“July 4.-Hearing 3 inches off contact.

“July 13.-3 1/2 inches. Repeat dose.

“July 20.-Hears 5 inches.

“July 27.-Same. Repeat dose.

“July 31.-Hears 18 inches.

“At this date she told me of a symptom which may have been due to the last dose. On the 28th, suddenly, had pain in right upper teeth. This lasted all evening. She wrapped a stocking round her face, and the pain was gone in the morning.

“August 4.-Hears only 5 inches. Repeat.

“This was the last dose I gave her.

“On August 9, she heard 19 inches.

“On October 24, the hearing was practically normal; she heard 25 inches away.

“Case 9.-A well-made young man came into the Homoeopathic Hospital suffering from right-sided pneumonia, which rapidly cleared up under Bryonia, which was well indicated in the case. But long before he got the pneumonia he had suffered from loss of voice and pain in the throat, due to the presence of tubercles in the larynx, as was demonstrated by the laryngoscope.

“Shortly before he left, I put on his tongue a few globules of Koch’s Tuberculin 200 (F.C.).

“He experienced the greatest relief from this dose, and in a few days returned to his work, exceedingly pleased with himself. I begged him to come again as outpatient, and he promised to

do so, but failed to keep his promise. No doubt he was unable to get away from his work, and too well to risk losing it.

“Case 10.-A well-known prima donna had a severe attack of influenza last spring, the form taken being that of bronchitis. Two winters before she had peritonitis from the same cause, and before that, right-sided pneumonia, following immediately upon an `orificial’ operation in the United States. When I first saw her there was incessant cough; rales all over the chest; pains in the chest, right-side chiefly; and dullness in right apex. Under Sanguinaria the chest cleared and the violence of the symptoms subsided; but induration signs of a cavity at the right apex remained. Bacillin in occasional doses materially aided her recovery, and she has since passed through a very arduous season with great success.

Many cases of indurated glands have been cured by Bacillin in my hands; also cases of ringworm. One of the latter cases I will now mention.

“Case 11.-Master C——, aged 8, returned from school in December, 1891, with ringworm pretty well covering face, scalp and neck. There is a strong scrofulous taint in the family. Under Tellurium, and then Sulphur, he did well for a time, but on February 5th the eruption had spread all over his back, and was very irritable. Calcarea did much good, and afterwards Psoricum; but he was not quite clear by July 23, 1892.

“Rx Bacillin 30, four powders—one a week. Calcarea phos. 3, one tablet three times a day.

“August 10.-Head a good deal better. After this I did not see him for many months, his mother believing him to be quite well.

“On April 3d he was brought to me again that I might sign a certificate of health, as he had a nomination for a new school. On examining him closely I found still a scurvy spot of undoubted ringworm. It was now a case of curing to time, for the certificate had to be given in a fortnight, or he would have lost his chance.

“I again put him on Bacillin 30. “On the 18th the dose was repeated, as the spot was still visible.

“On the 27th the head was perfectly clear, and I was able to give him a clean bill of health.

“I will bring my long story to a close (though it is not by any means the whole of it) by narrating a case that has already light of print—-Homoeopathic World, April, 1893. This case will be found further back, but not told in such detail, and hence I reproduce it in Dr. Clarke’s own words.-Author.

“James K., aged 40, a carman, rather dark, shortish, but of fairly strong build, was admitted to Hahnemann Ward of the London Homoeopathic Hospital on the 17th of October last, giving the following history. There was no consumption in his family. Three years before admission he had an attack of influenza, which left him with a slight cough. His occupation entailed much exposure, and after Christmas, 1891, he gradually became weaker and weaker, until at last he was hardly able to rise in the morning, and he had not strength enough to lift anything at all heavy. He went to Hastings, but returned worse; he felt the air too bleak. After this he attended the North London Hospital as out- patient for a fortnight; then he was taken in, and discharged at the end of six weeks (in accordance with a rule of that hospital) improved. Whilst he was in the hospital he had two attacks of hemoptysis, spitting almost half a pint of blood on one occasion and a few spoonfuls on the other.

“About the end of August he again began to get worse, and steadily lost ground until the time of his admission. For over a year he had suffered from indigestion, a catching or shooting pain from the right mamma to the left shoulder, with a feeling of a lump at the root of the neck.

“Physical examination showed that there was consolidation of upper part of right lung with formation of a cavity, with slight indication of the left apex also being affected. The heart and other organs were normal.

“The cough was worse on rising in the morning, and in the evening. Expectoration scanty, hanging about throat and difficult to get away. An examination showed it to contain tubercle bacilli. The cough caused pain in the right side. The irritation which caused the cough seemed to be in the chest. Movement or any exertion aggravated it. He could not lie on his right side. At times he felt as if he could hardly breathe. Was very weak. Had night perspirations. Appetite fair; bowels regular.

“Under Bryonia 1 the pain in the side improved; under Acid nitricum 12, and afterwards Arsenicum iod. 3x, there was some improvement. Later he became troubled with constipation, feeling of nausea and mental depression. Nux 3 and Sulph. 30 did good in these respects. Phosphorus6 had no particular effect.

“On November 9, as he was still complaining of the weight on the right side of the chest, the cough symptoms continuing, I gave him on his tongue three globules of Tuberculin H. 100. Improvement was noted on the 14th. On the 16th the dose was repeated. He then reported himself as feeling better. He had gained 1 1/4 lbs. in weight since October 27th. He now complained of a lump at the chest coming on when he had eaten a little; much flatulence passing downwards, so he was put on Lycopodium 6, and continued on this for a week, during which time the flatulence and other symptoms of disordered digestion improved much. At the end of the week a sharp attack of diarrhoea supervened, stools sudden, watery, light brown, with much wind. Colocynth 3 soon put this right.

“On the 30th of November another dose of Tuberc. was given, and again on the 10th and 17th of December.

“Up to the 17th of December there had been steady improvement. On that day the patient was feeling less well. More cough, tickling and wheezing on chest, tongue rather dirty, no appetite. On the 19th a rheumatic attack began to develop, with pains in ankles and wrist. There was fever and heavy night sweats, with night aggravation of the cough. The pain was chiefly in left ankle and across instep, and under left knee. There was also pain in right great toe (which he had before). Under Mercurius sol. 12 these symptoms passed away by December 30th; but the cough continued to be troublesome, occurring between 12 midnight and 3 A.M., first thing on waking. Sinking sensation on getting up. Kali carb. 12, Arsen. 30, and Bryonia 30 were given in succession without producing any observable effect, and on January 4th Tuberc. was repeated. After this he made rapid progress, but the cough still troubled him a good deal. There was a tickling behind the middle of the- sternum. The cough came on in the afternoon. He was put on Lachesis 12, one drop every two hours, on the 12th of January, and by the 23d the cough had left him completely, and did not return. He regained the flesh he had lost, and was quite free from all symptoms referable to the chest.

“The condition of the right lung on February 2d was as follows: Tympanitic note on percussion above and below right clavicle; tubular breathing. Expiration prolonged and harsh over the upper lobe anteriorly, and as far down as the sixth rib at the back. No moist sounds.

“The patient left the hospital, looking and feeling quite well, on February 3d. The consumptive process was completely arrested and the patient practically cured. Of course the lung tissue that had already been destroyed could not be restored, hence the physical signs of a cavity remained. But the cavity was a healed cavity, and not an ulcerating one.

Although other remedies were given, I am inclined to give the chief share of the credit of this cure to Tuberculinum, for the first marked change for the better took place whilst under its influence. I have never given this remedy in more frequent doses than one a week; and I have never found that it interfered with its action to give intercurrent doses of other remedies that might seem indicated by the symptoms.

James Compton Burnett
James Compton Burnett was born on July 10, 1840 and died April 2, 1901. Dr. Burnett attended medical school in Vienna, Austria in 1865. Alfred Hawkes converted him to homeopathy in 1872 (in Glasgow). In 1876 he took his MD degree.
Burnett was one of the first to speak about vaccination triggering illness. This was discussed in his book, Vaccinosis, published in 1884. He introduced the remedy Bacillinum. He authored twenty books, including the much loved "Fifty Reason for Being a Homeopath." He was the editor of The Homoeopathic World.