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Extreme exhaustion of body and mind; she preferred to do nothing and rest.

345. Persistent exhaustion and bruised feeling of all the limbs, especially of the muscles of the lower extremities (aft. 2 h.). [Wr.]

After every exertion of the body, however slight, she becomes weak, the blood surges up in her chest, the face becomes hot, the body commences to glow, the blood-vessels are greatly distented, and her breath leaves her; she can only recover after a long rest.

After moderate exercise in the open air she suddenly becomes weak and sways about on her seat; with great anxiety, nausea, pale face, short, panting breath, there is a surging from the heart up in the chest as if it would burst out above; at the same time her eyes close involuntarily, almost spasmodically, and tears are forced out between her closed lids – she retains her consciousness, but her will is incapable of acting on her limbs.

When she rests in a horizontal position she feels best.

Great weariness and inclination to sleep (aft. 1 h.). [Hnl.]

350. Drowsiness with yawning, without inactivity, in the afternoon (aft. 8, 33 h.). [Lr.]

Sad dreams.

Fatiguing dreams.

Vexatious and lachrymose anxious dreams.

Sleep broken by dreams. [Lr.]

355. Sleeplessness until midnight.

He could not sleep, and as soon as he felt swollen and was painful to the touch, an aching pain above the eyes, increased by stooping, as if all would come out at the forehead; he felt chilly and as if cold in the back – this lasted, with chilliness, twenty-four hours.

He passed the night almost without sleep, with frightful dreams about murder and assassination (6th night). [Hnl.]

At night frequent waking as from fright. [Lr.]

At night in her sleep she spoke out loud several times, but not in an anxious manner.

360. Four successive nights, very short sleep, with many dreams; he awakes about midnight, but cannot fall asleep again from restlessness; until the morning he had but to close his eyes, when though still awake visions immediately hovered most distinctly before him; sometimes it seemed to be in flames, sometimes scientific subjects forced themselves upon him – in short, a number of subjects interested one another in his imagination, which all vanished as soon as he opened his eyes, but reappeared when he closed them. [Hnl.]

In the morning on waking he lay bathed in sweat (aft. 25 h.). [Lr.]

Cold hands.

Cold feeling in the lower extremities.

Along with heat on the whole body, coldness, paleness and sweat on the face.

365. Violent chill in the back, which did not go off by the heat of the stove (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Hnl.]

Shivering and chilliness all over the body but especially in the back, though he stood near the warm stove, without thirst, lasting two hours (aft. ½, 22.1/2 h.). [Hnl.]

He has a feverish feeling in the limbs; he is disposed to stretch himself (aft. 30 h.). [Gn.]

Stretching of the upper and lower extremities (aft. ¼ h.).

Stretching of the arms (aft. ¾ h.).

370. Fever: in the morning; at first headache and belly-ache, then severe rigor with cold bluish hands and some thirst; then, when lying, a dry burning heat with some thirst and much restless slumber for thirsty-six hours; all night, on waking and moving, nausea and vertigo – between times, every twelve hours slight sweat, when the heat was occasionally mitigated; thereafter, tearing and shooting in the left eye and left cheek and eruption on the lips.

In the afternoon, pain in the occiput, like a weight and a stitch there, when he turned his head, with heat in the face, hands and feet, and chilliness in the rest of the body, and tendency to coryza, at the same time exhaustion of the body and bitterness in the mouth; in the evening after undressing, rigor, and a quarter of an hour thereafter, in bed, heat in the whole body, with thirst.

Quicker, fuller pulse (aft. ½ h.). [Wr.]

Feeling of burning heat on the forehead, without heat perceptible outwardly, wiquick hard pulse for half an hour (aft. ¼ h.). [Wr.]

375. Great heat on the forehead, alternating with shivering in the back, without thirst, in the afternoon (aft. 10 h.). [Wr.]

Flying heat in the face and in the blood and nervous excitement.

Every day several fits of heats, with anxiety, pain in the cardiac region, weeping and inconsolableness; she would like to die there and then.

He becomes suddenly anxiously warm all over the body, with heat and redness of the face and perspiration (aft. ½ h.). [Stf.]

In the evening when sitting cool sweat in the face and at the same time increased sensation of warmth throughout the body.

380. Headache, anorexia, drowsiness, lassitude throughout the body, cross; everything was distasteful to her. [Stf.]

She is very timorous and particularly pursued and incessantly plagued by a frightful picture out of a melancholy past.

Anxious, as if a misfortune threatened him and he had a foreboding of it.

She is very much given to be frightened and starts at every trifle, which goes every time into her feet and leaves therein a weight.

She is not satisfied with her work; she cannot do her work properly, she is not successful with it.

385. Monosyllabic and discontented humour.

Insolent, obstinate, rude humour.

Ill-humoured; she spoke and answered very unwillingly. [Wr.]

He is ill-humoured and idle; he prefers to rest, and is but little disposed to speak (aft. 3 h.). [Wr.]

An irresistable inclination to sing, with excessive gaiety, for half an hour (aft. ½ h.); thereafter distraught and indisposed for all work, for an hour. [Gn.]

390. Pert witty humour.

Alternate gay and lachrymose and cross quarrelsome humour.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.