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2. Antidotes of Medicinal Intoxications

Antidotes of Medicinal Intoxications. The allopathic medicines are abandoned, their use being stopped, it is necessary in many cases to antidote the effects of these substances which have remained partially in the organism….

The patient has been treated allopathically. He is going to begin a Homoeopathic treatment.

A Homoeopathic doctor who takes all the responsibilities :

1. He is to judge at first if the patient is to continue allopathic treatment and at the same time a Homoeopathic treatment. As a general rule it is neither possible nor it is desirable. Nothing good can be obtained from giving ponderable doses of medicines, specially toxic and at the sametime homoeopathic medicines. But there are some exceptions; the most important is at the beginning of the treatment, the use of mild laxatives, of rather mechanical action (mucilages).

2. The allopathic medicines are abandoned, their use being stopped, it is necessary in many cases to antidote the effects of these substances which have remained partially in the organism. As a general rule, one principal remedy to antidote the medicinal intoxications is: Nux-vomica.

Nux vomica 30 will be prescribed, repeated every day if the use of medicines is recent and not prolonged. Nux-vomica 200 one dose (not to be repeated on principle), if on the contrary the patient has since long time been abundantly drugged.

Following is a list of principal medicines (Allopathic with the Homoeopathic remedies) which are very often capable to antidote them:

The Allopathic Medicinal substances are followed by their Homoeopathic Medicines Antidotes

Acid phosphoric

Camphora, Coffea

Salicylic acid

Nux-vomica (sometimes Natrum-muriaticum for Aspirine, Antipyrine for aspirine)


Digitalis, Cactus grandiflorus, Crataegus

Silver Nitrate

Natrum Muriaticum (washing, cauterisation, instillations, bladder, uterus, conjunctiva) Arsenicum-album.


Thuja (if hydrogenoid), Sulphur (if oxygenoid or carbonitrogenoid). Sometimes: China, Hepar sulphur, Nux-vomica.


Hyoscyamus, Camphora,


Mercurius Solubilis, Calcarea-carbonica, Capsicum, Nux vomica


Arsenicum Album, Ammonium carbonicum, Camphora.

Coffee, Cafeine

Ignatia, Nux-vomica, Pulsatilla, Aconite, Chamomilla.


Ignatia, Coffea, Pulsatilla, Cantharis (kidney), Dulcamara, Opium.


Cantharis (kidney), Dulcamara, Opium.


Phosphorus (liver).

Cocoa, Cocaine

Strong coffee (after anesthesia with Cocaine), and Gelsemium.


Arsenicum, Cocculus, Nux-vomica, Pulsatilla.


In man Mercurius-corrosivus

In woman Mercurius-solubilis (Teste)


Generally Nux-vomica. Sometimes: Aconine, Arsenicum album, or Ferrum metallicum (Teste).


Camphor, Nux-vomica, Opium. Serum d’Anguille.

Ergot, ergotin

Camphor, Opium.


Phosphorus (liver), Belladonna (bronchitis), Hepar-sulphur,

Hyoscyamas, Nux-vomica. (Clarke)


Pulsatilla (venous congestion and tuberculism.) Arsenicum, China, Hepar-sulphur, Lycopodium.

Cod liver oil

Hepar-sulphur, Lycopodium.

Hyoscyamus, Hyoscyamine

Belladonna, Camphor, China, Stramonium.

Iodine, Iodides

Hepar-sulphur, Thuja, Nitric-ac.



Mercury and its salts

Hepar-sulphur (very important), Kali iodatum, Nitric acid, Thuja, Silicea (for the sublimate.)

Rarely Arsenicum, China, Dulcamara, Ferrum-metallicum, Guaiacum, Mezereum.

Nux-vomica Sulphur, Camphor, Cocculus, Pulsatilla


Belladonna, Camphor in acute intoxication.

Morphinum, Hepar-sulphur, Ipeca, Nux-vomica in chronic intoxication. Alumina, Bryonia, Plumbum-met for constipation.


Belladonna, Ipeca for syrup of codein.


Ipeca, Cuprum-arsenicum in case of uremia.

Sulphur (in very high dilution).

In case of morphinomania Auto-Phlyctenotherapy.


Pulsatilla, Arsenicum-album, Camphor, Coffea, Nux-vomica,

Terebinthina. Aethusa-cynapium (Teste).


Causticum, Baryta-carbonica.

Zincum metallicum for sclerosis, arterial hypertension and paralysis.

Alumina, Antimonium-crudum, Cocculus, Opium, Nux-vomica.

Platina for digestive troubles and constipation.

Aurum, Syphilinum for nervous lesions.

Purgatives (Abuse of)


Quinquina, Quinine

In Europe Natrum-muriaticum (all temperaments).

Natrum sulphuricum (Hydrogenoids). In hot countries Arsenicum- album (de Chazal), while Natrum-muriaticum is dangerous and should be avoided in persons suffering from malaria.

According to the types of fevers,Arsenicum-album, (1 to 13 hours); Eupatorium-perfoliatum. (7 hrs. of midday),

Natrum-muriaticum (10 hrs.) for Nash.

In hydrogenoids Aranea-diadema. For splenomegaly, Ceanothus, Helianthus.

If there is no malaria, Ferrum-metallicum, ipeca, Nux-vomica, Pulsatilla.


Chamomilla, Colocynthis, Mercurius solubilis, Nux-vomica, Pulsatilla.

Sodium Salicylate

(See Salicylic acid)

Santonine, Semen contra

Belladonna, Camphor, China, Ipeca, Veratrum-album.

Serums (bad effects of)

Thuja, Arsenicum-album, Apis (oedema, urticaria) Pulsatilla. (arthritis), Urtica-urens (urticaria).

Stramonium (Datura)

Camphor (Teste), Belladonna, Hyoscyamus

(other solnacae of deliriums).


Cimicifuga, Sulphur, Thuja. In grave intoxication Curare.


Nux-vomica, Ignatia, Daphne indica, Gelsemium.

For creating disgust for tobacco:

Plantago (1x), Caladium, 3,6 (very inconstant).


Thuja, Ignatia, Selenium.

Persons who drink beer prefer tea, addicts to wine prefer coffee, because of instinctive antidotism. (Hering)


Thuja (very important), Silicea, malandrinum.

Drainage by Pulsatilla

For the pustules: Thuja 30.

Antimonium-crudum 6.


Camphor, Coffee, Cina, Pulsatilla.


Opium. Nux-vomica.

We see then that if Nux-vomica is the most frequent antidote of medicinal intoxications, it should not be used in a systematic way. One should always conform to the Law of Similitude and prescribe like a patient who has not been drugged, the remedy indicated by the symptoms. Nash has insisted on this point and it is logical. A patient may react in a different manner, according his constitution, his temperament but there are many medicines for antidoting medicinal intoxications to the drugs taken. Therefore there is not a single drug to antidote the medicinal intoxications, but there are many medicines for antidoting medicinal intoxications. The picture of symptoms observed in a drugged individual may show the physiognomy of a medicine other than those indicated here. It is therefore well understood that the Law of Similars should always be followed and the remedies that we have mentioned above should be understood only as the most important, and the most frequently used.


Authors consulted: Clarke, Boericke, Gibson Miller, Hering Teste. The non-classic indications which I have personally noted are marked with asterics.

Mauritius Fortier-Bernoville
Mauritius (Maurice) Fortier Bernoville 1896 – 1939 MD was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become the Chief editor of L’Homeopathie Moderne (founded in 1932; ceased publication in 1940), one of the founders of the Laboratoire Homeopathiques Modernes, and the founder of the Institut National Homeopathique Francais.

Bernoville was a major lecturer in homeopathy, and he was active in Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, and a founder of the le Syndicat national des médecins homœopathes français in 1932, and a member of the French Society of Homeopathy, and the Society of Homeopathy in the Rhone.

Fortier-Bernoville wrote several books, including Une etude sur Phosphorus (1930), L'Homoeopathie en Medecine Infantile (1931), his best known Comment guerir par l'Homoeopathie (1929, 1937), and an interesting work on iridology, Introduction a l'etude de l'Iridologie (1932).

With Louis-Alcime Rousseau, he wrote several booklets, including Diseases of Respiratory and Digestive Systems of Children, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Rheumatism, treatment of hay fever (1929), The importance of chemistry and toxicology in the indications of Phosphorus (1931), and Homeopathic Medicine for Children (1931). He also wrote several short pamphlets, including What We Must Not Do in Homoeopathy, which discusses the logistics of drainage and how to avoid aggravations.

He was an opponent of Kentian homeopathy and a proponent of drainage and artificial phylectenular autotherapy as well.