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Qualmishness and inclination to vomit in the scrobiculus cordis in the morning and afternoon (aft. 24 h.).

Aching in the scrobiculus cordis, with inclination to vomit.

After a meal, fulness and anxiety in the chest; thereafter sour eructation or heart-burn – finally thin stool.

100. After a meal (at noon), immediately stool with redness of the cheeks )aft. 6 h.).

Immediately after a meal, at noon and evening, a burning over the scrobiculus cordis.

A burning in the stomach up into the mouth, after breakfast.

Deep in the abdomen, a pain in the bowels more burning than shooting – with simultaneous cutting in the umbilical region – when moving, especially when stooping and walking, with ill humour on account of the pain and discontent and tendency to weep about lifeless things (not about persons or moral subjects), and during the crossness a kind of anxiety with perspiration on th face.

An aching tension in the abdomen, especially the epigastric region, between the scrobiculus cordis and avel, which is particularly increased by movement, at the same time with an aching tension in the lower part of the back.

105. Distension of the abdomen two hours after eating; followed by a headache darting towards the occiput, and profuse perpiration.

A tensive pain from the abdomen to the chest, as from distension of the abdomen.

Distension and hardness of the abdomen; she could not bear any tight clothing.

Sensation as if the abdomen was distented almost to bursting, whereby the breathing is impeded to suffocation.

A rumbling in the abdomen going upwards and downwards.

110. Grumbling in the abdomen from flatulence (aft. 1 h.).

Pinching in the epigastrium.

An aching under the short ribs, and in the scrobiculus cordis.

Fine quick stitches in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. some m.). [Ws.]

Aching pain in the scrobiculus cordis. [Ar.]

115. In the scrobicuuls cordis, a pinching, out-boring pain, especially when sitting bent forwards, lasting severely for eight minutes (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Ar.]

Uncommonly strong pulsation of the blood-vessels of the abdomen. [Htg.]

A hard pressing almost shooting pain on a small spot in the left hypogastrium (aft. 1 h.).

An aching here and there in the abdomen.

Increased internal heat in the bowels. [Htg.]

120. Aching pinching pain in the belly immediately after a meal, ilke incarcerated flatulence.

Bellyache as from flatulence in the hypogastrium.

The flatulence move about painfully in the abdomen.

Much flatulence. [Ar.]

Painless rumbling in the abdomen. [Htg.]

125. Along with cutting colic twisting round the navel, diarrhoeic evacuations of viscid mucus sometimes mingled with black blood; after every stool thirst, and after every drink shuddering.

A drawing and turning over in the abdomen, without and with diarrhoea.

A flatulent hernia comes forcibly and with pain out at the inguinal ring.

After some flatulent colic in the hypogastrium, small frequent stools which consist of mucus sometimes intermixed with blood, and cause tenesmus.

Slimy diarrhoea with tenesmus.

130. Immediately, diarrhoea; and shortly afterwards, ineffectual urging to stool.

Small stools, consisting of nothing but mucus.

Small stools of bloody mucus.


Tenesmus. [BROWNE, (General statement.) in Murray, Medic. I, edit. Secale, p. 703.]

135. Along with pressive pain in the bowels, he has urging to stool, but he is costive. [Ar.]

After drinking he must go to stool, though he os costive, but only mucus is passed. [Ar.]

As soon as he has drunk something he feels as if diarrhoea would come on, but every time only a little is passed. [Ar.]

Constipation, as if there was too much heat in the abdomen.

Burning pain in the anus (aft. 3, 4, 8 h.).

140. Burning at the anus. [BROWNE, l. c.]

Itching in the anus. (aft. 3, 4, 8 h.).

Smarting shooting pain in the anus, with the diarrhoeic stool.

Blind haemorrhoids; vascular knots at the anus, which cause severe pain during the evacuation.

Piles at the anus, which sometimes itch.

145. Discharge of blood by the anus for four days.

Strangery, tenesmus of the neck of the bladder; he has urging to frequent, almost ineffectual urination (aft. 4, 8 h.).

Spasmodic contraction, with cutting pain, at the neck of the bladder – not exactly like urging to urinate – sometimes intermitting, sometimes recurring, in the morning in bed; it seems to be somewhat allayed by urinating (aft. 24 h.). [Ws.]

The urine is passed only with great difficulty by drops and in spurts (immediately and for a long time).

Frequent urging to urinate, chiefly when sitting, not when walking (aft. 42 h.).

150. Scalding of urine.

After urinating a burning, smarting pain in the urethra (aft. 7 d.).

A burning in the mouth of the urethra immediately before, during and in one minute after urinating.

Pain in the urethra, especially in the forenoon.

Immediately after urinating a fine shooting in the orifice of the urethra.

155. When not urinating, pricking as with needles in the fore part of the urethra (aft. 8 h.).

When not urinating, severe stitches in the orifice of the urethra.

When not urinating, a cutting pain in the urethra backwards (aft. 6 h.).

The urethra is painful when touched (aft. 7 d.).

The urine deposits a white sediment.

160. A constant aching and prickling in the glans penis, especially in the morning and evening.

A fine, itching prickling on the glans penis, like gnat bites. [Ar.]

In the morning, on awaking, coldness of the scrotum.

Coldness of the scrotum and impotence.

Seminal emission at night.

165. A drawing pain in the spermatic cord and a squeezing pain in the testicle whilst urinating, and for some time afterwards (aft. 48 h.).

Erection in the forenoon, afternoon, and evening.

Stiffness of the penis, in the morning in bed without amorous thoughts.

Violent erection, in the morning on getting up, only to be allayed by cold water.

During amorous toying, an incontrollable trembling of the whole body.

170. Purulent discharge from the urethra, a kind of gonorrhoea.

Urethral blennorrhoea. (From wearing on the abdomen next to the skin a linen bag filled with powdered seeds of the Capsicum baccatum.)[FORDYCE, in Murray, App. Medorrhinum, I, edit. Secale, p. 704.]

(The gonorrhoea becomes yellow and thick) (aft. 7 d.).

During the menstrual flux, aching in the scrobiculus cordis with inclination to vomit.

Creeping and tickling in the nose, as in stuffed coryza.

175. Burning formication in the nose, with violent sneezing and flow of mucus. (From the exhalations.) (immediately). [Ws.]

Violent, shaking sneezing, with discharge of thin mucus from the nose. (immediately). [Mss.]

Stuffed coryza.


Feeling of roughness in the throat, for nearly two days. [Mss.]

180. Tickling sensation in the wind-pipe, so that he must sneeze violently several times.[Ar.]

Continual stitches in the throat in the region of the epiglottis, which excite dry cough, that, however, does not remove them. [Mss.]

Mucus in the upper part of the wind-pipe, which must be expectorated from time to time by hawking abd voluntary tussi(aft. 3 h.).

Very frequent short cough.

Dry, frequent, short cough.

185. Cough, especially towards evening (from 5 to 9 o’clock).

In the evening, after lying down, a formication and tickling in the larynx, and dry short cough.

Cough, especially after drinking coffee.

Painful cough.

Only when coughing, a pain in the throat, as from a simply painful swelling.

190. Only during the fit of coughing, an aching pain in the throat, as if an abscess were about to burst there.

When coughing headache, as if the skull would burst.

The cough causes inclination to vomit.

Fits of coughing in the afternoon (about 5 o’clock), which cause nausea and vomiting.

With every cough a pressive pain in the ear, as if an abscess would burst there.

195. When coughing a drawing pain in the side of the chest extending up to the throat.

When coughing a deep pressing-in pain on the side of the thigh extending into the knee.

From coughing or sneezing a pain darts through one or other limb.

Whilst coughing and some time afterwards a pressing towards the bladder and some stitches from within outwards in the region of the neck of the bladder. [Mss.]

The air from the lungs, when coughing, causes a strange disagreeable taste in the mouth.

200. The cough forces an ill-smelling breath from the lungs.

Pain in the ribs and sternum when fetching a breath.

Pain on the chest, under the right arm, when he touches the place or raises the arm.

A single prick in the left side of the chest, between the third and fourth ribs, as with a blunt needle. [Ar.]

Stitches in the left side, at the fifth and sixth ribs (aft. 1 h.). [Ar.]

205. Single stitches in the left side of the chest, between the second and third ribs (aft. 5 h.). [Ar.]

Shooting stitches in the left side of the chest, between the second and third ribs (aft. 5 h.). [Ar.]

Shooting in the left side, which takes away his breath (aft. 10 h.). [Ar.]

Shooting in the left side of the chest hwne fetching a breath, between the third and fourth ribs. [Ar.]

(Simple pain on a rib, on a small spot, which is worst when touching it, but is not excited either by breathing or by coughing).

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.