On bowing a cracking in the nape (aft. 16 h.). [Hnl.]

Vesicles on the border the tongue with sore pain.

On the inside of the cheek and on the border of the tongue vesicles with shooting and burning, on account of which she could not eat anything solid.

Itching in the upper and lower teeth.

135. Shooting in the upper incisors. [Hbg.]

Pain in the back molars of the right lower jaw, as if the gums and teeth were swollen and the latter raised up, for two days.

Pain as if he bit on something between the teeth.

When chewing food a painful sensation as if the molars were on edge and loose (aft. 6.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

A (burning) pain in the left upper molars (aft. 12 h.). [Lr.]

140. When chewing, painful gums which are swollen.

A burning in the throat, the larynx, and then in the ears.

In the throat, especially after eating, a shooting and on the neck sensation as if something passed out there, in the morning and evening.

Accumulation of saliva (aft. ¼ h.).

Hiccup (aft. 8.1/4, 33, 37, 57 h.). [Lr.]

145. Repeated hiccup (aft. ¼ h.).[Wr.]

Sweet taste in the mouth.

Deep down in the throat, not on the mouth, a persistent bitter taste.

In the throat bitter taste (aft. ¼ h.). [Htn.]

Empty eructation (aft. ½ h.).

150. Eructation several times (aft. 2 h.). [Wr.]

Sour belching (aft. 5 h.). [Htn.]

Bitter eructation (aft. 1 h.). [Wr.]

Thirst for cold water, in the evening (aft. 38 h.). [Lr.]

Increased appetite.

155. Great hunger; she cannot be satiated.

Diminished appetite. [Fr.H-n.]

Water collects in his mouth, with nausea (aft. 24 h.). [Hnl.]

Persistent nausea.

Nausea during (accustomed) tobacco-smoking (aft. 30 h.). [Lr.]

160. Inclination to vomit, without vomiting. [Stf.]

The (accustomed) tobacco, when smoked, tastes scrapy bitter in the mouth and fauces (aft. ½ h.). [Htn.]

Every time he smokes (the customary) tobacco, violent thirst. [Htn.]

Extremely disagreeable sensation of relaxation in the oesophagus and stomach as if he had drunk a great deal of water – for several hours (aft. 23 h.). [Hnl.]

Aching in the pit of the stomach in the afternoon.

165. Aching pain in the gastric region, lasting all the forenoon (aft. ¼ h.).

She cannot bear any tight clothing on the body, especially in the region of the stomach.

Inward sensation of cold in the scrobiculus cordis with fulness in that region (aft. ¼ h.). [Htn.]

During the (accustomed) tobacco-smoking there occurs immediately heat in the belly which goes also up into the chest, without heat of the rest of the body, which on the contrary is chilly (aft. 3 h.). [Ws.]

When sitting painful contraction on the left below the stomach, especially when lying on the right side (aft. 17 h.). [Hnl.]

170. Stitches in the right of the belly, in the hepatic region (aft. 1 h.). [Wr.]

Rumbling in the abdomen and empty eructation (aft. ½ h.).

Pinching in the hypogastrium with loud rumbling (aft. 5 h.). [Gn.]

Frequent pinching in the abdomen, which ceases after discharge of flatus (aft. 14 h.). [Lr.]

After eating a cutting in the upper part of the abdomen in the morning (aft. 26 h.). [Hnl.]

175. After eating distress and fulness in the abdomen, as if digestion would not go on.

In the evening after eating, cutting in the hypogastrium, going towards the left side of the chest (aft. 4 d.). [Hnl.]

In the morning after eating, violent cutting in the abdomen, so that he must bend up the abdomen; at the same time great urging to stool, when the evacuation is normal but scanty (aft. 5 d.). [Hnl.]

Spasms in the abdomen (aft. 6 d.).

Bellyache, pinching in the whole abdomen. [Stf.]

180. Pinching deep in the abdomen, when sitting, which compels him to get up, because he thinks he has a call to stool; but immediately after getting up the pain lessens and goes off entirely when standing in a stooping posture (aft. 10 h.). [Htn.]

Fine prick externally at the navel (aft. 2 h.). [Ws.]

Tensive pain in the upper abdomen when walking, but worse when stooping (aft. 1 h.). [Gn.]

Tensive pain in the upper abdomen when sitting. [Gn.]

Tense abdomen (aft.24 h.).

185. Digging shooting in the hypogastrium, on the left side, only observed when expiring, and worst when stooping (aft. 10.1/2 h.). [Gn.]

Sensation like fine digging as from something alive under the abdominal integuments above the left hip, in the left side on which e lies in bed, in the morning (aft. 22 h.). [Ws.]

On the left side of the abdomen a strangling sensation which is aggravated by the pressure of the hand (aft. ½ h.). [Htn.]

Deep in the abdomen, a strangling sensation which is relieved by the discharge of some flatus, but soon increases again (aft. 7 h.). [Htn.]

Obtuse stitch in the right lumbar muscles (aft. 6 h.). [Gn.]

190. Cramp-like pain in the left inguinal region, when sitting (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Htn.]

Glandular swelling in the right groin, which has a tensive pain when walking. [Lr.]

Pain in the inguinal ring, as in a hernia.

Only when sitting, aching tearing pain in the region of the inguinal ring, on both sides, at various times. [Hnl.]

Qualmishness in the abdomen, together with frequent liquid stools like diarrhoea. [Ln.]

195. White diarrhoea (aft. 48 h.).

Discharge of flatus and a soft stool without suffering (aft. 6 h.). [Gn.]

(The first part of the stool is hard, the second soft.)

Hard motion seven hours too late (aft. 9 h.). [Wr.]

During the stool pressure from flatulence in the lumbar regions (aft. 36 h.). [Ws.]

200. Tensive pain from the middle of the hypogastrium out at the anus (aft. 11 h.). [Gn.]

During the evacuation of the stool sore pain for some days (aft. 2 d.). [Hnl.]

Tenesmus with every stool.

Bruised pain at the anus, almost like sore pain.

Before every stool stitches in the anus and rumbling in the belly.

205. During the stool tenesmus at the anus, as if diarrhoea would come on (aft. 4 d.). [Ws.]

Every day many thread-worms come away; every evening there is creeping in the rectum.

Frequent discharge of urine (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

(Inability to retain the urine.)

The clear bright yellow urine on standing deposits a yellow sediment (aft. 23 h.). [Gn.]

120. (The urine is foamy and frothy.)

The urine deposits a thick greyish-whitsediment.

(Pain in the neck of the bladder as a hint to urinate.)

Very thin stream of urine.

A voluptuous itching on the point of the glans penis, for several hours, which forced him to rub it (aft. 52 h.). [Lr.]

215. Itching burning in the scrotum and the body of the penis, several times. [Hnl.]

Drawing painful stitches from the body of the penis through the glans (aft. 4 d.). [Hnl.]

Simple pain of the testicles, also when touched.

Squeezing, contusive, strangling pain in the testicles.

Coarse rather obtuse stitches which dart from the testicles into the spermatic cord.

220. Aching painful swelling of testicles (aft. 10 h.).

Swollen painful spermatic cord.

Before the appearance of the menses first pain in the back then palpitation of the heart, all day.

During the menses drawing in the thighs and legs.

The menses come on too soon and too copiously (immediately). [Stf.]

Cough and coryza, very severe.

Scrapy burning and constriction of the larynx. [Ln.]

Dryness in the region of the larynx, aggravated by hawking (aft. ½ h.). [Wr.]

230. Hoarseness.

Difficulty of drawing the breath, as if a cork were sticking in the larynx and the breath could not penetrate through the narrowed orific of the larynx (aft. ½ h.). [Ln.]

Slow, deep breathing, as after exhaustion, for several minutes (aft. ½ h.).

After some exertion she suddenly became exhausted, the chest especially was affected; she could hardly speak, got heat in the face and nausea; after some hours heaviness in the head.

After a dance frequent gasping for breath, very quick panting respiration.

235. Hollow cough with some expectoration, day and night. [Fr.H-n.]

When coughing in the chest and trachea, with roughness of the throat.

Continued cough from a spot deep down in the chest, where there is pain as if it had become sore and bloody from coughing (aft. ½ h.).

When coughing painful aching under the short ribs (aft. 1 h.). [Htn.]

Hacking up of mucus (aft. 25 h.). [Lr.]

240. Dry cough (aft. ¼ h.).

Dry cough, day and night, with burning in the chest, as if she had something hot inside her; after eating and drinking the cough goes off.

(Frequent cough at night, with burning in the chest, as if she had something hot inside her; after eating and drinking the cough goes off.

(Frequent cough at night, lasting two minutes, and cross expression along with it.)

(Great tightness of the chest)(aft. 10 d.).

Boring stitch in the right costal muscles, continuing during inspiration and expiration (aft. 7 h.). [Gn.]

245. Severe needle-pricks on the right side of the chest from within outwards (aft. 56 h.). [Lr.]

When sitting with the back somewhat bent, but especially during slow deep inspiration, drawing stitches in the left side of the chest (aft. 5 d.). [Hnl.]

Severe intermittent stitches on the left side of the chest (aft. 1.3/4 h.). [Lr.]

Drawing stitches under the second rib of the left side of the chest, only when walking (aft. 8 h.). [Hnl.]

Transient, painful stitches on the right side of the chest; if he rubs on the spot he feels as if a weight were drawn downwards under the skin there (aft. 50 h.). [Lr.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.