Psorinum – Medicine

Glandular swelling down the sides of the neck.

Teeth and Gums

      Stitching in teeth from one side to other, radiating to head, with burning in right cheek, which is swollen.

Sensation of soreness of teeth.

Stinging in teeth (while eating.).

Looseness of teeth; they feel so loose, fears they may fall out, agg. from touch, especially from teeth.

Toothache: Agg. at night and from cold; amel. from warmth.

Gums: ulcerated, bleeding.

Gums bleeding at a slight touch.

Gums, the external or the internal, painful as if from wounds.

Gums, with erosive itching.

Gums, whitish, swollen, painful on touching.

Gums, recession, leaving the front teeth and their roots bare.

Gnashing of the teeth during sleep.

Looseness of the teeth, and many kinds of deterioration of the teeth, even without toothache.

Toothache of innumerable varieties, with varying causes of excitation.

She cannot remain in bed at night, owing to toothache.

Taste and Tongue

      Loss of taste with coryza.

Taste: bitter, goes off when eating or drinking; foul, much mucus in mouth; amel. in fresh air; bitter with yellow-coated tongue; flat, sticky, dinner tastes oily.

Tongue: dry, tip feels burnt as far as middle, he has hardly any taste; tip very dry, as if burnt, painful; white, yellow; thickly coated with whitish-yellow slime; ulcerated.

On the tongue, painful blisters and sore places.

Tongue white, coated white or furred white.

Tongue pale, bluish white.

Tongue full of deep furrows; here and there, as if torn above.

Tongue dry.

Sensation of dryness on tongue, even while it is properly moist.

Stuttering, stammering; also at times sudden attacks of inability to speak.


      Adhesion of tough mucus to posterior surface of soft palate, necessitating hawking.

Tough mucus in mouth of a foul, nauseous taste, teeth stick together as if glued.

Dryness of mouth, burning.

Tickling, burning; mouth inflamed, sore agg. from warm food; not annoyed by cold food.

Blisters inside lower lips; burning, painful.

Ulcers in mouth.

On the inside of the cheeks painful blisters or sores.

Flow of blood from the mouth; often severe.

Sensation of dryness of the whole internal mouth, or merely in spots, or deep down in the throat.

Fetid smell from the mouth.

Burning in the throat.

Mouth inflamed and sore; agg. from warm food, but not annoyed by cold.

Constant flow of saliva, especially while speaking, particularly in the morning.

Continual spitting of saliva.

Insipid, slimy taste in mouth.

Intolerably sweet taste in the mouth, almost constantly.

Bitter taste in the mouth, mostly in the morning.

Sourish and sour taste in the mouth, especially after eating, though the food tasted all right.

Putrid and fetid taste in the mouth.

Bad smell in the mouth, sometimes mouldy, sometimes putrid like old cheese, or like fetid foot-sweat, or like rotten sour- krout.


      Accumulation of mucus in throat and mouth.

Tough mucus in throat, hawking. Typhoid.

Sensation of a plug or lump in throat impending hawking.

Dryness in throat with thirstlessness.

Dryness; scraping sensation in throat.

Throat burns, feels scalded.

Tension and swollen feeling in throat.

Difficult swallowing, throat feels swollen.

Pain when swallowing saliva.

Cutting tearing pain in throat on swallowing.

Steam arising from fat causes immediate constriction of throat and chest.

Severe angina; on right side an ulcer, with a sore pain deep inside and burning in fauces.

Tonsilitis; submaxillary glands swollen, fetid otorrhea.

Ulcerated sore throat.

Ulcers on right side, with deep-seated pain and burning in fauces.

Frequently mucus deep down in the throat (the fauces), which he has to hawk up with great exertion and expectorate frequently during the day, especially in the morning.

Frequently inflammation of the throat, and swelling of the parts used in swallowing.

Appetite, Thirst, Desires, Aversions.

Good appetite, with daily attacks of anxiety, easily satisfied; great hunger, even after a hearty meal; canine hunger preceding attacks (diarrhoea).

Diminished appetite: after typhus but great thirst; during convalescence.

Thirst: during dinner, with dryness of throat, especially for beer, mouth feels so dry.

Desire for acids.

Loathing of pork.

Ravenous hunger at midnight, waking from sleep.

Eating & Drinking

      While eating ceases complaining.

Immediately after dinner, congestion of blood to head.

Pain in chest extending to shoulder, agg. after cold drinks.

Drinking causes cough.

Hiccough, belching, nausea and vomiting

      Eructations: sour, rancid, tasting and smelling like rotten eggs, room is filled with an offensive odor. Arnica, Graphites, Ant-t.

Arnica – especially in A.M.; Ant-t. night; Graphites in A.M. only, after rising, disappearing on rinsing the mouth.

Waterbrash when lying down, amel. on getting up.

Nausea: with poor appetite; in morning; with backache, after suppressed itch; morning with pain in small of back, all day, with vomiting.

Vomiturition, followed by vomiting, first of blood, then of sour, slimy fluid.

Constant nausea during the day, with inclination to vomit.; a kind of vomiting of sweet mucus every morning at ten and in evening.

Vomiting of sour mucus in morning before eating.

Eructations, with the taste of the food, several hours after eating.

Eructations, empty, loud, of mere air, uncontrollable, often for hours, not infrequently at night.

Incomplete eructation, which causes merely convulsive shocks in the fauces, without coming out of the mouth; spasmodic straining in the esophagus.

Eructation, sour, either fasting or after food, especially after milk.

Eructation, which excites to vomiting.

Eructation, rancid (especially after eating fat things).

Eructation, putrid or mouldy, early in the morning.

Frequent eructations before meals, with a sort of rabid hunger.

Heart-burn, more or less frequent; there is a burning along the chest, especially after breakfast, or while moving the body.

Water-brash, a gushing discharge of a sort of salivary fluid from the stomach, preceded by writhing pains in the stomach (the pancreas), with a sensation of weakness (shakiness), nausea causing as it were a swoon, and gathering of the saliva in the mouth, even at night.

The ruling complaints in any part of the body are excited after eating fresh fruit, especially if this is acidulous, also after acetic acid (in salads, etc.).

Nausea early in the morning.

Nausea even to vomiting, in the morning immediately after rising from bed, decreasing from motion.

Nausea always after eating fatty things or milk.

Vomiting of blood.

Hiccough after eating or drinking.

Swallowing impeded by spasms, even causing a man to die of hunger.

Spasmodic, involuntary swallowing.

Scrobiculum & Stomach

      Stitching pain in pit of stomach.

Weakness of stomach.

Frequent oppression of stomach, especially after eating.

Cramps in stomach.

Dyspepsia; eructations, flatus and stools like spoiled eggs.

Gastric bilious affections.

Frequent sensation of fasting and of emptiness in the stomach (or abdomen), not infrequently with much saliva in the mouth.

Ravenous hunger (canine hunger), especially early in the morning; he has to eat once else he grows faint, exhausted and shaky (or if he is in the open air he has to lie straight down).

Ravenous hunger with rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen.

Appetite without hunger; he has a desire to swallow down in haste various things without there being any craving therefore in the stomach.

A sort of hunger; but when she then eats ever so little, she feels at once satiated and full.

When she wants to eat, she feels full in the chest and her throat feels as if full of mucus.

Want of appetite; only a sort of gnawing, turning and writhing in the stomach urges her to eat.

Repugnance to cooked, warm food, especially to boiled meat, and hardly any longing for anything but rye-bread (with butter), or for potatoes.

In the morning, at once, thirst; constant thirst.

In the pit of the stomach there is a sensation of swelling painful to the touch.

Sensation of coldness in the pit of the stomach.

Pressure in the stomach or in the pit of the stomach, as from a stone, or a constricting pain (cramp).

In the stomach beating and pulsation, even when fasting.

Spasm in the stomach; pain in the pit of the stomach as if drawn together.

Griping in the stomach; a painful griping in the stomach; it suddenly constricts the stomach, especially after cold drinking.

Pain in the stomach, as if sore, when eating the most harmless kinds of foods.

Pressure in the stomach, even when fasting, but more from every kind of food, or from particular dishes, fruit, green vegetables, rye-bread, food containing vinegar, etc.

During eating, feels dizzy and giddy, threatening to fall to one side.

After the slightest supper, nocturnal heat in bed; in the morning, constipation and exceeding lassitude.

After meals, anxiety and cold perspiration with anxiety.

During eating, perspiration.

Immediately after eating, vomiting.

After meals, pressure and burning in stomach, or in epigastrium, almost like heartburn.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.