Examination proved the whole upper part of the lungs covered by tubercles. Bacillinum cured him perfectly in two months.

“6. A young girl of 16 years, of Lofingen. Over two years ago she had scarlet fever, was neglected, and lost appetite and sleep; her menses ceased more than eighteen months. All appearance was that she was in the decline (consumption). I gave her of the Bacillinum, every week 20 pellets. The result was indeed beyond my expectation. The menses returned and the other complaints disappeared, sleep came back, and after three months she became a blooming girl.

“7. This is a very remarkable case. A maiden lady of 37 years, residing at Lichtensteig, being more or less sick for sixteen or seventeen years. The first cause was hysterical spinal irritation; grew worse from year to year; her spine curved over 1 1/2 inches; her left hand inflamed, which led to amputation of her index (forefinger). Over two years ago she became helpless in both legs.

The doctor at Wattwyl, (city hospital) thought (it was then just the fury of Dr Koch’s lymph system) to inject in her the lymph. This he did eighteen times. After this had been done her legs; from hip to foot, became as dead, without any feeling. It was on December 2, 1891, I found her in that condition. I left her Bacillinum 20 pellets, every week one dose. After four weeks some feelings returned; also became able to move her toes; keeping on for some time more in the same manner. In May last she was able to sit up. In June she was strong enough to get up and walk alone in her room. Now it is August 9th. Her legs are perfectly normal, and with the exception of the curve on her back and the sore hand she is as well as she had been in her younger days.

“This lady had been pronounced incurable, and the people of Lichtensteig, with their doctors, are enchanted over such a cure. Bacillinum has done its work perfectly, and many such so-called incurable cases would yield under the blessed influence of this wonderful medicine.

“8. Another case where old and new school doctors have more or less failed. A butcher’s wife, about 58 years old, residing in Lichtensteig, has been for years complaining of rheumatism, but more especially a stiffness and redness in her arms, hands, legs, and feet, which resulted slowly into arthritical, gouty contractions of the joints of fingers, toes, even on the knees, so as to become unable to shut the hands, and walking only with great difficulty. She received Bacillinum in the above-named order, and in less than three months all her stiffness was removed, and she is now very well. Here it was evident that Bacillinum absorbed the chalky substance in the joints.

“9. A case of idiotism and cretinism which made a great stir. In August, 1891, I was called by telephone to go to a place near Neuchatel, about 150 miles from Herisau, and found there a 10 year old girl, a perfect idiot and cretin. The history of the child was about this: Until after vaccination (she was 1 1/4 years old), was very well; from that time she began to act as having no sense, growing worse from months to years. Her parents consulted in different cities, as London, Paris and Vienna, without the slightest amelioration. They heard of me from a doctor of Basel, that I had attended there a 16 year old idiot, whose reason returned partially. I found the girl in the following condition: height two feet and five inches; age, 10 years; the teeth hidden in the gums: could hardly stand on her feet, unable to walk and talk; head, front narrow and large on the back; several smaller and larger elevations on the skull, some soft, others hard; nose, eyelids and lips extremely large; type of an idiot and cretin.

“A careful examination, especially of the deformed head, with its elevations, disclosed nests of tubercles. Her eyes without life, no desire for anything; in fact, the most ungrateful expression! Now what to do? My thoughts settled soon on one point–to give an antidote to these colonies of tubercles, and decided on Bacillinum as the only means to bring on a change. She received on the 10th of August, 1891, 20 pellets, to continue every week the same dose. Visited her in October said year; great change; she began to talk and walk, the teeth sprouting out of the gum, the head a better form, and the general condition of the whole body was changed. Kept on by the same medicines. In November it was decided that I should go to London to a conference, to confer with Dr. Burnett. (Dr. Burnett mentioned my visit to him in his second edition of `Cure of Consumption,’ pages 151 and 152.) After this, every month brought some new change. It is just a year since the child came under my attendance, and what a change has Bacillinum 200 operated! The child talks, walks (even runs), has grown 3 1/2 inches, intelligence restored, enjoys her life extremely, being so cheerful and bright. Now, I am wrong to assert that the main causes of idiotism and cretinism are tubercles brought on either by bad virus of vaccination, or inherited from the parents the germ of such a dreadful calamity?

“JOHN YOUNG, M.D., “formerly of Brooklyn, N.Y.

“Forsthaus, Herisau, Switzerland.”

Beyond any question we have here many points brought forward by Dr. John Young, of very commendable interest and importance, both as corroborating what has been already brought forward, and as presenting some new features of importance. The conclusion of this paper by Dr. Young in the February (1893) issue of the Homoeopathic Recorder, and run thus:


“Case 1.-Another case of lameness, in which Bacillinum has shown its decided power to subdue and destroy the hindrance of growth and harmony in the whole body:

“Was called to examine a youth of about 18 years, in a city 20 miles distant from my residence. It was on July 9th this year. Found him sitting in an arm-chair. His upper limbs lame, especially the left arm, his legs crossed under the chair; positively impossible to move, either forward or backward; very little feeling in his legs; had to be carried from his bed in the morning to his chair in the sitting-room, and again, at night, to his bed. This had been his condition for about 18 months. His sleep was very heavy and profound; appetite was rather ravenous, especially for pickled things. His mental faculties very unsteady and heavy; unable to think much. On examining his leg, I found some hard knots around both knees and ankles, and also on the wrists, of the size of small nuts, tender to the touch. Studying the case very carefully, I came to the conclusion that those knots were colonies of tubercles, hindering the activity of the joints and deadening the feeling.

“The history runs as follows: He was working for several years in a factory, exposed to water and dampness, as his shop was underneath the factory. The constant dampness brought on in a slow way some stiffness in the limbs, especially the joints of the knees. At last, he was obliged to stay at home, was attended by several physicians, until he became perfectly helpless and lame. It was in this state I found him on the 9th of July, 1892. Prescribed Bacillinum 200, 25 small pellets every eight days. End of July, received news of some amelioration of the whole condition. Continued Bacillinum. Saw him on August 27th. He was able to use his arms a little, and move his legs. Again Bacillinum 30. On September 30th, received word of very great improvement. October 22nd, saw him again; his arms were all right, could move his legs forward and backward, and even stand on them; and no doubt in two or three months he will be as well as before his lameness. He was also troubled with enlargement of the glands of the neck and under the ears. Under the effects of Bacillinum this condition was alleviated, some of the enlargements opening and discharging a thick matter and afterwards healing.

“Case 2.-A consumptive case. On June 20, 1891, a gentleman brought his 13-year-old daughter for treatment. Examination revealed: Very weak lungs; isolated tubercles on both upper lobes of the lungs; pulse variable, from 95 to 100; strawberry tongue; brownish spots or blotches on the face; short breath; all appearance of quick decline, running into galloping consumption. Her parents were both of a scrofulous diathesis; I had attended her father for ophthalmia scrofulosa, and her mother for general weakness. Prescribed Bacillinum 200, one dose every eight days; also gave orders to feed the girl well, and for her to exercise in the open air; especially to be much in the sun, keeping her head well covered. From week to week the change became visible; her thin limbs rounded out, her face became fuller, and had a healthy color. In six months all the alarming symptoms had disappeared, and the child was healed.

“Case 3.-Another case of consumption. Was called on June 9th, 1892, to a village four miles from here, to see a girl of 20, low for several months with consumption. Found her very feeble; pulse hardly perceptible; visible vibration on both lungs; constant short, dry cough; face bloated; as also the rest of the body. The skin resembled parchment, but was moist and deadly-smelling; eyes haggard. The whole expression as one doomed to die!–indeed, a hopeless case! Left Bacillinum, one dose of 25 pellets every eighth day. Three weeks later her mother called at my house, telling me of a change for the better; the patient’s appetite had improved, and she rested better at night; was able to sit up and had become more cheerful. Continued Bacillinum. End of July, she was so much better, able to walk a little in the sun, to get warmed by its heat. The improvement would have gone on more rapidly, but her parents were very poor, and were unable to feed her properly. This case speaks loud enough of what Bacillinum is able to do, even in advanced cases of consumption.

James Compton Burnett
James Compton Burnett was born on July 10, 1840 and died April 2, 1901. Dr. Burnett attended medical school in Vienna, Austria in 1865. Alfred Hawkes converted him to homeopathy in 1872 (in Glasgow). In 1876 he took his MD degree.
Burnett was one of the first to speak about vaccination triggering illness. This was discussed in his book, Vaccinosis, published in 1884. He introduced the remedy Bacillinum. He authored twenty books, including the much loved "Fifty Reason for Being a Homeopath." He was the editor of The Homoeopathic World.