Psorinum – Medicine

Headache on one side, with a certain periodicity (after 28, 14 or a less number of days), more frequently during full moon, or during the new moon, or after mental excitement, after a cold, etc.; a pressure or other pain on top of the head or inside of it, or a boring pain over one of the eyes.

Headache daily at certain hours; e.g., a stitching in the temples.

Attacks of throbbing headache (e.g., in the forehead) with violent nausea as if about to sink down, or, also, vomiting; starting early in the evenings repeated every fortnight, or sooner or later.

Headache as if the skull were about to burst open.

Headache, drawing pains.

Headache, stitches in the head (passing out at the ears.) Roaring noise in the brain, singing, buzzing, humming, thundering, etc.

Rush of blood to the head.

Sometimes he sees everything dim or black on walking or stooping, or raising the head from stooping.

Rush of blood to the head.

Heat in the head and in the face.

Feeling of cold pressure on the head.

Dull headache in the morning, on waking up, or in the afternoon, either on walking fast or speaking loud.

Headache, twinges in the head (coming out by the ears); usually in walking, especially in walking and taking exercise after eating.

Headache, shooting pains in the head coming out by the ears; they often see everything black. Din in the brain, singing humming, noise, thunder, etc.

Stupefying, pressing, morning headache; relieved by sweat at night.

Pain from right to left, as if piece of wood were laid on back of head.

Headache preceded by dim vision or dark spots before eyes; extreme dullness, fears inflammation of brain, amel. by nosebleed followed by darkness before eyes. Cured. – Haynel.

Outer Head

      Hair: dry, lusterless; tangles easily; glues together; must comb it continually.

A man, age 28, dark complexion, dark brown hair, had a spot on left frontal region, commencing at edge of hair and extending upward three-fourths of an inch; the skin covering spot was many shades whiter than the surrounding skin, and the lock of hair growing on it had turned perfectly white; after Psorinum hair and spot became natural color.

Sensation as if head was separated from body.

Averse to having head uncovered; wears a fur cap in hot weather.

Viscid sweat about head.

Whole head burns.

Pustules, boils on head, mostly scalp, which looks dirty and emits an offensive odor.

Moist, suppurating, fetid, also dry eruptions on scalp.

Scurfy eruption of children; large yellow vesicles around and between scabs.

Profusely suppurating fetid eruption on head; rawness and soreness behind ears.

Large humid blotches on head, with scabby eruptions on face.

Pustules and boils on head, containing large quantities of pus; severe itching, causing child to scratch so violently that blood flows; formation of thick, dirty, yellow scabs, which when removed show a raw surface from which a yellow lymph exudes, which makes the linen stiff; after removal new scabs form; eruption spreads on nape of neck, scalp and most of forehead; the eruption is of very offensive odor; such a large quantity of lymph is exuded that head seems to stick to pillow; child very restless, scratches head violently, and if prevented becomes irritable and screams; large pustules on arms and body, which show no tendency to heal.

Eruption on head, particularly on occiput, completely hiding scalp from view; profuse exudation, soiling pillow at night and causing excoriation of skin of nape of neck, offensive, smelling; innumerable lice.

Humid, scabby itching, offensive smelling eruption on head, full of lice; glandular swellings.

Head so covered with eruptions that no part of scalp was visible.

Eruption on head: with swelling of glands; with urticaria.

Tinea capitis et faciei.

Crusta serpiginosa. The scalp full of dandruff, with or without itching.

Eruption on the head, tinea capitis, malignant tinea with crusts of greater or less thickness, with sensitive stitches when one of the places becomes moist; when it becomes moist a violent itching; the whole crown of the head painfully sensitive to the open air; with it hard swellings of the glands in the neck.

The hair of the head as if parched.

The hair of the head frequently falls out, most in front, on the crown and top of the head, bald spots or beginning baldness of certain spots.

Under the skin are formed painful lumps, which come and pass away, like bumps and round tumors.

Feeling of contraction in the skin of the scalp and the face.

The hairy scalp is covered with scales, with or without itching.

Eruptions on the head, scald, malignant scabs ( the crust being more or less thick), with shooting pains when a liquid is oozing out; intolerable itching during the wet stage; the whole top of the head painfully affected by the open air; at the same time hard glandular swelling on the back part of the neck.

Hair feels as if it were dried, hair falling out abundantly, especially on the forepart and on the top of the head, or in the center of the crown, or baldness of some places.

Painful tubercles on the skin of the head, coming and going, like boils, round tumors; in rare cases they terminate in suppuration.

Sensation of constriction in the skin of the head and face.

Eyes & Sight

      Aversion to light.

Great photophobia, walks with eyes bent upon ground; scurfy eruption on face.

Photophobia: when walking in open air, with inflammation of lids.

Fiery sparks before eyes.

Objects seem to tremble for a few moments and get dark.

Confusedness before eyes after anxiety.

Vision blurred; black spots before eyes; flickering; dancing about of objects.

Darkness before eyes and ringing in ears.

Amaurosis, with scabby eruption on occiput and ears.

Serous choroiditis; some ciliary congestion and great haziness of vitreous, so that optic nerve was only discerned with great difficulty and then was found decidedly hyperemic, as was the whole fundus, headache, especially in morning; constant profuse sweating of palms of hands.

Lids spasmodically closed, intense photophobia and profuse flow of hot tears, much pustular eruption on face; large brown scab on right eye, from beneath which pus pours forth abundantly when touched; bowels costive; appetite poor and only for dainties. Pustular keratitis.

Recurrent pustular inflammation of cornea and conjunctiva; chronic form; scrofulous basis.


Eyes feel tired in evening.


Stitches in eyes.

Soreness of eyes and burning, must close them frequently.

Heat and redness of eyes with pressing pains.

Burning, pressing pains in eyes.

Heat, redness and pressure in eyes, tendency to catarrhal inflammation; lids slightly agglutinated during morning.

Inflammation of eyes with burning.

Eyes water, inflamed; hurt so she can scarcely open them; pains over eyebrows, down nose, also back of head; complained mostly of head.

Right eye inflamed, pressure as from foreign body when lids are closed.

Ophthalmia, with pressing pains, as if sand were in eyes.

Right eye red, internally and externally; vesicles on cornea; eruption on head.

Acute ciliary blepharitis; internal surface of lid chiefly affected; photophobia; strumous diathesis, with unhealthy, offensive discharges.

Ciliary blepharitis right to l., agg. morning and during day; chronic cases; subject to exacerbations.

Scrofulous inflammation of eyes, ulceration of cornea.

Rheumatic, chronic and blepharophthalmia.

Eyes become gummy.

Inflammation of lids, internal surface much congested; great photophobia, cannot open eyes, lies on face.

Eyelids: swollen; inflamed; bloated; child rubs eyes; puffy; greatly swollen, closely pressed together; thickened; tendency to styes; itching, especially in canthi; herpetic eruption; scrofulous inflammation, covered with thick crusts, whole body covered with bran-like tetter.

Eyes much inflamed, left more than right; supra-orbital pain; profuse lachrymation; intolerance of light, must bury face in pillow, tear-sac very sensitive.

The right eye feels as if molding away.

Pressive pain on the eyes, especially late in the evening; he must shut them.

He cannot look long at anything, else everything flickers before him; objects seem to move.

The eyelids, especially in the morning, are as if closed he cannot open them (for minutes, sometimes even for hours); the eyelids are heavy as if paralyzed or convulsively closed.

The eyes are most sensitive to daylight; they are pained by it, it makes them smart, and they close involuntarily.

Sensation of cold in the eyes.

The canthi are full of pus-like mucus (eye-gum).

The edges of the eyelids full of dry mucus.

The meibomian glands round the edges of one of the eyelids are inflamed, either one or more (stye).

On the edges of the eyelids, inflammation of single meibomian glands or of several of them.

Inflammation of the eye, of various kinds.

Yellowness around the eyes.

Yellowness of the white of the eye.

Dim, opaque spots on the cornea.

Dropsy of the eye.

Obstruction of the crystalline lens, cataract; squinting.

Farsightedness; he sees far in the distance, but cannot clearly distinguish small objects held close.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.