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Tension with stitches on the posterior aspect of the thigh and leg, near the knee (aft. 10 h.). [Ws.]

Obtuse outward stitches on the patellae, with hot feeling in the leg, near the knee (aft. 10 h.). [Ws.]

Dislocation pain on the knee-joint, towards its interior, when at rest and when moving (aft. ¾ h.). [Lr.]

225. Drawing in the right hough through the calf, when standing and sitting. [Fz.]

Sharp stitches under the knees (aft. 12 h.). [Ws.]

Itching boring prick in the inner side of the right knee, when moving and when at rest (aft. 11.1/2 h.). [Gn.]

A not exactly painful twitching in the left leg, worse when at rest than when walking (aft. 6.1/2 h.). [Mkl.]

Trembling sensation in both calves for a quarter of an hour, more violent when sitting than when standing (aft. 2 h.). [Mkl.]

230. When sitting still a cramp-like drawing upwards on the outer side of the left leg. [Fz.]

A sharp pressure on the tibia. [Fz.]

When at rest obtuse pulsating stitches under the middle of the tibia which go off on moving, but return when at rest (aft. 2 h.). [Fz.]

Cramp-like pain in the muscles of the right leg which went from below upwards, like paralytic pain (aft. 2.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

Sharp stitches in the middle of the tibia, with twitching grasping, just as through the leg had been long held in an uncomfortable position (when at rest) (aft 2 h.). [Ws.]

235. When walking a dislocation pain, at one time on the left, at another on the right leg, near the inner ankle (aft. 7.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

When walking in the open air a dislocation pain on the left leg from one ankle to the other (aft. 20.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

Cutting on both outer ankles when at rest, it went off on moving (aft. 12 h.0. [Ws.]

Burning shooting above both ankle -joint when walking (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Hnl.]

Persistent corrosive gnawing pain on a very small spot, between the outer ankle and the tendo Achillis of the right foot, recurring several times, when sitting; it is renewed on moving (aft. 14 h.). [Hnl.]

240. Shooting pain in the right heel (aft. 2.3/4 h.). [Hnl.]

Coarse stitches in the soles of the feet when walking (aft. 3.1/2 h.). [Mkl.]

Visible twitching, not exactly painful, in various parts at once, more severe when at rest than when walking (aft. 6.1/2 h.). [Mkl.]

Twitching of small portions of the muscles in several parts of the body at various times. [Hnl.]

Shooting pinching now here now there on the body (aft. 8 h.). [Ws.]

245. Weakness in all the limbs, when at rest and when moving, for an hour (aft. 28 h.). [Mkl.]

Weariness in all the limbs, when at rest and when moving, for an hour (aft. 28 h.). [Mkl.]

Weariness in all the limbs, when at rest ad when moving, for an hour (aft. 28 h.). [Mkl.]

Weariness and prostration (immediately).

Great weakness of all the body; at the same time aching pain over the os sacrum, when standing, diminished by sitting (aft. 17 h.). [Hnl.]

When walking weakness of the body, together with chilliness all over )aft. 1.1/4 h.). [Hnl.]

(Extreme weakness with heat and severe headache. (In a case of intermittent fever).)[SCHLEGEL, in Huf, Four. VII, iv, p. 163.]

250. Vital activity immensely increased, hurried character of all movements (Alternating action.) (aft. 32 h.). [Mkl.]

Frequent yawning, as if he had not slept enough (aft. 2 h.). [Lr.]

Lascivious, vivid, unremembered dreams, without emission of semen. [Gn.]

Restless sleep; he threw himself from one side to the other. [Gn.]

Vivid unremembered dreams. [Lr.]

255. During sleep redness and heat in the face; he wakes up and cries out “There! There!” and points with the finger, then falls asleep again.

Shuddering in the morning, in the back, as from hearing horrible tales, not like chilliness.

Chilly feeling, especially in the fingers.

Chilly feeling all over the trunk with otherwise moderate temperature (aft. 8.1/4 h.). [Hnl.]

Shivering over the upper part of the body, with yawning (immediately). [Htn.]

260. Shivering as after a long journey on foot. [Hbg.]

An outward shivering runs over him, without internal chilliness, especially on the legs, in the warm room (aft. 3 h.). [Ws.]

In the warm room the hair stands on end, without chilliness, for ten minutes (aft. 7 h.). [Mkl.]

(When sitting) shuddering without chilliness over the back as if he were afraid of something, or terrified by something – without subsequent heat (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

Coldness in the spine with shivering (aft. 4 h.). [Mkl.]

265. Icy cold hands and feet, while the rest of the body is warm (aft. ½ h.). [Htn.]

Cold feet for forty-eight hours. [Htn.]

Swollen blood-vessels on the hands and somewhat beyond them on the forearms, with ordinary heat of the body and icy cold feet (aft. 5 h.). [Htn.]

Coldness of the feet lasting into the night; they could not get warm even in bed (aft. 3 h.). [Trn.]

Cold feet up into the knees, as if they stood in cold water. [Hbg.]

270. Chilliness all over the body, which went off by the heat of the stove, but returned when he went away fromthe stove, lasting half an hour (aft. ½ h). [Hnl.]

Chilliness all over the body, especially on the back, which was not removed by the heat of the stove (aft. ¾ h.). [Hnl.]

Febrile rigor all over the back, as if he had been walking for a long time naked in cool air (aft. ¼ h.). [Lr.]

Slow pulse, fifty-two beats in a minute (aft. 1.1/4 h.). [Lr.]

Heat of the ears (aft. ¾ h.). [Hnl.]

275. Hot feeling on the trunk, especially in the back, sometimes mingled with cold feeling, without thirst and without heat or redness of the face (aft. 8 h.). -several hours thereafter (aft. 16.1/2 h.) redness of the cheeks. [Hnl.]

Heat, especially in the face; soon afterwards a general chilliness, both without thirst (aft. 3 h.). [Mkl.]

Towards evening flush of heat over the cheeks. [Fz.]

In the evening elevated temperature of the body, without thirst, with freedom and lightness of the mind. [Fz.]

After walking in the open air, in the evening, heat without thirst and slight sweat all over the body.

280. Sweat from evening till morning.

Sweat from evening till morning.

Sweat in the evening, immediately after lying down.

Sweat in the evening, immediately after lying down.

Disagreeable hot feeling on the trunk, especially on the back, six hours after chilliness (aft. 7 h.). [Hnl.]

Very great heat all over the body without perspiration and without thirst, with cold feet (aft. 2.3/4 h.). [Htn.]

(Along with increase of the heat (It should be, “of the chill.” ) delirious talking, with small, quick irritated pulse (In a case of intermittent fever.) ). [SCHLEGEL, l. c.]

285. Anxious feeling about the heart, as if something bad were about to happen, and he had to undergo a clamity (aft. 1 h.). (Not found, probably symptoms of Hartmann erroneously ascribed to Schlegel.) [SCHLEGEL, l. c.]

Cross, ill-humoured and discontented with himself and his position; anxiety drives him from one place to another (aft. 16 h.). Not found, probably symptoms of Hartmann erroneously ascribed to Schlegel.) [SCHLEGEL, l. c.]

Gloomy, out of humour, and cross (aft. 1 h.). [Mkl.]

Indifferent to amusements (aft. 12 h.) – half an hour afterwards disposed to be jocular. [Gn.]

Lachrymose disposition. [Trn.]

290. Melancholy humour; his thoughts are disposed to dwell on past sad disagreeable things (aft. 80 h.). [Ws.]

He prefer to be alone – though not ill-humoured – because he would rather be silent than talk (aft. 7 h.). [Htn.]

Dislike to work. [Htn.]

Excessive joyousness (Rather curative action.) (aft. 11 h.). [Htn.]

All day silent reserved humour, with self-satisfaction. (Rather curative action.) [Lr.]

295. Tranquil dispositon; he was contented with this position. (Curative reaction of the organism.) [Lr.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.