Psorinum – Medicine

After eating, burning in the esophagus from below upward.

Feels shaky an exhausted; wants food continually, or else gets cold and wet all over.


      Deep seated stitching, pressing pain in region of liver, agg. from external pressure and lying on right side, pain hinders sneezing, laughing, yawning, coughing, deep inspiration and walking.

Stinging, sharp pain in region of liver and spleen.

Chronic hepatitis. Stitches in spleen, amel. when standing: Agg. when moving, and continuing when again at rest.

Chronic induration of spleen.


      Bloated abdomen.

Flatulency with disorders of liver.

Constant feeling of emptiness and looseness in abdomen, sensation as if intestines were hanging down.

Pains in abdomen after eating; flatulency and tendency to diarrhoea; amel. when flatus passes.

Pain in abdomen while riding.

Cutting pain in intestines.

Colic: removed by eating; amel. passing fetid flatus.

Painful bearing down, with painful burning micturition.

Stinging, sharp pains in inguinal glands.

Pain through right groin when walking.

Lumps in right groin, preventing stooping.

Inguinal hernia; hernial sac infiltrated.

Chronic abdominal affections.

Abdominal affections during climaxis, with a high degree of ill-humor.

After meals, distension of the abdomen.

After meals, very tired and sleepy.

After meals, as if intoxicated.

After meals, headache.

After meals, palpitation of the heart.

Alleviation of several, even remote, complaints from eating.

The flatus does not pass off but moves about, causing many ailments of body and spirit.

The abdomen is distended by flatus, the abdomen feels full especially after a meal.

Sensation as if the flatus ascended; followed by eructations then often a sensation of burning in the throat, or vomiting by day or by night.

Pain in the hypochondria when touched, and in motion, or also during rest.

Constricting pain in the epigastrium, immediately under the ribs.

Cutting pains in the abdomen, as if from obstructed flatus; there is a constant sensation of fullness in the abdomen-the flatus rises upwards.

Cutting pains in the abdomen almost daily, especially with children, oftener in the morning than in other parts of the day, sometimes day and night without diarrhoea.

Cutting pains in the abdomen, especially on the one side of the abdomen, or the groin.

In the abdomen qualmishness, a sensation of voidness, disagreeable emptiness, even immediately after eating, he felt as if he had not eaten anything.

From the small of the back, around the abdomen, especially below the stomach, a sensation of constriction as from a bandage, after she had no stool for several days.

Pain in the liver, when touching the right side of the abdomen.

Pain in the liver, a pressure and tension-a tension below the ribs on the right side.

Below the last ribs ( in the hypochondria), a tension and pressure all over, which checks the breathing and makes the mind anxious and sad.

Pain in the liver, stitches, mostly when stooping quickly.

Inflammation of the liver.

Pressure in the abdomen as from a stone.

Hardness of the abdomen.

Crampy colic, a grasping pain in the bowels.

In colic, coldness on one side of the abdomen.

A clucking, croaking and audible rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen.

So-called uterine spasms, like labor pains, grasping pains often compelling the patient to lie down, frequently quickly distending the abdomen without flatulence.

In the lower abdomen, pains pressing down towards the genitals.

Inguinal hernias, often painful while speaking and singing.

Swellings of the inguinal glands, which sometimes turn into suppuration.

Stool & Rectum

      Emission of hot, fetid, sulphurous flatus; smelling like rotten eggs.

Stool: normal, but passed in a great hurry, with quantities of flatus; can hardly reach the water-closet. (Aloe).

Griping and desire for stool while riding.

Diarrhoea, preceded by colic.

Frequent thin stool, with eruption on head.

Green bilious diarrhoea, mixed with mucus, soft, voided with difficulty from weakness.

Stool: dark brown, very fluid and foul-smelling; having the smell of rotten eggs; mostly in children in their first or second summer; green mucus, or bloody mucus, smells like carrion, agg. at night; frequent, liquid, involuntary; nearly painless.

Semi-liquid, brownish, indelible, insufferably nasty; passed during sleep, at 1 and 4 A.M., with undigested food. Infantile diarrhoea.

Horribly offensive, nearly painless, almost involuntary, dark and watery stool; only at night and most towards morning.

Involuntary stool during sleep.

Boy, age four months, whitish bad-smelling diarrhoea; constantly crying, with drawing up of knees as if in pain, rattling cough, cries all night; acts as if he had earache in left ear, from which there was a slight discharge; seldom urinates; after second dose, sixteen hours after first, broke out all over his head and face, with a small pimply eruption, a vesicle at the apex of each pimple, which exuded lymph which dried in a thick brown scab, which gradually fell off in a day or two, and in two weeks left the skin perfectly clean.

Diarrhoea: after severe acute disease; at night; early in morning; when rising in morning; in childbed; when weather changes (general condition).

Before stool: griping pains about navel.

Cases which do not respond promptly to the indicated remedy, the children having dirty, yellow, greasy skin, with a partially developed eruption on forehead and chest, with constant fretting and worrying.


Chronic diarrhoea; offensive stools.

Cholera infantum; stools dark brown, watery, of an intolerably offensive odor; liquid, mucous or bloody and excessively fetid.

Cholera infantum in summer; nervous and restless at night, awake at night as if frightened, or cry out during sleep; then two or three nights afterwards, they begin with diarrhoea, stools are profuse and watery, dark brown or even black in color, very offensive, almost putrid in odor, agg. at night.


Soft stool: passed with difficulty; from weakness.

Obstinate constipation: with coryza and obstruction of nose; pain in small of back; blood from rectum; due to torpor of rectum; lasting three or four days, due to inactivity of rectum; stool on third or fourth day was accompanied by severe pains which induced patient to withhold effort as much as possible.

Sensitive hemorrhoidal pain in rectum.

Unpleasant burning in rectum.

Soreness in rectum and anus while riding.

Hemorrhage from rectum; in old women large quantities of blood discharged at once, with constipation and hypochondriasis.

Burning hemorrhoidal tumors.

Prolapsus recti, with burning.

Stool: normal, but imperative; passed in a great hurry, with large quantities of flatus; can scarcely reach the toilet.

Prolapsus recti, with intense burning of parts.

Constipation: delayed stools sometimes for several days, not infrequently with repeated ineffectual urging to stool.

Stools hard, as if burnt, in small knots, like sheep-dung, often covered with mucus, sometimes also enveloped by veinlets of blood.

Stools of mere mucus (mucous piles).

Passage of round worms from the anus.

Discharge of pieces of tape-worm.

Stools, in the beginning very hard and troublesome, followed by diarrhoea.

Very pale, whitish stool.

Gray stools.

Green stools.

Clay-colored stools.

Stools with putrid, sour smell.

At the stools, cutting pains in the rectum.

Stools show diarrhoea for several weeks, months, years.

Frequently repeated diarrhoea, with cutting pains in the abdomen, lasting several days.

After stool, especially after a softer, more copious evacuation, great and sudden prostration.

Diarrhoea soon weakening, then she cannot walk alone.

Painless and painful hemorrhoidal varices on the anus, in the rectum (blind piles).

Bleeding hemorrhoidal varices on the anus or in the rectum (running piles), especially during stools, after which the hemorrhoids often pain violently for a long time.

With bloody discharge in the anus or in the rectum, ebullition of blood through the body and short breathing.

Formication and itching formication in the rectum, with or without the discharge of ascarides.

Itching and erosion in the anus and the perineum.

Polypi in the rectum.

Cholera infantum: obstinate, which seemed to defy the best selected remedy. Stool very thin and watery; dirty, greenish, smelled like carrion. Child very fretful, had no sleep for two days and nights. Psorinum 4 cm., one dose. In two hours child went to sleep, and in four hours was well, without a repetition.

W. A. Hawley.

Urinary organs

      Involuntary urine, cannot hold it; vesical paresis. Typhus.

Enuresis: wets bed at night, again during full moon; obstinate cases.

Scanty urination nearly every half hour, with burning in urethra and in condylomata.

Urine: dark brown, with reddish sediment; loaded with pus; frequent, scanty; burning and cutting in urethra; thick whitish; turbid; red deposit; cuticle forms on surface; profuse.

During micturition, anxiety, also at times prostration.

At times too much urine is discharged, succeeded by great weariness.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.