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When coughing pain like shooting in the side of the chest and in the back.

210.When breathing a shooting pain between the scapullae and in the reiogn of the stomach, and single stitches in the side of the abdomen, on the ensiform cartilage and in the sternum – pains which do not penetrate, however, but appears to be superficial only.

When breathing, whilst walking, a stitch in the side of the chest; not when sitting.

In the region of the heart several violent stitches, so that he was inclined to cry out.

Anxiety compelling him to breathe deeply.

An involuntary, strong expiratory impulse.

215. He must often draw a single very deep breath, whereby he imagines that he feels alleviation of all his sufferings.

Deep breathing, almost like a sigh.

A pain in the chest when sitting, as if the chest were too full and there was not room enough in it.

Tightness of chest even when at rest, with stiffness of the back, which hurts when stooping forwards, while occasionally a deep sighing inspitration and dry cough occur.

Asthma, feeling of fulness of the chest.

220. Tightness of chest, which appears to come out of the stomach.

Easier respiration from day to day. (Reaction of the vital force of the organism, secondary action, curative action.)

Tightness of chest, with redness of face, eructations, and sensation as if the chest were distented.

Tightness of chest when at rest and when moving.

He can only breathe when his body is erect – orthopnoea.

225. Pain as if the chest were constricted which oppressed the breath, and is increased on very slight movement.

A pain, like pressure on the chest, on breathing deeply and turning the body.

Tightness of chest when walking.

A throbbing pain in the chest.

An aching pain in the side of the chest on which she lies.

230. In the sacrum a dragging-down pain when standing and moving, with bruised pain.

Pain in the back on stooping.

Drawing pain in the back.

Drawing, aching pain in the back.

Drawing tearing pain in and near the spine. [Ar.]

235. Sudden, drawing shooting pain in the middle of the spine. [Ar.]

Stiffness in the nape, which is diminished by movement.

Painful stiffness in the nape, only felt on moving it.

Feeling of weakness over the whole nape, as if it were loaded (aft. 4 h.). [Htg.]

A twitching pain in the nape.

240. A pain externally in the neck.

Sweat under the shoulders (aft. 8 h.).

The shoulders-joint pains as if dislocated.

(Drawing, paralytic pain above and below the elbow-joint.)

Drawing, tearing pain, which extends from the right clavicle over the whole of the right arm to the finger tips, for three minutes. [Ar.]

245. Shooting in the left elbow-joint, which darted into the hand with flying heat, causing the arm to feel as if asleep. [Ar.]

Vibrating pan in the left forearm. [Ar.]

Twitching, quivering, painful sensation in the left palm (aft. 8 h.). [Ar.]

Contractive pain in the left index finger. [Ar.]

Violent, deep stitches in the ball of the left little finger. [Htg.]

250. Fine shooting pain in the skin of the wrist. (From the exhalations.)

Cool sweat in the hands (aft. 3 h.).

A drawing pain in the hip-joint (a pain like stiff-neck), which is aggravated by touching and by bending the body backwards.

From the hip-joint to the feet, a shooting tearing pain, especially on coughing.

In the muscles of the thigh, pain like aching and dislocation.

255. Bruised pain in the right thigh, going off on walking, but returning when at rest. [Ar.]

Dislocation-pain in the right thigh; when he separates the thighs outwards, the pain is severe there, but not otherwise. [Ar.]

Convulsive jerking and twitching sometimes of the thigh, sometimes of the forearm. [Htg.]

Tearing pain on the inner side of the left thigh. [Ar.]

Drawing, shooting, digging pain in the middle of the posterior aspect of the left thigh, going oof by movement. [Ar.]

260. Tensive pain in the knee.

An internal pain compounded of drawing and shooting in the left leg. [Htg.]

Stiffness in the calves when walking.

(Bruised pain of the os calcaneum, as if the heel were numbed or bruised by a great leap, sometimes changing into a tearing, in fits.) (aft. 2 h.).

Single stitches in the right big toe, ceasing on stamping the foot.[Ar.]

265. Shooting out at the tips of the toes.

For many hours, transient drawing pains here and there in the limbs, in the back, in the nape, in the scapulae, and in the hands, which are excited by moving.

Cracking and grating of the knee and finger-joints.

In all the joints sensation of stiffness and simple pain, worst on commencing to move, but allayed by continuing to move – together with cattarh of viscid mucus in the wind-pipe.

In the morning, in rising, he feels as if all the joints had been broken on the wheel, a laming stiff pain on commencing to move, especially in the knees and ankle-joints, allayed by continuing to move (aft. 10 h.).

270. When he has lain all the joints are as if stiff, and in the morning on getting out of bed he feels as if all joints were broken on the wheel, the lameness in the knees and ankle-joints especially is much worse after resting than when he is moving.

All the joints are painful as if dislocated, with the sensation as if they were swollen.

Cramp at first in the left arm and then in the whole body, the arms were stiff, she could not streighten them, the feet also were stiff on rising up after sitting, as if asleep and formicating.

Transient aching pains now in one part, now in another.

A crawling here and there in the skin of the body, as of from a fly.

275. Sensation all over the body as if all the parts would go to sleep. (Inhaling sulphur vapour soon relieved this.)

Formicating sensation in the arms and in the lower extremities from the foot up to the gullet.

An itching here and there in the skin, but chiefly in the face and on the nose.

(Itching only after touching the part.)

Itching in the hairs of the head and on small parts on the rest of the body which goes off on scratching gently.

280. Shoo, burning itching all over the body, but chiefly on the chest and face. [Htg.]

Corrosive burning on several tender parts (lips, mouth, nose, tip of the nose, alae nasi, eyelids, &c.). (From the exhalations.).[Ws.]

(Red, round spots on the abdomen and thighs.)

A painless sensation running upwards and downwards in the body, with redness of the cheeks.

Lassitude in the limbs, but more when at rest and when sitting.

285. Weakness and heaviness of the limbs, followed by trembling of the upper extremities and knees; his hands fail him for writing (aft. 7 h.). [Htg.]

Great weariness, but not inviting sleep (aft. 2 h.).

Greater weariness in the morning than in the evening.

Trembling weakness in the feet.

Complete prostration of the strength.

290. (Clucking, quick throbbing in some large blood-vessels) (aft. 24 h.). [Htg.]

He shuns all movement.

Sleep full of dreams.

Dreams of a sad character of things ling passed; no awaking he did no know if it was a reality or not.

Dreams full of obstacles.

295. Sleep interrupted by crying out and starting as if he fell from a height.

During sleep he snores when inspiring by the nose, as if he could not get air through it, and his breath were taken away (aft. 1 h.).

He wakes up several times after midnight.

Complete waking up after midnight and later.

He is wide awake in the night and cannot sleep. (aft. 5, 9h.)

300. The disinclination for everything and the crossness go off by sleep. (reaction of the vital force of the organism, curative action.)

Yawning, almost uninterrupted (aft. ½ h.).

Cool air, and especiallya draught, is disagreeable to him; he cannot bear them (aft. 12 h.).

Gradually diminished temperature of the body.

Coldness on the whole body; the limbs are cold, without shivering.

305. As the coldness of the body increases (Reaction of the vital force of the organism, curative action.) so also does the ill-humour and the contraction fo the pupils.

Every time after drinking shivering and rigor.

In the evening, after lying down, uncommon chilliness, followed by coyza (aft. 72 h.).

Evening chilliness.

The feet to up above the ankles are cold and cannot be warmed, along with ordinary temperature of the rest of the body, in the morning(aft. 12 h.). [Ws.]

  1. He is chilled by letting a ilttle air in under the bed-clothes.

When walking in the open air sensation on the thighs as if they were covered with cold sweat (as when cold air comes in contact with a perspiring part), and yet the thighs did not perspire.

He trembles with chilliness.

In the evening shivering and chilliness in the back, not followed by heat or thirst, but yet by slight perspiration.

(Febrile rigor in the evening, with thirst (without heat, yawning, or stretching), with great exhaustion, short breath, drowsiness, and crossness; from the smallest movement shivering, without feeling of cold, and without being actually cold, yet it did not feel too warm in a hot room.)

315. The first night chilliness and coldness; the next night sweat all over.

In the morning sweat all over.

After general heat and perspiration, without thirst, which lasted some hours, shivering at 6 p.m., with shaking and chattering of teeth – at the same time he was thirsty and cold all over, with anxiety, restlessness, want of recollection, and intolerance of noise – similar shivering, rigor, and coldness, with thirst, the following evening about 7 o’clock.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.