Shooting in a finger, on rising from a seat.

Shooting in the ball of the thumb proceeding from the wrist-joint.

Fine pricking in the skin of the right index, renewed on flexing the arm (aft. 2 h.). [Cas.]

Chilling burning in the proximal joint of the right middle and ring fingers. [Gff.]

560. Violent itching on the outer of the left thumb. [Gff.]

Tearing in the right hip. [Gff.]

Tearing aching pain below and near the left hip towards the back and sacrum, frequently repeated (aft. 2 h.). [Gff.]

Severe, paralytic drawing pain proceeding from the abdomen down into the left lower extremity. [Gff.]

Jerking of the muscles in the superior posterior part of the left thigh, in the morning in bed. [Gff.]

565. Obtuse stitch in the upper part of the thigh. [Gff.]

Burning on the thigh at night in bed.

Burning sensation on the outer side of the thigh superiorly.

In the left thigh, rheumatic drawing, in the evening in bed, alleviated by lying on that thigh. [Gff.]

Tearing pain in the middle of the thigh, frequently recurring. [Gff.]

570. At the lower and outer part of the left thigh, cramp-pain when walking, especially when raising the thigh and going up-stairs; the part is also painful to the touch (aft. 35 h.). [Cas.]

When walking, numbness of the thighs.

Stiffness in the thighs the knees, in the morning on rising.

Stiffness and drawing in the left thigh, as if paralysed and dislocated (the first 4 d.).

Feeling of restlessness in the right thigh and leg, which causes him to be constantly changing his position in his chair. [Cas.]

575. Pain in both lower extremities, especially in the legs, when sitting and lying; he knows not where to put them.

Tearing in the right thigh and leg. [Gff.]

Tearing in the left thigh and leg (aft. 29 h.). [Gff.]

Heaviness in the lower extremities (aft. 5 d.).

In the lower extremities, numbness and insensibility.

580. Drawing pain in the knees when standing.

In the knees and ankle-joints, tenseness(aft. 5 d.).

Paralytic pain in the knee when sitting and rising from a seat, and at night when lying, on turning round, or extending the knee.

On slightly knocking on the knee, great pain in the bone.

On going upstairs, pain in the knees.

585. Weakness and unsteady feeling in the knees when walking and standing. [Gff.]

Weakness and stiffness in the knee.

Great burning in the right knee. [Gff.]

After rising from a seat, shooting in the patella, as if the knee were swollen.

In both knees aching tearing, and also in the legs.

590. Drawing sensation in the lower extremities, especially frthe knee down the leg. [Gff.]

Tearing in the right leg. [Gff.]

Tearing in the leg from the calf down to the inner ankle. [Gff.]

Drawing and gnawing in both legs; he cannot let them lie quiet, and must stretch them out or draw them up, for half an hour, in the afternoon.

Paralytic sensation in the left leg.

595. At the lower part of the calf a swollen spot that is painful when touched.

On the calves, itching wheals.

Severe cramp in the leg, especially in the sole of the foot, when walking in the open air.

Severe cramp, at night in bed in the whole leg, especially in the sole of the foot.

Cramp in the sore of the right foot, in the evening, after lying down; the toes are drawn crooked.

600. Tearing in the bone above the left inner ankle (aft. 4 h.). [Gff.]

Drawing in the feet, chiefly when sitting.

Tearing pain under the big toe of the right foot, increased by walking. [Gff.]

Tearing in the middle toe of the right foot. [Gff.]

Severe tearing under the nails of the toes, from the evening into the night; it extended into the soles of the feet (the first 4 d.).

605. Pain in the right big toe under the nail. [Gff.]

On treading pain in the metatarsal bones, as if they were lacerated.

Restlessness in the left foot; she must move it to and fro.

Burning in the soles of the feet, after standing.

Great sweat of the feet (aft. 9 d.).

610. (During the pains, great anxiety and heat.)

(After the pains great exhaustion.)

Bruised pain in all the limbs (aft. 24 h.).

In the morning, after waking, in bed, great bruised feeling in the joints, relieved by stretching out the limbs, gradually going off after rising. [Gff.]

Every limb of the body is painful, so also is the back (with much headache and great weakness).

615. The limbs go to sleep.

The limbs on which he is lying are apt to go to sleep.

Formication all over the body.

In the morning in bed, a shooting under the left ribs, which radiates into the abdomen, the scrobiculus cordis, and the left and right side of the chest, showed itself as aching in the larynx, was aggravated by expiration, and when it went off was renewed by pressure on the abdomen. [Gff.]

Itching pricks on the side on which he is lying, in the evening in bed.

620. Itching like flea-bites on several parts of the body. [Cas.]

Itching and shooting on several parts of the body. [Cas.]

Nettle-rash for some weeks.(aft. 4 d.).

Itching and burning on various parts of the body, on the back, chest, navel, thighs, &c. [Gff.]

Burning on various parts of the body, at night in bed.

625. Here and there, on the back and in the sides, as also in the right side of the abdomen, a burning sensation on the skin, as from a mustard plaster (aft. 12 h.). [Gff.]

Stiffness in the knees and hip-joints, in the morning on awaking.

Tension in the knees znd left hand as if they had been fatigued by too great exercise.

Drawing pain in the limbs.

Drawing and tearing pains on various parts of the body. [Gff.]

630. Drawing in the back and feet, only when sitting.

Drawing in the wrist, elbow and shoulder-joints, which goes off by moving. (Especially by exposure to the morning wind.)

Tearing in various parts of the body, at night in bed.

Rheumatic sensation in the whole body, with coldness of the hands and feet. [Gff.]

In the morning, on awaking, tearing sensation in the left shoulder, then in the right hand, then in the right upper jaw in the incisor teeth. [Gff.]

635. Frequent, tearing pains here and there, e. g. in the left half of the face, then as if in the left side of the occiput, in the left thigh, and left shoulder, at the same time great pressure in the arms and lower extremities. [Gff.]

(A healed ulcer again breaks out, and discharges, instead of pus, lymph mixed with blood; the part is hard and painful when touched.)

The pus of the ulcer becomes foetid like asafoetida.

The sore of the issue excretes a corrosive moisture.

After sitting for a long time he feels, on rising from his seat, heaviness and stiffness in the limbs, which is relieved by walking a little.

640. Indisposed for bodily exertion. [Cas.]

Want of energy in the muscular movements (aft. 1 h.). [Cas.]

Exhaustion. [Ad.]

Exhaustion in the morning in bed (aft. 48 h.). [Gff.]

Great feeling of fatigue, in the morning in bed, especially in the joints, which goes off after rising from bed. [Gff.]

645. In the morning, weak, lazy, trembling in the limbs and readily perspiring (aft. 2 d.). [Cas.]

Trembling in the body, with faintness.

In the morning feeling of great exhaustion, with trembling in the limbs and round about the stomach, as after drinking wine in excess (aft. 24 h.). [Gff.]

Attacks of sudden faint weakness.

Very frequent, but only momentary attacks of fainting, causing him to sink down, also accompanied by vertigo – followed by cutting in the abdomen and griping in the bowels as if diarrhoea would ensue – but yet only an ordinary stool was passed (aft. 24 h.).

650. Exhaustion after a short slow walk in the open air. [Gff.]

Whilst walking in the open air sudden fatigu came on, which however, soon went off (aft. 3 d.).

Weakness, especially in the lower extremitites. [Gff.]

In the forenoon, weakness, as from stupefaction.

Exhaustion in the evening.

655. In the evening, laziness, drowsiness, indisposed for exertion.

Yawning. [Ad.]

Much stretching and yawning (aft. 2 h.). [Gff.]

Drowsiness and frequent yawning. [Gff.]

Drowsiness in the forenoon, when sitting (and when reading), which goes off on moving. [Ad.]

660. After the midday meal, inclination to sleep, without being able to sleep.

After a meal uninterrupted sleep for hours which is beset with anxious dreams. [Ad.]

After a meal over-powered by sleepiness.

Very early in the evening inclined for sleep.

Great sleepiness in the evening.

665. When he gets into bed, in the evening, he is attacked by anxiety to that he can scarcely keep lying (aft. 19 d.).

Late of falling to sleep – not till 1 a.m.

At night through his eyes are heavy with sleep he cannot get to sleep.

She cannot get to sleep at night, but yet cannot open the eyes.

In the evening very cold feet and hands.

670. In the evening, before going to sleep, a severe internal shivering, without chilliness, and at the same time much eructation.

She frequently wakes up at night with coldness of the lower exrtemities and knees.

In the evening, after lying down in bed, his eyes were painful.

At night heaviness in the lower limbs and back, like fatigue.

In the evening before going to sleep, a drawing sensation in both lower limbs.

675. At night, in bed, the corns ache.

At night he cannot lie quiet except with both lower extremities drawn up to the abdomen.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.