Lac defloratum – Medicine

After the first dose a decided aggravation, pains going more to the sole of the foot, and much more severe. Shortly after the second dose there was entire relief. She took but two doses and continues entirely free from the trouble.


      Mrs. Y- aged 42, blonde, sometimes before, at other times just after, this time at about the close of her menses, she has a “hurting headache, ” involving the whole head at different times.

It does not hurt all over the head at once, but in different places at different times. Generally the pressure or hurting is worse when in the occiput, at which times she gets sick at the stomach and feels sick all over. More frequently the pain is in the forehead, but it is only unbearable when in the occiput. She cannot describe the pain; it seems like a severe “hurting” or pressure. It leaves the eyelids sore. Lasts about 24 hours. She knew yesterday that she would have it today, but cannot tell why. She had it this time for four or five hours. Flow bright red.

Breasts feel sore, worse hanging loose. Constipation marked. No other pains and not sick in any other way.

Lac vaccinum defloratum dmm., one dose, dry on tongue.

Within a very short time, just a few moments, she “felt big all over” the veins filled up and felt full. Became quite chilly (very characteristic of the remedy). Head very much relieved during the first few minutes, when she arose the head was worse, with immediate relief on lying down. The whole trouble was entirely gone in one and one-half hours. Bowels moved normally about one hour after the single dose. Ringing in her left (deaf) ear. No trouble at her next period.


      Disease with faulty and defective nutrition with reflex affection of nervous centers.

Despondent; does not care to live; has not fear of death but is sure he is going to die.

American sick headache: begins in forehead, extending to occiput, in morning on rising (Bryonia); intense throbbing, with nausea, vomiting, blindness and obstinate constipation (Epig., Iris, Sanguinaria): Agg. noise, light, motion (Mag-m., Silicea); great prostration; amel. pressure, by bandaging head tightly (Arg-n., Pulsatilla); copious, pale urine.

Globus hystericus, sensation of a large ball rising from stomach to throat, causing sense of suffocation (Asafoetida, Kal.).

Vomiting: incessant, no relation to eating; first of undigested food, intensely acid, then of bitter water; of pregnancy (Lac-ac. Psorinum).

Constipation: with ineffectual urging (Anacardium, Nux); feces dry and hard (Bryonia, Sulphur); Stool large, hard, great straining, lacerating anus (Nat., San.); painful, extorting cries.

A woman had taken 10 or 12 enemas daily, often passed 4 or 5 weeks without an evacuation; constipation of 15 years, standing.

Menses: delayed; suppressed, by putting hands in cold water (Con); drinking a glass of milk will promptly suppress flow until next period (compare Phosphorus) Great restlessness extreme and protracted suffering from loss of sleep (Cocculus indicus Acid nitricum).

Feels completely exhausted, whether she does anything or not; great fatigue when walking.

Sensation: as if cold air was blowing on her, even while covered up; as if sheets were damp.

Dropsy: from organic heart disease; from chronic liver complaint; far advanced albuminuria; followed intermittent fever.

Obesity; fatty degeneration.

Emaciation, both local and general.


      Loss of memory; listlessness, disinclination for bodily or mental exertion.

Depression of spirits; don’t care to live; question as to quietest and most certain way of hastening one’s death.

During conversation, headache and depression of spirits amel.

Depression and weeping with palpitation.

Imagines that all her friends will die and that she must go to a convent.

Profound melancholy.

Does not want to see or talk to any one.

Can remember what has been read only by a strong effort of will.

Vacillation of mind.

Great despondency on account of the disease, is sure he is going to die in 24 hours.

Has no fear of death but is sure he is going to die.

Great depression of spirits, with a strong inclination to weep.

Depression of spirits which is not dissipated by conversation.

Loss of memory, could not remember from one paragraph to another what she had read.

Head light, with throbbing in temples.


      Vertigo: on moving head from pillow; agg. lying down and esp. turning while lying, obliging to sit up.

Headache preceded by dimness of sight.

Intense vertigo when opening eyes while lying, agg. when rising up; objects appeared to move swiftly from left to right, at other times moving as if tossed up from below in every direction (cured).

Faintness and nausea when stepping upon floor in morning.

Pain first in forehead, then extending to occiput, very intense, distracting and unbearable; great photophobia, even to light of candle; deathly sickness all over, with nausea and vomiting, agg. by movement or sitting up: very chill, and external heat does not amel.; frequent and profuse urination of very pale urine.

After injury subject to distress in head; severe pain in forehead just above eyes; breath very offensive; appetite poor, nausea; at times sleeps for hours during attack; great distress across back; urine dark and thick.

Nausea and sometimes vomiting, which amel.; pain in forehead as if head would burst, with blindness; pain is amel. by bandaging head tightly; agg. by light and noise, constipation, stools large; hands and feet cold.

Headache: Agg. during menses; agg. by speaking; alternating with tonsillitis.

Throbbing frontal headache (over eyes), nausea, vomiting and obstinate constipation; esp. in anaemic women.

Headache, with pains in eyes; as if full of little stones; agg. closing eyes; profuse urination.

Dim vision, as of cloud before eyes; profuse urination; full feeling in head, slight nausea at pit of stomach; face pale, feet cold; coldness in back.

Intense pain at point of exit of supra-orbital nerve, diffused thence over forehead; attack commences with chill, quickened pulse, flushed face and belching of wind from stomach (cured).

Severe headache, with a sensation as if top of head was lifted off, raised about five inches and brains were coming out; head feels hot, motion agg. pain; face felt as if flesh was off bones and their edges were separated and sticking out; better in five minutes after taking Lac Defloratum, and next morning was entirely relieved.

Pain first in forehead, extending through occiput, making her nearly frantic.

Intense headache in forehead and through head, agg. in vertex, afterward head felt bruised (cured).

In morning nausea and sensation of a round ball full of pain in center of forehead (cured).

General sore pain of head produced by coughing.

At first a sharp at apex of heart, as though a knife was cutting up and down; this lasts a few seconds and is followed by a strange feeling in head; forehead feels extremely heavy, with dull sensation over eyes, and considerable throbbing, most marked on each side of head; rest of head feels very light, dimness of vision; can only distinguish light, not objects; at same time great loss of strength; cannot stand, but falls backwards, and remains entirely unconscious for two or three minutes; weakness passes off gradually and is followed by crying, palpitation of heart and great depression of spirits; imagines that all her friends will soon die and that she must to a convent; she can produce an attack at any time by extending arms high above head, or by pressure around waist, spells come on at 7:30 P.M.

After light breakfast, pain in forehead, with nausea; very pale face, even lips looked white; vomiting of ingesta and afterwards of mucus and bitter water; deathly sick feeling in pit of stomach, agg. rising up in bed; profuse urination every half hour; urine colorless as water; great thirst; intense throbbing pain in vertex.

Periodical pain in forehead, as if head would burst, accompanied by violent effort to vomit, and more rarely vomiting; hands and feet cold; diarrhoea alternating with constipation, the latter predominating; loss of appetite; smell or thought of food causes nausea; tongue moist, coated white; thirstlessness; always agg. at menstrual period; menses scanty and accompanied with colic.

Attacks come every eight days; during attack can neither eat nor drink, nor endure light or noise; does not even like to speak; great prostration, agg. during menstruation; when pains subside inflammation of tonsils appears; tongue white and no relish for food.

Severe frontal headache; nausea and sometimes vomiting upon rising in morning, or from recumbent position at any time, or upon moving; great constipation; constant chilliness even when near fire; urine profuse and watery, or scanty and high colored; intense pain throughout whole spinal column; excessive thirst for large quantities; great depression of spirits; sudden prostration of strength at 5 P.M.; skin color of red rose, with swelling of face, neck, arms and body, generally in morning and during day and evening.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.