Psorinum – Medicine

Palpitation: with anxiety; mental disquietude, dislike for work; from coughing; in those suffering from hepatic disorders. Dyspnoea: with palpitation; with pain in cardiac region.

Sounds of heart indistinct; bellows murmur with first sound.

Stenosis of left osteum venosum; purring in region of apex; cyanotic lips; dyspnoea and shortness of breath when walking in open air; amel. lying down.

Rheumatic pericarditis; pulse 144; skin dry; pain in head and limbs but more particularly in shoulder; dyspnoea, with pain in region of heart; effusion, indistinct heart sounds; bellows murmur with first sound; inability to lie down.

Pericarditis of psoric origin; amel. lying quietly.

Pulse: weak, feeble, irritable, indicating return of abscesses on neck.

Neck and Back

      Painful stiffness of neck, soreness and tearing on bending backward.

Glands of neck swollen on both sides, painful to touch, as if bruised; pain extends to head.

Herpetic eruption on side of neck extending from cheek.

Nape of neck excoriated by discharge from eczema capitis. Tearing and stitches between scapulae.

Weakness and pain in small of back; agg. from motion.

Constant pressing pain in small of back, agg. from motion.

Excessive backache.

When breathing, frequent stitches from back toward chest.

Backache when walking, with stitches in sternum.

Severe backache, as if bruised, cannot straighten out.

Backache with constipation.

Backache after suppressed eruption.

Spina bifida.

In the small of the back, in the back and in the nape of the neck, drawing (tearing), tensive pains.

Lancinating, cutting, painful stiffness of the nape of the neck; of the small of the back.

Pressive pains between the shoulder-blades.

Sensation of pressure upon the shoulders.

Upper Limbs

      Attacks of lameness and soreness in right shoulder, extending to hand.

Arms as if paralyzed and lame from shoulders to hands.

Tearing in arms.

Tetter on arm with small millet-like eruption exuding a yellow fluid; itches intensely in heat.

Eruption in bends of elbows and around wrists.

Itch like eruption on wrists with tearing in limbs.

Dry tetter on wrists with rheumatism in limbs.

Trembling of hands.

Swelling and tension of backs of hands and of fingers.

Malignant boil; on hand a cone-shaped scab the size of a quarter of a dollar on a base as large again, bluish-red and strongly demarcated, where scab extends over ring there is another moist, white ring which forms a new scab; much tension and burning.

Pustules on hands, near finger-ends suppurating.

Copper-colored eruption or red blister on backs of hands.

Itching between fingers; vesicles.

Herpes in palms of hands, itching tetter.

Sweaty palms, especially at night.

Small warts size of pin’s head on left hand.

Nails brittle.

Itch: in axillae; bends of elbows; arm; forearm; elbow and wrist; hands; finger joints.


Arthur D., aged 21, has had for two months a papular eruption on his hands, forearms, between his fingers, in the popliteal and elbow flexures, with intolerable itching; bleeding and burning after scratching. Great thirst for cold water in large quantities. Itching agg. at night, when warm in bed sweats easily and profusely; very weak and emaciated; is anxious regarding his condition. Psorinum cm., one dose, cured.

E. M., aged 8, a papular vesicular eruption over entire body, but agg. in the flexures of joints, on hands and wrists, and between fingers; in palms, which resembled eczema; the itching was intolerable; scratched until it bled, which amel. itching, and he would sleep; agg. at night on undressing and in bed; night sweats without relief; face sallow, pale; tongue coated dirty white; great thirst for cold water; offensive odor from body. Was attended with periostitis on right tibia, resulting in abscess. After removal of sequestrum, under Psorinum, completely recovered.

M. V. had chronic eczema on legs, of twenty years’ standing. Had been treated by specialists, and spent months in various hospitals, with all kinds of external applications, without relief. The front of left leg, from knee to ankle, covered with thick whitish crusts, and the skin drawn and wrinkled. At the edges of the crusts the skin was red and irritable. White bran – like scales shed in large quantities, during sleep, by scratching or rubbing the leg; underlying surface red, angry looking, bleeding; with intolerable itching. Psorinum 200, one dose dry on tongue, effected a permanent cure.

Child, aged 3, had milk crust since three months old; was emaciated, with enlarged cervical glands, and a sickly, puny appearance, the whole scalp was involved, and emitted an offensive odor. The hair was matted, impossible to keep it clean; bowels constipated, never moving without artificial aid. Psorinum 200, one dose, produced severe agg., then a permanent cure.

Lower Limbs

      Pain in the hip-joints as if dislocated, agg. when walking, with weak arms.

Sciatic pains: tension down to knee while walking.

Ischias: sciatica.

Paralysis of legs from suppression of eruption on arms.

Purpura on inner side of thigh.

Old itch eruption on inner side of thigh and in popliteal space.

Knees give way under him.

Dry herpes, especially in bend of knees.

Eruption about joints makes walking difficult, as if encased in armor.

Pain in knee caused by a fall a year ago.

Chronic gonitis.

Pains in legs, especially in tibiae and soles after too much exercise in walking, with a peculiar restlessness in legs, so that he frequently changes position, passing off after rising.

Oozing blisters on legs, from small pustules, increasing in size, with tearing pains.

Vesicles becoming ulcers, on feet.

Ulcers: on legs usually about tibiae and ankles or other joints; ulcers are indolent, slow to heal; on lower legs with intolerable itching over whole body; on feet.

Large swelling about ankle.

For four or five weeks, feeling when walking as if left foot were pulled around inward; agg. for last two weeks, so that he sometimes looked to see if it were really so. Locomotor ataxia.

Feet go to sleep.

Eruption on insteps soon becoming thick, dirty, scaly, suppurating; painful and itching at times, keeping him awake.

Heat and itching on soles.

Corns between second and third toes of left foot.

Gout in lower extremities.

Weakness in all the joints as if they would not hold together.

Trembling of hands and feet.

Hands and feet feel as if broken early in morning and after a little work.

Herpetic and itching eruption especially in bends of joints, in bends of elbows and in popliteal spaces.

Tearing in limbs; in left knee and left axilla.

Chronic rheumatism in limbs, with dry eruption on wrists.

Arthritis: rheumatism, especially in chronic forms.

For many weeks gouty pains, etc.; dry cough; constrictive pressure and cutting, tearing pain at sternum near fourth and fifth ribs; greatest despondency and ill-humor.

Heat in hands and feet.

Hands moist, with cold, clammy sweat, the very touch of which was unpleasant; profuse sweating of feet; feet very painful, causing shuffling gait.

Carries; rachitis.

In the limbs, drawing (tearing), tensive pains, partly in the muscles and partly in the joints (rheumatism).

In the periosteum, here and there, especially in the periosteum of the long bones, pressive-drawing pains.

Stitching pains in the fingers or toes.

Stitches in the heels and soles of the feet while standing.

Burning in the soles of the feet.

In the joints a sort of tearing, like scraping on the bone, with a red, hot swelling which is painfully sensitive to the touch and to the air, with unbearably sensitive, peevish disposition (gout, podagra, chiragra, gout in the knees, etc.) The joints of the fingers, swollen with pressive pains, painful when touching and bending them.

Thickening of the joints; they remain had swollen, and there is pain on bending them.

The joints, as it were, stiff, with painful, difficult motion, the ligaments seem too short.

Joints, painful on motion.

Joints crack on moving, or they make a snapping noise.

Numbness of the skin or of the muscles of certain parts and limbs.

Dying off of certain fingers or of the hands and feet.

Crawling or also pricking formication (as from the limbs going to sleep) in the arms, in the legs and in other parts (even in the finger-tips.).

A crawling or whirling, or an internally itching restlessness, especially in the lower limbs ( in the evening in bed or early on awakening); they must be brought into another position every moment.

Varices, varicose veins in the lower limbs (varices on the pudenda), also on the arms (even with men), often with tearing pains in them (during storms), or with itching in the varices.

Erysipelas, partly in the face (with fever), partly in the limbs, on the breast while nursing, especially in a sore place (with a pricking and burning pain).

Whitlow, paronychia (sore finger with festering skin).

Chilblains (even when it is not winter) on the toes and fingers, itching, burning and lancinating pains.

Corns, which even without external pressure cause burning lancinating pains.

Boils (furuncles), returning from time to time, especially on the nates, the thighs, the upper arms and the body. Touching them causes fine stitches in them.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.