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Preface to the various volumes of Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica by C. Hering….

Abies Nigra

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Abies Nigra from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….


Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Abrotanum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….


Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Absinthium from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Acalypha Indica

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Acalypha Indica from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Aceticum Acidum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Aceticum Acidum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Aconitum Napellus

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Aconitum Napellus from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Actea Racemosa

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Actea Racemosa from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Actea Spicata

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Actea Spicata from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Aesculus Glabra

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Aesculus Glabra from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Agaricus Muscarius

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Agaricus Muscarius from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Agnus Castus

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Agnus Castus from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Ailanthus Glandulosa

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Ailanthus Glandulosa from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Aletris Farinosa

aletris farinosa Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Aletris Farinosa from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Allium Cepa

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Allium Cepa from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Allium Sativum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Allium Sativum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Aloe Socotrina

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Aloe Socotrina from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….


Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Alumen from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….


Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Alumina from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Alumina Silicata

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Alumina Silicata from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Ambra Grisea

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Ambra Grisea from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….


Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Ammoniacum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Ammonium Benzoicum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Ammonium Benzoicum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Ammonium Bromidum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Ammonium Bromidum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Ammonium Carbonicum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Ammonium Carbonicum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Ammonium Muriaticum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Ammonium Muriaticum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Amygdala Amara

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Amygdala Amara from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Amylenum Nitrosum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Amylenum Nitrosum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Anacardium Occidentale

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Anacardium Occidentale from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Anacardium Orientale

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Orientale from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Anagallis Arvensis

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Anagallis Arvensis from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Anantherum Muricatum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Anantherum Muricatum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….


Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Angustura from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….


Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Anthracinum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….


Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Anthrokokali from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Antimonium Arsenitum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Antimonium Arsenitum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Antimonium Chloridum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Antimonium Chloridum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Antimonium Crudum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Antimonium Crudum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Antimonium Sulphuratum Auratum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Antimonium Sulphuratum Auratum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Antimonium Tartaricum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Antimonium Tartaricum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Aphis Chenopodii Glauci

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Aphis Chenopodii Glauci from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Apis Mellifica

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Apis Mellifica from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Apocynum Cannabinum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Apocynum Cannabinum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Argentum Metallicum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Argentum Metallicum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Argentum Nitricum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Argentum Nitricum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Armoracea Sativa

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Armoracea Sativa from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Arnica Montana

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Arnica Montana from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Arsenicum Album

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Arsenicum Album from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Arsenicum Hydrogenisatum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Argentum Hydrogenisatum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Arsenicum Iodatum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Arsenicum Iodatum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Arsenicum Metallicum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Arsenicum Metallicum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Arsenicum Sulphuratum Flavum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Arsenicum Sulphuratum Flavum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Arsenicum Sulphuratum Rubrum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Arsenicum Sulphuratum Rubrum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Artemisia Vulgaris

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Artemisia Vulgaris from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Arum Dracontium

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Arum Dracontium from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Arum Maculatum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Arum Maculatum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Arum Triphyllum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Arum Triphyllum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Arundo Mauritanica

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Arundo Mauritanica from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….


Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Asafoetida from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Asarum Europaeum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Asarum Europaeum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Asclepias Syriaca

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Asclepias Syriaca from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Asclepias Tuberosa

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Asclepias Tuberosa from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Asimina Triloba

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Asimina Triloba from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Asparagus Officinalis

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Asparagus Officinalis from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Asterias Rubens

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Asterias Rubens from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….


Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Atropinum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Atropinum Sulphuricum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Atropinum Sulphuricum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….


Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Aurantium from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Aurum Metallicum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Aurum Metallicum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Aurum Muriaticum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Aurum Muriaticum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….


Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Badiaga from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Baptisia Tinctoria

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Baptisia Tinctoria from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Baryta Carbonica

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Baryta Carbonica from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Baryta Muriatica

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Baryta Muriatica from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….


Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Belladonna from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Benzoic Acid

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Benzoic Acid from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Berberis Vulgaris

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Berberis Vulgaris from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….


Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Bismuthum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Borax Veneta

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Borax Veneta from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….


Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Bovista from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Brachyglottis Repens

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Brachyglottis Repens from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….


Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Bromium from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Bryonia Alba

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Bryonia Alba from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Bufo Rana

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Bufo Rana from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Cactus Grandiflorus

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Cactus Grandiflorus from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Cadmium Sulfuratum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Cadmium Sulfuratum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Cahinca Racemosa

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Cahinca Racemosa from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….


Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Calabar from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….

Caladium Seguinum

Symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Caladium Seguinum from the Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, a ten volumes comprehensive record of confirmed symptoms, published in 1879….