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SYCOSIS-OVER-CONSTRUCTION.   ***WHEN we come to analyse the sycotic miasm in relation to the table of elements and their respective atomic weighs, we find an ent…

  ***WHEN we come to analyse the sycotic miasm in relation to the table of elements and their respective atomic weighs, we find an entirely new grouping of symptoms. We have stated in the summary of the miasmatic symptomatology that the psoric manifests most strongly the functional symptoms; the syphilitic has as its hallmark ulceration and destruction of tissue, even to bony tissue; while the sycotic has an opposite manifestation- infiltration and overgrowth of tissue.

Therefore we see that the sycotic stigma present a problem in physical construction that is the exact opposite of the psoric, granting that our theory has been so far sound. Thus, while the psoric patient is unable to assimilate sufficient elements from sunlight, air, water, food, etc., for a well rounded physical structure in which to house a normal healthy mind and spirit, we find that the sycotic patient is too susceptible to the available constructive elements; he seizes upon and assimilates to the point of overgrowth of tissues. If this is so, it explains the reason for pathology in all parts of the body that manifest overgrowth of natural tissue; and we have already noted that manifest overgrowth of natural tissue; and we have already noted that where we find malignancies with overgrowth of tissues and infiltrations we are almost able to trace the sycotic taint.

Consider the necessary elements for physical construction and the lavish manner in which they are supplied by Nature in fresh air, sunshine, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, even in fresh sea food and animal tissue which we adapt for food. In the case of manganese, for instance, McCollum tells us that but a small amount is required in our daily food, but that it is very difficult to prepare a diet entirely free from the element for experimental purposes. If it is so difficult to prepare food and omit the small amount required, what an excess of the substance must be available in a normal diet. Yet the healthy normal system absorbs only the amount required to maintain a state of health.

A list of antisycotic remedies has been complied from several standard works on materia medica; we shall give a list excerpted from this, comprising only those remedies with a primary chemical relationship. It will be noted that almost all these remedies fall within the group of body construction elements; but it is significant that the so-called “double salts” predominate. Another interesting fact is that the carbons are almost entirely lacking, while the Calcareas appear infrequently. Chemical combinations of the very lowest elements are found to be fairly frequent, as in *Fluoric acid, *Nitric acid, *Ammonium mur. It is interesting to note that while there is a preponderance of the *Kali’s, *Kali carb. is omitted. It will be noted, too, that while *Aurum mur., *Baryta mur., *Cinnabaris, *Mercury and *Plumbum appear in this list, the first there are tinctured with elements of a much lower atomic weight, while the two last are comparatively rarely indicated in true sycotic conditions unless there is a syphilitic taint as well; although of course disintegration of tissue of toward the final chapter of the disease. Let us examine these remedies, comparing their relationships by number to the elements.

*Alumina 13. *Fluoric acid 1, 9.

*Ammonium mur. 1,7, 17. *Graphites 6, 14, 26.

*Antimony 51. *Hepar sulph. 16, 20.

*Argentum 47. *Kali bich. 19, 24.

*Arsenic 33. *Kali iod. 19, 53.

*Aurum mur. 17, 79. *Kali mur. 17, 19.

*Baryta mur. 17, 56. *Kali sulph. 16, 19.

*Borax 1, 5, 8, 11. *Lithium 3.

*Bismuth 33. *Mercury 80.

*Bromium 35. *Mercurius cor. 17, 80.

*Calcarea phos. 15, 20. *Mercurius i.r. 53, 80.

*Cinnabaris 16, 80. *Mercurius sol. 1, 7, 8, 80.

*Chlorine 17. *Natrum mur. 11, 17.

*Ferrum iod. 26, 53. *Natrum sulph. 11, 16.

*Ferrum phos. 15, 26. *Nitric acid 1, 7, 8.

*Phosphorus 15. *Silica 14.

*Plumbum 82. *Sulphur 16.

It is not to be thought that these remedies, even with those from animal and vegetable sources added, are all that might be indicated in sycotic conditions; but these show the trend of the remedies that are most likely to be indicated. It is a accepted fact that all plant remedies contain the constructive elements, rebuilt into potential and varied combinations in every species of plant life. So too our animal remedies have their value only in what has been made of the elements assimilated and rebuilt. It is this reconstruction that gives their potentiality.

However, in the association of elements with the remedies under consideration, we note a greater proportion of those containing chlorine (17) than any other element. Further, we note a gap between Bromine (53) and Argentum (47). In order of atomic weight the following fill in this space: Krypton 36; Rubidium 37; Strontium 38; Yttrium 39; Zirconium 40; Columbium 41; Molybdenum 42; undetermined 43; Ruthenium 44; Rhodium 45; Palladium 46. Of these Strontium and Palladium have had considerable provings, and both have been found useful in sycotic conditions. However, Strontium is found in natural association with Plumbum, and its greatest influence, homoeopathically, seems to lie along similar lines. Palladium and Rhodium (the latter has had brief proving) are associated in their natural state with Platinum; the latter being in the higher register of atomic weights, we consider as being more particularly in the destructive classification. However, Cadmium (48) is a remedy to be considered in this antisycotic group, particularly in pathological end products.

Some of the elements that come within the range of the constructive group, yet which have never been defined as having construction roles, have been detected by the spectrograph in milk; these are: Barium 38; Barium 56; Boron 5; Lithium 3; Rubidium 37; Strontium 38; Titanium 22; Zinc 30; also, by other investigation, Aluminium 13; Chromium 24; Lead 82; Silicon 14; Tin 50; Vanadium 23; Manganese 25. These are by no means all the inorganic substances contained in milk, but are those that have been detected only in traces, and their constructive duties have not been defined.

Detection of these elements is of particular interest in that it suggests roles of some sort to elements heretofore missing in our constructive elements; and because of its inclusion of Barium and Lead, the latter being so far beyond the constructive limits as we have understood them. Moreover, these elements, associated with physical functions of the body (albeit in animals) leads us to inquire why elements of such high atomic weight should appear in nutritional functions? Was this by chance, some imperfection in technique on the part of the investigators, or have we a still wider field beyond that compassed by our present knowledge and the hypothesis founded thereon?

These comments upon the remedies frequently associated by symptomatology with the problems of hereditary or contracted disease taints must be understood to be on more than the first uncertain steps toward a never understanding of the relationship of our potentized remedies to cases that may resent themselves before us. We realize it is far less important to rationalize the ***REASONS FOR than to embrace a knowledge of the means to ***CARE FOR these conditions; but while these suggestions of the possible *modus operandi of a certain group of elements are extremely rudimentary, it is hoped that the problems involved will be clarified by more study to the point where here, too, we may verify the whole process of logical reasoning and scientific procedure that has made homoeopathy THE profoundly coherent system of healing.

H.A. Roberts
Dr. H.A.Roberts (1868-1950) attended New York Homoeopathic Medical College and set up practrice in Brattleboro of Vermont (U.S.). He eventually moved to Connecticut where he practiced almost 50 years. Elected president of the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society and subsequently President of The International Hahnemannian Association. His writings include Sensation As If and The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.