Fear Of Death

Sudden excessive anxiety, as if he had committed a crime–done evil (Arsenicum, Calcarea, Ruta, Rob., Zincum met.).

Robinia [Rob]

      Fear and confusion of conscience, as if he had committed a crime (Mercurius). Fears disgrace.

Dread of everything sombre and black (Arsenicum, Veratrum, Stramonium, Tarent.).

Dreams full of disputes, scolding, anger, cruelties which have happened, or will.

The great feature of Robinia is heartburn: especially at night.

Eructations and vomiting of an intensely sour fluid: sets teeth on edge. (See p. 22.).

Ignatia [Ign]

      Dread of every trifle (Calcarea); especially of things coming near him (Arnica).

Fears she will have an ulcer in the stomach.

Fear of thieves on waking after midnight (Arsenicum, Lachesis, Natrum mur., etc.).

Fearfulness; does not like to talk; prefers to be alone.

As if he had committed crime (Arsenicum, Mercurius, Rob.).

As though something terrible had happened: cannot speak of it.

As if she had done something wrong; or as if some great misfortune were about to happen.

A state of anguish in which she shrieks for help.

Dreams with reflections and deliberations.

Dreams full of mental exertion and scientific investigations (comp. Lyssin, Nux). (See p. 7.).

Zincum met.[Zinc]

      Anxiety; uneasy mood as though he had committed a crime (Calcarea, Ruta, Rob., Cocc.).

On account of thieves (Arsenicum etc.), or horrible apparitions while awake.

Dreams: being strangled: after waking, fear least the man who strangled her would return.

Dreams of corpses (Thuja, etc.); horses which changed to dogs under him: of being smeared with human excrement. Quarrelsome, vexacious dreams. (Sep p.6.0.

Rhus toxicodendron. [Rhus-t]

      Restlessness and anxiety about heart (Psorinum, Medorrhinum), as if had committed a crime

(Arsenicum, Mercurius Rob., or some great misfortune in store for her.

Inexpressible anxiety, esp. at heart (Aconite, Psorinum).

Restlessness with anxiety and apprehensions that clawed at her heart.

Great fear at night; cannot remain in bed.

Fear and despair because of sad thoughts which she cannot get rid of.

Frightened by a trifle (Calcarea, Lycopodium, Anacardium).

Fearful Dreams: that the world was on fire (Pulsatilla): of great exertion; rowing, swimming, walking, climbing, working hard (comp. Arsenicum).

Anxious dreams of business (Bryonia, Psorinum) (P.14.).

Psorinum [Psor]

      Anxiety: full of forebodings.

Great fear of death: anxiety about heart (Aconite, Rhus, Medorrhinum): believes stitches in heart will kill him if they do not cease.

Despair of recovery: thinks he will die (Aconite)

Anxiety when riding in a carriage (Sepia).

Fears to fail in business.

Dreams of business and plans (Bryonia, Chelidonium, Nux).

Of robbers (Arsenicum, Nat. mur.) travels; danger.

That he is in a closet, and nearly soils his bed (comp. Sepia, Sulphur)

In many ways a chilly Sulph. patient. (Sep p. 8.).

Sulphur [Sulph]

      Anxiety as if he would cease of live: fear of some great misfortune.

Great anxiety in bed at time of full moon.

Fear for others (Arsenicum, Phosphorus, Platina, etc.).

Fear for others (Arsenicum, Phosphorus, Platina etc.).

Fear that he would take cold in open air.

Dreams vivid: anxious; vexatious.

That she sat on the chamber, so passed her water in bed (Sepia).

Dreams of danger from fire: water: that he had been bitten by a dog (Stramonium, etc.); of falling (Thuja); disgust; and nausea. (Sep p.I.).

Bryonia [Bry]

      Anxiety and apprehension about the future (comp. Psorinum): great sense of insecurity.

In Dreams: busy about his household affairs.

Anxiety about his business (Psorinum, Chelidonium). (P. 17).

Veratrum alb. [Veratrum]

      If he stands, is tormented with frightful anxiety; the forehead becomes covered with cold sweat, with nausea even to vomiting.

Anxiety as if he had committed a crime (Arsenicum, Rob., Chelidonium, Thuja); as if he dreaded a misfortune (Lycopodium, Anacardium, Nat. mur., etc.).

Anxiety causing crawling in the fingers.

Fear of apoplexy during an evacuation.

Dreams of robbers: is pursued: that a dog was biting him and he could not get away (Stramonium). Frightful dreams. (See p. 16).

Strychnine [Stry]

      Like a mad woman all night: shouted, “they are coming for me” (comp. Arsenicum, etc.).

Begged piteously that I would not hurt him.

(Arnica). Excessive anxiety and restlessness.

Feeling of dread: begged that he might not be left alone.

Characteristic: hyperaesthesia, and a shrinking from draughts (Nux vomica, Hepar).

Natrum mur. [Nat-m]

      Fears to lose his reason (pp. 34, 35). Startled.

Fearfulness: “Something going to happen.”

Fear of robbers (see Arsenicum), of insanity: of dying.

Anxiety, as if he had done something wrong.

As if he would fall when walking.

Dreams anxious, vivid, frightful: of conflagrations (Rhus, Pulsatilla): of death and battles; of scenes of murder; that he had been poisoned.

Of robbers in the house, and will not believe the contrary till search is made (Arsenicum, Lachesis).

Anxious dreams: weeps in sleep (Chamomilla, Pulsatilla).

Horrible, disgusting dreams; reproaches himself for past mistakes, for crimes for which he must answer (comp. Arsenicum, K. br., Rob.). (P. 8.).

Elaps [Elaps]

      Fear of being alone: something will happen: rowdies will break in (comp. Arsenicum, etc.).

Excessive horror of rain.

Dreams: fighting with a galley slave: puts a dead body in a shroud and digs a knife into its wounds, then is remorseful and weeps.

Dreams of the dead and embraces them (Thuja, Calcarea): falls into pits: bites herself. (See p. 15.).

Hepar sulph. [Hep]

      Frightful imaginings. Frightful visions of fire (Rhus, Pulsatilla, Anacardium) and dead persons (Thuja, Anacardium, etc.).

Great anxiety, evenings (Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, Lycopodium).

Violent fright on slumbering, even p.c..

Starts from sleep as if about to suffocate (comp. Lachesis, Spongia).

Dreams of danger, anxiety: of fleeing from danger: expectorating blood and pus.

Hepar is chilly, with hyperaesthesia mental and physical (Nux). (See p. 18.).

Nux vomica.[Nux-v]

      Anxiety with irritability: inclined to suicide, but afraid to die.

Great anxiety of mind with no particular cause: easily frightened.

Fears to be alone.

Fears of knives, lest she should kill herself or others (Arsenicum, Mercurius, Alumina).

Dreams, sad or frightful. Of mutilations; pursued by cats and dogs (Stramonium, Belladonna), etc.: about fatal accidents; of quarrelling about exerting the mind (Lyss., Ignatia). Amorous.

Wakes from troubled, busy dreams (Bryonia, Psorinum, Chelidonium), frightened as if someone were in room.

Dreams of lice (Chelidonium) and vermin.

Nux is irritable and chilly; with hyperaesthesia, mental and physical (Hepar). (See p. 18.).

Alumina [Alum]

      Seeing blood on a knife (Nux vomica, Arsenicum), horrid ideas of killing herself: abhors the idea.

Fear of losing his reason (Arsenicum, Calcarea, Mercurius).

Anacardium [Anac]

      Fearfulness. Cowardice.

Fear of paralysis. Despair of getting well.

When walking, anxious as if pursued: suspected everything around him.

Fear of death–close of hand (Aconite, Arnica).

Every trifle might lead to great misfortune.

Characteristic, Warring wills–to evil, to good.

“Devil and angel sensation” (comp. p. 25).

Dreams vivid: recur during day as if real; as if they had really happened.

Of smelling burning spunk or sulphur: of fire (Pulsatilla, Rhus): of dead bodies. (See p. 12.).

Camphora [Camph]

      Very great anxiety and extreme restlessness.

Extremely fearful, especially in the dark: of being alone in the dark (Calcarea, Cann. ind., Phosphorus, etc.).

Indescribable fear of being drawn upwards.

Fear of mirrors lest he see himself in them.

“I shall faint–I shall have fits, and never come out of them” (See p.15.).

Conium [Con]

      Dread of men, of their approach: yet dread of being alone (comp. Lycopodium, Pulsatilla).

Fear of thieves (Nat. mur., Arsenicum, Mercurius, Lachesis).

Dreams: full of shame: of threatening dangers: of anger and vexation.

Of physical mutilation: of wretched diseases.

Of dead people, and deaths of those living. (P. 6.).

Spongia tosta [Spong]

      Very easily frightened: startles: it seemed to shoot into her feet, which remained heavy.

Anxiety: in features: looks round anxiously.

Very timorous: starts with every trifle, which makes feet feel heavy.

Terror and fear: of approaching death: that she will die of suffocation (comp. Lachesis).

Wakes at night in great fear (Aconite).

Platina [Plat]

      Every serious thought is terrifying.

Deathly anxiety, as if senses would vanish, with trembling of limbs.

Satiety of life, with taciturnity and fear of death, great dread of death which she believed near at hand (Arnica, Aconite).

Precordial anguish, with fear of death and of imaginary forms; ghosts (Pulsatilla, etc.).

Fear of men (Lycopodium, Conium, Natrum carb., Platina, Pulsatilla).

Mental disturbance after fright, grief or vexation (Aconite).

Dreams amorous: of fire (Rhus, Pulsatilla).

“Wants to go, but cannot get there.” (See p. 26.).

Natrum carb.[Nat-c]

      Intolerable melancholy and apprehension constant fear and forebodings.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.