Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Keynote symptoms of homeopathy medicine Chamomilla, described by A. L. Monroe in his book, Method of Memorizing the Materia Medica, published in 1882….


Children while teething will fret or will cry.

Have Colic severe and a night* Cough quite dry,

Are nervous and restless, in sleep start and toss,

Most intolerant of pain, incomparably cross;

Opium perhaps this condition producing.

Motion, when passive, all symptoms reducing;

In Diarrhea too, where actions are seen

Like “chopped eggs” with may eb a mixture of green,

Like eggs that are rotten they smell it is said,

And one cheek is pale, while the other is red.

* Coughs in sleep without awaking.

A.L. Monroe
Dr Andrew Leight MONROE (1856-1935)
American homeopath - Louisville.
Chair of materia medica at Pulte College in Cincinnati.