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Lycopodium clavatum – Homeopathy Remedy

Homeopathy medicine Lycopodium Clavatum from Nash’s Testimony of the Clinic, comprising the characteristic symptoms of homeopathic remedies from his clinical experience, published in 1911….


(9) Case. – F. Luce, aged ten years, light complexion, hair and blue eyes. Taken first with a chill followed by high fever. There was severe headache and pains in back and limbs. Pulse 140.

Throat hurts when he swallows. Examination of throat reveals right tonsil much swollen and covered with thick yellowish membrane. The left tonsil just beginning to enlarge; very offensive breath. Nose so stuffed up that he cannot breathe with mouth closed. Disease seemed to commence in the nose and go down. Very restless, having only short naps at a time, when patient awakes, kicking and crying and very cross. With these symptoms there could be only one appropriate remedy. B. Lycopodium c. c. in solution, a spoonful once in two hours until the child rested better, then at longer intervals.

Next day the fever was less, patient slept better and longer at a time, and the formation of membrane seemed checked. For two days following the case seemed to progress favorably, when the child was carried into an adjoining room (the kitchen) where the doors were often open. This was on the morning of the fourth day.

In the afternoon a hoarse, croupy cough appeared, and continued to grow rapidly worse until 9 P. M., when I was sent for. Found the child sitting upright in the father’s arms, bent forward, the only position in which it could breathe with any degree of comfort. Breathing extremely difficult and wheezing. Frequent croupy cough and paroxysms of suffocation. There was now, also, a profuse, watery or rather stringy mucous discharge from the nose with very watery eyes. No extension of membrane in sight, but the formation is evidently gone down into the larynx. B. Kali bich. 30 in solution, once an hour, until amelioration, then at lengthened intervals.

Improvement was manifest before midnight, and the case went on to recovery with no change of medicine except a few doses of Causticum 200 to recover an inability to speak loud. Lycop. would have cured this case “but for the exposure.”

My own little girl, aet. five years, was taken with about the same symptoms, except that the nasal symptoms in the beginning were more intense. A large piece of membrane forming high up in the posterior nares and hanging down an inch in sight. The right tonsil was greatly swollen and covered with membrane. She was cured by Lycopodium 6 m (Jenichen), no other remedy being needed. The large piece of membrane (post nasal) came off entire on the third day during her sleep, so choking her that her mother snatched her from the cradle to prevent her choking to death. She turned the child immediately upon her face, but the membrane was swallowed. There were no laryngeal symptoms in this case. (Nash.)

Remarks. – Have cured several similar cases besides, some of them even more severe than these, but will not take the space to report them here, but will corroborate them with cures by others. (N.)

CC Diphtheria. CC

(10 Case. – Miss A., aet. 10, patches of membrane on right tonsil, of a dirty white color Stoppage of the nose, is unable to breathe through it; headache, high fever; aching of the whole body. Lycop. 6 m, one dose cured. (Goodno, Philadelphia.)

(11) Case. – Master H., aet. 7. Membrane of a grayish color developed from right to left; stoppage of nose with excoriating coryza, is unable to breathe through it; lies with mouth open and tongue protruding; headache in right side of head; constipation; fever; all symptoms worse about 4 P. M. Lycopodium c. c. one dose cured. (Goodno.)

Remarks. – Here are four cases of diphtheria with well known indications, cured by Lycopodium in potency. I could give many more of my own as well as of others.

CC Cough. CC

(12) Case. – Cough from bronchial irritation. K., aged fourteen, remarkably feeble and lean and of weak muscular development, but of sensitive mind and excellent intellect, whose mother died of consumption, has coughed for more than a week, dry and hoarse, day and night, coughs also in his sleep; then violent dry cough in the mornings; great emaciation; auscultation and percussion elicit no signs of serious lesion of the lungs; respiration and action of heart abnormally rapid from nervous excitement. Lycopod. 200, two doses produced immediate improvement, and subsequent rapid recovery. The same symptoms were corroborated soon after by another case (dry cough day and night in feeble, emaciated boy.) (C. Wesselhoeft.)

CC Dyspepsia. CC

(13) Case. – A mason, temperament nervobilious; for the last year has had dyspepsia. For two hours after eating spits up his food, but it is not acid. A few mouthfuls of food seems to full him to the throat. Stomach bloats a great deal with flatus, which gives him much distress. Bowels constipated. Has much dull frontal headache. Has taken much cathartic medicine, which does no good. In this case every symptom except the last one is a most prominent characteristic of Lycopodium in its whole pathogenesis. One prescription of the 30th made a perfect cure. (Burt.)

Remarks. – Many more cases might be given of this wonderful remedy of which the old school of medicine knows almost nothing, but this is not our object in this work. We only give a few under each remedy. In my lectures on materia medica in New York, after going over the remedy in detail, I give at the end a sort of resume of seven most prominent symptoms around which the whole drug revolved. This was the one for Lycopodium.

1. Spare, thin, faced, furrowed or wrinkled, dark, sallow persons.

2. Much flatulence, most in lower abdomen, with much rumbling of wind, mostly pressing downward.

3. uric acid diathesis, red sand in clear urine.

4. Right – sided complaints, which often go over to the left.

5. Satiety or hunger, but fills up quickly and bloats after eating.

6. Worse from 4 to 8 P. M. (the grand characteristic.)

7. Mind irritable, angry or depressed, weeping or stupid; impending paresis.

I might add here if I had not confined myself to seven.

1. Uncovering (>), ( Silicea reverse.)

2. (>) by warm drinks.

3. Suddenness (flashes, pains, satiety.)

4. Hand clutching entrails (sensation.)

5. Restlessness (>) by motion. ( Rhus. )

6. Right foot hot, left cold.

7. Burning pains (>) by heat (scapular, breasts).

8. Dryness of parts (mucous membranes, vagina, skin, especially palms.).

Dr. E.B. Nash 1838- 1917, was considered one of our finest homeopaths and teachers. He was Prof. of Materia Medica at the N.Y. Homoeopathic Medical College and President of International Hahnemannian Assoc. His book Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics is a classic. This article is from: :The Medical Advance - A monthly magazine of homoeopathic medicine - edited and published by H.C. Allen, M. D.