MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA…


MENYAN. Trifolium Fibrinum, Buck-Bean, Marsh-Trefoil. See Hahnemann’s “Mat. Med Pur.”.


Aconite, China, Nux-v., Veratrum




Chronic complaints from abuse of Cinchona. Arthritic affection.

Jerking motions, in various parts at the same time, visible, but not very painful, more violent when at rest than when walking. Jactitation of small portions of muscles, here and there, at different periods. Spasmodic tossing of the lower extremities. Stinging-pinching, here and there. Languor in all the limbs during rest and motion. Great weakness of the whole body, with aching pain over the os-sacrum, when standing, increased by sitting. Weakness of the body when walking, accompanied, with chilliness all over. Excessive activity of the vital functions, hurried motions.


The majority of the pains appear to be worse during rest and towards evening, they are relieved by motion and pressure with the hand.


Lascivious, vivid dreams. Restless sleep. Redness and heat of the face during sleep.


Coldness in the spine, with shaking. Icy-cold hands and feet, the rest of the body being warm. Coldness of the feet up to the knees. Shuddering over the whole of the upper part of the body. Intermittent fever, with coldness in the abdomen. Thirst and heat, especially in the face; shortly after, general chilliness, both without thirst. Heat without thirst. Pulse 52. Sweat in the evening, in bed.


Weeping, sad mood. Anxiety about the heart.


Dullness of the head in a room. Vertigo on stooping and raising the head.


Dull headache when leaning the head on one side. Continued heaviness of the head. Heaviness, with pressure in the whole head. Pressure in the forehead, from within outward. Aching pain in the head, more violent in the open air. Headache in the temples, as if pressed together from either side. Stupefying headache, especially in the forehead, during rest and motion. Drawing pain the forehead. Gnawing pain in the vertex. Tensive pain around the sinciput.


Redness and heat of the face during sleep. Heat of the face, with coldness of the extremities. Visible twitching of the muscles. Tension in the jaws. Pain and cracking in the articulation of the jaw, when chewing. Lips parched and chapped. Grumbling in the upper teeth.


Pressure in the eye, with sensation of vertigo or of vanishing of sight. Dull stitches in the balls of the eyes. Sensation in the eyes as if the eye-lids were swollen. Burning over the left eye-brow. Dimness of the eyes, only in the open air. Frequent obscuration of sight, while reflecting when reading. Flickering before the eyes, as if everything were jumping. Contraction of the pupils, then dilatation.


Tension in the root of the nose. Discharge of blood from the nose on blowing it. Profuse fluent coryza the whole day.


Dragging pain in the ears. Feeling of coldness in the internal ear. Discharge pain in the ears, particularly after measles, scarlet-fever. Slight humming before the ears, as of crickets. Cracking in the ear, when chewing.


Increased secretion of saliva. Accumulation of saliva in the mouth, with nausea. Dryness and roughness of the fauces.


Bitter sweet taste in the mouth. Sudden canine hunger. Drawing pain in the region of the heart after a meal. Frequent hiccough. Great inclination to vomit, accompanied with painful choking and contraction of the stomach.


Sudden attack of heat in the stomach, afterwards violent hunger. Contractive sensation in the stomach. Pinching, with a sort of pressure in the region of the stomach. Cutting, with pressure, in the hypochondriac region. Tension and pressure in the abdomen. Pinching in the hypogastrium, also with urging to stool in the rectum. A cutting pain suddenly darts from the spine through the abdomen. Pressure, apparently in the spermatic cord, which is painful when touched. Pressure in the glands surrounding the abdominal ring, when bending the body forward. Sore pain in the integuments of the abdomen when touching them.


Pinching in the abdomen, followed by a somewhat loose stool. Pinching in the abdomen, followed by hard stool. Intensely painful itching in the interior of the rectum. Itching of the anus. Flowing piles.


Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge. Violent sexual desire. The spermatic cord is painful to the touch, with pressure in the groin.


Frequent titillation in the larynx. Hoarseness. Rough voice. Spasmodic contraction of the larynx. Accelerated breathing, with increased pulse and heat and redness of the face. Dyspnoea. Compression of the chest, a disagreeable anxious sensation.


Violent stitches in the chest, only during motion. Violent continuous stitch in the region of the heart, the stitches multiplied when arresting the breathing. Pressure on the sternum, accompanied with sharp stitches. Compressive sensation in both sides of the chest, with sharp stitches. Bruised pain in the chest, when sitting bent.


Bruised pain in the small of the back, generally when sitting quiet. Drawing-aching pain in the small of the back, when stooping. Aching pain over the os-sacrum, when stooping. Contractive pain in the small of the back, succeeded by pressure. Extremely painful lacerating between the scapulae. Feeling of heaviness in the muscles of the neck. Pressure with lacerating in the nape of the neck.


Fine stitches dart through the axilla on moving the arm. Burning, scraping sensation in the upper part of the shoulder. Jactitation of the muscles of the upper arm. Cramp-like pain in the muscles of the lower arm. Paralytic lacerating in the wrist- joints, especially when moving them.


Stitching, contractive pain in the region of the hip-joint. When sitting, the thigh and leg are spasmodically jerked upward. Drawing and bruised pain in the outer side of the thigh, small of the back, and loin. Cramp-like drawing in the anterior portion of the thigh, when sitting. Numb, tensive aching, bruised pain in the outer parts of the thighs, when walking or sitting. Pain as if sprained in the knee-joint. Cramp-like pain in the muscles of the leg. Pain as sprained, when walking. Pain as if sprained in the region of the ankles.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.