Magnetis Poli ambo – Medicine

The pains in the limbs soon decrease after walking; but in exchange for those pains he is attacked with as painful a headache, increased after rising to a headache such as is felt when a dry coryza is setting in, but disappearing again by sudden sneezing and discharge of mucus from one nostril.

Sweat without heat, early in the morning while asleep, or mild copious exhalation of the whole body, which is not exhausting, and disappears after waking.

When asleep he snores during an inspiration, and wheezes through the nose during an expiration.

Tossing about in bed during sleep.

In the evening before lying down, he is attacked with symptoms of a catarrhal fever; the long bones are painful as if bruised in the middle; accompanied with dull headache causing a cloudiness; he is hoarse, and the chest is lined with tenacious mucus. In the morning, after waking, the flatulence increases in the abdomen, with loud grumbling; there is emission of flatulence, violent sneezing, copious discharge of mucus from the nose and yawning; all this soon goes off again.

Early in the morning when waking, the mouth is covered with thick, almost dry mucus, and the eyelids are dry,; both these symptoms disappear after sneezing and after a discharge of mucus from the nose.


      Shuddering over the whole body, partly cold, partly burning, and causing an intense pain.

Hot and creeping sensation in the affected part.

Profuse sweat with shuddering.

Slight sweat in the night, especially where the magnet lay.

Sweat in the region of the stomach.

Fever after midnight, no shuddering; disagreeable sensation of heat in the whole body, especially in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, with dryness in the throat and sweat in the face, nape of the neck or over the whole body.

Dry heat, early in the morning when in bed.

Heat without thirst in the night, requiring one to lie uncovered.

Disagreeable, troublesome warmth in the whole body, with sweat in the face, without thirst.

Imperceptible exhalation of the whole body, having a strong, pungent, though not disagreeable smell, resembling the exhalation which is perceived from a healthy man while sweating.

General sweat after midnight.

Sweat over the whole body, especially in the back, early in the morning while asleep.


      The recent wound commences to bleed again.

The wound, which is almost healed, commences to pain again like a recent wound.

Boils break out on various parts of the body, passing off soon.

Corrosive pains in various parts, for example, below the ankle.

Itching of the affected parts, the pain is increased by scratching; it is like a sort of burning in a sore place.

Simple, continuous itching of the soft parts, remaining unchanged after scratching.

Burning itching below the joints, after lying down, even for the mere purpose of taking a nap; it cannot be appeased by scratching.

A continuous itching-pricking, here and there, terminating in a burning.

Burning stinging pain in various soft parts of the body, not in the joints; it is more or less continuous.

Single stitches in soft parts, here and there, for instance in the ball of the thumb.

In the evening, after having got warm in bed, he feels single burning stitches here and there, terminating in a smarting sensation.

Pricking, moaning, fluttering sort of a pain at a small place, for instance, in the sole of the feet, as is felt in a limb previous to going to sleep.

Creeping, and sensation as if all the fluids were accumulating in the region where the magnet is applied.

Small pimples on the chest.

Extremely itching eruption where the magnet lay.

The skin under the magnet is painful and corroded, and is surrounded by itch-like pustules.

Red eruption, red spots.

Red eruption in the palms of the hands resembling watery vesicles.

Burning itching where the magnet lay, obliging one to scratch until blood came out; the skin is red, and round about small pimples are visible, passing off soon.

Large pimples around the place where the magnet lay.

Deep, lentil-sized ulcers at the place where the magnet lay.

Wide-spread eruption of pimples and blisters, with drawing and pricking pain; also, red spots here and there.

Secretion of a reddish humor from the wound.

Taste and Appetite

      Hunger, especially in the evening.

He has an appetite, but the food has no taste.

He has a desire for tobacco, milk, beer, and he relishes those things; but he feels satisfied immediately after commencing eating.

Aversion to tobacco, although he relished it.

Want of appetite without any loathing, repletion or bad smell.

Beer tastes like water.

Mouth and Pharynx

      Shocks in the jaws.

Shock in the teeth with burning.

Pain in the velum pendulum palati, as when a large mouthful has been forced down the throat.

Pain of the submaxillary gland as if swollen, early in the morning, in the open air.

Tensive pain in the submaxillary gland.

Single dull prickings in the submaxillary glands, in the evening.

Frequent accumulation of saliva in the mouth, almost like ptyalism, with pain of the submaxillary glands.

Ptyalism every evening with swollen lips.

Bad smell from the mouth which he does not perceive himself, also with much mucus in the throat.

Swelling of the throat, redness of the face and increased palpitation of the heart.

Continual fetid odor, from the mouth, without himself perceiving it, as in incipient mercurial ptyalism.

Burning of the tongue, and pain of the same when eating.

Teeth and Jaws

      Near the vermilion border of the upper lip, not far from the corner, a white pimples, or a red inflamed little tubercle, painful like a sore, in a state of rest, but most painful when moving or touching the parts.

Little ulcer in the center of the inner surface of the lower lip, painful to the touch.

Painful sensitiveness around the margin of the lips.

Metallic taste on one side of the tongue.

Tearing pain the periosteum of the upper jaw, coming with a jerk and extending as far as the orbit; the pain consists in a tearing, boring, pricking and burning.

Darting-tearing pain in the facial bones, especially the antrum Highmorianum, in the evening.

When taking a cold drink, the coldness rushes into the teeth.

Drawing pain in the jaws extending as far as the temple, with a crampy sensation in the muscles of mastication.

Looseness of the teeth.

Toothache, excited by stooping.

Beating or jerking pressure, only in single jerks.

Violent grumbling in the teeth, even without any apparent cause.

The gums of a hollow tooth are swollen and painful to the touch.

Aching pain of the hollow, carious teeth.

Uniform pain in the roots of the lower incisors, as if the teeth were bruised, sore or corroded.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.