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The use of sarcodes in the treatment of various disorders. They are often used as adjunct to the homeopathic remedy….

1. I think that the opotherapic remedies should in numerous cases complement the homoeopathic treatment.

2. In some morbid cases they are to be used systematically.

Their use in convenient doses- often weaker than what is used classically, but however material-help to obtain results more rapid than by the homoeopathic treatment alone.

There is then according to the doses used, stimulation or regulation of the deficient gland or functionally troubled.

It is to be noted that endocrinal syndromes observed is often confounded with some essential syndromes of our ground remedies. The reflection of these syndromes on the glands force us to say that the incriminated gland-in its opotherapic form-is complementary of this medicine, and there is every interest of the patient to receive the one and the other, in convenient dose or dilution.

3. The remedies that we use very often are:

The Thyroid.

The Pituitary (anterior lobe). In amenorrhoea and in hypermenorrhoea associated or not with the thyroid and the ovary in adenoidian states in very weak doses or in dilution (Baryta type) in children of Calcarea fluorica type (material dose Ogr. 0.5 to Ogr. 30) in the incontinence of urines etc.

The Suprarenal-We use it frequently in Sepia type asthenic, with bronze colour of the skin (cortico-suprarenal Ogr. 05 to Ogr. 30 daily) and the results are generally very favourable. (Medicines frequently independent of Sepia: Kali carbonicum, Nux vomica, Calcarea phosphorica, Tuberculinum plus Lueticum etc.) In YOUNG BOYS NOT DEVELOPED ENOUGH FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF SEX, fat, soft with very little accentuated traits, we give it concurrently with Hypophyse (anterior lobe), orchitic extract and thyroide (with as homoeopathic medicines: Pulsatilla, Graphites, Natrum muriaticum, Tuberculines).

In this regard we have some cases where the physical appearance, the mentality have undergone within a few months a very deep modifications, due to the treatment by endocrines.

In retarded children, specially in school, soft, always inattentive, we give some similar compounds and Baryta carbonica 30 and M. Tuberculines plus Lueticum, sometimes Medorrhinum.

ORCHITIC EXTRACT: In persons who have undergone a nervous over work, and have some symptoms of asthenia, but not more than 2 to 3 doses a week (Ogr 01 Ogr 05) combined or not with suprarenal, in the same doses. (Homoeopathic medicines that are very often indicated are: Nux Vomica 30, Kali Phosphoricum 6 and sometimes Silicea 30 Thuja 200, and according to Fortier-Bernoville Serum de Vincent 200).

In old persons we have very good results in weak doses of 1mlg, once or twice a week.

We often add Total hypophyse and Thyroid in the same dose, once a week (each separately). (Homoeopathic medicines that are frequently used: Silicea 6, Arnica 30, Sumbul 6, Baryta carbonica 30 etc.)

5. The doses are to be used according to a very wide gamut.

When the Stimulating action is sought for, one should take recourse to Physiological doses, the minimum dose no doubt but however material dose. The optimum dose is to be found out by groping.

When Regulating effect is sought for in glandular perturbation having tendency to hyperfunction, one should use weal doses, sometimes infinitesimal, very rarely in dilutions.

Finally Checking and regulating action at the same time can be obtained by using more or less high dilutions of the same glands or some of their compounds (Thyroxine, Adrenaline, Folliculine etc.)

The dilutions used are prepared according to the method of Korsakoff. (Single phial system)

Let us indicate in this regard the importance of the dynamisation (and of the method of dynamisation used). The action and the duration are very unequal according to the stock and the method of the preparation of the medicine.

7. The existing relations between the syndromes of endocrines and the syndromes of the constitutional medicines should be specially studied, and here we are only giving a sketch:

Let us note: Sepia-Hypersuprarenal type, thyroid unstable, hepatic insufficiency.

Pulsatilla-Classical type. Glandular instability, with predominant instability of the thyroid and of the ovary (insufficiency)

Baryta carbonica-Functional troubles of the ant pituitary with instability of the Thyroid (insufficiency)

Graphites-Genital insufficiency, thyroid and renal insufficiency.

Lycopodium-Supradrenalian troubles. Hepatic and renal insufficiency, uraemia.

Silicea-(some Silicea types). Hypocrinic with nervous erethism.

Sulphur-(some Sulphur types) Hypercrinic (thyroid and suprarenal).

Iodium, Lachesis etc-Hyperthyroidism etc.

Some general symptoms of incomplete insufficiency of Thyroid.

General characteristics: Hydrogenoid or Carbo-nitrogenoid constitution of Grauvogl. Tendency to swelling, oedema and obesity.

Lowering down of the basal metabolism and insufficiency of the thermogenesis, whence chilliness and torpidity.


Troubles of the extremities and phaneras.

Tendency to articular and cutaneous affections.

Retarded development (psychic, skeletal, laryngeal, uterine etc. Early senility. Tendency to sclerosis.

Mind: Somnolence, apathy, fear of physical and mental effort. Depressed, sad, full of tears, sometimes irritable. Uncontrolled laughing and weeping. Mental instability (Pulsatilla, Ignatia). Difficulty to fix the attention, weakness of the memory, of the will, childishness (Baryta carbonica, Calcarea phosphorica).

Head: Morning headache. Periodic migraines. Ophthalmic migraines, (Thuja)

Face: Pale, swollen. Sometimes congestive patches in the middle of the cheek. The tail of the brows are absent (Thuja).

Nose: Tendency to adenoid vegetations (Baryta carbonica, Calcarea phosphorica).

Eyes: Myopia. Tendency to cataract (Calcarea fluorica)

Mouth Retarded dentition (Calcareac). Early caries of teeth.

Stomach: Anorexia, nausea; vomiting. Dislike for the meat. Mental anorexia.

Intestine: Atonic constipation because of insufficient intestinal secretion and by insufficient peristaltic contraction.

Liver: Hepatic insufficiency, particularly troubles in the metabolism of albuminoids, whence disliking for meat.

Circulatory apparatus: Hypotension (except in nephro-sclerosis). Small slow pulse. Tendency to syncope.

Augmentation of the coagulability of the blood.

Urinary apparatus: Renal insufficiency (Natrum muriaticum, Graphites). Tendency to albuminuria. Albuminuria with great oedema, without azotemia.

Genital apparatus: Late appearance of the first menses, infantile uterus.

Menses, insufficient, irregular, painful with weakness, headache, loss of appetite (Pulsatilla type)

Very early menstruation, haemorrhagic, before time, prolonged with clots (Thuja type).

Tendency to fibromas, myomas, tumors of the breast.

Tendency to the prolapsus of the uterus, to abortion in the third month.

In men, retarded sexual development, cryptorrhidia. Diminution of sexual appetite with great weakness.

Extremities: Troubles of peripheral circulation. Cold, humid extremities. Acrocyanosis. Tendency to frost bite, to cracks, to repeated abscesses etc. (pulsatilla, Petroleum, Agaricus).

Hyperhydrosis of the soles (Silicea, Thuja, Calcarea carbonica) Pale swellings, coldness of the lower limbs, appearing and disappearing. Quinck’s oedema.

Muscular pains, articular pains, Chronic rheumatism

(thyroidian rheumatism of Leopold Levy) with tendency to ankylosis and to deformations (Rhus tox, Calcarea fluorica, Sulphur, Phosphorus, Argentum nitricum etc.)

Periodic hydroarthrosis.

Skin: Dry, unhealthy, cold Ichthyosis.

Fleeting cutaneous infiltration.

Tendency to foetid sweats. Seborrhoea

Growth, warts naevi.

Psoriasis, Herpes, Eczema.

Honey like eruptions, pruriginous (Rhus tox, Graphites, Mezereum) Pelade.

Phaneras: Brittle nails with streaks (Thuja, Silicea, Calcarea fluorica etc.) Baldness, or premature falling of hairs.

Counter Indications According to the allopaths: —-Non-compensated cardiopathies.

—Tuberculosis with fever.

—Pancreatic diabetes.

—Advanced obesity.

—Complete Basedow’s disease and in pure forms of hyperthyroidia (without concomitant hypothyroidia).

Those who do not admit of the dilutions, should keep these points in mind.

Our preparations of diluted thyroid, widens the field of the therapeutics by thyroid in most of the cases reserved by the official school.

Let us note however that the persons suffering from tuberculosis are particularly sensitive to the treatment by thyroid. So one must be very cautious where with other therapeutic there is the necessary to use the thyroid in lower dilutions.

General Symptoms of Hyperthyroidia.

(dysthyroidias with predominating hyperthyroidia)

General characteristics Oxygenoid constitution of Grauvogl. High basal metabolism.

Loquacity, violence of language.

Generally lean. Restless activity, hastiness.

Nervousness. Palpitations at night. Gushes of heat.

Incomplete Basedowian characteristics (tachycardia, exophthalmia, trembling).


Very impressionable. Changing mood. Excessive, paradoxal, fantastic character. Imaginative.

Nervous system Emotivity. Phases of excitation and depression alternate Anxiety. Restless sleep. Dreams.

Mauritius Fortier-Bernoville
Mauritius (Maurice) Fortier Bernoville 1896 – 1939 MD was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become the Chief editor of L’Homeopathie Moderne (founded in 1932; ceased publication in 1940), one of the founders of the Laboratoire Homeopathiques Modernes, and the founder of the Institut National Homeopathique Francais.

Bernoville was a major lecturer in homeopathy, and he was active in Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, and a founder of the le Syndicat national des médecins homœopathes français in 1932, and a member of the French Society of Homeopathy, and the Society of Homeopathy in the Rhone.

Fortier-Bernoville wrote several books, including Une etude sur Phosphorus (1930), L'Homoeopathie en Medecine Infantile (1931), his best known Comment guerir par l'Homoeopathie (1929, 1937), and an interesting work on iridology, Introduction a l'etude de l'Iridologie (1932).

With Louis-Alcime Rousseau, he wrote several booklets, including Diseases of Respiratory and Digestive Systems of Children, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Rheumatism, treatment of hay fever (1929), The importance of chemistry and toxicology in the indications of Phosphorus (1931), and Homeopathic Medicine for Children (1931). He also wrote several short pamphlets, including What We Must Not Do in Homoeopathy, which discusses the logistics of drainage and how to avoid aggravations.

He was an opponent of Kentian homeopathy and a proponent of drainage and artificial phylectenular autotherapy as well.