Sore throat; when eating the throat feels excoriated.

200. (Sore throat, uvula inflamed and swollen, and shooting in the throat).

A kind of fulness and pressure down the gullet as far as the stomach – almost like heart-burn.

Eructation (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Cas.]

Frequent almost continual eructation.

Frequent, empty eructation, after short pinching in the abdomen (aft.3.1/2, 4.1/4 h.). [Gff.]

She has sweet eructations.

Bitter and scraping eructations.


Salt taste in the mouth all day (aft. 48 h.).

210. (Sour eructation, after taking milk.)

(Sensation as of constant heart- burn; acidity always rose up into the mouth).

In the forenoon, frequent sensation, as if something hot and acrid rose up in the gullet.

Bitterness in the mouth and eructations.

Bitter taste in the mouth, before and after eating.

215. Little appetite and no taste, as in catarrh.

Little appetite, with heat in the mouth and roughness and dryness on the tip of the tongue (aft. 42 h.). [Cas.]

(Anorexia and nausea, also when fasting, but worse after eating, with anxiety, dizziness, darkness before the eyes, and white tongue; towards evening he must lie down, without sleepiness) (aft. 6, 7 d.).

Absence of hunger; he could have remained without eating. [Gff.]

Little appetite; she is soon satiated; she feels pain in the scrobiculus cordis, and as if too empty in the stomach, for half an hour.

220. Anorexia and frequent eructation (with confusion of head).

Towards noon, diminished appetite and nausea(aft. 3 d.).

In the morning, an hour after waking, nausea, and as if qualmish in the stomach.

At night, nausea.

Frequent inclination to vomit, and yet he did not vomit.

225. Constant nausea, without appetite and without stool.

Repugnance to butter.

After eating a painful hiccup in the gullet.[Ad.]

After a moderate dinner, repeated hiccup. [Cas.]

(After a meal, strong palpitation of the heart.)

230. During and after a meal, pinching in the abdomen. [Gff.]

Every afternoon, after a meal, great heaviness in the feet, for eight days.

After eating but little, distension and fulness fo the abdomen and rumbling in the bowels. [Gff.]

After a moderate breakfast, immediately full and satiated (aft. 68 h.). [Cas.]

After a meal, headache.

235. A small quantity of wine heats him much. [Gff.]

After a moderate breakfast, general perspiration. [Cas.]

After a meal, sour taste in the mouth.

Spasm in the stomach and incessant eructation, which was quite sour in the mouth.

An almost burning sensation in the stomach.

240. A scraping sensation in the stomach up into the throat like heart-burn.

Throbbing in the scrobiculus cordis.

Anxious pressure in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 4 d.).

A continued painful pressure in the scrobiculus cordis and epigastrium, as if in the stomach, after 7 o’clock. [Gff.]

A pressure as if on something sore in the stomach; worse on touching.

245. In the evening, pain in the scrobiculus cordis, which was painful even to the touch; at the same time she had nausea, and she commenced to have loathing when she only thought of eating.

The region of the stomach is very sensitive.

(The stomach is heavy and there is as it were trembling in it.)

(On walking and standing the stomach is as if heavy and hanging down painfully.)

Contractive sensation under the stomach.

250. Contractive pain near the scrobiculus cordis, on the right side, in the morning and afternoon.

Under the scrobiculus cordis, a constrictive pain, which is aggravated by pressure with the finger. [Ad.]

Short but violent pain in the right side under the short ribs. [Gff.]

Close under the scrobicullus cordis and thence to both sides a very painful, shooting tearing, radiating behind the ribs. [Gff.]

Violent shooting in the hepatic region (aft. 48 h.).

255. Continued aching pinching sensation in the epigastrium. [Gff.]

Cutting in the abdomen.

Pain in the abdomen as after a chill; it increases before the discharge of flatus and persists thereafter.

Cutting in the abdomen, only for instants, but very frequently.

Cutting in the abdomen, which darts through the bowels like lightning.

260. In the evening, cutting in the abdomen, like colic.

Pain, as from a sprain, in the abdomen, even when she does something with the hand, whereby the arm is slightly raised; the same pain also occurs by a sprain or over-lifting, chiefly on the left side of the abdomen.

After a meal, sleep, and on awaking, tension in the hepatic region, as if it was too short there.

Constantly distented abdomen. [Gff.]

265. Day and night as of overloaded with food, and as if full and pressed in the abdomen, with eructation.

(Great anxiety in the abdomen.)

In the left epigastrium, under the short ribs, going towards the back, a squeezing pain from imprisoned flatulence. [Gff.]

Frequent squeezing pain in the abdomen, especially in the right side of the abdomen. [Gff.]

Squeezing pressure deep in the abdomen. [Gff.]

270. Squeezing pain in the abdomen, in the hypogastrium. [Gff.]

Sensation as if her abdomen hung heavily down; she must walk quite bent down (aft. 3 d.).

Aching pain in the hypogastrium (immediately). [Gff.]

Aching pain under the short ribs, after breakfast. [Gff.]

Dull aching pain in the abdomen, on the right side, on a small spot. [Gff.]

275. Pressure in the right inguinal region.[Gff.]

Aching pain in the abdomen, with some urging to stool and discharge of hot flatus, which relieves (aft. 26 h.). [Gff.]

Aching pain in the anus (aft. 48 h.). [Gff.]

Under the coccyx, aching sore pain. [Gff.]

Aching pain in the abdomen, with rumbling and discharge of indorous, moist, warm flatus, whereupon the bellyache ceases (aft. ¾ h.). [Gff.]

280. Aching pain on the left side of the abdomen; there is a movement about in the bowels, with pinching.[Gff.]

Pinching press, deep in the right hypogastrium, extending towards the hip(aft. 3.1/2 h.). [Gff.]

When sitting bent forward, fine pinching in the abdomen. [Cas.]

After sitting bent forward, fine pinching in the abdomen. [Cas.]

After partaking of a small quantity of harmless food, violent pinching about the umbilical region, which is quickly removed by eructation and the discharge of some flatus. [Gff.]

Pinching pain in the right inguinal region (aft. 10 h.). [Gff.]

285. Pinching in the abdomen with good stool.

Pinching, obtuse stitches, as from below upwards in the abdomen (aft. 3.1/2 h.). [Gff.]

Shooting and pinching pains in the left hypogastrium. [Gff.]

Pricking, creeping, running pain deep in the hypogastrium (aft. 28 h.). [Gff.]

Shooting pain in the left side of the abdomen (and chest), increased by drawing a breath. [Gff.]

290. Tearing stitch in the hypogastrium extending to the navel. [Gff.]

Tearing pain in the hypogastrium up to the nave (aft. 48 h.). [Gff.]

Burning in the abdomen.

Burning about the umbilical region. [Gff.]

Burning pain in the skin, near the navel, frequently recurring (aft. 4 h.). [Gff.]

295. Under the navel a sore painful spot. [Gff.]

Sore pain in the hypogastrium, also felt when touched (aft. 4. ¾ h.). [Gff.]

Imprisoned flatus in the left epigastrium, more towards the back.

Flatulent colic, with discharge of inodorous flatus. [Gff.]

Flatulent colic; the flatulence goes about in the abdomen, and there are single stitches here and there, especially in the left side towards the back. [Gff.]

300. He has working about in bowels (immediately), [Gff.]

He has working about in the abdomen deep in the hypogastrium. [Gff.]

He has working about in the abdomen, and several discharges of moist flatus take place, sometimes noiseless. [Gff.]

Clucking in the left hypogastrium. [Gff.]

Audible rumbling works slowly round about in the bowels (aft. 3.1/2 h.). [Gff.]

305. Audible rumbling in the umbilical region. [Ad.]

Audible rumbling in the abdomen with some pinching. [Ad.]

After the rumbling great dicharge of flatus. [Ad.]

Audible rumbling in the hypogastrium, with noiseless discharge of almost inodorous (moist, warm, and sometimes hot) flatus. [Gff.]

Wind works about in the abdomen, and some inodorous flatus is passed (aft. ½ h.). [Cas.]

310. In the morning on awaking enormous discharge of flatus, without smell.

Food that was usually easily digested create much flatulence and distension of the abdomen.

Flatus of a foetid smell (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Gff.]

Along with colicky forcing towards the sacrum and thence to the abdomen discharge of very offensive, and latterly, moist flatus(aft. 2 h.). [Gff.]

The urging to stool goes off with loud discharge of flatus. [Gff.]

315. Discharge of flatus with burning in the nuas, and sensation as if a stool were coming. [Gff.]

Burning on the right side of the anus (aft. 6 h.). [Gff.]

Pappy stool, which causes burning in the rectum.

During the stool, consisting of a few, hard, unconnected masses of faecess, burning in the anus. [Cas.]

Drawing pain through the abdomen transversely across, before the stool. [Cas.]

320. In the evening a couple of violent stitches in the anus. [Cas.]

During the stool cutting in the anus.[Cas.]

The hard stool passes wit a cutting pan in the anus. [Gff.]

During the stool pricking in the rectum as with needles.

Itching at the anus and after rubbing burning therein. [Gff.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.