Magnetis Poli ambo – Medicine

Loss of consciousness with staring eyes, open mouth, almost imperceptible inspirations, and a movement in the chest which is almost like palpitation of the heart, the pulse remaining unchanged and having its ordinary quality.

During the loss of consciousness the fingers are moved one after the other; after the return of consciousness a profuse sweat breaks out.

Languor in all the limbs, accompanied with a swoon, which lasts but a short while and returns several times.

Fits of fainting, palpitation of the heart, and suffocations.

Long-lasting swoons, in which she retained her consciousness.

Swoon, during which she feels her pain, but is unable to complain on account of an inability to speak or move.

Insensibility and deadly sopor.


      While attending to his business in the daytime, he talks aloud to himself, without being aware of it.

He is faint, but excessively solicitous to do his work properly.

Excessive exhaustion of the body, with feeling of heat, and cool sweat in the face with unceasing, and, as it were, hurried and over strained activity.

Hurried zeal; afterwards a gnawing pain in the arm and in the head of the humerus.

Hurried heedlessness and forgetfulness; he says and does something different from what intends, omitting letters, syllables, and words.

He endeavors to do things, and actually does things contrary to his own intentions.

Wavering irresoluteness, hurriedness.

He is unable to fix his attention on one object.

The things around him strike him like one who is half dreaming.

Print seems to him very bright, but he has a difficulty to comprehend what he reads.

He inclines to be angry and vehement; and after he has become angry, his head aches as if sore.

He is disposed to feel vexed; this give him pain, especially a headache, as if a nail were forced into his head.


      Vertigo in the evening after lying down, as if he would fall, or resembling a sudden jerk through the head.

When walking he staggers from time to time, without feeling giddy.

The objects of sight seem to be wavering this makes him stagger when walking.


      Whizzing in the whole head, occasioned by the imposition of magnetic surfaces on the thighs, legs and chest.

The head feels confused as when one takes opium.

The head feels as if some one were trying to pull it off the trunk.

When endeavoring to think of something and fatiguing his memory, he is attacked with headache.

Transitory headache, one single jerk, composed of darting and tearing sharp pain in the middle of one of the two hemispheres like the pain that is felt at the moment when one receives a blow.

In the morning on waking, he feels a horrid, digging-up, stupefying headache, going off immediately after flatulence begins to move about in the abdomen.

Headache, as is felt after catching cold.

Headache occasioned by the least chagrin, as if a sharp pressure were made on a small spot in the brain.

Pain in the region of the vertex, at a small spot in the brain, as if a blunt nail were pressed into the brain; the spot feels sore to the touch.

Sensation on top of the head, as if the head and the whole body were pressed down.


      Dilated pupils with cheerfulness of the mind and body.

There was no dilatation of the pupils during the spasmodic attacks and the loss of consciousness.

Burning, tearing, and sparkling in the eye.

Burning drawing, and constant sparks in the affected eye.

Fiery sparks before the eyes, like shooting stars.

Intensely painful stitches through the right eye, disappearing in the jaw, followed by a drawing through the same eye, down the neck, through the chest, abdomen and hips toward the right lower limb.

Sensation in the eye as if the pendulum of a clock were moving in it.

White, luminous, sudden vibrations, like reflections of light, at twilight, on one side of the visual ray, all around.

Smarting in the eyes in the evening after lying down, as from acrid tears.

Itching of the eyelids and eyeballs in the inner canthus.

Dryness of the eyelids and the inner mouth, in the morning, after waking.

Sensation as if the eyelids were dry.

Twitching of the lower eyelid.


      The external ear feels hot to him, but is not hot.

Itching or itching burning in the meatus auditorius, early in the morning when in bed.

Fine whistling in the ear, coming and going like the pulse.

Loud strong whizzing in one of the ears, accompanied with headache of the same side, as if a foreign body had lodged in the brain; the pupil of this side is very much enlarged.

Whizzing before the ears.

Noises as of seething water in the ear.

Electric shocks in the ear.

Hard hearing without noise in the ear.


      Burning pain at a small spot under the wing of the nose.

Illusion of smell: smell of manure before the nose, from time to time he imagines he has a smell before the nose such as usually comes out of a chest full of clothes which had been closed for a long while.


      Cold hands, with heat in the face and smarting sensation in the skin of the face.

Intolerable burning prickings in the muscles of the face, in the evening.

Sweat in the face without heat, early in the morning.


      Eructations, tasting and smelling like the dust of sawed or turned horn.

The eructations taste of the ingesta, but as if spoiled.

Frequent attacks of unsuccessful or imperfect eructations.

When stooping, and acid substance rises from the stomach into his mouth.

Pain as from a bandage over the stomach, in both sides.

A sort of rushing through the stomach and the intestines, mingled with stitches.

Pressure in the stomach with cramps in the direction of the upper parts; restlessness which did not permit her to remain at any one place; heaviness of the tongue, paleness of the face, and coldness of the body, the pulse being very small tight, unequal.

This series of symptoms appeared every day at the same hour, for ten days in succession, in three females, decreasing progressively.

Crackling and cracking in the pit of the stomach, as when a clock is wound up.

Sensation of an agreeable distention in the region of the diaphragm.

Pressure in the epigastrium, as from a stone, especially when reflecting much.

Tensive aching and anxious repletion in the epigastrium.


      The flatulence moves about in the abdomen, with loud rumbling, painless incarceration of flatulence in various small places of the abdomen, causing a sharp aching pain and an audible grunting.

Loud, although painless rumbling, especially in the lesser intestines, extending under the pubic bones and into the groin, as if diarrhoea would come on.

Emission of short and broken flatulence, with loud noise and pains in the anus.

Loud rumbling in the abdomen, early in the morning when in bed; afterwards colic as if from incarceration of flatulence.

Putrid fermentation in the bowels, the flatulence has a fetid smell and is very hot.

Qualmish sensation and painfulness in the intestines, as if one had taken a resinous cathartic or rhubarb, with painful emission of hot, putrid flatulence.

Every emission of flatulence is preceded by pinching in the abdomen.

Tensive and burning pain in the epigastrium and hypogastrium, followed by a drawing and tensive pain in the calves.

Burning and digging-up in the abdomen like a heaving.

Itching of the umbilicus.


      Frequent but almost unsuccessful urging to diarrhoea in the morning, alternating with rumbling of flatulence in the abdomen.

Diarrhea without colic.

Constipation with headache for several days, as if there were something wrong in the brain, the head is uniformly affected, the mind feeling vexed and impatient.

Constipation as if the rectum constricted and contracted.

Violent hemorrhoidal pain in the anus after stool, erosive as if sore, and as if the rectum were constricted.

Burning at the anus when sitting, as in hemorrhoids.

Itching hemorrhoids.

Blind hemorrhoids after soft stool, as if the varices on the margin of the anus felt sore, both when sitting and walking.

Prolapsus recti when going to stool.

Pain on either side of the anus, consisting of itching and soreness when walking in the open air.

Urinary organs

      Burning in the bladder, especially in the region of the neck of the bladder, a few minutes after urinating.

Male Genitalia

      Burning in the urethra, in the region of the caput gallinaginis, during an emission of semen.

Early in the morning he feels a burning in the region of the vesiculae seminales.

Nightly emission of semen.

Violent continuous erections, early in the morning when in bed, without any sexual desire.

Want of sexual desire, aversion to an embrace.

The penis remains in a relaxed condition, in spite of all sexual excitement.

The prepuce retreats entirely behind the glans.

Swelling of the epididymis, with simple pain when feeling it or during motion.

Itching smarting of the inner surface of the prepuce.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.