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Lycopodium Clavatum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Lycopodium Clavatum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

     Club Moss. Lycopodiacea.

     A low creeping perennial, found in dry woods in all parts of the world, but is most frequent in Northern countries. The medicinal part is the powder, which is collected in Germany and other places in Europe. It is a fine, very mobile, pale yellowish dust, free from odor and taste. Seen through the microscope it appears round on one side, while the other forms a short three sided pyramid. When thrown into a flame it burns suddenly and with a hissing noise. A trituration of the powder precedes the preparation of the alcoholic tincture.

     Introduced by Hahnemann and proved by himself, Gersdorff, Goullon, Hartlaub, Rummel, Schreter, Wahle, Rückert (see Chronische Krankheiten), Schelling (Allg. Hom. Ztg, vol. 25, p. 357, vol. 82, p. 121), Seguin (Hygea, vol. 19, p. 11), Genzke (Hygea, vol. 22, p. 446), Martin (a collection of provings, Vierteljahrschrift, vol. 10, p. 52), Huber (a collection of provings, Zeit. d. Verbascum Hom. Oestr., 1857, vol. 1, p. 333), smaller provings by Robinson and Epps ; with higher potencies by Berridge (N. A. J. Hom., 1871 and 1873 ; also N. E. Medorrhinum Gaz., 1874).


Insanity, Wesselhoeft, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 48 ; Cerebral paresis, Berridge, Org., vol. 1, p. 29 ; Forgetfulness, Œhme, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 46 ; Chronic crying, Miller, Org, vol. 3, p. 106 ; Pain in forehead, Berridge, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 211 ; Eczema capitis, Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 245 ; Amaurosis, Hilberger, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 147 ; Hemeralopia (2 cases), Allen, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 72 ; Dimness of lens, Diez, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 328 ; Ophthalmia neonatorum, Goullon, B. J. H., vol. 6, p. 483 ; Conjunctivitis, Goullon, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 253 ; Polypus eye, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 317 ; Dulness of hearing, Lobethal, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 366 : Otorrhoea, Lobethal, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 367 ; Nasal catarrh, Fisher, Org., vol. 2, p. 127 ; Goullon, Hahnemann, Kafka, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 125 ; Pain in face, Tietze, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 463 ; Warts on chin, Zeller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 310 ; Odontalgia, Altschul, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 207 ; Swelling of gums and headache, Swan, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 84 ; Affections of mouth, Rummel, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 125 ; Sore throat, Berridge, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 72, 1875, p. 85 ; Ulcerated throat, Berridge, Hom. Phys., vol. 4, p. 46, vol. 3, p. 99 ; Inflammation of fauces, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 243 ; Tendency to tonsillitis, Garrison, H. M., vol. 12, p. 233 ; Tonsillitis and Pemphigus, Eggert, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 70 ; Price, Hah. Mo., vol. 12, p. 129 ; Diphtheria, Price, Hah. Mo., vol. 12, p. 129 ; Nash, Hom. Phys., vol. 4, p. 332 ; Blakely, Stow, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 151 ; Parsons, Trans. Hom. Medorrhinum Soc. Pa., 1882, p. 197 ; Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 85 ; Mohr, Hah. Mo., vol. 13, p. 537 ; (2 cases) Butler, Hom. Phys., vol. 2, p. 465 ; McGeorge, Guernsey, Lippe, Œhme’s Therap. (2 cases), Wesselhoeft, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 101 ; Schmitt, Hom. Phys., vol. 6, p. 252 ; (5 cases) Goodno, Wesselhoeft, Price, Œhme’s Therap. ; Bulimia, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 552 ; Gastralgia, gastritis, Goullon, N. A. J. H., vol. 8, p. 278 ; Cramps in stomach, Haustein, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 117 ; Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 638, vol. 3, p. 192 ; Hartlaub, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 637 ; Cramps in stomach (3 cases), Goullon, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 314 ; Flatulent indigestion (5 cases), Bayes, B. J. H., vol. 30, pp. 148-50 ; Affection of stomach and abdomen, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 639 ; Affection of stomach, Tietze, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 637 ; Digestive disturbances and tapeworm, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 805 ; Dyspepsia, Burt, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 130 ; Hutchinson, B. J. H., vol. 25, p. 500 ; Chronic ulcers on leg, and dyspepsia, Terry, N. A. J. H., vol. 25, p. 307 ; Inflammation of liver, Kreuss, Weber, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 678 ; Goullon, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 335 ; Affection of liver, Hofrichter, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, pp. 313, 335, 339, 340 ; Goullon, N. A. J. H., vol. 8, p. 278 ; Gerstel, Allg. Hom. Zeit., vol. 101, p. 139 ; Indurated pylorus and affection of liver, Nunez, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 313 ; Pains in abdomen, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 638 ; Colic, Schwarze, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 754 ; Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 753 ; (3 cases) Goullon, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 365 ; Renal colic, Goullon, N. A. J. H., vol. 8, p. 278 ; Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 366 ; Flatulency, Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 754 ; (2 cases) Bayes, B. J. H., vol. 30, p. 150 ; Incarcerated flatulence, Gallupe, Org., vol. 3, p. 362 ; Flatulency and tapeworm, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 805 ; Enteritis in infants, Hughes, Pharmacodynamics, p. 509 ; Chronic duodenitis, Dunham’s Lec., vol. 2, p. 259 ; Peritonitis, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 727 ; Inguinal hernia on right side, Baker, Org., vol. 1, p. 481 ; Jameson, N. E. M. G., vol. 13, p. 256 ; Wells, Hah. Mo., vol. 12, p. 224 ; Schelling, Goullon, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 381 ; Abdominal complaints, Kreuss, Lobethal, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 588 ; Abdominal affections, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 754 ; Chronic diarrhoea, Elb, Allg. Hom. Zeit., vol. 111, p. 163 ; Diarrhoea after suppression of skin eruptions, Laird, Hah. Mo., vol. 17, p. 8 ; Dysentery, Holcombe, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 145 ; Constipation, Linsley, Hom. Clin., vol. 1, p. 44 ; Hah., Tietze, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 816 ; Hilberger, Bernard and Strong, p. 64 ; Pope, Allg. Hom. Zeit., vol. 107, p. 190 ; Hilberger, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 395 ; Chronic constipation, Lejin, B. J. H., vol. 2, p. 284 ; Diabetes insipidus, Mueller, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 129 ; Diabetes, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 211 ; Cystitis, Chancerel, Hom. Phys., vol. 2, p. 53 ; Conant, Raue’s Rec., 1874 ; Hamaturia, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 19 ; Thatcher, Org., vol. 1, p. 484 ; Renal calculi, Hochecker, Allg. Hom. Zeit, vol. 109, p. 139 ; Vesical calculus and hamaturia, Hackett, Raue’s Rec., 1873, pp. 142-3 ; Gravel, Berridge, Hom. Phys., vol. 6, p. 78 ; Tietze, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 19 ; Affection of bladder, Martin, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 239 ; Strangury, Goullon, N. A. J. H., vol. 4, p. 344 ; Incontinence of urine, Smith, Org., vol. 2, p. 320 ; (2 cases) Lobethal, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 44 ; Loss of sexual feeling in old men, Price, Hah. Mo., vol. 12, p. 128 ; Impotence, Hah., Boenninghausen, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 59 ; Urethral discharge and ulcers on penis, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 246 ; Chancre, Price, Hah. Mo., vol. 12, p. 130 ; Uterine displacement, Butler, Hom. Phys., vol. 2, p. 465 ; Menstrual affections, Hahnemann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 236 ; Amenorrhoea, Nichols, Raue’s Rec., 1872 ; p. 179 ; Tietze, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 236 ; Leucorrhoea, Hirschel, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 162, Hahnemann, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 363 ; Disease of vagina, Mueller, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 153 ; Flatus from vagina, Hahnemann, Kallenbach, Okie, Morgan, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 252 ; Tumors in mamma, Items, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 649 ; Digestive disturbances during pregnancy, Sommer, Griesslich, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 383 ; Vomiting during pregnancy, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 161 ; Threatened abortion, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 316 ; Uterine hemorrhage after abortion (2 cases), Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 315 ; Labor pains, Guernsey, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 163 ;
Tympanitis after confinement, Duncan, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 186 ; Childbed fever, Jackson, Org., vol. 1, p. 293 ; Peritonitis after confinement, Knerr, MSS. ; Cracking and soreness of nipples, Tietze, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 417 ; Sore nipples, Tietze, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 195 ; Bronchitis with affections of liver, Goullon, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 96 ; Dyspnoea, Herse, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 112, p. 68 ; Cough, Wesselhoeft, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 109 ; Chronic cough, Boyce, N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 87 ; Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 686 ; Pressure in chest, Landesmann, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 110 ; Pains in chest, Berridge, Hom. Phys., vol. 4, p. 291 ; Tedious catarrhal affections of chest, Goullon, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 18 ; Capillary bronchitis, Packer, N. E. M. G., vol. 13, p. 254 ; Pneumonia, Garrison, H. M., vol. 12, p. 233 ; Wells, Hah. Mo., vol. 12, p. 224 ; Bowie, Times Retros, vol. 3, p. 31 ; Pearson, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 120 ; Wilson, Hom. Rev., vol. 4, p. 138 ; Knerr, MSS., Hartmann, Mueller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 299 ; Chronic pneumonia, bronchitis, Meyhoffer, Raue’s Rec., p. 375 ; Latent pneumonia, Price, Hah. Mo., vol. 12, p. 128 ; Phthisis florida, Garrison, H. M., vol. 12, p. 233 ; Consumption, Lobethal, Rückert, Hartlaub, Gross, Kreussler, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, pp. 381-3 ; Lung affection, Hom. Clin., vol. 3, p. 39 ; Boyce, Theuerkauf, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 686 ; Cushing, N. E. M. G., vol. 8, p. 206 ; Inflammation of diaphragm, Kreuss, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 726 ; Affection of heart, Hendricks, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 111, p. 119 ; Carotid aneurism, Hughes, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 109 ; Raue’s P., p. 465 ; Torticollis, Price Hah. Mo., vol. 12, p. 130 ; Bronchocele (3 cases), Gilchrist’s Surgery, p. 372 ; Barrows, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 153 ; Ulcerations on neck, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 286 ; Ulcer on shoulder, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 287 ; Boils in axilla, Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 183 ; Affection of hand and arm, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 561 ; Anasthesia of hands, Hale, N. E. M. G., vol. 3, p. 32 ; Ulcers on leg, Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 287 ; Arnold, B. J. H., vol. 2, p. 279 ; Ulcer on ankle, on foot, Tietze, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 286 ; Tearing in instep, Leonard, Org., vol. 3, p. 356 ; Ulcers on legs and forearm, Knorre, Rück., Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 287 ; Trismus, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 580 ; Jones, Hom. Clin., vol. 2, p. 271 ; Hysteria, Haustein, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 611 ; Debility, Lippe, N. E. M. G., vol. 9, p. 555 ; Febrile attacks (3 cases), Hesse, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 112, p. 110, vol. 113, p. 163 ; Intermittent fever, Spooner, Org., vol. 1, p. 222 ; Hawkes, Org., vol. 2, p. 131 ; (3 cases) Price, Times Retros., vol. 3, pp. 30-1 ; Price, Hah. Mo., vol. 12, p. 132 ; Ague, Bernreuter, Brigham, Albus, Intermittent Fever, pp. 166 and 167 ; Quotidian ague, Goodno, Org., vol. 3, p. 371 ; Epidemic ague, Price, Allen’s Intermittent Fever, p. 166 ; Typhoid fever, Rummel, Lobethal, Schleicher, Goullon, Goebel, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 14, p. 745 ; Fever during pneumonia, Hesse, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 111, p. 163 ; Fetid perspiration, Gorton, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 296 ; Intermittent rheumatic pains, Laurie, B. J. H., vol. 12, p. 494 ; Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 900 ; Rheumatism, Baxter, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 201 ; Berridge, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 192 ; Gaspary, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 519 ; Schell, Tietze, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, pp. 520, 521 ; Morrison, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 222 ; Matlock, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 13, p. 519 ; Laurie, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 900 ; Chronic rheumatism, Martin, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 277 ; Chronic rheumatic gout, Wells, Hom. Rev., vol. 3, p. 257 ; Ascites, Jeanes, B. J. H., vol. 34, p. 710 Anasarca, hydrothorax, Gauwesky, Homer, Bernstein, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, pp. 350-2 ; Dropsy, Seguin, B. J. H., vol. 2, p. 284 ; Schelling, B. J. H., vol. 34, p. 711 ; Post-scarlatinal dropsy, Lorbach, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 56 ; Lithiasis, Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 19 ; Gout, Tietze, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 521 ; Psora, with a complication of diseased states, Skinner, Org., vol. 1, p. 160 ; Rachitis, Marwig, N. A. J. H., vol. 12, p. 134 ; Syphilis, Mosaik, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 125 ; Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 125 ; Intertrigo, Seguin, B. J. H., vol. 2, p. 284 ; Crusta lactea, Garrison, H. M., vol. 12, p. 233 ; Herpes, Sousurans, Arcularius, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 64 ; Barber’s itch, Guernsey, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 135 ; Eczema, Attomyr, Bethmann, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 246 ; Psoriasis, Price, Hah. Mo., vol. 12, p. 127 ; Navus maternus, Clifton, Hah. Mo., vol. 13, p. 253 ; Condylomata, Simon, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 125 ; Scarlatina (Lycop. and Arum triph.), Lippe, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 251 ; Verifications of unverified symptoms, Winans, Trans. Hom. Medorrhinum Soc. Pa., 1881, pp. 158, 159, 160, 161.


Vanishing of thoughts.
Weak memory, old people are very forgetful.
Uses wrong words for correct ideas ; uses wrong syllables ; makes mistakes in writing ; spells words wrong ; mixes up letters and syllables, or omits parts of words.
She was quite unable to write ; having written a letter, she could not read it.
Cannot remember meaning of single letters ; imitates in writing without knowing signification.
Cannot read, because meaning of certain letters is not clear ; makes mistakes in speaking, because he cannot get right words ; when subject is very important, words are correctly chosen. θ Indigestion.
Thoughts confused, unable to fix them ; difficult to find fitting words.
Absent minded ; supposes to be in two places at a time.
Mental torpor and weakness ; slow of comprehension ; dulness to imbecility.
Fancies and delirium.
Child desires to be carried.
Taciturnity ; desires to be alone.
Dread : of men ; of solitude, irritability and melancholy.
Weeps all day, cannot calm herself, < from 4 to 8 P. M.
Sensitive ; even cries when thanked.
Her answers are quick, anxious and tremulous ; wandering ; imperiousness ; speaks with an air of command ; manner stiff and pretentious ; strikes her attendant and grows angry ; scolds much and violently at imaginary persons, or laughs and cries alternately, or is exceedingly hilarious.
Catching at flocks.
Excessively merry and laughs at simplest things, again melancholy and low spirited.
Melancholy : has doubts about her salvation ; before catamenia ; in child characters.
Desponding, grieving mood.
Satiety of life, particularly mornings in bed.
Apprehensiveness, difficult breathing ; fearfulness.
Easily frightened and starts up ; feels frightened at everything, even ringing of door bell.
Anthropophobia (in children) ; fear of phantoms in evening, with anguish.
Anxious thoughts, as if about to die, for which she prepares farewell messages.
Indifferent, taciturn ; insensibility to external impressions.
Amativeness or amorousness.
Want of self-confidence ; indecision ; timidity ; resignation.
Loss of confidence : in his own vigor ; in physician and remedies.
Sensitive, irritable disposition ; peevish and cross on getting awake ; easily excited to anger ; cannot endure slightest opposition, and is speedily beside herself.
Obstinate, defiant, arbitrary ; seeks disputes.
Very ill humored and morose, just before menstruation.
Discontented and impatient.
Misanthropic ; flies even from his own children.
Distrustful, suspicious and fault finding.
θ Dyspepsia. θ Chronic hepatic congestion. θ Excess of lithic gravel.
Haughty, reproachful and overbearing.
Parsimonious, greedy, avaricious, malicious and pusillanimous.
Ailments from fright, anger, mortification, or vexation, with reserved displeasure.
Nervous action weakened ; threatened softening of brain from overwork, or metastasis of ulcers suddenly healed.
Oversensitiveness to pain ; patient is beside himself.


Impending cerebral paralysis ; somnolence ; staring eyes ; dropped jaw. θ Cerebro-spinal meningitis.
Stupor, right pupil dilated ; grunting expirations, occasional outcries ; tympanitis ; head bent back ; urine dark ; constipated ; lower jaw sunken ; sliding down in bed.
Stupefying headache ; heat in temples and ears ; mouth and lips dry ; < from 4 to 8 P. M., rising up or lying down.
Vertigo : rising from seat ; whilst drinking ; in hot room ; in morning, when and after rising from bed, he reels back and forth ; in forenoon ; nausea, seems as though everything were turning round ; constantly dreads falling.
Congestion of blood to head, especially in morning when raising himself in bed.
Gets hot, face reddens, eyes water and become dim.
θ Vertigo.


Hammering pain in centre of forehead.
Tearing in forehead or right side of head, extending down to neck, with tearing in face, eyes and teeth ; < on rising, > lying down.
Burning, tearing pain in forehead, day and night.
Much dull frontal headache.
Headache above eyes : immediately after breakfast ; accompanying severe colds.
Pain in temples, as if screwed together ; < during menses.
Stitches in temples, mostly right, from within outward.
Semilateral headache ; shattered or concussed feeling at every step.
Pressing headache on vertex ; < from 4 to 8 P. M., from stooping, lying down and exerting mind ; followed by great weakness.
Pain in upper part of occiput, followed by unconsciousness. θ Hydrocephalus.
Awakes with violent headache, throbbing on top of head.
Throbbing in brain, leaning head backward, during day.
Headache as if bones of skull were being driven asunder, or as if brain was vacillating to and fro, especially when walking, going up stairs, or rising from stooping.
Throbbing headache : from motion ; after every paroxysm of coughing.
Congestive headache ; head seems as if it would burst.
Shaking in head on stepping hard.
Headache with stupefaction.
Violent headache at night, as if caused by a wrong position.
If she does not eat during ravenous hunger, she is attacked with headache, which disappears after eating.
Headache < from warmth of bed, getting warm while walking, and from mental exertion, or chagrin ; > lying down, in open, cold air, and uncovering head.
Drowsiness, loud screams during sleep ; sleep with half open eyes, throwing head from side to side with moaning ; bad humor after sleep ; comatose ; emaciation ; pale face ; flushes of heat in face ; spasmodic twitching of face ; stiff neck ; constipation ; complications with eruptive fevers and pneumonia. θ Tubercular meningitis.
Dread of solitude ; active, irritable and melancholy mind ; stupefying headache, pain extending down neck, with great weakness ; acute hearing, with roaring in ears ; acute smell ; tongue swollen ; bloating of abdomen, with tension as of a hoop, same in chest ; much flatus ; urine loaded with lithates ; burning pain between shoulders ; numbness and twitching through body and limbs.
θ Cerebro-spinal meningitis.
In delicate anemic children ; heaviness and obtuseness of head ; stupefaction ; convulsive motions of head, face, and extremities ; hemiopia or amblyopia ; coldness of face or of whole body ; indistinct speech and heaviness of tongue ; sleepiness ; screaming out in sleep, delirious words ; frequently indicated after Calcar., when erethic symptoms are followed by deep coma.
θ Hydrocephalus acutus.


Tearing, boring and scraping on external head during night.
Head drawn to right side, or bent backward ; spasmodic shaking of head.
Head easily becomes cold ; cutting soreness of scalp.
Itching of scalp ; dandruff, smelling badly.
Pityriasis in spots on scalp ; fair haired, strumous girls.
Eruption, beginning on back of head ; crusts thick, easily bleeding, oozing a fetid moisture or emitting a mousy smell ; < at night, after scratching, and from warmth.
θ Crusta lactea.
Eruption on head with swollen cervical glands.
Circular patch on vertex denuded of hair ; scalp puffed up by accumulation in subjacent cellular tissue of bloody, offensive pus, which discharges from time to time.
θ Herpes tonsurans.
Whole of occipital region and also other parts of head covered with a thick, loose and porous crust, bottom of which seemed full of vermin ; severe itching, causing constant scratching and rubbing ; discharge of bloody, watery, lymph-like pus, so profuse that it ran down neck and back, < at night ; glands of throat and neck swollen ; extremely offensive odor ; face pale and covered with small red pimples, points of which contain pus ; eruption behind ears ; outer ear occasionally covered with thick crusts ; discharge of pus from ear.
Plica polonica.
Hair falls off : after abdominal diseases ; after parturition ; burning, scalding, itching of scalp, especially on getting warm from exercise.
Hair becomes grey too early.


Photophobia ; evening light blinds him ; in artificial light all objects tremble.
Eyes dazed by light, and painful as if bruised.
Floating black spots before eyes ; sparks in the dark ; letters run together or become indistinct while reading or writing, must vary distance of page ; as of a veil and flickering, after siesta ; obscuration as from feathers.
Hemiopia, sees only left half of objects.
Vision weak, unable to distinguish small objects even at a short distance ; seems as though one was looking through fine lattice.
Sees everything dimly, as through a fog ; can only see rude outline of objects ; in walking, needs assistance ; slight haziness of lens, < in right eye ; menses absent.
θ After typhoid.
Night blindness, with black spots before eyes.
Hemeralopia ; obliged to stop work at 4 P. M., because he cannot see after that hour ; attacks come suddenly, with severe cutting pains.
Hypermetropic, double convergent strabismus ; cannot see after 7.30 P. M., from February to July each year ; a fog seems to shut him in ; photophobia in daytime ; keeps lids nearly closed ; conjunctiva palpebrarum congested ; congestion of optic nerve ; pustules developed on margin of left cornea (improved).
θ Retinitis hemarolopica.
Cataract : with suppressed menses ; after typhus ; with chronic dyspepsia.
Inflammation of cornea, with bulging.
Staphylomatous protrusion.
Eyes very much sunken, blue rings.
Eyes seem too large.
Eyes hot, dim, wide open, fixed and insensible to light.
Cold feeling in eyes.
Dryness of eyes ; in evening and at night ; obliged to close lids ; difficult to open, smarting in morning.
Pressive pain in eyes, as if dust was in them.
Burning and itching in eyes.
Stitches and soreness in eyes, evenings, when looking at light.
Redness of eyes and pressure in them.
Much mucus in eyes, with smarting pain.
Inflammation of eyes, with itching in both canthi, redness and swelling of lids of right eye ; distressing pain, as if they were dry, with nightly agglutination.
Catarrhal or scrofulous ophthalmia ; secretion thick, yellowish, green.
After catching cold during an attack of jaundice, severe inflammation of eyes ; on fifth day copious discharge of pus from under puffed lids ; lids opened with difficulty ; conjunctiva looked like raw meat ; cornea dim.
Arthritic catarrh of conjunctiva, with accumulation of white matter in corners.
Ophthalmia neonatorum during suppurative stage.
Inflammatory affections of eyes, with nocturnal agglutination and lachrymation by day.
Smarting and burning of lids.
Ulceration and redness of eyelids ; water flows from eyes, smarts and bites cheeks.
Granular eyelids, dry, with smarting.
Itching in canthi.
Pustules and styes on lids, more toward inner canthi.
Polypus as large as a pea, pedunculated, growing from outer canthus of right eye.
Lachrymal fistula.
Small red spots ; bloody extravasations scattered here and there around eyes, in consequence of straining at vomiting.
θ Vomiting during pregnancy.


Oversensitiveness of hearing ; sensitive to musical sounds and noise.
Roaring, humming, whizzing, rushing in ears, or singing as from boiling water ; hardness of hearing.
Sensation as if hot blood rushed into ears.
Impairment or loss of hearing, in connection with otorrhoea ; integrity of organic part of middle ear unaffected ; patient scrofulous, with swelling of glands of neck.
Loss of hearing after scarlet fever ; offensive, bad looking discharge from ears ; loss of speech, due to his not being able to hear words.
Otorrhoea : purulent, ichorous ; after scarlatina ; with impaired hearing ; after severe otitis interna.
External meatus excoriated by offensive discharge ; drumhead destroyed ; cannot bear to be covered ; after scarlet fever, with affections of parotid glands, eruptions and abdominal troubles. θ Otitis media.
Small ulcers or polypi in ear.
Tearing in right and left meatus.
Itching in ear (in sleep).
Humid, suppurating scurfs in and behind ears.
Eczema of ears, with thick crusts and fissures in skin.


Oversensitiveness of smell.
Frequent epistaxis ; principally in afternoon.
Dryness and stoppage of nose.
Stopped catarrh, cannot get breath at night.
Nose stopped up, especially at root ; breathes with open mouth and protruding tongue. θ Diphtheria.
Stoppage of nose, with dryness of posterior nares, fetid secretion, hoarseness, rawness, and soreness of chest ; nightly tickling cough, with sensation as from sulphur-vapor in throat.
Snuffles, child starts out of sleep rubbing its nose.
Fluent coryza, with redness of eyes and lachrymation, frequent flushes of heat and yawning.
Violent coryza, nose swollen ; discharge acrid ; excoriating ; posterior nares dry.
Long lasting coryza, discharge purulent.
Violent catarrh, with swelling of nose.
Catarrh, with acrid discharge from nose, makes upper lip sore.
Ichorous discharge from nose, begins in right nostril.
θ Scarlatina. θ Diphtheria.
Catarrh of nose and frontal sinuses ; discharge yellow and thick ; frontal headache ; yellow complexion.
Thick yellow discharge, copious and fatty ; constipation ; prostration ; impotence ; palpitation.
θ Nasal catarrh.
Scurf or crusts in nose ; nightly closure of nasal openings in dry coryza.
Discharge of elastic plugs from nose.
θ Catarrh.
Very sensitive smell ; violent coryza, acrid and making upper lip sore ; posterior nares feel dry, and nostril is closed every morning with what looks like inspissated pus.
θ Polypus.
Fanlike motion of ala nasi. θ Pneumonia.
Pimples sore and acrid on end of nose.
Child wakes at night and rubs nose so much and long that parents are frightened ; it won’t stop rubbing its nose.
θ Catarrh of breast.


Copper colored eruption on forehead.
Silly expression.
Face : pale, dirty, sickly ; pale, with circumscribed red cheeks ; earthy, yellow, with deep furrows ; blue circles around eyes, blue lips ; yellowish grey.
Flushes of heat in face ; burning.
Heat in face after eating, particularly in left cheek.
Glowing redness of face, with a fine network of capillaries.
Great heat in face without redness.
Spasmodic twitching of facial muscles.
Tearing pain in bones of cheeks.
Œdema of face ; puffy and pale yellow.
Eruption on face, humid, suppurating.
Red, bloated face, full of dark red spots, covered with pustules.
Gnawing, biting pains in right malar bone, extending into sound and affected teeth, with swelling of cheek and inability to chew ; on disappearance of this pain has pain in right side of face, right temple and parietal bone ; small ulcers in ear.
Eruption covering whole right cheek ; thick, dry and scaly, itching and troublesome ; constant disposition to breaking out on left cheek also.
θ Barber’s itch.


Lower jaw drops : during sleep ; with stupor, in exhausting fevers.
Drawing or lacerating in lower jaw.
Eruption around mouth ; corners of mouth sore.
Swelling of lower lip.
Large ulcer on vermilion border of lower lip.
θ Cancer.
Itching, papular eruption about chin.
Small, white, pedunculated warts on chin, appearing over night.
Stitches in region of right parotid.
Submaxillary glands swollen.


Teeth : become yellow ; excessively painful to touch ; front teeth loose or as if too long ; painful on chewing.
Toothache : with swelling of cheek ; > by heat of bed, warm drinks and warm applications ; from slightest touch of teeth or from shock of coughing ; only at night ; when it ceases in morning, great excitement and uneasiness, which keep her awake.
Violent stitches follow each other in slow succession in hollow teeth, ceasing after getting warm in bed.
Odontalgia caused by carious teeth ; dull pain < from eating ; swelling and ulceration of gums.
Constant throbbing ; teeth sensitive and elongated ; salivation.
Swelling between upper gums and malar bone, with swelling of cheek ; awoke with violent headache, throbbing on top of head.
Swelling of gum above front teeth, with swelling of upper lip.
Profuse bleeding of gums when touched or cleaning teeth.
Gumboils ; fistula dentalis.


Taste : too acute ; sour ; bitter ; fatty ; mouldy ; cheesy.
Bad taste in mouth : soon after eating ; on awaking in morning ; tongue thick and burning, as after much smoking.
Tongue : coated white ; sour taste ; heavy, trembling ; stiff with indistinct speech and dryness, mornings ; red, dry ; becomes black and cracked ; painful and swollen in places, hindering speech ; tubercles ; convulsions of tongue ; gets involuntarily between upper teeth and lip, and then between under teeth and lip ; darts out and oscillates to and fro.
Tongue distended, giving patient a silly expression.
θ Angina. θ Diphtheria.
Numerous blisters on tongue ; burning pain ; vesicles on tip feeling scalded and raw.
Ulcers on and under tongue.


Mouth and tongue dry, without thirst ; dry and bitter in morning.
Saliva dries on palate and lips, becoming tough.
Increased secretion of saliva, tasting salty.
Accumulation of water in mouth ; with nausea ; with dyspepsia.
Sensitiveness of submaxillary glands ; increased secretion of saliva.
Putrid smell from mouth, especially in morning when awaking.
Small tumors in mouth in various places.
Gums and velum palati covered with a lardaceous coating.
θ Syphilis.


Feeling of contraction in throat, nothing goes down ; food and drink regurgitate through nose.
Feeling as if a ball rose up in throat from below.
Choking in throat provoking constant swallowing.
Accumulation of mucus in throat, with inclination to swallow.
Soreness of throat, with difficult swallowing.
Burning or pricking in throat and pharynx.
Pain in throat, with sensation of constriction in region of submaxillary glands.
Difficult swallowing of liquids ; as if entrance to pharynx was constricted.
Ulceration of tonsils.
Swelling and suppuration of tonsils and glands.
Pain and soreness begins on right side of throat.
θ Angina. θ Diphtheria.
Inflammation of fauces, deep seated stitching pain, with swollen sensation, as if a hard body lodged in back part of throat ; thick, yellow and greenish yellow expectoration, firm and almost hard in centre, in morning.
Swelling of right cervical glands, which disappeared and was followed by swelling in left throat, with difficult swallowing ; whitish ulcer in left tonsil, with soreness there ; swelling of left cervical glands ; hot drinks make throat smart ; < from 4 P. M.
θ Ulcerated throat.
Sore throat for six days, commencing on right side ; tongue much swollen ; cannot protrude it beyond teeth, hindering swallowing and speaking ; pulse 120 ; skin hot ; restless at night ; increased saliva ; breath offensive ; left side of face swollen.
Soreness of throat commenced on right side, extending to left ; whitish ulcer on right tonsil ; sharp pain on swallowing, especially warm drinks ; pains as if bruised all over limbs ; frontal headache ; brown tongue ; pulse 120.
θ Ulcerated throat.
Throat sore on right side ; sensation when swallowing as if head opened and pain shot down into abdomen ; when sitting up, pain shoots through head.
Swelling and suppuration of tonsils, going from right to left.
Tonsils covered with lardaceous ulcers.
θ Syphilis.
Inflammation and enlargement of tonsil, over surface of which, at about equal distances, are found half a dozen or more minute drops of pus beneath epithelium.
θ Tonsillitis.
Swollen, congested tonsils, with yellow, small patches on each ; great difficulty to swallow, with pains on left side, shifting to right and upwards to ear ; heat and chills alternating ; commencing to get < at 4 P. M. ; pemphigus on thumb of left hand and on third finger, with terrible burning pain ; blisters small, situated on a highly inflamed surface.
θ Tonsillitis and pemphigus.
Chronic enlargement of tonsils.
Hawking of bloody mucus, or of hard greenish yellow phlegm ; feeling as of a hard body in oesophagus.
Fauces brownish red ; diphtheritic patches spreading from r. tonsil to left, or descending from nose ; < from cold drinks and after sleep.
Diphtheria < on right side ; great restlessness (like Rhus tox. restlessness) ; membrane of pearly hue, sometimes yellow.
Membrane right to left ; difficulty in breathing ; fanlike motion of ala nasi ; speech indistinct ; soporous condition and indifference to external surroundings ; impatient on awaking.
θ Diphtheria.
Commenced in nose and extended to right tonsil, thence to l. ; right tonsil enormously swollen, extending to cellular tissues, so that right side of neck was swollen clear out beyond yaw and began to turn purple ; unable to lie on back on account of inability to breathe ; awakens from short, restless naps, “kicking and screaming and very cross ;” breath horribly offensive.
θ Diphtheria.
Face flushed ; pulse 154 ; skin hot and dry : restless ; headache ; great aching in back and limbs ; pain in throat only on drinking cold liquids other than water ; throat much congested, four or five greyish spots size of hemp seed on right tonsil ; next day spot size of ten cent piece, very angry looking, on left tonsil ; strong, diphtheritic odor in room.
θ Diphtheria.
Inflammation of tonsils and fauces for four days ; much swelling and pain, amounting to spasm on swallowing ; white diphtheritic patches on tonsils ; constant desire to swallow, accompanied by spasm and violent stinging pain ; rigors ; rapid pulse ; swelling and pain most marked on right side ; fetor.
θ Diphtheria phlegmonosa.
After scarlatina : pulse too rapid to be counted ; great aching of head, back and limbs ; vomiting and flatus ; throat pains on drinking cold milk, but not cold water ; > from warm drinks ; deposit of greyish yellow covering on whole of right tonsil ; very dull and difficult to rouse.
θ Diphtheria.
At 9 A. M. began to feel chilly and weak ; chilliness not > by heat of stove ; at 4 P. M. great prostration, throat sore and several patches on right tonsil ; complained more of prostration and aching in bones ; glands of neck swollen ; tongue yellow, more at base ; taste brassy, odor from mouth same ; next day diphtheritic patches on right tonsil had coalesced and several patches on left tonsil ; on third day prostration, loss of appetite, aching in back, and legs ; pain in throat and ears much <, whole throat and fauces covered with thick, dirty yellow membrane, breath offensive ; cannot swallow anything warm ; but cold drinks > somewhat ; passed a bad night because he could not breathe through nose ; symptoms < after 4 P. M. ; had had bright yellow, thick and very offensive discharge from right ear, which caused soreness of meatus, since childhood.
θ Diphtheria and chronic otorrhoea.
Diminished secretion of urine ; grinding of teeth during heavy stupor, as when fully awake.
θ Diphtheria.


Excessive appetite, followed by distension ; hunger remains though stomach and abdomen are full and tense.
Canine hunger ; the more he eats the more he craves ; head aches if he does not eat.
Greyish yellow color of face ; frequent yawning ; belching, flatulency ; pain in small of back ; dry stool ; stitching in knees and ankles ; dimness of vision ; great urging to urinate, with profuse discharge of watery urine ; fluor albus. θ Bulimia.
Hungry, but soon satisfied, soon filled up ; constipation, vertigo, belching of tasteless wind.
Constant satiety, takes no food, says she wants nothing because she is full ; the least morsel causes sensation of fulness up to throat.
Thirst : with dry lips and dry mouth ; with disgust for drink ; at night drinks little but often.
Want of thirst.
Desire for : sweets ; oysters, which disagree.
Aversion to : coffee ; tobacco smoke ; boiled, warm food ; bread (rye) ; meat.


Loss of appetite at first mouthful ; weight at stomach after eating.
After eating : sudden repletion ; irresistible drowsiness followed by weariness ; pressure in stomach ; pressure and tension in liver, sensitive to pressure ; bitter gulping up or spitting up of food ; palpitation.
After a meal : sensation in stomach as if fasting, but without hunger ; feels more nervous and weary, with quickened pulse.
Aggravation by cold drinks (except water in some cases) ; > from warm.
θ Angina. θ Diphtheria.
Bad effects : from onions, bread, particularly rye bread ; from spirituous liquors ; from smoking ; from drinking wine.


Everything tastes sour ; sour eructations ; heartburn, waterbrash ; acid gnaws stomach.
Belching : without relief ; bitter, particularly in morning ; during day, with burning.
Nausea : constant ; in pharynx and stomach ; mornings, fasting ; in room, passing off in open air ; when riding in a carriage ; after a meal, with accumulation of water in mouth ; after cold, not after warm drinks (in chills) : qualmishness before breakfast ; during menstruation.
Vomiting : food and bile ; coagulated blood ; sour substances ; dark greenish masses, after eating or drinking.
Greatly weakened by frequent vomiting ; feels especially weak in her knees and down legs to joints of feet ; as soon as she eats, great burning in throat ; one hour after eating, nausea, followed by vomiting with great straining, causing pain in head and back ; in consequence of this straining, small, red spots, bloody extravasations, scattered here and there around eyes ; after bitter vomiting, cramps in abdomen ; wind in stomach and bowels, causing crampy sensation upward toward chest ; brandy brings on belching and > cramps ; thirsty, but drinking brings on vomiting ; frequent spells of nausea, as if caused by wind in stomach, smothering her and making her feel weak ; constipated ; > in open air.


In epigastrium : anxiety ; pressure ; constrictive pains, > lying down ; pain caused by coughing.
Epigastric region extremely sensitive to touch and tight clothing.
Hard swelling in epigastric region.
Sinking at stomach ; sensation of fluttering at stomach, which goes all over body.
Discomfort, pressure and heaviness in stomach after eating a little.
Pressure in stomach : after eating ; in evening in bed ; with difficult breathing.
Feeling of tension beneath stomach, as if everything was too tight, with sore sensation in chest.
Compressive pain as if stomach was pressed together from both sides.
Rumbling or sensation of churning in stomach.
Twisting, crawling and emptiness in stomach, with yawning.
Stomach sensitive to pressure.
Pain in stomach and region of duodenum, < by sitting bent over.
Constriction and cramp in stomach, which is much distended.
Gnawing, griping, cutting pain in region of stomach.
After eating and after slight cold, violent stomach pains, with chilliness, fingers become waxy white, as if dead.
Griping and clutching in epigastrium and stomach, extending beneath ribs and into back, constriction of oesophagus, with nausea, anxiety, oppression, flushes of heat and weakness almost to fainting, after least amount of food ; pains so severe that he rolls about on floor ; gives him shocks from stomach up to oesophagus and throat, accompanied by throwing back of head ; bloating ; palpitation ; yawning ; dry stool ; great lassitude ; little sleep.
Constant pressing, tearing, burning pains in stomach, with almost daily sour vomiting, or vomiting of slime or water ; great debility ; can hardly eat anything ; constipation ; white coated tongue with a dry line down centre.
For several years attacks of pain in stomach ; burning in epigastrium, extending up into throat ; when lying, burning sensation up whole spine ; after eating, pressure in region of stomach and nausea, sensation as if everything eaten was rising up ; gagging with mucous discharge ; cannot bear tight clothing, nor anything tight about abdomen ; frequent shuddering ; biting, acrid leucorrhoea.
Attacks of severe pain in stomach once or twice daily, gradually becoming more frequent ; pains constricting or boring, extend into back, at times burning, stitching, > by belching, disappear entirely after raising a quantity of thin, acrid fluid ; < by lightest food ; > at night ; constant dull pain in epigastrium ; hunger with faintness ; no appetite ; white tongue ; constipation and flatulency ; emaciation and general debility.
Gnawing, twisting griping in epigastrium, stomach and upper abdomen ; stitching, tearing into stomach, extending through to back and to shoulders ; pressure and bloating in abdomen, with oppression of breathing, fearfulness, sighing and anxiety in chest ; hot flushes from abdomen up into chest and head, with red shining face and vertigo ; flushes of heat ; attacks begin with frequent yawning, stretching, belching and great anxiety, followed by severe pain in epigastrium and in chest, as if it would burst or as if oesophagus was being clutched and twisted ; during one attack, vomiting of mucus and retraction of head ; attacks brought on by physical exertion, mental emotion, cold, and particularly by eating ; at one time loss of appetite, at another canine hunger ; stool dry ; cold hands and feet ; frequent chilliness ; restless sleep.
θ Gastralgia.
Body emaciated ; face bloated, pale yellow ; isolated warts and pimples ; gnawing, pressing and twisting in stomach ; belching ; nausea ; retching ; anxiety, with difficult respiration ; occasionally vomiting of sour mucus ; sensation as if steam was rising from stomach into head, with roaring in ears, vertigo and dulness of head, and redness of face ; abdomen bloated, hard ; stool dry, difficult ; urging to urinate, with scanty, burning discharge ; leucorrhoea ; cough, with shortness of breath and stitches in sides under short ribs and in middle of chest ; palpitation ; skin rough, covered with pimples ; in evening, chilliness, shivering, lassitude, thirst, followed by heat, with headache ; sleep disturbed by dreams ; easily tired ; prostrated ; body covered with nettlerash and boils.
Every five or six days violent spasms ; pain like lightning strikes epigastrium, spreads like rays over abdomen, and shoots into all passages of body ; after some hours of intense agony, pain goes off suddenly ; violent pains in back, like gimlets, running into spine ; pulse 120 ; tenderness along margin of liver and at epigastrium.
Cramps in stomach, of a contortional nature, > by bending ; brought on by eating fruit ; nausea and constant urging to swallow ; flowing saliva and poor appetite ; constipation, with drawing pain in abdomen ; headache > when lying down ; morose disposition.
Severe spasmodic pains at epigastrium, coming on at two or three every morning, waking her and giving intense agony ; hot brandy and water >; distension when in pain as from incarcerated flatus ; pulse very weak ; tongue furred ; tenderness along margin of liver ; constipation ; gouty diathesis.
θ Flatulent indigestion.
Pain under ribs and all around waist, with shooting pains up shoulder blades ; pain across stomach and straight down on each side of it, sometimes very severe across bowels ; nausea ; food often vomited, with a sour and then bitter taste ; waterbrash ; obstinate constipation ; painful hemorrhoids, with great loss of blood ; coldness in extremities ; cramp in legs and thighs ; action of kidneys undue and disturbing at night ; dislike to bread ; sleepless on account of pain ; face pale, ashy yellow.
θ Dyspepsia.
Dyspepsia, with accumulation of gases and great repletion after taking a slight quantity of food ; anorexia ; much thirst ; burning in stomach ; longing for cold articles of diet, like fruits and ice cream ; rumbling of bowels at night, bloating and obstinate constipation ; left leg covered up to knee with ulcers of different sizes, discharging yellowish watery matter, with an eczematous eruption around them, and oedema of ankle ; great itchiness and throbbing, < at night, by rest and hot applications ; > walking about, cold water applications or bathing of parts.
θ Chronic ulcers on leg and dyspepsia.
For two hours after eating, spits up food, not acid ; a few mouthfuls of food seem to fill him to throat ; stomach bloats a great deal with flatus, which gives him much distress ; constipated ; dull frontal headache.
θ Dyspepsia.
Chronic dyspepsia in women with sallow face and constipation.
Flatulent indigestion ; sleeplessness ; wakes after half an hour with palpitation ; no organic disease ; fear of death.
Atonic dyspepsia in weakly subjects ; digestion proceeds slowly, with flatulence and acidity.
Indigestion resulting from too free use of farinaceous, heavy and fermentable diet.
Gastralgia and chronic gastritis, occurring in peasants, who subsisted mostly upon heavy bread, sour small-beer and adulterated coffee.
Derangement of stomach from pastry.
Affection of liver and induration of pylorus, after suppression of herpetic eruption on anus or scrotum ; on taking least food or drink, dark green bilious vomiting ; obstinate constipation ; thirst ; cannot lie on right side ; pressing pain in region of liver ; emaciation ; hypochondriacal ; dry heat of skin ; frequent fainting.
Perforating ulcer ; < sitting bent, > walking about and when warm in bed.
Cancer of stomach.


Tension as from a cord making diaphragmatic attachments ; cannot stretch or stand upright.
Tension : in hypochondria, as from a hoop ; in region of liver.
Tensive aching, < bending body or pressure of hand.
Pressure in hepatic region ; pressive pain on breathing.
Cannot eat to satiety because it produces distressing feeling in hepatic region.
Pressive pain in right hypochondrium, at times took away breath, became a sticking.
Sore, pressive pain as from a blow in right hypochondriac region ; < by touch.
Region of liver sensitive to contact ; sore aching as from a shock.
Pain in left hypochondriac region in afternoon.
Acute griping pains in left hypochondrium.
Pain in back and right side, from congestion of liver.
Violent gall stone colic.
Sharp pain in dorsal hepatic region, in right shoulder and arm ; throbbing frontal headache ; feet and hands burning at times and again feeling cold or numb ; sleepy during day ; sleep disturbed at night ; craves sugar, starchy and sweet food ; hemorrhoids ; constipation ; had taken calomel in her youth, till “she had to keep her mouth closed to prevent her teeth from falling out.”
^^ Cold and numb ; no power to raise arms or move hands ; respiration imperfectly accomplished with great effort ; a peculiar chill throughout whole body, soon followed by sharp gnawing pain in region of liver, as if twenty dogs with sharp teeth were gnawing her ; after a while pains left liver to migrate from place to place, until they had traveled throughout body ; succeeded by numbness and sleep, from which she awoke, unable to move or speak.
Liver complaints after mortification.
Frequent recurring attacks of severe pressive and occasionally stitching pains in right side, extending towards epigastrium, at times swelling ; liver painful to pressure in spots ; tongue coated ; bitter taste ; stool scanty ; mind depressed ; face and neck covered with brown spots.
Hepatitis : of children ; chronic cases ; with pneumonia ; after allopathic treatment, particularly when mercury has been used.
Fatty degeneration of liver, with concomitant nervous hyperemia.
Atrophic nutmeg liver ; chronic form of hepatitis ; abscesses.
Rumbling of wind in splenic flexure of colon.
Wind gurgles under apex of heart in left hypochondrium ; with oppressed breathing.
Icterus with flatulence ; retarded stool ; weariness and drowsiness.


Sensation of something moving up and down in stomach and bowels.
Spasmodic contraction in abdomen.
When turning on right side a hard body seems to roll from navel to that side.
θ Ascites.
Sensation as if something heavy was lying on left side of abdomen, not affecting breathing, but constantly felt when walking, sitting and lying.
Hot pains flash across bowels.
Abdominal plethora, with constipation, in elderly people of higher classes ; no desire for stool.
Pulsation in abdomen.
Abdomen sensitive to pressure ; cannot bear weight of clothes.
Tympanitic distension : after eating ; with cold feet.
Bloated feeling in abdomen, with actual distension in epigastrium, after a meal.
Flatulence : after eating ; sour vomiting ; diarrhoea ; before and after stool.
Tension and drawing in all parts of abdomen ; bloating of abdomen ; pressure in precordia ; constipation ; flatulence. θ Affection of solar plexus.
While walking, rumbling and gurgling in abdomen so loud that it seemed as if those behind him would hear it.
Great fermentation in abdomen ; rumbling, croaking, rattling ; with colic and discharge of much flatus.
Accumulation of flatus, which becomes incarcerated ; pressure upward, with full feeling, also downward on rectum and bladder.
Pressure, drawing, griping in abdomen.
Squeezing pressure in abdomen, so severe one cannot walk erect, but must go bent over or lie down ; produces dyspnoea.
Tensive, tearing and cutting pains.
Cutting pains across abdomen from right to left.
Colic, especially in region of transverse colon.
Colicky pains in right side of abdomen, extending into bladder, with frequent urging to urinate.
Enteralgia and colic, accompanied by accumulation of gas in intestines ; eructation and desire, but inability to go to stool.
Flatulent colic, bloating and constipation, following disappearance of eruption on skin.
Screaming spells every afternoon.
θ Colic.
Flatulency, with protrusion of navel in infants.
Balloon-like distension of abdomen, making her ashamed to appear in public.
Heat and congestion of chest and head, with vertigo and roaring in ears ; sensation as if heart hung by a thread, or as if stomach would fall down, also sensation as of drops of water falling down.
θ Flatulent colic.
Obstruction of bowels.
Enteritis developed in children by diet of milk and farinaceous substances.
A sudden mental impression, fearing she has broken her two year old boy’s arm by lifting him, caused gastroenteritis during pregnancy ; intense pain, excessive flatulence, < after 4 P. M. ; urine had a red granular deposit.
Pressure on hypochondrium causes pain in epigastrium and vice versa ; chronic duodenitis.
Chill, vomiting, pains in abdomen ; stitching in left side of chest into abdomen and loins ; stitching in shoulders, in left axilla and in arms ; abdomen painful even to touch ; on lying on left side, sensation as if a weight like a stone rolled over from navel to loin, causing this position to be unbearable ; pressure in abdomen ; painful urging to urinate ; small, weak pulse ; fever, thirst ; prostration of limbs ; sweat at night ; stitching and tearing over epigastric region and into abdomen below navel ; tearing pain about ribs and sides of abdomen into back ; anxiety ; burning in stomach and umbilical region ; rumbling with increase of pain ; abdomen sensitive to least touch, can bear no covering ; fever, nausea ; ineffectual efforts to yawn ; hiccough ; face sunken ; depressed, complaining ; small, weak pulse ; sleeplessness.
θ Peritonitis.
Ascites, from liver affections, after abuse of alcohol.
Quiet and introspective ; sad, sensitive ; face earthy, bloated ; loss of appetite ; nothing is palatable ; food causes fulness and bloating ; thirst ; constant nausea ; profuse accumulation of saliva in mouth ; occasionally sour vomiting ; constant pressure in stomach and heartburn ; abdomen large, feels full and heavy ; hardness in epigastric region, extending on right side toward back ; region of spleen swollen and painful ; abdomen tense, hard, but painless to touch, indistinct fluctuation ; gurgling and rumbling in abdomen ; stool hard and tardy ; urine diminished ; shortness of breath, < from motion, must sit up ; upper extremities emaciated, lower swollen up to abdomen, and pit upon pressure ; no sweat ; sleep restless. θ Dropsy.
Brown spots on abdomen.
Skin of abdomen painfully sensitive.
Large swelling in psoas muscle.
Pain in groin when walking.
Swelling of inguinal glands, which pains as though suppurating.
Hernia (right side) ;
crural hernia, females ; lacerating stitches.

Wakes at night cross and hungry. θ Inguinal hernia.
Pains in region of abdominal ring, outward pressing ; old hernia protrudes.


Stools : pale, putrid ; thin, brown ; pale, fecal, mixed with hard lumps ; thin, yellow, or reddish yellow fluid ; shaggy, reddish mucus (urethral tenesmus, dysentery) ; green, stringy, odorless mucus (cholera infantum).
Child sad and listless, or nervous, irritable and unmanageable. θ Diarrhoea.
Diarrhoea : during pregnancy, with earthy color of face.
Daily, four to six painless, yellow, watery, undigested stools ; fetid odor, much flatus ; abdomen bloated ; scalp sweat during sleep ; cross and peevish ; can scarcely wait for meal, but a few mouthfuls satisfy her ; rumbling of flatus, colicky pains late in afternoon and early in evening.
θ Diarrhoea after suppression of skin eruptions.
Chronic diarrhoea of four years’ standing, caused by drinking cold water ; daily between 3 and 4 P. M., one or two thin, slightly bilious stools, preceded by severe abdominal pains ; belching after eating ; < from cold articles of diet, beer, milk, fruit and vegetables.
Ineffectual urging to stool ; stool hard, difficult, small and incomplete.
Desire for stool followed by painful constriction of rectum and anus.
Stool very hard and dry, almost impossible to evacuate ; spasmodic constriction of anus preventing stool.
Each evacuation produces most terrible pain in rectum and sometimes leaves him in a state of syncope for a quarter of an hour ; even when paroxysms are lighter he remains several hours unable to make least movement on account of persistence of pains ; mucous membrane of rectum very much injected, excoriated in some places, with considerable varicosity of veins ; on carefully pushing finger into rectum, acute pains and spasmodic constriction of sphincter ; loss of appetite and bad humor. θ Chronic constipation.
Narrowing of rectum, which causes a protrusion during stool, developing hemorrhoids ; tearing pain in rectum, arresting breath ; hemorrhoids surrounded by itching eruption, painful to touch ; great fatigue after stool ; varices most painful when sitting ; obstinate constipation.
Constipation : of infants, restores contractility of intestines ; in those who are tormented with night pollutions, or addicted to masturbation ; after repeated affections of peritoneum, with urinary complications.
Before stool : strong desire or desire wanting ; flatulent colic ; pain at anus ; straining efforts, often followed by tenesmus ; chilliness in rectum ; colic.
During stool : biting and burning at anus ; chilliness ; colic ; distressing pressure in rectum ; tenesmus ; pain in rectum, with ringing in ears ; burning and stinging in rectum ; pain in back as if broken ; bursting pain in abdomen ; pain in stomach ; headache ; discharge of blood.
Stitching and burning at stool even when feces are not hard.
After stool : sense of insufficient evacuation (dysenteric stools), excessive and painful accumulation of flatus ; contractive pain in perineum ; uterine cramps, or lassitude ; burning in rectum ; tiredness, particularly in thighs ; heat and pressure in thighs and head.
Rectum contracts and protrudes during hard stool, with stitches in rectum.
Tearing in rectum, so that it arrests breathing.
Cutting in rectum and stitches in bladder.
Twinging in rectum.
Continued burning pain in rectum.
Cramps in rectum and small of back, like labor pains.
Aching and pressure in rectum ; < at night, with bleeding piles.
Piles which contain an immense amount of blood, more than size of vein would warrant ; also piles which do not mature, but which, from partial absorption of contents, remain as hard, bluish lumps.
Hemorrhoids : with pain and itching at anus, and frequent, profuse discharge of blood ; swell and protrude and bleed, even when there is no constipation.
Varices protrude ; painful when sitting and to touch.
Itching and tension at anus in evening in bed.
Great tendency to excoriations about anus, which bleed easily ; itching and moist, tender eruption.


Aching in kidney < before and > after urinating. θ Diabetes mellitus.
Thirst, drinking daily about twenty-two tumblerfuls of water ; flow of urine largely increased and of a pale, watery color. θ Diabetes insipidus.
After catching cold, violent colic ; sensation as if he was bound up and would burst ; ineffectual belching and retching ; pain concentrated on right side near hip, not extending beyond median line ; painful spot extremely sensitive to touch, rest of abdomen not painful to pressure ; heavy sensation in bladder, burning on urination ; gurgling in abdomen and noise as if small bladders of air were bursting, followed by much relief and finally copious, moderately thin stool ; six days afterwards, discharge of a porous stone as large as half bean, with much sand and sediment.
θ Renal colic.
Stiffness in renal regions, especially on right side ; worried by noise or interruption in business ; brings up wind after eating, mentally depressed and physically weak till it comes up ; passes small quantities of fine red sand.
θ Gravel.
Periodical discharge of gravel and small calculi ; pain in l. kidney and ureter.
Frequently compelled to rise at night to urinate ; on urinating, cutting pains in glans penis and abdomen ; urine turbid, loamy, depositing a thick, mucous sediment, occasionally bloody ; when evacuating bowels, must press very hard although stool is not hard ; burning in palms of hands and soles of feet.
θ Gravel.
Renal colic, particularly in right ureter to bladder ; red sand in urine.
Vesical calculi, small, round and rough, with hamaturia.
After taking cold, frequent desire to urinate ; tenesmus of neck of bladder ; dull pain in hypogastrium and loins ; brick dust sediment in urine.
θ Acute cystitis.
Gums ulcerate, teeth feel loose and ache ; pain in bowels after eating, moving about as from flatus ; stool difficult to pass, with much flatus ; urine very hot, formerly sediment, but since so hot, none ; pain in small of back when standing.
θ Cystitis.
Turbid, milky urine, with offensive purulent sediment ; dull pressing in region of bladder and abdomen, disposition to calculi. θ Cystitis.
Bearing down over bladder, frequent desire to urinate ; pains < lying down, especially at night ; > from horseback riding.
Feeling of heaviness in bladder ; burning during micturition.
Dull, pressing pain in region of bladder and abdomen.
Stitches : in bladder ; in neck of bladder.
Frequent hamaturia ; daily deposit of large clots of blood in urine ; obstinate constipation ; almost total paralysis of feet.
Hamaturia : left kidney affected ; pain in back before urinating ; sediment of red sand ; from gravel or chronic catarrh ; discharge painless.
No urine secreted.
Retention of urine, violent pain in back, urine flowing in fits and starts.
Urine scanty, with red sediment.
Urging to urinate : must wait long before it will pass, or inability, with constant bearing down ; supports abdomen with hands.
In children urging to pass water, with impossibility to pass it ; cry impatiently and grasp abdomen ; red sand in diaper, or urine may be pale and clear.
Pressing in perineum near anus, during and after urinating.
θ Enlarged prostate.
Frequent desire to urinate, with discharge of large quantities of pale urine.
Frequent micturition during night, scanty and infrequent discharges through day.
Involuntary micturition.
Urine of strong, pungent odor, dribbling away from bladder continually during each afternoon and evening, commencing at 4 P. M.
θ Incontinence of urine.
Long lasting incontinence of urine resulting from fright during coition.
Strangury, urine scanty, dark red or albuminous.
Urine : pale, especially during night ; red, burning ; very hot ; foamy ; high colored, turbid ; dark and turbid ; with yellow or reddish deposit of sand ; contains red crystals, as if mingled with brick dust ; turbid, thick, milky, depositing a thick, purulent sediment of a most nauseating smell ; greasy pellicle on surface.
Itching in urethra during and after micturition.
During urination : soreness or burning in urethra and glans ; jammed feeling in perineum ; cutting pain in abdomen.
After urination : crawling, burning in urethra and bladder ; jerking, cutting in urethra.


Sexual desire and power diminished.
Impotence : penis small, cold and relaxed ; after onanism or sexual excesses ; from poisoning with chlorine.
Erections feeble ; falls asleep during an embrace.
Discharge of prostatic juice without an erection.
Weak and imperfect erections ; excessive and exhausting pollutions ; aversion to coition, or too easily excited ; too early escape of semen.
Loss of sexual feeling : in old men, or strong desire without being able to have an erection ; after abuse of copaiva in gonorrhoea.
Aching of inner surface of prepuce ; yellowish humor behind corona glandis.
Four white, pedunculated, dry condylomata on mucous surface of prepuce, painless and not sensitive to touch ; after use of mercury in gonorrhoea.
Chancre on inner surface of prepuce ; phimosis ; three or four condylomatous chancres around anus.
Moist condylomata on penis.
Enlargement of prostate gland ; prostatitis.
Chronic orchitis ; pain in perineum when sitting ; soreness between scrotum and thigh ; dropsical swelling of genital organs.
Sticking itching, especially on scrotum.
Soreness between scrotum and thigh ; intertrigo.


Cutting across hypogastrium, right to left.
Ovaries diseased : inflammation ; neuralgia ; tumors ; dropsy ; burning or boring stitches, first right then left.
Uterus diseased : inflammation ; physometra, wind discharged from vagina ; cancer ; dropsy.
Menses : delay of first menses ; profuse, protracted ; flow partly black, clotted, partly bright red or partly serum ; with labor-like pains followed by swooning ; four days too early ; inclined to be late, with sadness ; reappearing every six or eight days ; suppressed from fright.
Before menses : sad, chilly, abdomen bloated ; melancholia ; pain in abdomen ; delirium, with weeping ; dilated pupils ; rigors with discomfort and uneasiness ; coldness and heaviness of feet and legs ; flatulent distension of abdomen ; chill and heat at night ; ill humor and disposition to weep ; headache ; severe backache ; swelling of feet ; nausea and faintness.
During menses : pain in abdomen and loins ; itching of vulva ; nausea ; acid in mouth ; headache ; tiredness, faintness ; swelling of feet.
After menses : leucorrhoea ; stitches in head.
Menstrual irregularities connected with ovarian enlargement.
Leucorrhoea : in starts ; milky ; bloody ; < before a full moon ; corroding ; sensation of pressure through vagina when stooping.
Dryness of vagina ; burning in vagina during coition.
A rumbling begins in upper abdomen and descends to lower part, when a flow of blood follows, and so on successively.
θ Uterine hemorrhage.
Increased discharge of blood from genitals during every passage of hard or soft stool.
Delay of first menses.
Chronic suppression of menses, from tuberculosis or cancer.
Menses absent a year ; has aborted within this time ; small ulcers on os uteri ; leucorrhoea yellow and thin ; constant regurgitation of food, sour and bitter ; vomiting, with aching pain in epigastrium shortly after eating ; uses pills for constipation ; large goitre, right side, painless ; pains in lumbar region and nape of neck ; all pains tend to right side (goitre improved).
Sensation of pressure through vagina when stooping.
Chronic dryness of vagina.
Burning of vagina during and after coition.
Neuralgia of vagina.
Serous cysts in vagina ; indurations ; fistula.
Itching, burning, gnawing in vagina.
Discharge of flatus from vagina. θ Physometra.
Occasional sharp pains running around labia.
Varices of genitals ; erectile tumors ; polypi.
Dry, pediculated, painless condylomata.
Inflammation of external genitals.
Nipples sore, fissured or covered with scurf ; bleed easily ; stitches and burning.
Hard, burning nodosities in mamma ; stitches.
Milk in breasts without being pregnant.


During first month of pregnancy, great nausea ; complete anorexia ; swelling of veins of ankles, tearing pain on motion.
Third month of pregnancy : tendency to accumulation of acrid water in stomach, with cramps ; constipation.
During fifth month of gestation : violent cramplike pains in bladder ; inclination to pass water, but unable to do so ; distension of abdomen from incarcerated flatus.
θ Strangury.
Fetus seems to be turning somersaults within womb.
Varices of pregnant women.
Disposition to miscarriage ; moles.
Long continued uterine hemorrhage, before or after abortion.
During labor pains must keep in constant motion ; walks the room weeping ; labor pains run upward ; > by placing foot against a support and pressing and relaxing alternately, so as to agitate whole body.
When lying in bed feels as if she would die from weakness ; lower jaw drops ; breathing slow and through mouth ; eyes half open ; when walking is obliged to let her hands hang down ; bones of lower extremities painful ; sudden weakness coming on, even when sitting. θ Labor.
Spasmodic contractions of cervix, pains unbearable, with jactitatory movements of body, “dancing up and down” during pains. θ Labor pains.
Three days after fifth confinement, abdomen enormously distended ; pulse small, not rapid ; awoke about midnight from suffocation, with congestive headache ; head seemed as if it would burst, nose bled a little ; feet cold, lochia stopped ; aphtha after every confinement ; rapid labors.
Feels as though hot balls dropped from each breast through to back, rolling down back, along each leg and dropping off heels ; this alternated with sensation as if balls of ice followed same course.
θ Childbed fever.
Swelling of foot and limb ; saphena vein swollen very large and very tender, can be distinctly traced all the way up.
θ Phlegmasia dolens.
Child draws so much blood from nipples that when it vomits it seems to be vomiting blood.
Stitches and burning pains in nipples and discharge from them of blood and water.


Hoarseness : feeble, husky voice ; dryness in windpipe ; remaining after croup ; loose cough by day, suffocating spells at night.
In last stage of croup, loose cough in daytime and suffocative fits at night ; in general, suffocative paroxysms alternating with free intervals. θ Croup.
Formication in windpipe at night.
Every evening constant tickling in throat.
θ Chronic bronchitis.
Bronchitis : with hepatic disturbances ; accompanying influenza ; febrile chill with wheezing, particularly on expiration ; lemon colored expectoration ; pressure in stomach and liver ; continual pain under right ribs and in epigastrium, with yellowish color of face ; greyish yellow or dirty expectoration, with stertor and stitches in chest ; respiration short before and during paroxysms of coughing ; as soon as cough ceases respiration is more normal ; in old people, with threatened paralysis of lungs.


Child wants to yawn, but cannot, this makes it cry.
Shortness of breath : during sleep (lung affections) ; from every exertion.
Oppression of breathing : < walking in open air, with weakness ; < from deep breathing.
Difficult respiration : as if he had inhaled sulphur fumes ; as if chest was constricted by cramps ; < lying on back.
Whizzing breathing in daytime, with sensation of too much mucus in chest ; loud rattling.
Likes to go about without any covering on head ; desire for open air ; anxiety during stormy weather ; general aggravation at time of menses, which have been absent for six years ; depression of spirits ; when alone, fearful despondent, lachrymose.
θ Dyspnoea.


Irritation from deep breathing, from stretching out throat and empty swallowing.
Cough : hard and dry, day and night, with painfulness of head and region of stomach ; from irritation in trachea, as from fumes of sulphur ; day and night, in feeble, emaciated boys ; with difficult respiration ; tight, affecting stomach and diaphragm, mostly before sunset ; at night, with some expectoration ; very overpowering in evening before going to sleep, as if larynx was tickled with a feather, with scanty expectoration ; with thick expectoration ; loose, rattling, expectoration not easy, remains in lungs tenaciously ; sputa thick, yellowish, greenish.
Cough < : from 4 to 8 P. M. ; on alternate days ; from exertion ; from stretching arms out ; stooping or lying down ; lying on (l.) side ; from eating and drinking cold things ; in wind or in warm room.
Cough > : lying on back or sitting up.
With cough, shattering as from a shock in temples, and at same time in chest.
Cough dry and hoarse, day and night ; coughs also in his sleep, then violent dry cough in morning ; great emaciation. θ Cough from bronchial irritation.
Cough almost continual, night and day, a deep short cough, with occasional expectoration during day of thick grey matter, in morning greenish and more profuse ; hoarseness and dyspnoea, constant desire to clear trachea ; cannot lie on sides, especially left ; dulness in upper part of left lung and mucous rattling during respiration ; upper part of lung impervious to air, except on full inspiration, when there is a prolonged paroxysm of coughing ; irregular flushes of heat, with circumscribed redness of cheeks and a slight night sweat ; weariness, limbs feel heavy ; easily fatigued and out of breath ; mind cheerful.
θ Chronic cough.
After neglected pneumonia : cough, shortness of breath, profuse, thick greenish yellow, salty, very offensive expectoration and rattling chest.
Sputa : thick yellow, purulent ; greyish yellow or dirty ; fetid pus or mucus streaked with blood ; green in morning ; tasting salty ; bloody ; small greenish yellow masses of mucus ; pieces of granular mucus ; tastes like old cheese ; large quantities of pus.


Oppression of chest : with shortness of breathing ; < in open air and after eating ; as if too full ; with a feeling of internal rawness ; tearing under clavicles, tension.
Sensation as if lungs were full of mucus ; whistling sound in trachea on inspiration.
Aching with or without soreness, producing dyspnoea and much mental depression.
Dull aching pain all over lungs, as if they had been overworked, with feeling of constriction of chest as from a tight waistcoat.
Stitches in left side of chest, also during inspiration, and extending to back.
Cutting pains from left scapula into chest, catching breath ; feels very ill and exhausted, intolerable thirst at 4 P. M.
Feeling of continuous pressure in left chest.
Tension as of a hoop on chest.
Bolstered up in bed ; face bluish white ; nose pinched ; eyes staring ; great dyspnoea ; rattling and fine crepitation in both lungs ; cough, which had been persistent, had ceased ; mouth and throat filled with ropy mucus ; loss of voice, tongue dark red, with an ulcer size of Lima bean, in centre ; temperature 103.7 ; respiration 60 ; pulse 145 ; soreness all over ; eleven very offensive and watery stools during last twelve hours ; no appetite ; little thirst.
θ Broncho-pneumonia.
Catarrh on chest of infants ; rattling on chest, which seems full of mucus.
Persistent catarrh : with much general weakness, takes cold easily ; cold air chills him through and through ; copious expectoration.
Dilatation of air tubes ; senile catarrh.
Pneumonia, right side ; extensive infiltration ; respiration wanting.
Nervous irritability ; no heat of head or redness of face ; circumscribed redness of cheeks ; great debility ; sweat without relief ; red, dry tongue ; frequent irritation to cough, with scanty, difficult grey expectoration ; rattling on chest ; dyspnoea, with anxious expression.
θ Pneumonia.
Lies on left side, legs drawn up and abdominal muscles relaxed ; countenance anxious ; respirations 50 to 60 per minute ; skin burning hot ; tongue coated brown, red at tip and margins ; nostrils in rapid fanlike motion ; answers quick, anxious and tremulous ; mind wandering ; great sensitiveness to pressure over right side of chest, particularly over liver, extending also over abdomen ; pulse 120 to 130 ; great thirst ; cough frequent and hacking, provoked by putting tongue far out ; expectoration streaked with blood, rusty and tenacious ; extensive bronchophony, extending to under right shoulder blade ; crepitation, absence of vesicular breathing.
θ Pneumonia.
Slight fever, no pain ; not much cough ; expectoration scanty, grey ; extreme dyspnoea on taking least exercise ; left lung hepatized from apex to base.
θ Latent pneumonia.
Right side most affected, sounding as if entire parenchyma were softened ; raises a whole mouthful of mucus at a time, of light rusty color, stringy and easily separated ; fanlike motion of ala nasi.
θ Pneumonia.
Cough < from 4 to 6 P. M. ; pale face and deep wrinkles, but debility not so great as he fancies ; when he gets up and stirs about it is not so bad as he thinks.
θ Pneumonia.
Neglected pneumonia ; especially with continuing hepatization and purulent sputum ; typhoid pneumonia.
Pneumonia, with raising of mouthfuls of mucus at a time, of a light rust color, stringy and easily separated.
Much pain in lungs ; severe hacking cough ; eyes bright and glassy ; sunken cheeks ; fever fits, with bright red spots on cheeks ; very restless at night ; profuse night sweats ; dull sound to percussion over apices of lungs ; at 4 P. M. each day has a fever fit and is much worse. θ Pulmonary disease.
After pneumonia, threatened phthisis ; great debility ; voice weak, can utter only a few words at a time ; cannot take a deep breath ; severe cough day and night, with profuse expectoration ; hectic fever with clammy night sweats.
After typhoid pneumonia, threatened phthisis ; suspicious cough profuse with expectoration of pus ; burning heat in palms of hands ; circumscribed redness of cheeks.
Chronic inflammatory condition of anterior portion of left lung ; threatened tuberculosis.
Face pale, sunken ; severe hiccough about every half hour ; much sneezing ; violent cough day and night, with copious greenish white expectoration, oppressed breathing, must rest in sitting posture ; profuse night sweats over whole body, < at night, and somewhat offensive on chest and back.
θ Phthisis pituitosa.
Threatened paralysis of lungs.
Chronic affection of diaphragm, probably due to inflammation.
Sense of constriction from right side all around short ribs ; cannot stretch himself, or lie on back, or stand upright.
θ Diaphragmitis.


Palpitation, evening, in bed ; anxious at night on turning over in bed ; < after eating, during digestion.
Heart’s action muffled and indistinct.
θ Albuminuria.
Cramp and constriction in chest, cannot get breath ; stitches beneath short ribs, extending to small of back and shoulders ; sharp pains shooting into heart ; sensation of stoppage of circulation at night, with fright and then sweat ; pulse quick and unsteady. θ Angina pectoris.
Dyspnoea and sudden cyanosis on sitting down ; hasty eating and drinking ; transient attacks of colic ; two pappy stools in evening before going to bed ; lies upon r. side, but always finds himself upon back when waking up.
θ Heart affection.
Rheumatic fever, with severe cardiac complications ; intense dyspnoea ; dilatation of ala nasi ; great flatulence ; epigastric constriction ; profuse sour sweats.
Typhoid symptoms ; neck drawn towards right side ; trembling palpitation ; pulsating tearing in region of heart ; stitches in left side of chest.
θ Heart disease.
Excitement of circulation, in evening, with restlessness and trembling.
Pulse unaltered ; accelerated only after eating or in evening.
Sensation as if circulation stood still, or ebullitions of blood.
Acceleration of pulse, with coldness of face and feet.
θ Pernicious intermittents and other diseases.


Brownish yellow spots on chest ; liver spots.
Tearing and tension under clavicles, and stitch on deep inspiration.
Hard lump in left breast and beneath arm, with burning pain (after Laches.).
θ Cancer.
Itching on chest.


One side of neck stiff and swollen.
Stiffness of left side of neck, head drawn to left side. θ Torticollis.
Tensive pain and stiffness in nape of neck and shoulders.
Pressure in a small spot in nape of neck.
Darting in right cervical muscles from below upward.
Sensation in back of neck as if cords were breaking.
Carotid aneurism.
Bronchocele on right side, tense, smooth, shining appearance, with feeling of constriction in tumor, as if held in some unyielding envelope, while not very large.
After catching cold, swelling on neck, followed by suppuration, thereupon formation of callous, fistulous openings, from which oozed a serous discharge.
Large clusters of red pimples around neck, with violent itching.
Swelling of cervical glands.
Burning as from hot coals between scapula, < in Summer.
Rising of warmth along spine.
Drawing and aching between scapula.
Sticking pain in back, extending to right scapula.
Drawing sticking pain in back.
Throbbing and pulsating in back ; chilliness.
Severe backache > by passing urine.
Pain in back and right side, from congestion of liver.
Violent pain in small of back in morning on rising from bed, so that she was unable to move, during menses.
Pain in small of back, while lying on back, with great weariness, going down to feet ; violent while sitting, not allowing to straighten one’s self.
Stitches in back towards small of back, when sitting.
Pain in small of back as if it would break ; with hard stool and colic as if intestines would burst.
Pain in small of back and stitches in both hips and in left chest at night.
Pain and stiffness in small of back (at night).
Stitches in small of back, especially when rising from stooping.
Pain in small of back, extending into thighs.
Pain in sacral region, < rising from a seat.
Sensation as if flesh was loose on lower part of back.
Tearing in sacrum, kidneys and back, especially near spine.
Lumbago if Bryonia has not sufficiently relieved and pain is < from slightest motion.


Axillary glands swollen ; fetid sweat in axilla.
Boils in and about axilla ; scurfy, itching, moist herpetic eruption ; pus continues to discharge from boils for an unusually long time, they no sooner heal than fresh ones appear.
Rheumatic tension in right shoulder joint.
Tearing pains : in shoulder and elbow joints during rest, not in motion ; from neck to elbow, also in whole arm ; in hands, only while in bed.
Pain as from bruises in scapula, shoulders and upper arms, < when at rest.
Twitching in arms and shoulders.
Arms and fingers go to sleep easily ; numbness of hands.
Pain in bones of arms at night.
Weakness of arms when at work, and conversely they feel powerless, yet he can work.
Great dryness of hands, especially of palms.
Drawing pain in inner surface of upper arms ; extending over elbows along forearms and wrists.
Pain as from a sprain in right wrist joint.
Inflammatory redness in all finger joints.
Finger joints much distorted and filled with chalk deposits ; profuse, icy cold sweat of affected hands and fingers to extent of several drops a minute, and this in hottest day of July.
θ Chronic rheumatic gout.
Small boils on hands.
Inflammation extending over whole hand ; bluish red swelling ; bluish blisters filled with red or yellow fluid.
θ Panaritium. θ Chilblains.
Hands constantly hot, which is very troublesome to her.
Hands feel numb, dull tingling as if they had been asleep ; sensation of heaviness and feeling of enlargement of hands ; almost everything, even hot things, feel cold to touch ; when writing or driving, the pen or reins drop from hands unnoticed ; no loss of motor power.
θ Anesthesia.
Warts on fingers, hands and arms.
Great dryness of skin of hands.
Itching pimples on hands.
White scaly tetter on back of hand and fingers.
Psoriasis palmaris.
Stiffness of fingers from arthritic nodosities.
Itching pimples between fingers.
Felons with many constitutional symptoms ; panaritium, with gastric affections.
Hands swollen and hard ; fingers swollen stiff and extended ; back of hand dark red and burning hot, palm of hand greyish yellow, irregularly swollen, hard and covered with small ulcers ; large, painful, hard, hot swelling between index and middle fingers, stitches like a thorn on touch ; face pale, greyish yellow ; expression of eyes dull ; somnolent ; about 1 or 2 P. M., coldness of feet extending over ankles, as if standing in cold water, followed by chilliness up legs, extending into back ; heaviness and confusion of head, with vertigo and pressing stitching pain in forehead, extending over whole head, particularly in vertex and occiput, with constant roaring in ears ; in nape of neck and shoulders frequent tearing, pressing pains, with oppression and shortness of breath, particularly when lying ; dry cough ; in morning, yellow expectoration, in which there are often small particles like rice, or lumps as large as a pea, pearly in color.
θ Rheumatism.


Boils on nates.
Suppurative stage, when wounds are very irritable ; burning pains.
θ Hip disease.
Coxalgia, with violent jerks of limbs ; child awakens cross, or with a scream.
Pains in left hip joint on motion.
Pains as from a sprain in hip.
Rheumatic tension in left hip.
Frequent jerking of lower limbs, mostly with a groan, awake or slumbering.
Neuralgia of extremities.
Sciatica : chronic cases ; burning and stinging pains, with complete intermissions ; stiffness and weakness of affected limbs ; < by rest and slightly > by motion ; painful muscular twitchings.
Every four days : pain in leg from hip to foot, causing limping.
Limbs go to sleep easily.
Tearing in middle of right thigh.
Feeling of soreness on inner surface of left thigh, with some biting itching, extending to genitals.
Smarting pain, and a feeling as if rubbed sore, in skin of thigh, after walking.
Several brown spots on inner surface of thighs, close to scrotum, extending from inguinal canal to perineum ; next day spots inflamed, fiery red, swollen, with violent burning pain, especially when touched and walking.
Tightness during night in old ulcers of lower parts of thighs.
Knee : swollen and stiff ; swollen with sweating ; white swelling ; swelling with perspiration.
Stiffness in hollows of knees, as if from a long walk, in morning on rising.
On sitting down feels very stiff, particularly in knee joints ; great tremor on standing a while ; difficulty in passing water, has to wait a long time before urine flows ; general symptoms < about 3 P. M.
θ Chronic rheumatism.
Severe drawing pain in front of legs, from knee down to instep, attack coming on every night when she became warm in bed ; sensation of great heat in affected parts ; restlessness preventing sleep ; similar pain in forehead and occiput ; > during day ; probably caused by living in a damp house.
θ Intermittent rheumatic pains.
Tearing pains ; swelling and heat in knees and ankles, with swelling of feet and tearing pain in left heel ; stiffness in knees and weakness of affected limbs ; < at night ; chilliness alternating with heat ; tongue furrowed ; sweet taste ; no thirst ; high colored urine ; stitching in right hip ; pains < from motion.
θ Rheumatism.
Pain as from contraction in calves when walking (cramp), or at night ; cramp in toes.
Oozing of water from sore places in oedematous legs.
Old ulcers on legs, with nightly tearing, burning and itching.
Varicose veins on legs.
Herpes on tibia.
After injury to ankle, half year ago, slight wound of skin near inner malleolus, followed by ulceration, gradually extending in depth and circumference until whole ankle became affected ; hard callous edges ; offensive, impure, ichorous discharge ; severe burning pains < at night in bed.
Feet feel as if dead or asleep.
One foot hot, the other cold, or cold sweaty feet.
Feet habitually cold ; cold sweat makes them sore.
Profuse, fetid foot sweat ; burning of soles ; feet sore.
Œdema of feet ; oedema rises until ascites forms.
Swelling of left foot, with stitches in toes on stepping.
Capillary network on dorsum of foot.
Tearing pain through right instep at 8 P. M., usually lasts till midnight.
Swelling of soles ; they pain when walking.
Fissures on heels, with oozing of water from sore places.
Cramp in toes.
Stitches : in big toe of right foot (in evening) ; in corns, with sore feeling.
Worse on beginning to walk (stiffness) ; > continuing to walk, child wants to be carried.
Since birth, soreness between thighs, so that he never yet has attempted to walk, although four years old ; scrofulous in highest degree ; never had least desire to drink ; between 3 and 4 P. M., irritability of whole nervous system, with crying spells on account of pain in left ankle, where bones were softened and discharging a saffron yellow water, with tendency to suppuration ; face covered with freckles ; everything tasted salty to him.
θ Rachitis.
Tearing in left foot, followed by swelling, pain then extending to thigh and finally into right leg ; sleep disturbed ; later swelling of left leg, then of right ; skin of legs feels hard, although swelling is elastic and does not pit upon pressure ; no redness ; gradually swelling extended up to knees ; severe tensive pains in tendons on motion ; severe biting pains in legs unless warmly covered ; burning in glans penis on urination, lasting several days, then disappearing and reappearing regularly every month ; peculiar sensation extending from right shoulder down to elbow joint, as if arm was dead and without sensation.
θ Rheumatism.


Numbness of limbs, sensation as if circulation ceased.
Drawing, tearing in limbs at night, < during rest and on alternate days ; muscles and joints rigid, painful with numbness ; finger joints inflamed ; also with arthritic nodes ; swelling of dorsa of feet ; rheumatism ; < in wet weather ; > in warmth.
Painful stiffness of muscles and numb sensation in joints.
Stiffness in all joints.
Cracking of joints when stretched.
Joint feels as if encircled by band, or ring.
Pain in right inner ankle, which spreads over foot and up to knee and is felt in left leg as in right ; ankles and knees stiff, twitching pain on motion ; knees weak ; pain in chest ; thirst every half hour for cold water ; skin hot ; pulse 90 ; knees and inner ankles swollen and tender to touch ; elbows and shoulders stiff ; shooting downward in calves from knees to ankles, first right then left
θ Rheumatism.
Pain in paroxysms, commencing in right shoulder and arm, extending down right side of trunk to hip, shoots across to l. hip and down leg ; < on motion ; hands and feet generally cold.
θ Rheumatism.
Erysipelatous inflammation of a number of ulcers on left leg ; also on right leg and forearm.
Flat, herpetic looking ulcers on foot ; on making slightest misstep, severe pain in ankle ; constant tensive pain in leg ; leg bluish red, not hot to touch.
Fissures on hands ; also on heels.
Alternation of heat and cold in rheumatism, or gouty pains in limbs.


Fatigue and weakness is felt more during rest than during motion, yet averse to exercise.
Rest : eruptions on legs <; tearing pains in shoulder and elbow joints ; in scapula, shoulder and upper arms <; sciatica <.
Must rest in sitting posture on account of oppression of breathing.
At ease in no position.
While in bed : tearing pains in upper limbs.
Lying down : headache <; hammering in head >; headache >; pain in epigastrium >; burning sensation up spine ; as if something heavy was lying in left side of abdomen ; pain in bladder <; cough <; tearing in head >; chilliness in evening <; in bed, feels as if she would die from weakness.
Lying on back : difficult respiration <; cough >; pain in small of back ; most comfortable during fever attacks.
Cannot lie on back : on account of inability to breathe ; sense of constriction.
Lies upon right side, but always finds himself upon back when waking up.
Cannot lie on right side : pressing pain in region of liver.
Lying on left side : unbearable from feeling of weight in abdomen ; cough <, with legs drawn up.
Cannot lie on sides, especially left : cough.
Head bent back.
Leaning head backward : throbbing in brain.
Throwing back of head : from shocks of head.
Sitting : as if something heavy was lying on left side of abdomen ; varices painful ; pain in perineum ; sudden weakness ; cough >; dyspnoea and sudden cyanosis ; violent pain in small of back ; stitches in back ; feels very stiff ; for a long time, clots of leucorrhoea fall to floor.
Sitting bent over : pain in stomach and region of duodenum <; perforating ulcer (stomach) <; stitches in sides >.
Must sit up : shortness of breath.
Must bend and draw right leg up with her hands : on account of severe pain in right groin.
Bending : cramps in stomach >; tensive aching in hypochondria <.
Stooping : pressing pain in head <; pressure through vagina ; cough <.
Raising himself in bed : congestion of blood to head.
Rising up : headache <; vertigo ; violent pain in small of back in morning.
Rising from a seat : pain in sacral region <; impossible, severe pain in right groin.
Rising from stooping : brain as if vacillating <.
Standing : causes tremor.
When tongue is put out it rolls from side to side.
Stretching of throat : causes irritation.
Cannot stretch or stand upright : tension in diaphragm.
Placing foot against support and pressing and relaxing alternately so as to agitate whole body : during labor pains.
Stretching arms out : cough <.
When stretched : joints crack.
On turning over in bed : palpitation.
Least exertion : sweat.
Motion : throbbing headache ; shortness of breath <; tearing pains in ankles ; pain in left hip joint ; sciatica slightly > ; tearing pain <; twitching pain in lower limbs ; of r. leg eases pain in right groin.
Must keep in constant motion : during labor pains.
Unable to move : from violent pain in small of back.
When he gets up and stirs about : debility not so bad as he thinks.
Stepping : stitches in toes.
At every step : shattered and concussed feeling in head.
Stepping hard : shaking in head.
Walking : brain as if vacillating <; eruption on legs >; perforating ulcer (stomach) >; as if something heavy was lying on left side of abdomen ; rumbling and gurgling in abdomen ; pain in groin ; must let her hands hang down ; oppression of breathing <; smarting pain and soreness in skin of thigh ; spots on inner surface of thighs pain ; pain in calves ; soles pain ; at first stiffness <, after continuing >; a few steps, pain in groin ceases.
Cannot walk erect, must go bent over or lie down : severe pressure in abdomen.
On making slightest misstep : severe pain in ankle.
Physical exertion : brings on attacks of pain in epigastrium ; shortness of breath ; cough <.
Going up stairs : brain as if vacillating <.
Rolls about on floor with pain.
When writing or driving : pen or reins drop from hands unnoticed.
Horseback riding : bearing down over bladder >.
Great aversion to exercise.
No power to raise arms and move hands.


Causes depression of nearly all functions.
Great tendency to start ; feels frightened at everything, even ringing of door bell.
Involuntary alternate extension and contraction of muscles.
Debility, felt most while at rest ; aversion to exercise.
Numbness and twitching through body and limbs.
Fruitless efforts to yawn.
Jerking and twitching of single limbs or whole body, sleeping or waking ; subsultus tendinum.
Pains drawing, tearing < at night ; muscles and joints rigid ; sensation of torpor in affected part.
Spasms (epileptic) with screaming, foaming at mouth, unconsciousness, throwing arms about, cardiac anguish ; imagines he will die.
Lassitude ; unrefreshing sleep ; falls asleep too late and awakens too early ; sleep full of dreams which she cannot recollect ; cold hands and feet ; flushes of heat ; thirst ; profuse sour sweat in morning ; fearful, depressed, despondent, indifferent, with satiety of life, particularly in company ; activity of mind impaired ; frequent stitching or tearing in forehead, vertex or sides of head, > lying down and by pressure ; falling out of hair ; eyes appear too large ; vision dim, sees as through a veil ; occasional roaring in ears and fluent coryza ; sensation of dryness in nose, throat and mouth ; tongue coated ; appetite impaired ; belching ; stitches in sides, > bending double ; stool hard every two or three days ; menses regular, too profuse.
θ Hysteria.
Seven months pregnant ; carbuncle on chin very painful, causing trismus ; pulse frequent ; skin hot, moist ; teeth shut tightly ; head drawn to right side.
Great weakness with chronic catarrhs.
Nervous excitement ; prostration of mind and body ; nervous debility.
Great emaciation and internal debility.
Excessive and frequent secretion of pale urine, and profuse leucorrhoea, causing debility ; discharge comes away in a gush, and when she sits for a long time, clots fall to floor ; cannot rise from seat on account of severe pain in right groin ; must bend and draw up right leg with her hands, and after moving it to and fro she can rise, after walking a few steps the pain ceases.
Formication of affected limbs.


Much and frequent yawning ; fruitless attempts.
Irresistible sleepiness after meals.
Sleepy during day, wakeful at night, mind too active.
Lies long in evening unable to go to sleep.
Child sleeps with half open eyes and throws head from side to side, with moaning.
Sopor in typhoid and exanthematous fevers ; impending paralysis of brain.
Sleep restless ; at ease in no position ; cries out, starts ; jerking of limbs ; unrefreshing ; full of phantasies ; wakes very often ; quite wide awake at 4 A. M. ; child groans in sleep or springs up terrified and screaming, and is angry and cross, striking, kicking and scratching everyone who approaches ; great excitement ; starts up full of anxiety, wishes to cry out but cannot, as in nightmare ; crying, with unintelligible words ; frequently laughs aloud in sleep ; moaning.
Dreams : confused ; anxious ; vivid, anxious ; frightful, frequently awakening him ; horrid ; of sickness ; moving, etc. ; of trees growing on fences without ground under them ; of people drowning, boats capsizing, etc.
On awaking : cross, kicks, scolds ; or awakes terrified, as if dreaming ; feels unrefreshed ; hungry when awaking at night.
Awakes as though frightened by a bad dream ; apparently continues to dream after waking, cannot be pacified, and cannot bear to be left alone ; frequent jerking of limbs, or even whole body, whether awake or sleeping.
Children sleep apparently soundly, but scream out suddenly in sleep, stare about and cannot easily be pacified.
Sleep at night very full of dreams, which are fatiguing, with perspiration on waking.
Baby cries all day and sleeps all night.


Morning : satiety of life <; congestion of blood to head ; eyes smart ; bad taste in mouth ; dryness of tongue ; putrid smell from mouth ; thick, yellow and greenish expectoration ; bitter taste ; nausea ; violent dry cough ; expectoration greenish ; violent pain in small of back ; on rising, stiffness of knees ; sour sweat ; chilliness on awaking ; early sweat ; sweat over whole body.
In forenoon : vertigo.
Day : tearing pain in forehead ; throbbing in brain ; photophobia ; agglutination and lachrymation ; belching with burning ; loose cough ; whizzing breathing ; dry, hard cough ; occasional expectoration ; much sneezing and violent cough ; pain in front of legs >; sleepy ; cries ; skin itches and bites.
In afternoon : frequent epistaxis ; pain in left hypochondriac region ; colicky pains ; stitching headache.
At 3 P. M. : general symptoms <; chilly in back.
At 4 P. M. : cannot see after that time ; ulcerated sore throat <; swollen, congested sore throat <; great prostration ; symptoms of diphtheria <; excessive flatulence <; dribbling of urine from bladder ; intolerable thirst ; chill, lasting ten minutes ; chill, lasting two hours ; intense heat.
From 4 to 8 P. M. : weeping <; stupefying headache ; pressing headache in vertex <; cough <; chill ; fever <; general aggravation.
From 4.45 to 6.30 P. M. : quotidian ague.
At 5 P. M. : chilliness all over body ; chill, lasting nearly all night.
At 6 P. M. : chilliness starting from back, with stupefying sleep ; over whole body ; tearing in limbs ; no thirst ; no sweat.
At 7 P. M. : hands and feet icy cold ; one sided chill (left).
At 7.30 P. M. : cannot see after that time, from February to July each year.
At 8 P. M. : tearing pain in right instep, usually lasts till midnight.
After 8 P. M. : feels > but weak.
At 9 A. M. : chilly and weak.
Evening : fear of phantoms ; dryness of eyes ; stitches and soreness of eyes ; pressure in stomach ; chilliness, lassitude ; early, colicky pains ; itching and tension at anus ; cough very overpowering ; palpitation ; two pappy stools ; excitement of circulation, with restlessness and trembling ; pulse accelerated ; stitches in toes ; lies long unable to go to sleep ; chilliness <; chill.
Night : tearing pain in forehead ; violent headache ; eruption on scalp <; blindness ; dryness of eyes ; cannot get breath ; rubs nose ; toothache ; restless ; drinks little but often ; pain in stomach >; action of kidneys disturbing at night ; rumbling in bowels ; itching of ulcers <; sleep disturbed ; sweat ; wakes cross and hungry ; aching and pressure in rectum <; frequently compelled to rise to urinate ; pain in bladder <; urine pale ; chill and heat ; suffocating spells ; formication in windpipe ; dry, hard cough ; cough, with some expectoration ; very restless ; profuse sweats ; much sneezing and violent cough ; anxious palpitation, as if circulation stopped ; stitches in left chest ; pain and stiffness in small of back ; pain in bones of arms ; tightness in old ulcers on thighs ; stiffness in knees and weakness of affected limbs <; cramp in calves ; wakeful ; awakes hungry ; sleep full of dreams ; heat, with great thirst and restless sleep ; clammy sweat ; stitching headache.
About midnight : awoke from suffocation with congestive headache.


Desire for open air.
In open air : nausea passes off ; walking, oppression of breathing <.
In open, cold air and uncovering head : headache >; chilled through and through.
Inclination to uncover : likes to go without any covering on head.
Warmth : eruption on scalp <; toothache >; rheumatism > ; makes skin itch and bite.
Warmth of bed : headache <; toothache >; perforating ulcer (stomach) >; pain on front of legs, at night ; does not > for two hours.
Warm room : cough <; cannot tolerate, during febrile attack wishes windows and doors open day and night.
Getting warm from walking : headache <; itching of scalp <.
Warm food : aversion to.
From warm drinks : pain in throat >; relieve.
Heat : chilliness not >.
In hot room : vertigo.
Hot applications : eruption on legs <.
Hot brandy and water : pains at epigastrium >.
Even hot things feel cold to touch.
Cold articles of diet : diarrhoea <; cough <; longing for.
From cold drinks : diphtheritic patches <; pain in throat ; nausea <; cough <.
Cold water applications : eruption on legs >.
Drinking cold water : caused diarrhoea.
Wet weather : rheumatism <.
Stormy weather : anxiety.
Windy weather : cough <.
Living in damp house : intermittent, rheumatic pains.
Aggravation from moistening diseased parts.


Want of animal heat.
Chilliness : day before menstruation ; on awaking in morning, followed by great heat ; constantly increasing, without heat or sweat ; all over, at 9 A. M., even heat from stove will not warm ; in back at 3 P. M., still < in evening after lying down, lasting a quarter of an hour, with cold feet, without subsequent heat or sweat ; over whole body at 5 P. M. ; at 6 P. M., starting from back, with a feeling as if water was spurted upon back ; at 6 P. M., with stupefying sleep, followed by uneasy sleep, interrupted by heavy dreams ; at 6 P. M., over whole body, with stupefaction, sleepiness, tearing in limbs, no thirst, no sweat.
Chill : from 4 to 8 P. M., with numb hands and feet, icy cold at 7 P. M. ; on awaking from a dreamy sleep, covered with sweat ; afterwards violent thirst ; one sided (left) at 7 P. M., commencing in back, with numb, icy cold hands and feet, cannot get warm in bed for two hours, tearing in limbs, yawning, nausea and inclination to vomit ; icy coldness as if lying on ice ; creeping on back in evening ; in evening, in bed, preventing sleep ; followed by sweat without intervening heat ; followed by bloated face and hands ; alternating with heat.
Sour vomiting between chill and heat.
Heat : of head, also after eating, and red spot on left cheek ; frequent flushes in face ; in face, eyes and palms of hands ; with inclination to uncover ; with redness of face ; rising from abdomen to head, with burning in cheeks ; flushes over whole body, mostly towards evening ; with frequent drinking of small quantities at a time ; with constipation and increased micturition ; at night, with great thirst and restless sleep ; with red cheeks, alternating with chilliness ; hectic fever, with suppuration of lungs.
Sour vomiting in or during entire hot stage.
θ Ague.
Sweat : immediately after chill, without intervening heat ; from least exertion ; most profuse on face ; about scalp and temples ; on chest and trunk ; at night or early in morning ; sourish, acrid ; profuse, sour smelling, on body, not on legs ; in morning over whole body, smelling of blood ; cold, sour, offensive, bloody, or smelling like onions ; clammy at night, with coldness of face ; fetid, in axilla and of feet, with burning of soles, in women suffering from chronic endo-metritis and disordered vaginal discharges.
Thirst after sweating stage.
Nausea and vomiting, then chill, followed by sweat, without intervening heat ; or sour vomiting between chill and heat.
Febrile attack every afternoon at 4 o’clock ; head hot ; room is too warm, opens windows and doors ; some thirst ; loss of appetite ; constipation ; violent cough ; since childbirth two weeks previously.
At 4 P. M. chill, lasting about ten minutes, followed by intense heat, with little sweat and severe headache and pulsating in temples ; heat lasts until afternoon of next day, and reappears in afternoon of third day ; during heat restless, wants all the windows and doors open ; great thirst ; tongue white, with red edges ; at first constipated, later four to five thin stools every day ; three days after parturition.
Since second day after parturition, which occurred eleven weeks ago, daily attacks of fever at 4 P. M. ; occasional chilliness, generally dry heat, lasts several hours and is followed by sweat, which continues throughout whole night ; on making any motion in bed, sweat disappears and is replaced by heat ; in morning, cold and chilly ; moderate thirst ; during fever, slight pain in occiput ; cold feet, shortness of breath, desire to lie uncovered upon back and with head elevated ; stool regular ; urine like turbid beer.
Chill, 5 P. M., lasting nearly all night ; headache ; dryness of mouth, without disposition to drink ; very hot during fever ; urine copious ; no sweat ; pain flying all through him ; oedematous swelling < about face and hands.
Paroxysms commence between 4 and 8 P. M. ; sometimes with chill, again without ; thirsty or not ; sleepy ; fever lasts till midnight or 2 A. M., generally followed by sweat.
θ Epidemic intermittent.
Quotidian ague, from 4.45 to 6.30 P. M. ; half an hour before chill, calves get cold ; chill lasts nineteen minutes ; headache, nausea, light sensation about heart, sore stomach, slight dyspnoea ; sweat not prominent ; thirsty ; much belching ; pain in left hypochondrium on taking a long breath ; urine very red.
Chill on alternate days, about 4 P. M., lasting two hours, followed by more or less fever till bedtime ; chill and fever severe ; tossing, anxious, hot and restless ; heavily loaded urine, pinkish, half floating sediment, and a substance like brick dust ; severe pain in renal region, much < if urine is held after desire to urinate appears ; > by urination ; belches much wind ; rumbling of wind causes pain ; prostration. θ Intermittent.
Circumscribed redness of cheeks ; cough, with thick, yellow, salty expectoration. θ Intermittent.
Sour eructations, sweet taste, vomiting.
θ Ague.
Face and hands bloated.
θ Ague.
Ague coming on every seven days.
Old broken down cases of malaria ; chill ; sweat greasy.
Sleepy by day, restless, delirious sleep at night, with terrible dreams ; crying out and laughing in sleep ; evening chill followed by heat, and often offensive, sticky night sweats ; anxious, sad, lachrymose ; afraid to be alone ; tearing, stitching headache in afternoon and at night ; beginning paralysis of brain ; oversensitiveness of hearing ; roaring in ears ; grinding of teeth ; dryness of mouth without thirst ; foul taste in mouth ; pressure in stomach in evening ; swelling of epigastrium ; bloating of abdomen ; pulsating and pressing out sensation in abdominal ring ; flatulency. θ Typhoid.
Stupefaction, murmuring delirium, stammering speech ; using wrong words ; yellowish face ; subsultus tendinum ; grasping at flocks ; squinting ; trembling ; meteorism ; constipation ; dirty, sticky tongue ; loose, rattling cough and painful micturition ; rash does not appear until fourteenth day, and patient sinks into an unconscious state, with muttering delirium, picking at bedclothes ; distended abdomen with great rumbling of flatus ; constipation ; involuntary urination or retention of urine ; if urine is passed in bed it leaves reddish, sandy deposit.
θ Typhoid.
Tongue seems swollen, cannot protrude it, or when it is put out, it rolls from side to side, like a pendulum ; tongue dry and has blisters on it.
θ Typhoid.
Typhoid fever ; awakes from sleep peevish ; scolding, crying and bad behavior.
Impending paralysis of brain ; lies in stupor ; eyes do not react to light and have fishy look ; lower jaw dropped ; breathing, snoring and rattling, mucous rattle as air goes in and out of lungs ; urine involuntary or suppressed ; pulse intermittent and rapid.
θ Typhoid.
Cold hands and feet, and general want of bodily heat.
θ Typhoid.
Fever accompanied by great reflex nervous irritability ; alternating chill and heat ; sensorial irritability without very hot head or symptoms of congestion ; circumscribed red cheeks, red, dry tongue ; constipation.
Fever during catarrhal croupous pneumonia ; intense heat, 4 P. M. ; great restlessness and sleeplessness.
Febrile attacks during tuberculosis ; cannot tolerate a warm room, wishes windows and doors open day and night ; fever < 4 to 8 P. M., restless until midnight ; lies best when on back.


Faintish at certain hours in day.
In slow succession : violent stitches in hollow teeth.
For quarter of an hour : syncope ; chilliness.
Every half hour : severe hiccough ; thirsty for cold water.
After half hour : wakes with palpitation.
One hour after eating : nausea and vomiting.
For two hours after eating : spits up food.
For several hours : cannot make least movement on account of persistence of pain in rectum.
Before sunset : tight respiration.
During last twelve hours : eleven stools.
Once or twice daily : attacks of severe pain in stomach.
Daily : four to six painless, yellow, watery, undigested stools ; between 3 and 4 P. M., one or two thin stools ; drinks twenty-two tumblerfuls of water ; deposit of large clots of blood in urine ; at 4 P. M. has a fever fit and is much <; four or five thin stools.
Every morning at 2 or 3 : severe pains at epigastrium.
Every afternoon : screaming spells ; dribbling of urine from bladder ; at 4 o’clock, febrile attack ; 4 to 8 P. M., general aggravation.
Every evening : dribbling of urine from bladder ; constant tickling in throat.
Every night : agglutination of lids ; tickling cough ; closure of nasal openings ; severe pain down front of legs.
On alternate days : cough <; chill about 4 P. M.
Since second day after parturition, eleven weeks ago : daily attacks of fever at 4 P. M.
At 4 P. M. : chill ; heat lasts until afternoon of next day and reappears in afternoon of third day.
Every two or three days : stools hard.
Three days after fifth confinement : abdomen enormously distended.
Every four days : pain in leg from hip to foot.
For four days : inflammation of tonsil and fauces.
Every five or six days : violent spasms in abdomen.
Every six or eight days : menses reappear.
Every seven days : ague coming on.
During menses : pain in temples ; nausea.
Before full moon : leucorrhoea <.
Each year from February to July : hypermetropic.
In Summer : burning between scapula <.
For one year : menses absent.
For several years : attacks of pain in stomach.
Four years : chronic diarrhoea.
For six years : menses absent.


Right : pupil dilated ; hammering pain in side of head ; stitches < in temple ; head drawn to side ; eye, dim sight <; redness and swelling of lids ; polypus growing from outer canthus of eye ; tearing in meatus ; ichorous discharge begins in nostril ; pain in malar bones ; pain in side of face and temple ; eruption on cheek ; stitches in region of parotid ; soreness begins on side of throat ; swelling of cervical glands ; diphtheria <; swelling of tonsil, also neck ; greyish spots on tonsil ; deposit covers whole tonsil ; discharge from ear ; cannot lie on side ; pressive pain in hypochondrium ; pain in side ; pain in shoulder and arm ; when turning on side a hard body seems to roll from navel to that side ; colicky pains in side of abdomen ; hardness on side ; hernia ; pain concentrated on side near hip ; stiffness in renal region < on side ; renal colic in ureter ; large goitre on side ; continued pain under ribs and in epigastrium ; pneumonia ; great sensitiveness to pressure over side of chest ; bronchophony extending to under shoulder blade ; sense of constriction from side all around short ribs ; neck drawn to side ; darting in cervical muscles ; bronchocele on side ; pain from back to scapula ; rheumatic tension in shoulder joint ; pain as from a sprain in wrist joint ; tearing in middle of thigh ; stitching in hip ; tearing through instep ; in inner ankle, extending over foot up knee ; pain in paroxysms, first in shoulder and arm down side of trunk to hip, then across to left hip ; ulcers on leg and forearm ; severe pain in groin ; eczema on fingers of hand ; moist, scald head, most on and behind ear.
Left : sees only left half of object ; pustules on margin of cornea ; tearing in meatus ; heat in cheek ; constant disposition to breaking out on cheek ; swelling of throat ; swelling of cervical glands ; side of face swollen ; pains in throat ; pemphigus on thumb and third finger ; leg covered up to knee with ulcers ; pain in hypochondriac region ; acute griping in hypochondrium ; wind gurgles in hypochondrium ; as if something heavy was lying on side of abdomen ; stitching in side of chest, in axilla ; pain in kidney and ureter ; kidney affected ; cannot lie on side ; dulness in upper part of lung ; stitches on side of chest ; cutting pains from scapula to chest ; continuous pressure in chest ; lung hepatized ; chronic inflammatory condition of lung ; hard lump in breast ; stiffness of side of neck ; head drawn to side ; pain in hip joint ; rheumatic tension in hip ; soreness on inner surface of thigh ; tearing in heel ; swelling of foot, with stitches in toes ; pain from right ankle spreads to leg ; ulcers on leg ; chill on side ; red spot on cheek.
From right to left : swelling and suppuration of tonsils ; diphtheritic patches spread ; cutting pains across abdomen ; cutting across hypogastrium ; burning or boring stitches in ovaries ; shooting from knees to ankles ; pain in hips.
From left to right : pains in throat.
From within outward : stitches in temples.
From below upward : darting in cervical muscles.
Upward : labor pains run.


Anxious, as if about to die ; as if everything was turning around ; as though everything was sinking down in bed ; temples as if screwed together ; as if bones of skull were being driven asunder, or as if brain was vacillating to and fro ; head as if it would burst ; pain in head as if caused by wrong position ; eyes as if bruised ; as of a veil before eyes ; as if looking through fine lattice ; as if looking through a fog ; eyes as if too large ; as if dust was in eyes ; as if eyes were dry ; singing in ears as from boiling water ; as if hot blood rushed into ears ; as if sulphur vapor was in throat ; front teeth as if too long ; vesicles on tip of tongue as if scalded and raw ; as if a ball rose up in throat ; as if entrance of pharynx was constricted ; as if a hard body lodged in back part of throat ; limbs as if bruised ; as if head opened ; sensation in stomach as if fasting ; belching as if caused by wind in stomach ; as if everything was too tight on stomach ; as if stomach was pressed together from both sides ; fingers as if dead ; as if everything eaten was rising up ; as if chest would burst ; as if oesophagus was being clutched and twisted ; as if steam was rising from stomach into head ; as if gimlets were running into spine ; tension as from a cord in diaphragm ; tension as from a hoop in hypochondria ; soreness as if from shock in region of liver ; as if twenty dogs with sharp teeth were gnawing her ; as if something was moving up and down in stomach and bowels ; as if a hard body rolled from navel to right side ; as if something heavy was lying on left side of abdomen ; as if heart hung by a thread ; as if stomach would fall down ; as of drops of water falling down ; pain as from a blow in right hypochondriac region ; sore aching in region of liver as from a shock ; pain as if suppurating in swelling of inguinal gland ; back as if broken ; as if abdomen was bound up and would burst ; noise in abdomen as if small bladders of air were bursting ; teeth as if loose ; urine as if mingled with brick dust ; when lying in bed feels as if she would die from weakness ; as if head would burst ; as though hot balls dropped from each breast through to back, rolling down back, along each leg and dropping off heels, this alternates with sensation as if balls of ice followed same course ; as if he had inhaled sulphur fumes ; as if chest was constricted by cramps ; as if there was too much mucus in chest ; as if larynx was tickled with a feather ; shattering as from a shock in temples and chest ; chest as if too full ; as if lungs had been overworked ; constriction as from a tight waistcoat ; tension as of a hoop on chest ; as if entire parenchyma was softened ; as if circulation stood still ; as if cords of back of neck were breaking ; as if tumor was held in some unyielding envelope ; burning as from hot coals between scapula ; as if small of back would break ; colic as if intestines would burst ; as if flesh was loose on lower part of back ; pain as from bruises in shoulder, scapula and upper arms ; pain as from a sprain in right wrist joint ; as if hands had been asleep ; hands as if enlarged ; pain as from a sprain in hip ; as if skin of thigh was rubbed sore ; feet as if dead or asleep ; joints feel as if encircled by band or ring ; awakes terrified as if dreaming ; as if water was spurted upon back ; as if lying on ice ; flesh as if struck with a stick.
Pain : above eyes ; in temples ; in right side of face, right temple and parietal bone ; in teeth ; in throat ; all over limbs ; on left side of throat, shifting to right and up into ear ; in tonsils ; in small of back ; in stomach and region of duodenum ; under ribs and all around waist ; across stomach and straight down both sides of it ; in left hypochondriac region as if weight like a stone rolled over ; in groin ; in region of abdominal ring ; in anus ; in rectum ; in left kidney and ureter ; in bowels ; in perineum ; in abdomen ; in loins ; in lumbar region and nape of neck ; under right ribs and in epigastrium ; in lungs ; in small of back, extending into thighs ; in sacral region ; in bones of arms ; in left hip joint ; in leg from hip to foot ; in soles ; in inner ankle over foot, up to knee and into leg ; in chest ; in right shoulder and arm, down right side of trunk to hip, shoots across to left hip and down left leg ; flying all through him.
Unbearable pain : in labor.
Intense pain : in abdomen.
Terrible pain : in rectum.
Violent pain : in head ; in stomach ; in back.
Severe pain : in stomach ; in epigastrium ; in chest ; across bowels ; in abdomen ; in back ; in ankle ; in right groin ; in head ; in renal region.
Acute pain : in rectum.
Severe spasmodic pains : at epigastrium.
Severe cutting pains : in eyes ; across abdomen.
Acute griping pain : in left hypochondrium.
Sharp pain : in throat ; in dorsal hepatic region ; in right shoulder and arm ; running around labia ; shooting into heart.
Sharp gnawing pain : in region of liver.
Gnawing, griping, cutting pain : in region of stomach.
Tensive, tearing, cutting pains : in abdomen.
Pulsating tearing : in region of heart.
Tearing : in forehead ; in right side of head to neck ; in face ; in eyes and teeth ; in right and left meatus ; in bones of cheeks ; in stomach ; over epigastric region ; about ribs and sides of abdomen into back ; in rectum ; in ankles ; under clavicles ; in sacrum, kidneys and back, especially near spine ; in shoulder and elbow joints ; from neck to elbow ; in arm ; in hands ; in middle of right thigh ; in left heel ; in old ulcers on legs ; through right instep ; in limbs.
Cutting : in rectum and bladder ; in glans penis and abdomen ; in abdomen ; in urethra ; across hypogastrium ; from scapula into chest.
Lacerating : in lower jaw.
Shooting pain : through head ; up shoulder blades ; in calves from knees to ankles.
Stitching, tearing : into stomach to back and shoulders ; in forehead, vertex or sides of head.
Lacerating stitches : in hernia.
Stitches : in temples ; in head ; in eyes ; in region of right parotid ; over epigastric region and down into abdomen ; in teeth ; in right side toward epigastrium ; in left side of chest, extending into abdomen and loins ; under short ribs and in middle of chest ; in rectum ; in bladder ; in neck of bladder and anus ; in nipples ; in chest ; in left side of chest ; from under short ribs to small of back and shoulders ; in back toward small of back ; in shoulders ; in left axilla ; in arms ; in both hips ; in knees and ankles ; in toes ; in big toe of right foot ; in corns.
Deep seated, stitching pain : in fauces.
Bursting pain : in abdomen.
Lightning-like pains : strike epigastrium, spread like rays over abdomen and shoot into all passages of body.
Hot pains : flash across bowels.
Darting : in right cervical muscles from below upward.
Twitching pain : in knees.
Pinching, pricking pains : on different parts of skin, sometimes apparently in veins.
Hammering pain : in centre of forehead.
Throbbing : on top of head ; in brain ; in teeth ; in eruption around knees ; in forehead ; in back.
Stupefying pain : in head.
Cutting soreness : of scalp.
Burning or boring stitches : in ovaries.
Burning pain : between shoulders ; in blisters on tongue ; on thumb and third finger of left hand ; in stomach ; in rectum ; in lump in left breast ; in lower limbs ; in wounds ; in spots on inner surface of thighs ; in ankle.
Smarting pain : in eyes ; in skin of thigh.
Stinging pain : in throat ; in rectum ; in lower limbs.
Drawing sticking pain : in back.
Gnawing biting pain : in right malar bone into sound and affected teeth.
Gnawing, twisting, griping : in epigastrium, stomach and upper abdomen.
Griping and clutching : in epigastrium ; in stomach.
Labor-like pains : in abdomen.
Gouty pains : in limbs.
Tensive pain : in nape of neck and shoulders ; in leg.
Constrictive pain : in epigastrium ; in stomach ; of rectum and anus.
Contractive pain : in perineum ; in calves.
Compressive pain : in stomach.
Drawing pain : in forehead and occiput ; in lower jaw ; in abdomen ; in all parts of abdomen ; in inner surface of upper arms, extending over elbows along forearm and wrists ; in front of legs, from knee to instep ; in scapula ; in limbs.
Tearing, boring and scraping : on external head.
Colic : in region of transverse colon : violent near right hip ; violent gall stone colic.
pains : in right side of abdomen.
Bearing down : over bladder.
Neuralgia : of vagina ; of extremities.
Gnawing : in vagina.
Cramplike pain : in bladder.
Cramps : in abdomen ; in stomach ; in legs and thighs ; in uterus ; in small of back ; in chest ; in toes.
Crampy sensation : upward towards chest.
Pressive pain : in eyes ; in hepatic region ; in right hypochondrium ; in right side.
Pressing pain : on vertex ; in stomach ; in region of liver.
Dull, aching pain : all over lungs.
Dull pain : in forehead ; in teeth ; in epigastrium ; in hypogastrium and loins.
Aching : in back and limbs ; of head ; in bones ; in legs ; in rectum ; in kidneys ; in teeth ; in epigastrium ; between scapula.
Shattered or concussed feeling : in head.
Dull pressing : in region of bladder and abdomen.
Pressure, drawing, griping : in abdomen.
Squeezing pressure : in abdomen.
Pressure : in eyes ; in stomach ; in liver ; in epigastrium ; in abdomen ; in hepatic region ; in precordia ; distressing in rectum ; in thighs and head ; through vagina ; in l. chest ; in a small spot in nape of neck.
Rheumatic tension : in right shoulder joint ; in left hip.
Twisting, crawling and emptiness : in stomach.
Burning : in forehead ; in eyes ; of eyelids ; of face ; in mouth ; in throat and pharynx ; in stomach ; in epigastrium, extending into throat ; up whole spine ; in feet and hands ; in umbilical region ; at anus ; in rectum ; in bladder ; in palms of hands and soles of feet ; during micturition, in urethra ; in vagina ; in nipples ; between scapula ; in old ulcers on legs ; in cheeks.
Burning heat : in palms of hands.
Burning, scalding, itching : of scalp.
Heat : in temples ; in ears ; in face ; of hands ; in front of legs ; of head ; in palms ; of eyes.
Biting : at anus.
Smarting : of eyes ; of lids.
Pricking : in throat and pharynx.
Sticking : on scrotum ; in back, extending to scapula.
Twinging : in rectum.
Twitching : in arms and shoulders, in limbs and through body.
Sore aching : in region of liver.
Soreness : of eyes ; of chest ; of corners of mouth ; of throat ; of left tonsil ; of meatus ; in urethra ; between scrotum and thighs ; of nipples ; all over ; of feet.
Painful sensitiveness : of skin ; of abdomen.
Painfulness : of bones of lower extremities ; of head and stomach ; of carbuncle on chin ; of liver spots on chest and arms.
Sore sensation : in chest ; on inner surface of left thigh ; in corns.
Tenderness : along margin of liver and at epigastrium.
Sensitiveness : of submaxillary glands.
Pressing out sensation : in abdominal ring.
Pressing : in perineum, near anus.
Constriction : in region of submaxillary glands ; in stomach ; of oesophagus ; of anus ; of sphincter ; from right side all around short ribs ; in chest.
Contraction : in throat.
Spasmodic contraction : of abdomen.
Tension : of abdomen ; in liver ; beneath stomach ; marking diaphragmatic attachments ; in hypochondria ; at anus ; under clavicles.
Tightness : in old ulcers of lower part of thighs.
Fulness : of abdomen ; up to throat.
Full feeling : in rectum and bladder.
Jammed feeling : in perineum.
Bloated feeling : in abdomen.
Heavy sensation : in bladder.
Heaviness : of head ; of tongue ; of stomach ; of abdomen ; in bladder ; of limbs ; of hands.
Weight : at stomach.
Oppression : of chest.
Shaking : in head.
Fluttering : at stomach, then all over body.
Pulsation : in abdomen ; in back ; in temples ; in abdominal ring.
Jerking : in urethra ; in lower limbs ; of single limbs or whole body.
Sensation of churning : in stomach.
Light sensation : about heart.
Anxiety : in epigastrium ; in chest.
Distressing feeling : in hepatic region.
Sinking : at stomach.
Rising of warmth : along spine.
Great weariness : in back, going down to feet.
Weakness : in knees, down legs to joints of feet ; of arms ; of affected lower limb ; of knees.
Stiffness : in renal region ; of left side of neck ; in nape of neck and shoulders ; in small of back ; in affected lower limbs ; in knees ; in hollow of knees ; in knee joints ; painful in muscles ; in all joints ; of elbows and shoulders.
Numbness : in feet and hands ; of limbs ; in joints ; through body.
Dryness : of mouth ; of lips ; of eyes ; of nose ; of posterior nares ; of tongue ; of vagina ; in windpipe ; of hands, especially of palms ; of skin of hands.
Tickling : in throat.
Dull tingling : in hands.
Formication : in windpipe ; of affected limb.
Itching : of scalp ; of crust on head ; of eyes ; of canthi ; in ear ; of eruption on cheek ; of eruption on chin ; eruption around knees ; of eruption around hemorrhoids ; of anus ; in urethra ; of inner surface of prepuce ; on scrotum ; of vulva ; on chest ; of pimples on neck ; of pimples on hands ; of pimples between fingers ; of old ulcers on legs ; of liver spots on chest and arms.
Biting itching : from thighs to genitals ; on head, back and limbs.
Chilliness : in rectum.
Cold feeling : in eyes ; in extremities ; in feet and hands ; in face and feet.
Icy coldness : of hands and feet.


Emaciation and debility from loss of fluids ; upper parts wasted ; lower limbs swollen. θ Ascites.
Atrophy of infants.
Soft parts feel painful to touch or pressure.
Numbness of limbs ; twitching through body.
Hemorrhages, dark blood.
Arthritic pain and stiffness of joints.
The pains are drawing in character and seem to be “between the bones and skin ;” pains < rainy or stormy weather and by cold ; > by warmth and particularly by lying in bed ; rheumatic tension and tearing in joints of upper and lower extremities, so that she cannot do anything, as if paralyzed ; stiffness of limbs and coldness of feet.
θ Chronic rheumatism.
Sensation as if void of marrow.
Osteitis, tophi, arthritic nodes with nocturnal pains.
Softening of bones ; caries.
Gouty lithemia.
General dropsy, consequent upon disease of liver, enormous swelling of scrotum, redness and painful rawness between it and thigh ; frequent painful urging to urinate.
Ascites : after scarlet fever ; after venesections ; after abuse of alcohol ; from liver affections ; upper part of body emaciated, lower enormously swollen ; after intermittent fever.
Hydrops siccus from hypertrophy of heart.
Erectile tumors which have now an increase and then a decrease of amount of blood in them.
Venous and arterial nevi materni.
Warm poultices aggravate all pains ; boils returning periodically ; carbuncles with burning stitches all around, with alternate chilliness and heat of body.
θ Anthrax.
Boils and furuncles returning periodically.
Pus bloody, corroding and putrid ; whitish, milky appearance.
θ Suppuration.
Glandular swellings.
Scrofulosis and tuberculosis, cheesy degeneration and dropsical effusion.
Deep seated progressing chronic disease.


Touch : teeth excessively painful ; causes bleeding of gums ; epigastric region extremely sensitive ; pain in right hypochondriac region <; region of liver sensitive ; eruption around hemorrhoids painful ; varices painful ; spot on abdomen sensitive ; condylomata on mucous surface prepuce not sensitive ; on spots on inner surface of thigh causes pain ; inner ankles tender ; all soft parts painful.
Pressure : stomach sensitive ; of hand, tensive aching in hypochondria <; abdomen sensitive ; on hypochondrium causes pain in epigastrium and vice versa ; emaciated lower extremities pit ; great sensitiveness over right side of chest ; tearing in head >; all soft parts painful.
Tight clothing : epigastric region extremely sensitive ; abdomen very sensitive.
Weight of clothes : abdomen sensitive.
When riding in carriage : nausea.
After injury to ankle, half a year ago, slight wound of skin, followed by ulceration until whole ankle was affected.


Unhealthiness of skin ; dry, hot, burning, itching when warm ; humid, suppurating or vesicular eruptions.
Skin dry and hot, especially that of hands.
Exhalations from body smell like onions.
Flesh in ridges, as if struck with a stick.
Biting and itching : on head, back and limbs, with chilliness ; when becoming warm through day.
Pinching and pricking pains on different parts of skin ; sometimes apparently in veins.
Eruption : first vesicular, then dry ; humid, suppurating ; full of deep rhagades ; breeding lice, itching violently ; intertrigo, raw places readily bleeding.
Eczema on face, genitals, legs, neck and fingers of right hand ; bleeds easily and is covered with thick crusts, with fetid secretion beneath.
Moist, scald head, most on and behind right ear.
Intertrigo between thighs and labia forming flat, lard-like ulcers with inflamed edges.
Scaly furfuraceous herpes, yellow at base, and bleeding on face at corners of mouth.
Insensible yellow brown shrivelled herpes.
Herpes on nape of neck, in axilla, on arms, thighs and calves of legs.
Impetigo after abuse of mercury.
Psoriasis of hands and fingers ; eruption has a furfuraceous look, sometimes fissured and bleeding.
Liver spots on chest and arms, painful or itching.
Red, itching or burning spots of eruption.
Large, red spots on legs and abdomen.
Dark, red blotches here and there.
Eruptions bleed easily.
Nevus maternus and vascular tumors.
Urticaria, chronic cases.
Large, jagged, often pedunculated warts exuding moisture and bleeding readily.
Blood-boils ; boils do not mature, but remain blue.
Lupus ; recent cases, shallow ulceration, in pale, sallow patients.
Ulcers : bleed and burn when dressed ; tearing, shooting, itching at night, burning when touched ; fistulous, with hard, red, shining everted edges and inflammatory swelling of affected parts ; bleeding easily ; mercurial ; in gouty persons ; phagedenic ; much inflamed ; swollen ; superficial ; edges high or callous ; impure centre ; black gangrenous ; of offensive smell ; thin ichor ; on lower limbs ; cancerous ; flat with a bluish white base.
Child becomes drowsy and awakens from sleep frightened, clinging to crib, seems to know no one ; soon drops to sleep again, only to reawaken with same symptoms ; when rash suddenly pales and glands swell and face becomes bloated and paler than natural. θ Scarlatina.
Secondary eruption of dark blotches on hands, thighs, back, or face. θ Scarlatina.
Colic during desquamation. θ Scarlatina.
Scarlatina and measles, with stupefaction and sopor.
During desquamative stage of scarlet fever sudden rise of temperature, with small weak pulse ; hot, dry skin ; great thirst ; willfulness and ill behavior ; paleness and oedema of face, generally only on left side and in feet ; scanty urine with strangury ; burning in urethra ; pain in region of kidneys ; urine at first dark red or bloody, containing much albumen ; ascites.
Weak, emaciated ; staggering gait ; body bent ; face cachectic, sunken and covered with a coppery eruption ; eyes dim, vacant ; voice hoarse ; fatty ulcers in mouth and throat ; looseness of teeth and bleeding of gums ; loss of appetite ; sleeplessness ; constant inclination to lie down, particularly about 3 or 4 P. M. ; tearing in limbs, particularly in forearms and lower leg, < at night and in damp weather ; depression of spirits, tired of life ; hemorrhoids, pain in back, stitching and itching in anus ; hard stool.
θ Syphilis.
Secondary, tettery eruptions ; ulcers in throat, of dark yellowish grey color ; cough and hoarseness from similar affection in larynx ; coppery eruption on forehead, and cachectic appearance of face ; dry, pediculated, painless condylomata on sexual organs ; nightly pains in limbs during wet weather ; low spirited ; desponding ; nervous weakness.
θ Syphilis.
Chancres with raised edges ; indolent chancres with thick, rounded, prominent margins, granulation flabby or absent ; eruptions on glans ; condylomata ; ulcers in mouth.
θ Syphilis.
Herpetic eruption in mouth, first affecting tonsils and then extending to sides and under tip of tongue ; affected parts look wrinkled, like hands of a woman who had been washing ; warm foods and tobacco cause burning ; much hoarseness and irritation to cough, latter sounding like that of laryngeal phthisis.
θ Syphilis.


Suitable for : old women and children ; persons of keen intellect, but feeble muscular development ; upper part of body wasted, lower part semi-dropsical ; lean and predisposed to lung and hepatic affections ; herpetic and scrofulous constitutions ; hypochondriacs subject to skin diseases ; lithic acid diathesis, much red sediment in urine, urine itself transparent ; sallow people with cold extremities, haughty disposition, when sick, mistrustful, slow of comprehension, weak memory ; weak children with well developed heads but puny, sickly bodies, irritable, nervous and unmanageable when sick, after sleep cross, pushing every one away angrily.
Boy, at. 6 days, after catching cold during an attack of jaundice ; conjunctivitis.
Girl, at. 10 months ; eczema capitas.
Child ; chronic crying.
Boy, at. 1 ; polypus of eye.
Girl, at. 2 1/2, vaccinated with humanized virus when one year old, soon after, large sores all over body, which yielded to powerful ointments and astringents, suffering one year ; diarrhoea.
Girl, at. 3, since early infancy ; constipation.
Girl, at. 3 years and 5 mos., suffering two weeks ; capillary bronchitis.
Boy, at. 4, chancre ; another, at. 4 ; rachitis.
Girl, at. 6, scrofulous ; warts on chin.
Girl, at. 7 ; eczema capitis.
Child, at. 7, treated in vain with Chinoidine ; intermittent fever.
Boy, at. 7, suffering since infancy ; inguinal hernia ; another, at. 7 ; diphtheria ; another, at. 7, deaf-mute ; otorrhoea.
Girl, at. 8, amiable disposition, light hair, blue eyes, slender ; ague.
Girl, at. 8, fleshy and full faced, ruddy, dark complexioned ; diphtheria.
Girl, at. 9, just recovered from scarlatina ; diphtheria.
Girl, ill one week ; ulcerated throat.
Girl, at. 10 ; diphtheria.
Boy, at. 11, weak, suffering for one year from quartan ague ; dropsy.
Girl, at. 11, very thin, pale, strumous diathesis, nervous temperament ; pneumonia.
Girl, at. 11, very nervous temperament ; diphtheria.
Boy, at. 12 ; rheumatism.
Boy, at. 13, after typhoid pneumonia ; threatened phthisis.
Boy, at. 14, remarkably feeble and lean and of weak muscular development, but of sensitive mind and excellent intellect, mother died of consumption ; cough.
Girl, at. 15, has always been delicate, pleurisy three years ago, spits blood, menses not appeared, father and sister died of phthisis ; lung affection.
Boy, at. 15, hypermetropic, and double convergent strabismus ; hemeralopia.
Girl, at. 17, poorly developed, pituitous constitution, menses irregular, suffering for last year from urticaria and boils ; affection of stomach and abdomen.
Boy, at. 18, robust ; latent pneumonia.
Girl, at. 18, fair blonde, temperament gentle, but vivacious ; insanity.
Girl, at. 18, tall, slight figure, narrow chest and stooping, family consumptive ; chronic cough.
Girl, at. 18, brunette, medium height ; amenorrhoea.
Girl, at. 19, phthisical family ; threatened tuberculosis.
Man, at. 19, worked in a brass foundry ; hemeralopia.
Girl, at. 20, teacher ; diphtheritis.
Woman, at. 23, several months pregnant, carbuncle on chin ; trismus.
Girl, at. 23, weak, neglected pneumonia ; chest affection.
Man, at. 23, had herpetic eruption over body, which disappeared of itself ; ulcers on foot.
Woman, at. 24, suffering four years ; diarrhoea.
Man, at. 24, attacks every six weeks ; gravel.
Man, at. 24, robust, at one time had itch, two years ago had fever with a vesicular eruption, since then in poor health ; threatened tuberculosis.
Woman, at. 25, dark hair and skin, morose, peevish disposition ; incontinence of urine.
Woman, at. 26, delicate, suffering two weeks, after childbirth ; febrile attacks.
Woman, at. 26, disposed to cramps and hemorrhoids ; peritonitis.
Woman, at. 26, sanguine temperament, after getting wet ; pains in abdomen.
Girl, at. 26, brunette, strong, suffering several years ; pains in face.
Woman, at. 27, single, bilious temperament ; cystitis.
Man, at. 28, three years ago had a herpetic eruption which was cured by baths, then a blow upon leg was followed by bone swelling and suppuration ; phthisis pituitosa.
Man, at. 28, preacher, after pneumonia ; threatened phthisis.
Man, at. 28, light complexioned, nervous, sickly since childhood, after scarlatina has been troubled with discharge from right ear and partial deafness ; diphtheria.
Man, at. 28 ; diphtheria.
AD., at. 29 ; suffering four days ; diphtheria.
Woman, at. 29 ; flatulent indigestion.
Man, at. 29, suffering four days ; diphtheritis.
Young man, one year ago, gonorrhoea, for which mercury was given until salivation was produced ; syphilis.
Young woman, thin, brunette, menses profuse, suffering about a year ; affection of liver.
Young woman, fair complexion, sanguine, lymphatic temperament ; intermittent rheumatic pains.
Man, at. 30, dark complexion ; ague.
Woman, at. 30, sanguine temperament, lively disposition, suffering with rheumatism, headache and congestions ; hemorrhage after abortion.
Man, at. 30, suffering several months ; anesthesia of hands.
Woman, at. 30, suffering several years with digestive troubles after typhoid fever ; hemorrhage after abortion.
Woman, at. 31, lively, sanguine temperament ; anal eczema.
Woman, at. 31, after typhoid fever ; dimness of lens.
Woman, at. 32, mother of three children, three days after parturition ; febrile attacks.
Woman, at. 32, slender, well built, lively temperament, married, but childless, menses regular, family affected with eczema ; digestive disturbances and tapeworm.
Man, at. 34, choleric, melancholic, ten years ago had gonorrhoea, no history of syphilis ; discharge from urethra, and ulcers on penis.
Peasant woman, at. 35, delivered of twins after tedious confinement, but had severe miliary eruptions and many other troubles, making a bad recovery ; dropsy.
Woman, at. 35, with inherited tendency to stomachal and abdominal affections, suffering occasionally from menstrual disturbances ; colic.
Man, at. 37 ; rheumatism ; another, at. 37, frequently tapped ; ascites.
Woman, at. 37, tall, spare, otherwise healthy ; bronchocele.
Man, at. 38, rheumatism ten years ago ; chronic rheumatism.
Man, at. 38, ordinary constitution, unusual good health, with exception of constipation which he could only remove with purgatives, for last three years this constipation had increased to such a degree as to almost resist action of purgatives.
Woman, at. 38, suffering several years ; affection of stomach.
Woman, at. 39, dyspeptic, seven months pregnant ; uterine hemorrhage and threatened abortion.
Woman, at. 39, suffering for eighteen years ; uterine displacement.
Woman ; affection of bladder.
Woman, three days after fifth confinement ; tympanitis.
Woman, feeble constitution, phlegmatic temperament ; tonsillitis and pemphigus.
Woman, pregnant five or six months ; vomiting.
Woman, five days after confinement ; sore nipples.
Woman, at. 40, formerly suffering from tearing pains throughout body, particularly in legs ; ulcers on legs.
Man, at. 40, thin, suffering from hemorrhoids, several months ago had severe stitches in chest and fever for which Cinchona was given ; dropsy.
Woman, at. 40, mother of five children, since second day after parturition, eleven weeks ago, daily attacks of fever.
Woman, at. 40, suffering a long time ; hernia.
Man, at. 40, watchmaker, compelled to sit much ; affection of liver.
Man, at. 40, psoric, after rheumatic catarrhal affection ran splinter into finger ; affection of hand and arm.
Woman, at. 40, sanguine temperament, in youth affected with glandular swelling after catching cold ; rheumatism.
Man, at. 40, suffering from disease of liver ; dropsy.
Woman, at. 40, formerly suffering from itch, three months pregnant, digestive disturbance.
Woman, at. 40, twenty-one years married, mother of two children, the youngest eighteen years, suffering sixteen years ; psora, with a complication of diseased states.
Man, at. 40, pneumonia.
Woman, at. 40, suffering one year ; amenorrhoea.
Man, at. 40, had been much exposed to night air, which was followed by copious blood spitting, fever, pains in chest, suffering ten weeks ; pulmonary disease.
Woman, at. 42, suffering twelve years ; hysteria.
Man, at. 44, strong constitution, phlegmatic temperament ; affection of liver.
Man, at. 44, lawyer, suffering six years ; cerebral paresis.
Man, at. 44, ailing for two years ; ulcers in legs, and dyspepsia.
Woman, at. 46, mother of twelve children, suffering twenty years from open ulcer on foot ; abdominal affection.
Woman, at. 48, married, delicate all her life, suffering acutely for several years ; indigestion.
Man, at. 48, lymphatic temperament, light hair, grey eyes, complexion fair, lively disposition, good natured, yet constantly desponding if feeling unwell, suffering five years ; vesical calculus and hamaturia.
Man, nervo-bilious temperament, suffering one year ; dyspepsia.
Man, eruptions on face of long standing, supposed to have been contracted at the barber’s ; barber’s itch.
suffering several months ; leucorrhoea.
Woman, lymphatic ; tuberculosis.
Man, middle aged ; lithiasis.
Woman, at. 50, short stature, mother of many children, frequently bled, addicted to liquor ; dropsy.
Woman, at. 50, not menstruated for two years, after catching cold three years ago ; rheumatism.
Man, at. 50, thin, cachectic, musician ; cramps in stomach.
Widow, at. 50, suffering for years ; flatulency.
Woman, at. 50, sallow complexion, of active habits ; constipation.
Woman, at. 50, weak, cachectic, formerly troubled with abdominal complaints and itch, has not menstruated for five years ; impairment of hearing.
Man, at. 50, arthritic, suffering from stiffness of joints and eczema ; flatulency and tapeworm.
Woman, at. 50 ; rheumatism.
Woman, at. 50, married ; dyspepsia.
Man, at. 50, arthritic ; cramps in stomach.
Woman, at. 52 ; ulcer on back.
Woman, at. 53, robust ; after itch eruption on leg.
Man, at. 54, suffering several years ; hernia.
Woman, at. 56, unmarried, small stature, stout ; dyspnoea.
Man, at. 56, atra-bilious temperament ; hamaturia.
Man, at. 56, arthritic, suffering many years ; cramps in stomach.
Woman, at. 58, large, corpulent, gouty diathesis ; flatulent dyspepsia.
Man, at. 60, strong, butcher, father and grandfather suffered from calculi ; renal colic.
Woman, at. 60, sanguine temperament, after slight injury to ankle ; ulcer.
Man, at. 60, strong, writes much : amaurosis.
Woman, at. 60, thin, lively, farmer’s wife ; pains in stomach.
Man, at. 60, brunette, large, strong ; rheumatism.
Woman, at. 60 ; flatulent indigestion.
Man, at. 60, from taking cold ; acute cystitis.
Man, at. 60 ; flatulency.
Woman, at. 64 ; debility.
Woman, at. 65, since sixteenth year, when menses appeared suffered every month from colic ; since forty-ninth year, when cessation of menstruation occurred, attacks more frequent and violent ; colic.
Man, at. 67 ; intermittent fever.
Man, at. 68, suffering two years ; gravel.
Man, at. 76, strong, corpulent, plethoric, highly fed, fond of wine and tobacco, is affected several times every year with severe catarrh, for eight years has had ulcer on right ala nasi ; ulcer on leg.
Man, at. 81 ; gout.


Antidoted by : Aconite, Camphor, Caustic., Chamom., Coffea, Graphit., Pulsat., coffee.
It antidotes : Cinchon. (yellow face, liver and spleen swollen, flatulency, tension under short ribs < right side, pressure in stomach and constipation).
Compatible : Bellad., Bryon., Carb. v. (a dose every eighth day facilitates action of Lycop.) Calc. (predisposition to constipation, hard stools evacuated with difficulty, or urging ineffectual), Graphit., Hyosc., Laches., Ledum, Phosphor., Pulsat., Sepia, Silica, Stramon., Sulphur, Verat.
Incompatible : Coffee.
Complementary to Iodium.
Compare : Arsen., Calcarea sulph., Carb. an., Euphras., Hepar., Mercur., Natr. mur., Nitr. ac., Nux vomica, Rhus tox., Sabad. (regularly < 4 to 8 P. M.).
Unless undoubtedly indicated the treatment of chronic diseases should not be commenced with Lycop., it is better to give first another antipsoric remedy.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.