Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Keynote symptoms of homeopathy medicine Lycopodium Clavatum, described by A. L. Monroe in his book, Method of Memorizing the Materia Medica, published in 1882…….


Lung and Intestinal affections

Yellow, wrinkled skin with Melancholia

Chronic Cases with Constipation,

Or Acute Affections with Adynamia,

Paralyzed Lungs in Pneumonia threaten,

Or Paralyzed Brain in Typhoid dread;

Dropping of jaw, while eye looks fishy,

In low delirium slides down the bed.

Up from the table he quickly rises,

“My appetite is good,” he says;

“Come, Doctor, this my mind surprises,

“Little fills me up so full these days.”

“Ah, ‘t is the gas your stomach filling,

“Vast in proportion as your see,

“And worse from four to eight of evening;

“This will with other symptoms be.”

Urine deposits “brick dust,” like all secretions, sour;

Malnutrition with orgasms, and Ague with chill at four.

A.L. Monroe
Dr Andrew Leight MONROE (1856-1935)
American homeopath - Louisville.
Chair of materia medica at Pulte College in Cincinnati.