Fear Of Death

Are you suffering from Fear Of Death? Dr. Tyler tells us the BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Fear Of Death.

Aconite [Acon]

      “Fear is depicted on his countenance” (Opium, Stramonium, Lac caninum, etc.).

Fear of Death:–“no use, I am going to die.”

Fear of ghosts (Arsenicum, Manc., Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, etc.): of the dark (Phosphorus, etc.).

Fear of death with great loquacity, or great anxiety in the region of the heart (compare Lyss., med., Rhus).

Extreme fearfulness.

Dread of some accident happening.

Fear lest he might stagger and fall.

Fear to go out alone after dark.

“Intense fear: awful anxiety, and great restlessness.” Not only fear, but ailments from fear: remote effects of fright (Opium), especially jaundice.

Anxious Dreams with anxiety in chest.

Frightful dreams. (See p. 13.).

Secale cor. [Sec]

      Anxiety. Great anxiety. Frightful anxiety.

Great anguish: wild with anxiety.

Constant moaning and fear of death: with strong desire to live. (See p. 12).

Variolinum [Vario]

      Fear of death: with excitement, begs to know if he is to die, and before answer, drops into a heavy sleep. Morbid fear of smallpox.

(Mental and neurasthenic conditions in persons who have, even years ago, had smallpox.).

Arnica [Arn]

      Hypochondriac anxiety. “No doctor may use.”

Violent attacks of anxiety.

Apprehension of future evils.

Horror of instant death (Platina, comp. Cann. ind.).

Dreams that she is overwhelmed with reproaches. Can hardly realize it has been a dream.

Fearful dreams of large black dogs (Belladonna), cats.

Of men being flayed: about frightful objects: of lightning having struck: of graves.

Typically, Arnica feels bruised and sore. (See p., 24.).

Raphanus [Raph]

      Extreme anxiety and fear of death. Believes she has an unrecognized disease (Liliumtigr.).

Raph. has distension: accumulation and retention of flatus. (See p. 7.).

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

      Excessive fear of death. Wishes to run away (Belladonna).

Fear: being left alone: being bitten: poisoned, or sold: betrayed: injured.

Remarkable fear that he had been devoured by animals.

Dread of drinks: of water. (Lyss., Stramonium). (See p. 14.).

Lachesis [Lach]

      Religious monomania: fears she will be damned.

(Psorinum, Medorrhinum, Argentum nit.). Is in the hands of a stronger power.

Robbers in the house (Nat. mur., Arsenicum), wants to jump out of the window (Aethusa, bell.).

Pursued by enemies: tries to leave the room, as if frightened by visions behind him.

Afraid to go to bed. Dread of death. Afraid to sleep lest he die before he wakes.

Fear of being poisoned (Rhus, Hyoscyamus).

Fear of suicide (Arsenicum, Mercurius, Natrum sulph.).

Nightly attacks of anxiety: cramps in calves from fear. Ailments from fright (Aconite).

Sleepless from anxiety: short naps with frightful dreams: springs up with terror and suffocation (Spongia) and palpitation.

Dreaming: frequent waking: again and again dozing and dreaming. (See p. 27.).

Lueticum [Syph]

      Terrible dread of night (of sleep, Lachesis): the mental and physical exhaustion on waking.

It is intolerable: death is preferable.

Fears to prepare for night, is in abject fear of suffering on waking. Always worse at night approaches:leaves her at daylight, which she prays for. (How often one see this “worse at night” relieved by Luet.).

Sambucus [Samb]

      A dread of some undefined danger: that the horse might run away: or the wagon break.

Anthemis nobilis Fear out of doors: exceedingly afraid of being run over.

Arsenicum [Ars]

      Fixed idea that he and his family will die of starvation (Sepia).

Fear drives him out of bed: he hides in a closet: runs about at night looking for a thieves (comp. Lachesis, Nat. mur., Psorinum).

Says little, but complains of fear (Aconite).

Fear of being left alone.

Fear of death (Aconite) when alone, or going to bed.

Anxiety and restlessness; worse after midnight.

Excessive anxiety: drives out of bed: must jump out of bed.

Anxiety like that of one who has committed a murder: driven from place to place.

Anxiety: with restlessness: yet cannot rest anywhere. Fears something may have happened to his relatives (comp. Sulph., Phosphorus).

Sees all kind of vermin on his bed: throws handfuls of them away: tries to escape from them.

Imagines he sees burglars in his room: listens under the bed: is bathed in cold sweat.

Imagines space under bed, and whole house is full of thieves: sees thieves in his room, and hides under his bed (comp. Nat. mur.).

Sees a man who has hanged himself beckoning to him to cut him loose.

Has offended people: he knows not how.

Wakes with horrible anxiety, palpitation and restlessness: fear of death.

The greatest fear of anguish: sees ghosts day and night (comp. Aconite, Manc., Phosphorus, Pulsatilla).

Anxiety and restlessness indescribable.

Fear: Deadly fear.

Afraid he will not prevent himself from killing a person with a knife (Nux vomica, Mercurius).

Dreams of care, sorrow, fear, danger, fire, thunder, black water, darkness, death. (P. 13.).

Cuprum [Cupr]

      In delirium, afraid of everyone, shrinks away: tries to escape (Belladonna): in the evening and dark.

Fears he will lose his reason.

Afraid of strangers. Shrinks from everyone who approaches.

Fear of falling: clings to nurse (Gelsemium, Borax, Coca, Lac caninum). (See p.16.).

Belladonna [Bell]

      Fear of imaginary things, wants to run away: to escape (Opium, Hepar, Cuprum).

Fear of big black dog (Arnica): the gallows.

A crimson snake of foot of bed threatens to fasten on his neck (Lac caninum).

Fear of ghosts, soldiers who come to take him away: of black animals, rats, dogs, wolves.

Starts in fright when approached (Arnica, Cuprum, Stramonium, Thuja, etc.), even in the street.

Great anxiety: must flee away.

Delirium and mania; violent and furious.

“Violence runs through all the mental symptoms of Belladonna” (See pp. 16, 17.)

Dreams of murder; street robbers; danger from fire; of swimming; pursued by giants.

Wakes full of fright and fear: something under the bed (comp. Arsenicum) making a noise.

Jumps out of bed with fear: tries to run away and hide (Helleborus, Pulsatilla, Stramonium).

Characteristically Belladonna has a red, hot face, an big pupils. (See p. 14.).

Opium [Op]

      Sees frightful ghosts (Belladonna, etc.): easily frightened.

Frenzy: desires to escape (Belladonna). Says a regiment of horses are on his bed, and he fears to be trodden on. Told that horses are very careful, says, he will be crushed by the wagons following.

Face wears a constant expression of fright and terror (Stramonium, Lac caninum, Aconite).

They see frightful objects and are in great fear.

Believe themselves murderers; criminals to be executed; want to run away (Belladonna, Rob.).

After fright with fear (Aconite).

After fright, the fear of the fright still remaining.

Anxiety; apprehension; fear of impending death (Arnica, Aconite, etc.).

Characteristic : contracted pupils. (see p.24.).

Absinthium [Absin]

      Fear of assassination (Cimic., Opium, Phosphorus, Plumb., Stramonium).

Terrifying hallucinations: persons pursuing him (Belladonna, etc.): sees animals, rats, cats of all colours: grotesque animals” is pursued by soldiers, imaginary enemies, naked women.

Lac caninum [Lac-c]

      Fear of falling downstairs. (See Gelsemium, etc.)

That she will be unable to perform duties.

Fear of death with anxious face (Aconite, Stramonium).

Wakes distressed: must rise and occupy herself. Fear she will be crazy.

Imagines that any symptom is some settled disease: that everything she says is a lie: that she is looked down upon by everyone: that she is of no importance in life: that she is dirty: that she wears someone else’s nose: that she sees spiders.

That she is surrounded by myriads of Snakes.

Some running like lightning up and down inside skin; some inside feel long and thin.

Fears to step on floor lest she should tread on them, and make them squirm and wind round her legs (comp. Argentum nit., Sepia).

Fears to look behind lest she should sees snakes: seldom troubled with them after dark.

On going to bed, afraid to shut her eyes lest a large snake should hit her in the face (Belladonna).

Horrid sights presented to her mental vision (not always snakes). Terror lest they show themselves to her natural eye.

Fear lest pimples would prove little snakes, and twine and twist round each other.

Feels she is a loathsome mass of disease; cannot look at any part of her body, even hands, as it intensifies the feeling of disgust and horror.

Can’t bear any part of body to touch another: one finger to touch another. If she cannot get out of her body, will soon become crazy.

Feels that heart or breathing would stop; frightens herself, which makes heart palpitate. Fancies he is going out of his mind.

Looks under chairs, table, sofa, expecting some horrible monster to creep forth: feels that it would drive her mad. Not afraid in the dark: see them only in the light (rev. Luet.).

Feels that she is going to become unconscious: wakes with sensation of bed in motion (Belladonna).

Dreamed of a large snake in her bed (Belladonna).

Dreams often that she is urinating: wakes to find herself on the point of doing so (Sepia).

Mancinella [Manc]

      Fear Of Insanity (Lac caninum, Calcarea, etc.).

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.