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Learn to See, See to Learn

Learn to See, See to Learn

Very interesting studies have shown the high efficacy of applying visual images and videos in teaching processes and technology.

With the publication of this book, I want to help homeopaths to have a better, faster and deeper understanding of inimical remedies and their contraindications because this information helps us to prevent unwanted therapeutic effects or side effects in our dear patients.

I BELIEVE a standard teaching process should have a rapid, permanent and gentle effect on students so by visual images, songs, pantomimes, pictures, and film to convey homeopathic concepts. Visual image is defined as a percept that arises from the eyes; an image in the visual system.

In modern and high tech situations, visuals become a kind of international, universal language that brings meaning to an otherwise incomprehensible cacophony of verbal expression. The visuals are still our most powerful tool!

Teachers always complain that we have too much to “cover” in too little time. Well, according to research from 3M Corporation, visuals are processed to be 60,000 times faster than text!

This is because. the visual channel in the brain manipulates image elements simultaneously, while the linguistic channel functions in a linear, sequential manner.

Images can be used to promote positive learning experiences for students when used in ways that are consistent with the cognitive theory of visual learning.

Now Let us take a look at the meaning of the word inimical and incompatible in the International Dictionary of Homeopathy;


See: Inimical


  •  Materia medica, Pharmacology and drug action, Therapeutics

1- Hostile, harmful, unsympathetic.

2 – A homeopathic medicine which interferes with the action of another; which has a contrary action to it; but does not antidote it.


Homeopathic and conventional medicines are not necessarily inimical when used together.

Synonym: incompatible ( some countries).

In this book I have focused on contraindications and inimical homeopathic remedies by using related images to enhance one’s memory of various rubrics. Here by 40 cases of contraindications and inimical remedies for which related images have been presented. It provides an interesting collection of pictures that helps us to keep them better in our minds.

Since the process of publishing a book by publishing companies are complicated and lengthy I preferred to publish it myself as a pdf file but keep the rights for me to publish it later. In case, publishing companies are interested in publishing the book I will be willing to do so.

This book is a small on-line one to enhance our Knowledge of materia medica from a new and different view. Dr. Mathur says in the preface to his book titled Syatematic Materia Medica, “But the tragedy is that the mastery over materia medica is not an easy task. The main reasons are:

  1. There are more than 500 remedies to master.
  2. Each remedy has innumerable symptoms.
  3. A large number of symptoms in each remedy are common to many remedies.
  4. Indications of each remedy are vague.
  5. One remedy is found curative in many diseases.
  6. Many remedies are indicated in one disease.
  7. There are many material medicas but none of them is up-to-date.
  8. Each material medica is based on a certain point of view, hence there is no standard material medica.
  9. Complete information of each drug is not given in a proper way.
  10. Collected experience of different stalwarts of was never taken in a material medica. ”

I believe Materia Medica Viva authored by Professor George Vithoulkas is an up-to-date, standard material medica and fairly complete information in a readable and proper way. It would be more interesting and useful if included visual images.

I also believe the Systematic Materia Medica is a very useful one for all my colleagues who intend to practice classical or Hahnemannian homeopathy to have it in their library at their clinic or at home.

Dr. Mathur systematically introduces 200 remedies in his everlasting book to the reader. It first tells us the names, synonyms, source, preparation and the prover of the remedy at the beginning of each remedy, then tells us about its indications, contraindications if there is any, relationships, comparison and totality of characteristic symptoms of the remedy. Thus you know the dosage, repetition, duration of action, complementary remedies, inimical ones that antidote other remedies. For example Rhus-tox. is inimical with Apis-mellifica or Lycopodium is inimical with Coffea Cruda so they should not be given before or after each other not to interfere with each other. Thus patients will experience a safer course of treatment and no unwanted effect will bother them.

knowing how to repertorize is our duty to select the most proper remedy.

i.e. the similimum or one’s constitutional remedy to know exact indications and contraindications of prescribing and giving remedies to our patients. Even though the contraindications are not common at all, however they are important to know. For example we should not give Calcerea Carbonicum and Aurum to our patient right after Sulphur. Or it is interesting to know that Coffea Cruda is inimical or incompatible with several remedies including Canth., Caust., Cocc. and Ign. That is while many remedies are antidoted by Coffea Cruda.

Regarding to the huge number of homeopathic remedies that has exceeded 10,000, mastering in homeopathy is not an easy task. In this book I am not going to introduce the main remedies that one has to know to master in homeopathy and

material medica, however I will try to review the remedies that are incompatible or inimical with each other or have some contraindications by using visual images.

Seyedaghanoor Sadeghi
Seyedaghanoor Sadeghi M.D., Hom.: Graduated from Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services and Iran Homeopathic Learning Center. He is a Certified medical doctor in Iran, and Official member of the Iranian Homeopathy Association, and was granted RIHA certificate and LMHI certificate of membership. He also writes a health page as a journalist in the Tehran Times daily newspaper. Visit his website: http://drsadeghihom.ir/en/