Lac defloratum – Medicine

Perspired considerably through night, sweat having a rank smell. Feverish in evening.

Flashes of heat, commencing in chest and extending up over face and head, when she would break out in sweat, which would dry up in a short time; face would become moist first, and become dry first.

Sensation over whole chest as if dripping with sweat when only slightly moist.

Felt cold all day; sat near the fire, but with no permanent relief.

General coldness of body, and finger nails looked blue as if from ague; a heavy shawl did not prevent her from shivering.

Was cold, and had forebodings all day.

Had a restless night, feet did not get warm the whole nights. The natural warmth returned after several weeks.

Hands and feet generally cold. Sick headache.

Cold hands and feet. Sick headache.

Coldness and pallor of whole surface of body. Sick headache.

C Now and then chilly sensation; hands cold. Headache from suppressed menses.

C Hands and feet very cold. Sick headache.

During last three days of the constipation is constantly cold, so that she looked blue, hands and cheeks felt cold as if dead; during day, she wore a shawl and sat near a fire, which failed to warm her; was awakened in night by feeling cold Chill following drinking.

Two chills during evening; no fever.

During evening felt very chilly, and cold inside body as though it were filled with ice.

Very chilly, and external heat does not relieve her. Sick headache.

Constant chilliness even when near the fire. Sick headache.

Constantly cold during the constipation, so that she looked blue; hands and cheeks felt cold as if dead; could not get warm with extra clothing, or sitting near a hot stove; was awakened at night by the coldness.

Extremely cold, but no shaking or shivering; could not get warm by extra clothing, nor by sitting near a hot stove. Quininism.

Fever. Suppressed menses from putting hands in cold water.

Coldness over whole body. Constipation.

About 7 or 8 P.M. becomes so sleepy that she cannot resist, and has to lie down, about 9 P.M. a very hot fever comes on; during which she sleeps; the fever continues till near morning, when she awakes in a profuse sweat which stains the linen yellow, and is very difficult to wash out.

Fell asleep after each dose in ten minutes, and woke in an hour in a profuse perspiration.

C Is generally constipated, and when it is most persistent is very chilly and cannot get warm.

Temperature 100. Incipient softening of brain.

Alternate flashes of heat and cold (no name).

Feverishness and thirst (no name).

C In malignant typhoid.

C Rhazes recommended it in all hectic fevers.

Hot fever 9 P.M. continues until near morning, wakes in profuse sweat, which stains linen yellow, difficult to wash out.

Hectic fever; malignant typhoid.

Sensation as if the sheets were damp.

Flushes of heat in the head and face, especially the left cheek.

Burning sensation in pelvis with sensation of weight.

Great internal heat during the nausea.

Sweat in the palms of the hands, especially the right.

Pulse rapid and feeble.


Extreme coldness of the tips of the fingers which looked white.

Nervous System / Nerves.


No inclination for least exertion, would like to do nothing but sleep; much lassitude.

Heaviness, weakness, general languor.

Profound depression of vitality.

General weakness and prostration very marked.

Great exhaustion, with “poisoned” feeling.

Profound prostration, to extent of refusing to make effort to take a dose of medicine.

In the morning so much prostrated that she could not turn in bed; so tired.

Very weak.

Sinking spells every morning, attended with great nervousness.

Often feels as if she would lose use of limbs.

Child partially paralyzed after diphtheria; could not walk; pain all over, cough, aphonia, loss of appetite, emaciation.

When walking seems to be walking on air; when lying does not seem to touch bed.

Suffering from very unpleasant nervous symptoms; not in low spirits, but weak, and nerves so thoroughly out of order that she cannot bear one finger to touch the other, and often feels as though she should lose use of her limbs; sensation as if throat were closing, sensation is between throat and nose; feels as if something in throat was either enlarged or relaxed, and has a desire to keep mouth open, talking difficult; disposition to talk through nose; sometimes cannot swallow, because there seems to be a kind of muscular contraction in throat; sleep restless, frequently wakes with sick headache, which seems to commence at nape; wakes with severe pain at lower part of back; pain leaves when about work a short time, does not return until next morning; nerves very much overwrought, afraid of being unable to perform duties.

The prejudice held by many honorable men against the use of this remedy, like that meted to Lachesis-because they could not obtain the tincture-would soon yield to gratitude for its excellent work if given bedside test in some terrible left sided headaches. Two remedies in the materia medica excel its eye pathogenesis in symptoms of eye strain, in asthenopia and ciliary neuritis. It vies with Onosmodium in affections of eye strain in children and with Spigelia in neuralgias of the left orbit.

It was introduced and proved by Swan with the 17th, 30th and 200th potencies. Its complete pathogenesis was published in the Medical Visitor in Aug., 1893, and in the Homoeopathic World, Vol. 18, p. 151, from which this record is taken.

Great lassitude and disinclination to exertion.

Great restlessness and extreme and protracted suffering from loss of sleep at night.

Feels completely tired out and exhausted, whether she does anything or not, great fatigue from walking.

Great loss of strength, commencing with a sharp cutting pain in apex of heart; forehead feels heavy, with a dull sensation over eyes and throbbing, principally in temples, rest of head feels light.


      Sensation as if an insect was crawling on shoulders and neck, occasionally on both hands.

Herpetic eruption in both axillae, with light brownish scab, extremely painful when washing, eruption most in right axilla, and both instances appeared previous to pain in labia, which was followed by a discharge of blood from vagina.

Every scratch gets sore. Ichthyosis, with bran like desquamation of skin.

Shining, glazed, and red appearance of ulcers on shin and wrist.

Crusts on skin, under which greyish yellow matter formed and was squeezed out.

Slight roughness of skin of forehead, as of numerous pimples.

On face, hands, neck and chest bright scarlet eruption exactly like scarlatina.

Throat full of large foul, grey yellow patches; deglutition especially painful after sleep and from swallowing fruits (acid); lumpy sensation felt in the middle of the throat, unrest, delirium with undefined fears; considerable bright red, fine eruption on face and chest; itching with dry skin.

Bright scarlet redness on chest and around neck; next day all over body except legs, which were, however, covered that night, skin in large patches assumed dark red color bordering on purple, as seen in malignant cases, while body seemed swollen.

Diphtheria with or following scarlatina.

Ichthyosis, with bran like desquamation of skin.

Very small blotches like flea-bites.

Small blotches on chest, wrist and right knee.

Several boils on left side.

Crust on skin, under which greyish yellow matter formed and was squeezed out.

C Skin the color of a red rose, with swelling of face, neck, arms, and body generally, in the morning, and during day and evening, no itching or burning. Sick headache.

C Sensation as if the sheets were damp.

Sensation as if cold air was blowing on her, even when covered up warm.

Parched skin. Diabetes

Sallow complexion, with eczematous eruption disappeared, leaving a perfectly pure clean spotless skin, she was dyspeptic, but was well after eruption left. A. A.

Wasted, thin, and excessively sallow, with dark stains beneath eyes. A.

Skin became beautifully clear after use of skim milk.

Itching of both knees at night.

Itching of the vulva.

Corn on the right little toe was very painful and sore every morning during the proving.

A symmetrical patch of herpetic eruption on each side of the neck, itching and burning after scratching, disappeared during the proving (cured).

Dry, parched skin.

Numbness and loss of sensation over the outer and anterior surface of the thighs.


      AGGRAVATION: Lying down; external heat; motion, especially walking, or extending arms over head (fainting)., pressure (fainting); cold water (suppresses menses); sitting down (ever so gently).

AMELIORATION: Pressure (pain in eye); bandaging head lightly.


      Antidotes: Ignatia, Nux.

COMPARE: Lac caninum, Lac vac., Lac ac., Sac-Lac., Nat-mur., diabetes, albuminuria, headache, constipation, menstrual irregularities and heart affections, especially at climaxis; Cocculus indicus, car or sea sickness and menstrual headache.; Cactus grandiflorus, but it lacks the iron hand constriction; Nux moschata, heavy head but it falls to left, Calcarea, Kali carb., Nat-s., Tuberculinum, child takes cold easily, is chilly, the hydrogenoid constitution; Calcarea, Caps., Ferrum, Graphites, Tuberculinum, tendency to obesity; Arsenicum China, Graphites, Iodium, Lycopodium, Nat- m., Phosphorus, Silicea, Stannum, Sulphur, Tuberculinum, general emaciation; Arnica, Hip., in traumatism; Conium, Phosphorus, suppressed menses.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.