325. Itching at the anus. In the morning in bed, increased by scratching, and thereafter burning. [Cas.]

Smarting at the anus. [Gff.]

Sudden sensation of fulness in the rectum as if for an evacuation, which soon went off. [Ad.]

The urging to stool passes off with loud discharge of flatus. [Gff.]

Pain in the abdomen ans sacrum, like a call to stool. [Gff.]

330. A kind of haemorrhoidal colic; violent urging to stool, formication in the anus, and violent pressure on the bladder and towards the sacrum, spasmodically recurring in fits; in spite of the great urging it seems that no stool will come; on the other hand, there occur violent labour-pains in the hypogastrium to the front and back, with burning in the nuas and a sensation as if diarrhoea would ensue; on trying to have a motion there comes after such a pain, and after much effort, some faeces consisting of soft pieces, whereupon the urging to stool and the pain in the bowels go off immediately. [Gff.]

After breakfast call to stool, which though not hard is only passed with much straining. [Gff.]

Great urging to stool whereby only a scanty and hard one is passed (aft. 50 h.). [Gff.]

Hard stool (aft. 62 h.). [Gff.]

Hard stool passed much later than usual, and with much effort (aft. 36 h.). [Gff.]

335. Ineffectual urging to stool (aft. 80 h.). [Gff.]

The first week during stool there comes forst mucus, then followed hard and then soft faeces, afterwards cutting pain in the abdomen.

Stool with discharge of much mucus.

Discharge of much mucus from the rectum, during several days.

The stool is enveloped with yellowish, thread-like mucus, which in the latter portion of the stool is quite bloody. [Ad.]

340. Rush of blood to the anus.

With every stool discharge of blood.

Swollen haemorrhoidal venis (blind haemorrhoids) which are painful (aft. 2 d.).

The latter portion of the stool is coloured with blood. [Ad.]

An acrid biting moisture escapes from the rectum (aft. 24 h.).

345. Acrid stool with furred tongue.

At night a viscid, musty-smelling fluid escapes in considerable quantity from the anus.

At night, moisture on the perinaeum from the anus to the scrotum, with itching and excoriation.

Excoriation on the perinaeum; on touching the part it itches painfully.

Excoriation at the anus.

350. Shooting pain in the pernaeum, near the anus (aft. 2.1/2 h.). [Gff.]

After stool repeated pain in the abdomen towards the sacrum and bladder, almost as after taking rhuburb. [Gff.]

After the stool forcing pain in the abdomen. [Gff.]

After the stool squeezing pain in the abdomen. [Gff.]

In the morning, after a hard scanty stool, a pinching shooting in the left hypogastrium and incomplete call to stool, like a pressure on the rectum, all day (aft.4 d.). [Gff.]

355. After the stool complete emptiness in the abdomen, particularly observable when walking. [Cas.]

The urine is reddish and turbid. [Gff.]

The urine is dark coloured.

Red, dark urine, with roughness of the larynx. [Gff.]

Dark red urine, as if it were mixed with blood (aft. 2 d.).

360. Reddish, turbid urine.

Red sediment in the urine.

Urine of very pungent odour.

After drinking but little, copious discharge of urine (aft. 6 h.). [Gff.]

The urine is much more scanty (aft. 48 h.). [Gff.]

365. He must rise several times during the night to make water, and the quantity of urine passed is increased; he has at the same time pressure on the bladder.

Frequently during the day pressing on bladder, but yet she could retain the urine.

When urinating there is often tearing in the urethra; the last drops consist of mucus and pass with pain.

In the morning, after urinating, tearing and drawing in the urethra. [Gff.]

On the prepuce itching and excoriation.

370. On the prepuce a great itching, and on its inner surface a vesicle and an excoriated spot.

Formication in the testicles and scrotum.

Itching near the scrotum on the upper part of the thigh; the part exudes moisture (aft. 24 h.).

Swelling of the scrotum which is hard to the touch.

A seminal emission that effects the nerves violently and painfully, and is followed by an extremely violent burning in the anterior part of the urethra, and when urinating, a severe cutting and burning, which lasts long and is renewed by slight external pressure. [Gff.]

375. Persistent erection of the penis, at night, without lascivious feeling or ideas. [Gff.]

Complete want of sexual desire in the morning, which is not rxcitable even by sensual thoughs (aft. 24 h.). [Gff.]

Great excoriation on the female pudendum anteriorly, in the evening.

Burning on the female pudendum.

A sore pain on the female pudendum, with discharge of much leucorrhoea for two days, thereafter occurrence of the menses, which had not for several months previously; they flow for three days but are quite black; thereafter very little leucorrhoea without soreness.

380. Menses five days too soon (aft. 21 d.).

Just before the occurrence of the menses, pain in the abdomen, like spasms, from morning till evening.

During the menses, very violent headache, which drew her eyes quite together.

Cutting in the hypogastrium, during the menses.

Severe itching of a tetter, before the occurrence of the menses.

385. In the morning, on rising, much very thin leucorrhoea, and then no more all day.

Discharge of white mucus from the vagina (aft. 4 d.).

Stoppage of the left nostril for an hour. [Gff.]

The left nostril is stopped (aft. 1.1/2 d.). [Cas.]

Sneezing followed by stoppage of the left nostril. [Gff.]

390. Stuffed coryza.

Frequent sneezing with constant and violent tickling and formication in the nose, and catarrhal roughness in the nose and upper part of the chest, at night in bed. [Gff.]

Very frequent sneezing without coryza. [Gff.]

Sneezing with watering of the left eye, which causes smarting in the inner canthus. [Gff.]

Violent sneezing followed by severe smarting pain above and in the nose and watering of the eyes as if severe coryza were about to burst forth; this pain in the nose also came on when blowing it. [Gff.]

395. Formication in the right nostril, discharge of nasal mucus, then violent sneezing, watering of the right eye; coryza. [Gff.]

Incomplete abortive irritation to sneeza, returning at one time more at another less strongly. [Gff.]

Sneezing which occasions stitches in the abdomen. [Gff.]

Sneezing, which is followed by a burning on a large portion of the right side of the abdomen. [Gff.]

In the root of the nose feeling of a commencing coryza. [Ad.]

400. Pressing pain in the root of the nose and nasal bones, as in a severe coryza, but he could get air through the nose. [Ad.]

Ineffectual irritation to sneeze with formication in the left half of the nose; it then became moist, and after blowing the nose the right nostril remained stopped up; at the same time some feeling of coryza – a formication and smarting on the left side of the palate (aft. 5 h.). [Gff.]

Fluent coryza with sneezing (almost immediately). [Gff.]

For several days, at night and in the morning on awaking, irritation like coryza which (with the exception of occasional sneezing) went off during the day. [Gff.]

Severe fluent coryza.

405. Coryza and catarrh (aft. 7 d.).

Hoarse, in the evening (aft. 12 d.).

Catarrh, owing to which he could scarcely speak loud (aft. 8 d.).

In the evening, suddenly great hoarseness, so that he could scarcely utter a sound, with great tightness of the chest, so that when walking in the open air he had scarcely any breath (aft. 6 d.).

Roughness and hoarseness of the larynx; she could not speak loud without great exertion.

410. Great roughness of the larynx; the voice is deep and rough, and when he exerts it, it fails him, but without pain in the throat on swallowing. [Gff.]

Roughness on the chest and frequent irritation to cough. [Gff.]

In the evening and morning, scraping in the throat, which excites her to dry cough.

Scrapy in the throat, with some cough, during which the left eye especially waters (aft. 3.1/2 h.). [Gff.]

Formication in the upper part of the wind-pipe, as if something adhered there, exciting cough (aft. 3 h.). [Gff.]

415. Itching in the larynx exciting cough (with viscid, salt expectoration), in the evening on going to sleep, and in the morning an hour after rising. [Cas.]

Irritation to cough, as from sulphur fumes, with choking.

Frequent short hacking cough (aft. 3.3/4 h.). [Gff.]

Irritation to cough at the back of the throat, with short cough, frequently recurring. [Gff.]

Great formication in the throat removed for a short time by hawking, with great flow of saliva. [Gff.]

420. Constant rough feeling in the throat, with formication and frequent semi-voluntary, rough cough, which causes pain in the upper part of the chest. [Gff.]

After formication and irritation in the throat, some deep coughs, whereupon the chest pains as if pressed in. [Gff.]

(When coughing, pain on the chest as if raw.)

During the cough- irritation, in the evening, a chilliness and a drawing in the cheeks.

Cough, in the evening in bed.

425. Spasmodic cough, daily, in three of fours fits.

(In the evening, cough, which causes vomiting and retching).

Along with tightness of chest and burning on the chest, a fatiguing cough.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.