Were it not for the knowledge of the dynamis of drugs and the minimum dose, homoeopathy would have sunk back with the memory of Hahnemann’s provings of a few drugs, as it did after the work of Hippocrates, Haller, and Stahl. This is where the great genius of Hahnemann shines forth and will continue to shed lustre more and more as times goes on.

The discovery and development of the dynamic principle in medicine was a forerunner of the knowledge of a many things that are generally accepted by the scientific world although they remain among “the things hard to be understood”. Our wonderful development in electricity, with the radioactivity of matter, the radio, chemical affinity, and many other scientific discoveries have been made possible as similar, almost parallel discoveries to this of Hahnemann. It was the direct cause of the rejection of Newton’s concept of matter as a “hard, massy, material atom”, and passing on to the acceptance of the concept of the electron and our present-day concept of the minuteness of matter; and it will eventually force the recognition of the infinite divisibility and the fourth dimension of matter.

The power developed by the process for dynamis is tremendous when it can take solid substances and make them tremendously useful in medicine. It is nothing less than a physical process by which the dynamic energy, latent in crude substances, is liberated, developed,. and modified for use in medicine. The true dynamic action and principle was bound to be imitated in the attempt to modify violent poisonous morbific products of disease by transmitting them through living animals and so make them of use in medicine. The serums are the attempt on a crude way to imitate the simple thought correct method of releasing power from violent poison, but it is very inaccurate in principle, for living animals are constantly varying in many degrees, and it is fraught with many uncertainties. Stuart Close has well compared this process in enunciating the standards of Hahnemann:

1.The Hahnemannian process is purely physical, objective and mechanical.

2.It does not involve any uncertain, unseen, unreliable nor unmeasurable factor. Its elements are simply the substance or drug to be potentiated, a vehicle consisting of sugar of milk, alcohol or water, in certain quantities and definite proportions; manipulation under conditions which are entirely under control and so simple that a child could comply with them.

3. The resulting product is stable, or may easily be made so; in fact, it is almost indestructible; and the experience of a century in its use under homoeopathic methods and principles had proved it to be efficient and reliable in the treatment of all forms of disease amenable to medication.

4.The process is practically illimitable. Potentiation of medicine by this method may be carried to any extent desired or required.

The experience of the practicable application of this power in disease is the final test and arbiter of their power, and it always provers their value as the correct process in the cure of the sick; yet even after repeated experience we cannot fail to marvel at the universe of latent power released by so simple a method. Again quoting from Stuart Close:

The fact, as pointed out by Ozanam, is that Hahnemann, by his discovery of potentiation, raised homoeopathy to a level with order natural sciences, since he created for it a method which is analogous to the infinitesimal calculus of mathematics, upon which is based the atomic theory of chemistry. It illustrates and harmonizes with the “theory of interatomic ether to space”. The “theory of the radiant state of matter”; the theory of the electric potential of present-day physics, and with the chemico- cellular theory of physiology and pathological anatomy,. It agrees with modern bacteriology in its explanation of the action of pathogenic micro-organisms as being due to the infinitesimal quantities of their secreted poisons. It is in harmony with the latest conclusions of modern psychology.

What is the relation between dynamis and the homoeopathic dosage?

What was the first step in the evolution and the homoeopathic therapeutics? (*Answer: Drug proving.)

What was the second step? (*Answer; Discovery of the law of similars).

What was the third step? (*Answer: the principle of potentisation.)

What is the benefit of potentizing so-called inert substances?

Give an outline of the method of potentizing drugs as laid down by Hahnemann.

Differentiate *dilution and *potentization.

Explain the application of the law of mathematics to the homoeopathic principle of the action of potentized drugs.

How does the law of least action referred to, answer Hahnemann’s questions as to how far the dose of a homoeopathic remedy,.. ought to be reduced in order to derive from it the best possible cure?

Give three reasons which may account for an aggravation of the symptoms after the administration of the remedy.

Why do we find the greater the susceptibility the higher the potency required? (Cf. Law of least action).

H.A. Roberts
Dr. H.A.Roberts (1868-1950) attended New York Homoeopathic Medical College and set up practrice in Brattleboro of Vermont (U.S.). He eventually moved to Connecticut where he practiced almost 50 years. Elected president of the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society and subsequently President of The International Hahnemannian Association. His writings include Sensation As If and The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.