days which would have persisted still longer if on the 11th day Veratrum 3 as antidote had not been used.

The more high the dilutions, the more their action is prolonged.

Case III

A women, having an attack of migraine every morning was cured for one or two weeks by Nux vomica 200 and for six eight twelve months by a dose of Nux vomica 10,00.

The following case shows also the prolonged action of high dilution:

Case IV

A woman, having since 4 years and acneiform couperose, and besides her face covered by red patches since her, infancy, took a single dose of Graphites 600 which, at the end of 5 months, caused to disappear the cauperose and even the red patches. A single gross-dose of Graphites, could it have produced such and effect?

One may also consider the curative action of a medicine like a movement communicated to the organism on such and such point and to such direction. This communicated movement is short that which is impressed intentionally by a purgative for 12 to 24 hours and very prolonged in the above case of Graphites 200, which took 5 months to transform the skin of the face of that young lady. The duration is therefore the force of the movement communicated to the organism by a medicine is really not the quantity but the quality of the medicine.

A single dose of the same medicine prepared in different manners prolongs its action for two. four, eight, fifteen, twenty, thirty, forty, sixty days.

It seems that the 2000th and 10,000th dilutions of a medicine act not only much longer, but also in deeper layer of the organism which is not the case with 3rd and the 6th dilutions of the same remedy. Thus one may in slight accidental morbid state, use in a patent different medicines in 3 or 6, and then these lower dilutions do not interrupt the prolonged duration of 200 or 10,000. And, the unexpected result is that the 3rd or the 6th dilutions of a medicine are sometimes the best antidote of 200 and 10,000 of the same medicine which has acted very strongly on a sensitive organ.

IV. But however it cannot be affirmed that the curative action of a medicine is always as much more effecacious as it is prescribed in more infinitesimal dose, having a more radiant state. While speaking thus one may face a great danger as regards the patient. In fact in many diseases it is perferable to use the medicines not in 200 or 10,000, but in 3rd, 6th or 13th and sometimes in massive doses. As for example, as far as I know, one has never cured with 200 dilution of Sulphate of quinine attacks of pernicious fever, but one has cured the same with this medicine give in doses of 1 or 2 grams.

Several times, I have prescribed this medicine in more massive doses, than that which is recommended by the allopathic doctors. Thus for example, in some acute diseases, specially in bronchitis, having remittent type of fever which is persistent and becomes grave and may end in pernicious state. Some allopathic doctors are able but late, or even failed to cure prescribing 50 to 60 e.g. of quinine daily for 6, 8, or 10 days. These medium doses repeated for long time, make the organism weak which does not more react, or badly. Consulted after the allopaths, by the same patients having analogous morbid state, I prescribed quinine in 1 gram doses given once only every day for three days, and I have cured the attack of these remittent fevers and the concomitant disease more rapidly and completely which the allopaths failed to do in the some persons. And however these doctors prescribed 4 to 5 grams of quinine in 8 to 10 days, whereas U have prescribed it only 3 grams, but my clients have taken in three days taking every day taking every day once only one gram. So you understand that the disease and the patients in more variable doses and taken in different times.

V. The allopathic doctors use unconsciously remedies in infinitesimal doses and in radiant state. For example, when they prescribe to their patients the water of Wildbad (wurtemberg and of Gastier (Tyroli).

These waters are drinkable waters and do not contain any chemical matters. However they cure paralysis. Their curative agents are not some medicines in radiant states, because chemistry cannot reveal their presence. The chemistry cannot reveal the nature of such and such medicines in homoeopathic dilutions, medium or high. However these medicines cure many diseases.

VI. The forces of our body seem to be re-established, not only by the medicine in radiant states but also by foods in radiant. This can be presumed considering the following fact experienced by everybody and explained as follows, in the Dictionnaire de Medecine, 30v, in the article on foods by Professor Rostam. The foods produce their effect almost immediately, they are introduced in the mouth or at least when then reach the stomach. The painful hunger pain disappears and in its place there is a feeling of general well-being. The forces are re-established immediately. It seems that a new life permeated our whole body. However, this effect is not due to the assimilation, because no nutritive molecule has yet been brought in, into our organism.

Thus foods introduced in the stomach, are not yet assimilated re-establish instantaneously the forces. Should this result not be attributed to the fact that the foods are absorbed in radiant state?

VII. Moreover the radiant state may be manifested in still other forms, as for example, in the form of light, heat had electricity. Thus light, is it other thing than the matter in radiant state, since the spectral analysis helps to recognise all matters in their respective luminous differences. Electricity, heat, light, are really speaking some forces because they cannot be isolated from the matter that produces them. They are not other things than matter in their respective radiant states.

It is the smell of matters which has helped Aristotle to discover the radiant state which he called subtle state, and this after having verified that a grain of musc without losing weight, perfumed a big building continually well aired.

Darwin relates an example still more astonishing of the persistence of the smell, the modality of the radiant state: “I covered, he says, the skin of a male deer of Patagonus in a silk cover to take it home. And after having well washed the handkerchief I have used it continually. Inspite of the frequent washing every time I unfold it, and this during 19 months, I smelt the same smell. It is striking example of the persistence of smell, which should be however volatile. (Travel Around the World, p.51)

Jean Pierre Gallavardin
Jean Pierre Gallavardin (1825 – 1898) was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to gain international renown. Gallavardin was a Physician at the Homeopathic Hospital in Lyons.
Gallavardin set up a homeopathic Dispensary for the cure of alcoholics, often working in conjunction with priests, and he wrote several books on this subject.
Jean Pierre Gallavardin wrote Psychism and Homeopathy, The Homoeopathic Treatment of Alcoholism, How to Cure Alcoholism the Non-toxic Homoeopathic Way, Repertory of Psychic Medicines with Materia Medica, Plastic Medicine, and articles for The British Journal of Homeopathy, On Phosphoric Paralysis, and he collated the statistics on pneumonia and other cases for the United States Journal of Homeopathy, and he contributed widely to homeopathic publications.