Lac defloratum – Medicine

Constipation so utterably invincible that neither enemas nor the most powerful purgatives were of any avail.

Stools yellowish or salmon hue after 48 hours.

Violent rectal and sciatic pains following every effort at defecation.

Constipation, feces dry and hard.

Occasional diarrhoea. (in text Diarrhoea.)

Diarrhoea and borborygmi caused by the treatment.

Stool large and hard, passed with great straining, lacerating the anus, extorting cries and passing considerable blood.

Frequent but ineffectual urging to stool.

Constipation, with chronic headache, most powerful purgatives were of no avail; feces dry and hard passed with great straining, lacerating anus, extorting cries and passing considerable blood; chronic.

Continual, persistent constipation, amel. only by cathartics and enemas, with violent attacks of sick headache, pain first in forehead, then extending to occiput, intense, unbearable; great photophobia, even to light of candle; deathly sickness all over, with nausea and vomiting agg. by movement or sitting up; chilly, not amel. by external heat; frequent and profuse urination of very pale urine.

Frontal headache; deathly sickness, with or without vomiting; pale face in morning, also lips and tips of fingers white; coldness over whole body.

Is generally constipated, and when it is most persistent very chilly; cannot get warm.


      Excessive flow of urine, either of high specific gravity, or colorless, watery, low specific gravity, but in both cases strongly impregnated with sugar. 9.

Urinates profusely every half hour, urine perfectly colorless, specific gravity 1005; Trommer’s test showed sugar. 9.

Frequent and profuse urination (nearly a quart every half hour), colorless as water, odor natural, taste slightly salt slight acid reaction; Trommer’s test showed large quantities of sugar; specific gravity 1010. 9.

Frequent urination, urine scanty and very pale. Urinates profusely every half hour, urine colorless as water; after 1M. during the night the urine became high-colored and scanty but without sediment; in the morning normal. Sick headache. 9 (Mrs. P. age 71).

Profuse urination. Sick headache a. Headache.

Frequent and profuse urination of very pale urine. Sick headache.

Frequent scanty pale urine. Sick headache.

Urine very light-colored; has no control over the organs; urine comes away in drops, or gushes out with a sensation of very hot water passing over the parts; involuntary urination wets the bed every night.

Urine very dark and thick. Headache.

Urine profuse and watery, or scanty and high-colored. Sick headache.

Frequent scanty urination. Threatened premature labor.

Urine scanty; low sp. gr. and containing 1/3 of albumen; small and large casts of urine, pus cells, epithelium, and oil globules. Bright’s disease.

Sugar in urine; sp. gr. from 1035 to 1040; 8 to 10 pints daily Diabetes.

Produces profuse flow of urine in Bright’s disease. A. A.

Urine intermits in flow, has to strain.

Urine brown and muddy, quantity nearly normal. Incipient softening of brain.

Frequent urination.

Albumen in urine; sp. gr. of 2 cases, 1014, 1016. A.A.

Frequent and profuse urination, urine colorless, odor natural, no headache but intense vertigo, worse on opening the eyes or raising up in bed.

Urine pale straw color with no sediment on cooling.

Urine very dark and thick.

Male Genitalia

      Power and function of reproduction suspended.

Frequent and profuse urination of very pale urine.


Urine very pale; cannot retain it.

Urine comes away drop by drop, or else gushes out, with a sensation of very hot water passing over the parts; wetting bed at night (cured).

Constant desire to urinate; urine scanty and very pale.

Profuse, very pale urine.

Urinates profusely every half hour, perfectly colorless; specific gravity 1005 (six hours after Deflor. 1M. urine became natural in color and quantity).

Profuse urination during headache.

Frequent urination.

Albumen in urine, several cases cured. Specific gravity of two cases, 1014, 1016.

Frequent and profuse urination; urine colorless, odor natural; no headache accompanied it, but intense vertigo, worse on opening the eyes or rising up in bed. (Specific gravity 1010, taste saltish, slight acid reaction; Trommer’s test showed sugar.)

Constant pain in the region of the kidneys, passing round each side above the hips to the region of the bladder, also downward from the sacral region to the gluteal, and from thence down the back part of the thighs. Pain was burning and was not relieved in any position, lying down intensified it.

Female Genitalia

      Menses, which are naturally scanty and postponed, came nearer the usual time, and the quantity of the flux was increased for many months.

C Menses always scanty, and attended with colic. Sick headache.

C Menses which had just commenced were stopped by wetting from rain. The medicine restored them with some griping pain for a short time; they had previously been painless.

Menses which had commenced, ceased suddenly and entirely, though they usually last four days.

Menses two days too soon, scanty, and attended with a feeling of intense distress in lower part of abdomen, not relieved by any position or by removing the clothes.

Slight yellowish leucorrhea, with slight itching of vulva.

Slight yellowish leucorrhea. Sick headache.

Leucorrhea more marked.

Leucorrhea nearly ceased.

C Pressive bearing-down in both ovarian regions. Sick headache.

C Menses irregular, too frequent, scanty. Faint spells. 3.

After leaving off proving for three or four months, her husband (physician) said she was pregnant; she became very large, full bosom, later on milk ran out, she felt fetal movement; went a week over what she thought was full time. Examined and found os uteri hard, pointed, strawberry-shaped. Gave one dose of 10M.; she gradually decreased and the symptoms all disappeared.

C Threatened premature labor; parts tumefied, profuse glairy mucous discharge, os soft and dilated, vertex presentation, occasional irregular bearing-down pains; fetal pulse 158.

C Menses suddenly suppressed by putting hands into cold water to rinse out clothes, with great pain in uterine region, intense headache, aching pains all over, fever, flushed face.

C Irregular menses, sometimes very dark and scanty, sometimes colorless water. Intermittent fever.

Abortion at second month; three cases.

C Menses delayed a week, with congestion of blood to head coldness of hands, nausea and vertigo; after taking Lac vaccinum defloratum, in high potency, flow commenced next morning, scanty, with pain in back, sensation of weight and dragging in left ovarian region.

Sore pain in left ovarian region. (cm. cured.).

Slight exaltation of sexual instincts.

Menses five days too soon.

Flow bright red.

Morning sickness during pregnancy; deathly sickness at stomach on waking; vertigo and water brash on rising; constipation.

Decrease in size of breast.

Breasts feel sore, worse hanging loose.

(Has never failed to bring back milk in from 12 to 24 hours.).

Diminished secretion of milk.

Drinking a glass of milk during menstruation will promptly check the flow until next menstrual period (Mrs. B., a medical student, brunette, 33 years of age).

Menses suddenly and entirely cease on the second day, the usual time being four days.

Itching of the vulva.

Decrease in the size of the breasts, which after the proving resumed their original size and firmness.

Weight and dragging in the left side of pelvis (ovarian region) with a burning sensation relieved somewhat by leaning to the right, increased by the pressure of the clothes, or even the hand or arm resting upon it.

Drawing pain across the uterine region, with heat, and pressive bearing down in both ovarian regions. Cannot bear the pressure of the hand or arm on the abdomen. Intense distress in lower part of abdomen during menstruation, not relieved by any position.

Violent inflammation in the ileocecal region, with intense pain, swelling, tenderness, fecal accumulation, and violent vomiting (cured).

Power and function of reproduction are suspended.

Menses suppressed by putting hands in cold water, with great pain in the uterine region, intense headache, aching pains all over, fever and flushed face. After 1M. in water, one spoonful at night, headache left and she slept all night. Next morning slight flow; took another spoonful, and by 10 o’clock flow all right and she was free from pain.

Diminution of the breasts, and diminished secretion of milk in nursing women, never has failed to bring back the milk in from 12 to 24 hours.


      Breast decreased in size two-thirds, and became flabby, with loss of flesh.

Diminution of breast and diminished secretion of milk in nursing women.

Brought milk in the breasts of a full breasted girl.

Larynx and trachea

      Constricted feeling in throat, causing constant desire to cough.

Constricted sensation in throat, causing constant hacking cough, no expectoration.

During day, short dry cough with difficult expectoration of a small lump of mucus which relieves the cough. Apyrexia of intermittent fever.

Cough caused a bruised sensation in the head. 11.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.