Nosodes & Isopathy

Antipest Serum of Yersin: Proposed by Dr. Barishac, for the treatment of grave or atypical forms of influenza. This remedy is proved useful in 6, 30. In future its indications are to be precised as well as that of Hafkine’s Antipest vaccine.

ANTIDYSENTERIC SERUM: Less used by homoeopaths. The antidysenteric serum will be a priori a useful arm in the treatment of enterocolitis. The researchers who have already acquired experience by the use of Nosodes of Bach are to be consulted.

The different stocks of Bacteriophages are also interesting to use for the homoeopaths. They should be grouped in our Materia Medica by the side of Nosodes and Isopathics.

C. Nosodes.

Some of the nosodes have been widely studied by homoeopaths. Some well known pathogenesis have been included in our Materia Medica. These remedies are applied, no more in the sense of specificity and immunity but with the strict regard to the laws of Similars.

PSORINUM MEDORRHINUM SYPHILINUM BACILLINUM TUBERCULINUM In order to know the pathogenesis of these remedies we should read the books on Materia Medica particularly of Hering, Allen, Farrington, and sometimes kent (?) and Nash. (A new book) “Nosodes and biotherapics” by Dr. O. A. Julian. (R. M.)

Thus Psorinum is a valuable arm; of course, schematically it is the ancient Sulphur becoming “cold”. But we know nothing of its possibilities in persons infected with “itch”. If we happen to meet such a patient we will treat him with the local application of sulphur, like all other doctors. We will not consider the mentality of such a person infected with the itch poison as Hahnemann himself did. Now, Psorinum should be applied for a long time, after the disappearance of “Itches” even to the descendents of such patients.

As for Medorrhinum and Syphilinum practice shows that they should be applied with regard to the law of similars systematically. But how difficult it is to be settled thus in practice. In a general way these remedies, in high dilutions do not often act in acute and recent infection. On the contrary they are very important in the chronic and in the hereditary states. Thus Medorrhinum prescribed long time after the disappearance of Gonorrhoea, or even in nursing child, who suffers from erythema of the gluteus, without knowing whether the medicine has acted, because the child is impregnated with hereditary toxins or for other reasons.

As regards Syphilinum its action has been shown to be very often inconstant. So a whole gamut of this product is used: Syphilinum classic (scrapings of indurated chancre), then Hepato-syphilinum and Rachi-syphilinum recommended by Dr. Barishac (the first the infected liver of the new born, the classical antigen; the second is the liquid containing in the cephalo-spine, when the subject is attacked with the disease.) We apply also Syphilinum P, a mixture of the different dilutions of the same stock. Thus there is a group of Syphilinums for being adapted homoeopathically to the different categories of the diseases of the patients. Thus in secondary and in tertiary syphilis an incontestable result is obtained.

1. TUBERCULINUM T. K., SERUM OF MARMORECK IMMUNISED BODIES OF SPENGLER, VAUDEMER, BACILLINUM, TUBERCULINUM BOVINUM, Filtered BACILLUS OF DENYS B.C.G. (at present called V.A.B.) AVIARE, PISCIARUM etc. The tuberculous conditions are legion. Their identification with the Psora of Hahnemann, has obliged us to consider the use of the Tuberculines not only in tuberculous subjects and in subjects clearly predisposed to the tuberculosis, but also in Scrofula, in Arthritis, in the different categories of Anaemic subjects, demineralisation and even in numerous patients suffering from perturbations-endocrinal, functional or sympathetic.

But the art of therapeutics consists in applying in the proper time and in the optimum dose, after well appropriated drainage, the properly selected tuberculine, which is often very difficult. Let us recall here some general rules of the administrations of these nosodes.

Begins to give the patient a ground remedy or a constitutional remedy, once or many times.

2. Follow the ground remedy by some functional remedies of drainage indicated by the symptoms of the patient.

3. Wait at least for two months to begin to prescribe tuberculins, and begin with the medium dilutions before entering into higher dilutions.

4. Do not repeat, but rarely, the dose of Tuberculines; wait two to three months or more.

5. The basis of repetition and choice of dilution should rest on the collective general state of health of the patient.

At present the use of Tuberculinum, T.K. is well-known. Dr. A. Nebel has given to us the pathogenesis of T. K. There is a good pathogenesis of Tuberculinum Bovinum in the Materia Medica of kent. Burnett’s pathogenesis of Bacillinum is the best. For the other products one should refer to his own experience; much groping is inevitable. Let us recall here the rule of application of Dr. Nebel.

Marmoreck (called Xylin) suits to pulmonary tuberculosis in evolution and to oxygenoid tuberculinic types whose defense reactions is bad.

T.K. (Tuberculinum of koch also called Phenol K.) suits to oxygenoides of better defense. (should be used prudently)

Denys suits to certain tuberculous patients with florid look, and to hydrogenoid tuberculinics.

T.R. (Residual tuberculine) suits specially to tuberculinics of adult and of ripe age, carbonitrogenoid.

Pertussin or Coqueluchin (expectoration products and nosodes of whooping cough) which we owe to the English homoeopath Clarke, is an excellent medicine. But is should not be used immediately. In the treatment of Whooping cough this is how I proceed generally: I begin with Sulphur 3,, which may either abort the disease, or make it of short duration hastening the period of action. The child expectorates sooner. After a first dose of Sulphur, the appropriate remedies are indicated, repeated frequently: Belladonna, Drosera at the beginning, then Ipecac, Antimonium tartaricum, Cina, Cuprum, Corallium rubrum. Coccus cacti, etc. Besides these remedies I alternate every 5 days in the evening Pertussin 30 and Sulphur 30. At the end of whooping cough I give Pertussin 200.

In some epidemics, the habitual Pertussin does not act, an isopathic is prepared, either auto-Pertussin with the proper products of expectoration of the diseased child.

Malandrinum, little used, gives some interesting results in some chronic eruptions on palms and soles of the feet aggravated in cold seasons and by washing. It is a complementary of Sulphur, of Psorinum, of Petroleum for these eruptions and also of Thuja and Silicea for the bad effects of antivariolic vaccination.

HYDROPHOBINUM (or Lyssin, the saliva of rabid dog) it is used in mental diseases, delirium with hydrophobia or with priapism. I have obtained good results with this remedy in dysphagia with spasms of the pharynx and oesophagism. It would also be interesting to use also the marrow of the rabid dog, taken new in the furies of maniacs or in delirium tremens.

PYROGENUM is one of the very useful arm in our arsenal for the treatment of septicemias and even of phlegmons, abscesses, panaris, for avoiding and stooping suppurations. The stock of Paul Chavanon seems to be particularly useful.

VARIOLINUM VACCININUM VARICELLINUM are nosodes interesting to consider in the treatment of diseases with pustules, acute or chronic. One should not stick to the specificity, but should apply them according to the law of analogy.

Variolinum is to be specially mentioned. We know that it is useful for the preventive treatment of small pox. Used in the 30th dilution every day during one month, it seems to cause an immunity though temporary, against small pox. It is probable that by using high dilutions one may obtain a durable immunization. On the other hand I have had a marvellous result with this remedy alone, Variolinum 30 prescribed in a tubercular lupus, in patient who came for my consultation in the Hospital- Bellan.

As for Scarlatinum, Morbillinum the nosode of Zona, I have no experience for speaking about it. They are useful to use either preventively or preferably in a patient for the sequelae even very distant, of the corresponding diseases.

INFLUENZINUM. There remains to consider this interesting remedy as a preventive and curative of Influenza and for the sequelae of this dangerous disease.

We now possess thanks to A. Nebel, a complete group of this nosode.

Let us mention here this group:

Influenzinum habitually used.

Influenzinum of A. Nebel 1936 (carrying the date of the year in course, stock of numerous products of expectoration with numerous stocks of colibacilli and many homoeopathic remedies.)

Influenzinum I.C.E. (influenza, colibacilli, encephalitis). This remedy has been very successfully used by Dr. O.A. Julian. Unfortunately it is no more prepared in France (R.M.)

Influenzinum I.C.F.S. (Influenza, colibacilli, encephalitis, staphylococcus.).

Vaccine E. (special preparation for influenza, injectable).

Encephalitis: By sub-cutaneous injection and by mouth.

Mauritius Fortier-Bernoville
Mauritius (Maurice) Fortier Bernoville 1896 – 1939 MD was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become the Chief editor of L’Homeopathie Moderne (founded in 1932; ceased publication in 1940), one of the founders of the Laboratoire Homeopathiques Modernes, and the founder of the Institut National Homeopathique Francais.

Bernoville was a major lecturer in homeopathy, and he was active in Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, and a founder of the le Syndicat national des médecins homœopathes français in 1932, and a member of the French Society of Homeopathy, and the Society of Homeopathy in the Rhone.

Fortier-Bernoville wrote several books, including Une etude sur Phosphorus (1930), L'Homoeopathie en Medecine Infantile (1931), his best known Comment guerir par l'Homoeopathie (1929, 1937), and an interesting work on iridology, Introduction a l'etude de l'Iridologie (1932).

With Louis-Alcime Rousseau, he wrote several booklets, including Diseases of Respiratory and Digestive Systems of Children, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Rheumatism, treatment of hay fever (1929), The importance of chemistry and toxicology in the indications of Phosphorus (1931), and Homeopathic Medicine for Children (1931). He also wrote several short pamphlets, including What We Must Not Do in Homoeopathy, which discusses the logistics of drainage and how to avoid aggravations.

He was an opponent of Kentian homeopathy and a proponent of drainage and artificial phylectenular autotherapy as well.