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LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM…


This is truly a vegetative remedy, having a specific action upon the ganglionic nervous system. Hughes says: It is a purely vegetative remedy, affecting the great tracts of mucous membrane, with their cutaneous continuation. The digestive canal and liver is the most important seat of its action.

It also has a specific action upon the mucous membrane of the lungs and kidneys.


I find it the very best medicine, where the patient is suffering from an excess of lithic acid gravel, and look upon the copious sediments of this nature as one of the most unerring indications for its choice in dyspepsia.

Terrific pain in the back previous to every urination, with relief as soon as the urine begins to flow.

Red sand in the child’s diaper. This is its most prominent characteristic.

Digestive Organs.-The great key-note for its use in the digestive organs, is excessive accumulation of flatus.

She has a constant sensation of satiety, takes no food, and if asked why, replies, she wants nothing, because she is full, and that the least morsel causes a sensation of fulness up to the throat.

Much borborygmus, particularly in the left hypochondrium.- Constant sense of fermentation in the abdomen, like a pot of yeast working.

Cutting pain across the hypogastrium, from right to left.

Constipation; almost impossible to evacuate the stools.

Constipation must be a prominent symptom when Lycopodium is indicated.

Sour vomiting.

Great accumulation of flatulence in the small intestines.

This is a most valuable remedy in dyspepsia.

Slow and depraved digestion.

Acidity and heartburn, with unconquerable sleep after dinner.-RAUE.

Great fermentation in the abdomen, and discharge of much flatulence.

Enteritis in children, caused flatulent food.-RAUE.

Old hepatic congestions.-POPE.

Respiratory Organs.-This is a remedy of great value in organic disease of the lungs. Dr. Pope says: Few medicine are so valuable in pulmonary phthisis as this, when persistently used.

The cough, gastric irritation, exhaustion, and intercurrent attacks of pleurisy, are wonderfully mitigated by it.

Persistent catarrh, with much general weakness, and takes cold very easily.

Passive catarrh of the air-passages, with copious expectoration.

Expectoration of large quantities of pus; cough day and night; hectic fever; circumscribed redness of the cheeks.-RAUE.

Great emaciation of the upper part of body, while the lower portion is enormously distended.-RAUE.

Night sweats; perspiration cold, clammy, sour, fetid, smelling like onions.

Fan-like motion of the alae nasi, in respiratory diseases of young people and children.

Hard dry cough all day and night; great emaciation and prostration.-C. WESSELHOEFT.

Apt to be worse, 4 p.m.

Female Organs.-Menses too soon and too profuse.

Chronic dryness of the vagina.

Discharge of wind from the vagina.

Profuse leucorrhoea, with cutting pains across the right side to the left. With much flatulence.

Sharp pains run round each labia.

Nipples bleed much and are very sore.

Skin.-Chronic inflammatory diseases of the skin.

Slow degeneration of the skin.

Plica polonica.

Generalities.-Inflammation of the ends of the bone.

One foot cold, the other hot.

Lycopodium is of the greatest importance in many of the worst cases of typhoid fever. Incarcerated flatulence, borborygmus and tympanitis will draw attention to this remedy in such cases; and many other symptoms will be found to; correspond, especially those of the skin, stool, urine, and the great prostration. Such apparently hopeless cases, I have seen recover under Lycopodium high. Give the 200th in very rare or single doses (as milder and safer in its action) in preference to the still higher potencies, which latter I have seen act with dangerous violence.-F.

Great fear of being left alone.

Observing disposition.

Mental, nervous and bodily weakness.-RAUE.

Dry porrigo of children.

Grayish yellow color of the face.

Aggravation of the disease at 4 p.m.; better after eight or nine in the evening.

Especially adapted to diseases of the lungs and digestive organs.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881