Magnetis Poli ambo – Medicine

Burning smarting under the prepuce.

Increased metrorrhagia in a woman advanced in age.

Menses had ceased a few days before, returned next day after imposing the magnetic surface and continued ten days.


      Frequent fits of nightly cough which does not wake him.

In the evening after lying down, he has a violent fit of dry cough, sometimes during sleep.

Violent but short-lasting attack of dry cough in the night and at other periods, followed by slight discharge of ordinary mucus from the trachea.

Convulsive cough.

Mucus in the trachea which is easily hawked up, evening and morning.

Violent fit of cough, with profuse expectoration of blood.

Chest & Lungs

      Asthma after midnight when waking and reflecting, occasioned by mucus in the chest, diminished by coughing.

Intolerable burning stitches in the muscles of the side of the chest, towards the back.

Spasmodic cough, with shocks in the chest and anxious breathing, and visible oppression of the chest.

Pricking in the chest, and a cold shuddering burning through the whole body.

A shock in the upper part of the sternum, causing cough and lachrymation.

Violent oppression of the chest, tearing in the stomach and bowels, and beating in the shoulders.

Tearing extending from the right side into the inner parts of the abdomen, mingled with prickings and shocks, as if small pieces of flesh were being torn out, or as if fiery sparks were flying about.

Four burning emanations from the middle of the chest toward either shoulder and side, back, and small of the back, with anxiety, and sensation as if the parts were being dissected.

Burning emanation from the left shoulder through the chest toward the right side, as if the parts would be severed.


      Painful stiffness of the cervical vertebra in the morning, during motion.

Crackling in the cervical vertebra in the morning during motion.

Pain in the omohyoid muscle, as if it would be attacked with cramp.

Pain in the back when standing or sitting quiet.

Burning in the dorsal spine.

Twitching of the muscles of the back, and sensation as if something were alive in them.

Pain in sacro-lumbar articulation, in the morning when in bed lying on the side, and in daytime when stooping a long time.

Burning emanation from the stomach through the abdomen and back, separating in the small of the back and extending into the lower limbs.

Shock or jerk in the small of the back, almost arresting the breathing.

Upper Limbs

      Pain in the humeral articulation, or in the ligaments, as if the head of the bone were dislocated, not only as if bruised, or sprained and twisted.

Tearing jerkings in the muscles of the arm when staying in cold place.

Uneasiness in the sound arm.

Drawing pain in the upper part of the lower arm.

In the evening, between the sixth and seventh hours, he feels a tearing and bruised pain in the joints of the arm, more during rest than when bending the arm; the pain returns in twenty-four hours.

Beating in the top of the shoulder with sensation as if torn.

Shocks in the top of the shoulder which caused the arms to recede from the body with a jerk.

Shocks in the arm-joints and head, as if those parts were beaten with a light and small hammer.

Drawing pain in either shoulder, and down the nape of neck, with beating in either arm.

Pulling in the joints and muscles of the arm.

Digging-up around the wrist, elbow, and shoulder-joints.

Pain in the muscles of the arm, as if they would be divided into fine parts.

Burning and cutting in the arms and chest, with cold shuddering.

Burning in the right arm, as from fiery sparks.

Burning pain in the surface of the arm in various parts.

Prickings in the arm.

The arms are gently elevated, or even crossed as if by spasm; one of the arms is spasmodically tossed, either horizontally or vertically.

Beating and throbbing in all the joints of the arms and fingers.

Deep-seated pain in the arm, extending as far as the elbow, the arm going to sleep and trembling spasmodically.

Painless shocks in the elbow.

Burning in the elbow joint, as if torn by hot pincers, with violent burning and sparkling of the eyes.

While removing the magnets from the arms, the fingers, hands and arms become curved and even entirely contracted, in a state of unconsciousness.

Drawing from the head down to the tip of the fingers.

The hands are icy cold the whole day, for several days, from touching the center of the bar.

Pain in the wrist-joint, as if a tendon had become strained, or as if an electric shock were passing through the parts.

Arthritic digging up, and boring pain in a spot of the lower joint of the thumb during rest.

Tearing in the joints of the thumb in the evening when in bed.

Pain as if sprained and bruised, in the morning when in bed, in the lower joint of the thumb, when moving or bending it.

Sudden bending, and sensation as if dislocated in the first and second joints of the thumb.

Prickling and digging-up pain in the tip of the thumb, in the evening after lying down.

Twitching jerking in the muscles of the thumb and in those of the chin.

Continuous burning stitch, accompanied with sore feeling in the thickest part of the muscles of the palm of hand and calf of the leg; afterwards in the lower part of the tibia.

The fingers are liable to be bent and strained.

In the evening the legs and thighs go to sleep.

Lower Limbs

      Sensation in the upper part of the calf, when rising from a seat, as if it were too short.

Attacks of cramp in the calves and toes after walking.

Pain as if bruised in the fleshy part of the leg, on the outer side of the tibia, in the evening when walking.

Pain from the hip down the limb, as if the parts were being divided by a fine instrument.

Drawing from the hips to the feet, leaving a burning along that tract.

Violent shocks of the right lower limb, occasioned by a burning emanation from the chin and neck through the right side.

Fiery burning in the upper and lower limbs; when the right limb touched the left one, it seemed as if the latter were set on fire by the former.

Painful going to sleep of the thighs and legs when sitting, disappearing when walking.

Burning tearing in the left leg, mingled with creeping.

Pricking from the knee to the feet.

Stitches in the leg.

Shocks in the knee, causing the leg to be stretched spasmodically.

Throbbing in the left knee.

In the morning after rising and when attempting to walk, he feels a pain in the tarsal-joint and beyond it, as if sprained.

Stitches in the ball of the heel.

Tearing pain in the heel, setting in with a jerk, passing off immediately, but returning from time to time.

In the evening, prickings with burning in the soft parts on the side of the heel.

Painful sensitiveness and soreness in the region of the root of the nail of the big toe, and in the skin over the root, even when merely touching it.

Sore pain under the nail of the big toe of either foot, as if the shoe had pinched him, and as if the nail would come off by suppuration. Burning and sore pain of the corn, which is generally painless when commencing to walk.

Pain in the upper part of the tarsal joints, as if the shoe had pinched him, and as if a corn were there.


      Coma vigil early in the morning for several hours; after sunrise, sopor or deep sleep set in, full of heavy, passionate dreams, for instance, vexing dreams; the sopor terminates in a headache as if the brain were sore all over, disappearing after rising.

Sleep disturbed by dreams full of oppression and anxiety, resembling nightmare.

Vivid dreams, as if he saw the thing taking place in his waking state.

Dreams full of feasting, boasting, and bragging.

He wakes at three o’clock in the night; in a few hours he falls into a sopor full of dreams; afterwards, feeling of heat in the limbs without thirst, the limbs requiring to be uncovered at first, but afterwards covered carefully.

He wakes at three o’clock in the morning; at sunrise his eyelids close again, and he lies in a sort of stupor full of heavy dreams.

Early in the morning he sleeps on his back, one of his hands lying under the occiput, the other over the region of the stomach, the knees being apart, with moaning inspiration, half opened mouth, and low muttering, dreaming of amorous things and emissions, although no emission takes place; headache in the occiput after waking, as after an involuntary emission of semen, with asthma, and bruised pain in all the joints, going off after rising and during motion, with copious expulsion of catarrhal mucus.

Lascivious dreams, even during the siesta, with discharge of the prostatic fluid.

Wakeful drowsiness in the night, toward morning, he hears every noise and has some power of thinking; after sunrise the drowsiness increases to a stupor, during which he hears or feels nothing, except violent pain as after a long journey on foot, and a bruised feeling in all the joints, obliging him to change the position of the limbs constantly, accompanied with loud grumbling in the abdomen, which is interrupted from time to time by emission of flatulence, and a disagreeable feeling of warmth in the body; during which time he generally lies on his back with the mouth open.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.