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Nosodes & Isopathy

While the classic homoeopathic medicines drawn out of the three kingdoms of nature are used for curing the similar symptoms seen in a patient the nosodes and isopathy, suit not only to the patient himself but also to the morbid states….

Q.1 Do you think that the Nosodes and Isopathic remedies should dominate over the wide field of Homoeopathic therapeutics?

The role of Nosodes and Isopathic medicines in Homoeopathy is CAPITAL. We may define the role in two words: SPECIFICITY and IMMUNITY. While the classic homoeopathic medicines drawn out of the three kingdoms of nature are used for curing the similar symptoms seen in a patient the nosodes and isopathy, suit not only to the patient himself but also to the morbid states.

Q.2 Should they be prescribed systematically in certain morbid states or only like other medicines?

It is necessary to make a distinction between Isopathy and Nosodes though isopathic remedies and nosodes are both made out of organic products.

The nosodes will always be applied, if possible, according to their indications set down by the law of similars. We should, therefore, use them like all other homoeopathic medicines, with reference to the Materia Medica, specially PSORINUM, MEDORRHINUM, SYPHILINUM, TUBERCULINUM, BACILLINUM ETC., that have a very wide pathogenesis.

As for the isopathic remedies, they are reserved for certain conditions when IMMUNITY is sought for, or when one wishes to turn a simple amelioration to a complete cure. This is why we will apply the isopathic medicines in the last phases of the treatment.

First published in Hahnemannian Gleanings, v. 7, No. 7, 1936. Note by the Editor-in-chief: A very interesting article on Isopathy and Nosodes was published in 1 `Homoeopathic Moderne of 15th March, 1936. We have got it translated by Dr. Rajkumar Mukerji of Chandanagar and published this issue. This article will create a new field of research amongst the homoeopathic fraternity all over the world.

IN THESE CASES WE SHOULD KNOW TO APPLY SYSTEMATICALLY THE ISOPATHIC PRODUCTS AND EVEN THE NOSODES. But what is most important is to know how to prescribe these two kinds of medicines at the OPTIMUM MOMENT, and above all not too soon. If not, some aggravations may ensue, that may be troublesome, sometimes very grave and dragging.

The rules for the use of Isopathic remedies are very excellently given in the book of Dr. Collet. They are always valuable, expecting some precisions given by time. Particularly, as for the nosodes, so far the Isopathics the practice of drainage, helps to avoid all very dangerous reactions and to obtain the MAXIMUM efficiency.

Q.3. What are the Nosodes and Isopathic medicines, that are more often used?

A. Diluted Microbian Cultures.

Generally, the conditions when the diluted and attenuated cultures are used, are still less known, or not well precised. It requires a precision in this chapter:

STREPTOCOCCINUM: It has a good relation to Pyrogenum, It has the same indications of Pyrogenum and may be utilized in puerperal fever, erysipelas, and in other streptococcic infections. It is better to apply it after Hepar sulphur with which it has a good relation. But according to my experience this remedy is not as useful as the other two.

STAPHYLOCOCCINUM should be applied in Osteomyelitis, furuncles, panaris etc. Results are not constant. Isopathic medicines made out of pus of the patient should be preferred to it.

PNEUMOCOCCINUM: It is very often used in high dilutions by Dr. Nebel and by Dr. Roux in acute pulmonary affections, pneumonia and in broncho-pneumonia. It seems that it gives excellent results (Pneumococcin M of the Pharmacy Boiron)

ENTEROCOCCIN AND COLIBACILLIN: Here are the cultures that I have applied several times in all possible dilutions in enterocolitie and in entero-renal syndrome. Results are inconstant and deceiving. I have abandoned them and preferred instead the isopathy of stool and urine, and above all the ANTICOLIBACILLARY SERUM of Vincent. However, it is necessary here to mention the INFLUENZUM of Dr. Nebel and his INFLUENZUM, ICE. Both of them contain numerous stocks of colibacilli and are very active.

TETANOTOXINUM. It is to be taken up and utilized, as Dr. Cahis is now doing, in all inveterate spasmodic affections (but in tetanus Dr. Cahis has shown that it fails.).

PYOCYANIUM. It has been applied with interest in acute poliomyelitis and in its sequelae. Results are very inconstant.

DIPHTHEROTOXINUM. It ought to be applied according to the practice of Dr. Cahis in affections either acute or chronic, besides diphtheria, but always caused by it. Let us recall here that Dr. P. Chavanon used Diphtherotoxine 4m to 8m as preventive of Diphtheria, with negative reaction of Schick in course of the use of this medicine.

NOSODES OF BACH. After having been preached in England, they have not fallen into oblivion. But, however, Wheeler, Dishington and several others have got good results in their practice with them. The pathogenesis of these remedies appeared in the British Homoeopathic Journal (Dysentricus, Morgan). The first authors, becoming enthusiastic, thought that they have got the nosodes and the real factors of psora. They applied these medicines according to plus dosage (30 first, 31 on the second day, 32 on the third and so on) All the microbes of the dysentery were thus utilized not only in dysentery but in all sorts of morbid conditions. The latent psoric poison according to that theory accompanies some intestinal troubles. “When the skin, the excretory organ per excellence, does not perform its function, the intestine substitutes it” (Leon Renard). Dr. Bach found in the stools of the persons suffering from latent psora some bacilli having the property of hindering the fermentation of lactose. In a few days these micro organisms vary, disappear, or reappear. Very often, the symptoms aggravates at the end of the period when the germs disappear from the stools and ameliorate when these bacilli are in maximum intensity in their positive phase of reappearance.

The nosodes of Bach thus applied are: Dysentricus, Morgan, Gaertner, Proteus, Coli mutabile, Faecalis alkaligenes (this last one is polyvalent)

My friend Dr. Leon Renard and myself have obtained with these nosodes of Bach some incontestable successes, in certain cases of eczema and psoriasis.

B. Diluted serums.

Very little utilized since the last few years by Homoeopaths, the serums diluted and dynamised, have become a new group of remedies of the first importance in our arsenal of therapeutics. The remedies are not yet used anywhere but in France, but we hope that our colleagues of foreign countries will give their attention to the utility of these medicines.

The works of Dr. Martiny on the immunity have clearly shown the importance that should be attributed to the applications of serums.

ANTICOLIBACILLARY SERUM: It is a wonderful arm in the treatment of colibacillosis. I use it in every acute stage: Pure serum by rectal injection, 10 centicubes a day.

Subacute stage: 1x either by rectum (30 drops with 10 centicubes of physiological serum or by mouth 10 drops three to four times a day).

CHRONIC CASES: Very grave urinary colibacillosis (30 drops with 3x by mouth, 5 to 10 drops a day. The same treatment as in the subacute stage.

But above all, we use at the same time the medium and higher dilutions of serums. When the ponderable doses and the lower dilutions as medicines of drainage act on the elimination by the bladder and the stools, the higher dilutions act against the neurotrope toxins of colibacilli (considerably act in fatiguing states, loss of power of work and psych-asthenia). Serum Anticolibacillary will be applied in the 30th, every day or every third day, then 200th and 1,000 Korsakoff, alternated or associated with Thuja 200 or 1000.

ANTISTAPHYLOCOCCIC SERUM I have used it with success in furuncles not in the acute stage but to check the return of the suppurative process. Dilutions: 30, 200, 1000K.

Antipneumococcic serum: I have no personal experience. It is to be tried.

Antistreptococcic serum: I have no personal experience of it. It is to be tried.

Antidiphtheric serum: It hardly gives any good result even in diphtheria. Mercurius cyanatus is to be given instead and other classic homoeopathic remedies on the one hand and we prefer on the other hand the pure antidiphtheric serum which should be applied by mouth. But Dr. Barishac has shown that Antidiphtheric serum 200 is an excellent remedy in relapsing urticaria. All the horse serums act, All the horse serums act, according to the law of similars in urticaria. Serum Antidiphtheric is perhaps more useful.

SERUM D’ ANGUILLE (Eel serum). Truly speaking it should be considered not like a nosode directly indicated according to the law of analogy, like Lachesis, or other poisons, and other products drawn out of animal kingdom. It was discovered by Dr. Pierre Jousset, who gave its first pathogenesis. Serum d’ Anguille is a remedy of choice in acute nephritis. Late Dr. Picard presented last year in the congress of Budapest, an excellent communication on this remedy which is worth reading. Dr. Arthus, collaborator of Dr. Picard, made some instructive experiments on this remedy in the laboratory of l’ Hospital Saint. Jacques. In my personal practice, Serum d’ Anguille has given extraordinary good results in the treatment of albuminuria even chronic. Perhaps in future, it will not be applied only in 3x dilution as it has become classic since the time of Dr. Jousset, but I hope that it will be applied in the high dilutions, such as I have begun. According to my opinion Serum d’ Anguille ought to be considered as one of the most important remedy of our Materia Medica.

Mauritius Fortier-Bernoville
Mauritius (Maurice) Fortier Bernoville 1896 – 1939 MD was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become the Chief editor of L’Homeopathie Moderne (founded in 1932; ceased publication in 1940), one of the founders of the Laboratoire Homeopathiques Modernes, and the founder of the Institut National Homeopathique Francais.

Bernoville was a major lecturer in homeopathy, and he was active in Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, and a founder of the le Syndicat national des médecins homœopathes français in 1932, and a member of the French Society of Homeopathy, and the Society of Homeopathy in the Rhone.

Fortier-Bernoville wrote several books, including Une etude sur Phosphorus (1930), L'Homoeopathie en Medecine Infantile (1931), his best known Comment guerir par l'Homoeopathie (1929, 1937), and an interesting work on iridology, Introduction a l'etude de l'Iridologie (1932).

With Louis-Alcime Rousseau, he wrote several booklets, including Diseases of Respiratory and Digestive Systems of Children, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Rheumatism, treatment of hay fever (1929), The importance of chemistry and toxicology in the indications of Phosphorus (1931), and Homeopathic Medicine for Children (1931). He also wrote several short pamphlets, including What We Must Not Do in Homoeopathy, which discusses the logistics of drainage and how to avoid aggravations.

He was an opponent of Kentian homeopathy and a proponent of drainage and artificial phylectenular autotherapy as well.