Lac defloratum – Medicine

Lac defloratum – Medicine. Introduction

Skimmed Cow’s Milk

Lac Vaccinum Defloratum.



Skimmed Cow’s Milk

Lac Vaccinum Defloratum.

General symptoms

      To Dr. Samuel Swan is due the credit of first recognizing the possibilities of this substance when potentized, from reading the reported successful use of it in the crude form by Donkin, in the treatment of diabetes, albuminuria and other affections of the kidneys. He potentized it and began the proving on himself and a lady patient whom he had cured of a chronic ailment with the m. and cm. potencies. Subsequently he induced Dr. Laura Morgan to undertake it, who with her friends made extensive provings, and what is remarkable is that the genuine character of the original work has not only verified many of the claims of Donkin, but nearly every symptom in the pathogenesis has been clinically verified, especially the peculiar headaches, obstinate constipation and the unusual and irregular menses.

It is well known that the chemical constituents of milk contain an epitome of the salts and tissues of the animal which secretes it, hence we may conclude that its range of action is coextensive with these tissue salts. Here we find the “mental depression and weeping,” the “thirst for large quantities and often,” the “periodical headache increasing and decreasing with the sun,” the obstinate constipation and fissure pain” of Natrum muriaticum. And so of other salts.

Grauvogl suggests that hydrogenoid and cold children should not be given milk, and Burnett maintains that a milk diet, even skimmed milk, after the first year renders them susceptible to colds. There is no doubt it prevents nutrition in many persons, both children and adults, developing emaciation in some and obesity in others; in other words, a constitutional diathesis akin to, or that tends towards, the tubercular.

The deep-seated vein of nervous phenomena manifested in its pathogenesis and verified in the care of many obstinate chronic ailments warrants a more careful study of this little known and less used remedy.


      Some of the symptoms lasted upwards of six weeks after the cessation of the medicine. C Formerly slender, became stout after the medicine. o Sick headache. Feels so tired and languid that she is hardly able to turn over in bed; limbs almost tremble on trying to use them. Headache from suppressed menses. Inclination to lean continually to right side. In evening, suddenly felt very sick, could not sit up, no particular pain, but felt very weary. In evening at 8 P.M. the same weak sick feeling came on as on 12th day, but did not last so long, and ceased suddenly. At 8 P.M., the same symptoms of weakness appeared as on 12th and 13th days, 3 (15).

About 7: 30 P.M., feels a tired weary sensation creeping over her, gradually increasing till it results in complete exhaustion, so that it is impossible to stand or sit up; at the same time, head feels very heavy, and falls to right side; she also wants to lie on right side with the body straight; when it commences to pass off, it does so very rapidly in an hour, leaving no disagreeable sensation whatever, but she feels perfectly well and strong. During the proving, loss of flesh, most marked in the shrinkage of the breasts, which have since resumed their natural size and firmness. C Cannot lie on left Feels completely tired out and exhausted, whether she does anything or not. Faint spells from one to three times a week, at first irregular as to time of day, now coming on at 7: 30 P.M.; can produce an attack any time by extending her arms high above head, or by pressure round waist. 3.

Great loss of strength; cannot stand, but falls backwards, and remains entirely unconscious for two or three minutes, the weakness gradually passes off in half an hour. Faint spells. 3.

Sudden prostration of strength at 5 P.M. Sick headache. Aching pains all over. Suppressed menses from putting hands in cold water. C Cannot walk more than one-fourth mile without resting. Diabetes. A.

C As soon as she steps one feet in morning, she becomes faint and nauseated, and has to lie down; must lie down three or four times before she can get dressed. Languor, lassitude, impaired sensibility. Diabetes. A.

Loss of energy, and fatigue on exertion; always feeling dull, heavy, and languid. Diabetes. A.

Coldness and numbness of limbs. Diabetes. A.A.

Flabby and inclined to obesity. Diabetes. A.

Great fatigue on the slightest exertion. Diabetes. A.A.

Very stout, with much difficulty in breathing. Bright’s disease. A.

Very anemic. Bright’s disease. A.

Great lassitude and disinclination to exertion.

Great fatigue from walking.

Felt cold and chilly inside of the body, as though it was filled with ice.

Loss of flesh during the proving, particularly of the breast, but they resumed their natural size after the proving.

Great depression of spirits, with strong inclination to cry.

Twitching of the muscles of the body.

Occasionally felt extremely nervous. Loss of weight in various cases.

Great loss of strength, commencing with a sharp cutting pain in the apex of the heart, followed by a strange feeling in the head, the forehead feels heavy with a dull sensation over the eyes, and throbbing, principally in the temples-rest of the head feels light-dimness of vision, can only see light, not objects. Loss of strength, falls backward and is unconscious. Attack soon passes off, followed by weeping, palpitation of the heart and great depression of spirits. Attack can be brought on at any time by raising the hands above the head, or by pressure around the waist. In a young girl of 17 whose menses were irregular (cured).

Indefinable indisposition, not usually associated with local suffering, except a dull aching pain in the lumbar region.

Great debility or prostration of muscular power, as well as nervous energy.

Fatigued and exhausted after moderate exertion, unable to walk even a short distance without being obliged to take a rest.

Listlessness and disinclination for either bodily or mental exertion.

Great restlessness and extreme and protracted suffering from loss of sleep at night.

Increased emaciation which ultimately becomes extreme.

Perverse and deficient nutrition.

Loss of energy.

Enormous obesity in a lady (cured).

Ability to walk a long distance without rest or fatigue.

A woman who could not drink milk without its causing sick headache (cured).

Recommended by Hippocrates in phthisis, in gouty affections, particularly where the articulations are involved, also in sciatica and leucorrhea.

Considered the best and surest remedy in all dropsies, in asthma when the result of emphysema and pulmonary catarrh, in obstinate neuralgia, when its cause lies in the intestinal canal, in diseases of the liver, simple hypertrophy and fatty degeneration, and generally in diseases when there is faulty nutrition, often a consequence of obscure subacute inflammation of the stomach or intestines, followed by affections of the nervous centers.

Found to be a sovereign remedy in dropsical cases, with hypertrophied liver and following intermittent fever.

Marked improvement had been seen in cases where the dropsy is the result of organic heart disease, or of old standing liver complaint, or of far advanced Bright’s disease.

Noise very annoying.

Pain commencing across the upper sacral region, passing around either side over the hips down to groins and down thighs inside, sometimes to the feet-cured several cases.

Bell Barnum, age 13, dark hair: For the last year has had severe headache at times, and great pain across the umbilicus; also pains passing down the under side of the thighs to the heels. Pains in the top of feet as if the bones were broken across the instep.

These pains in the legs and feet would come on as soon as she stepped upon them in the morning, upon which she would be faint and nauseated and have to lie down. Would have to lie down three or four times before she could get dressed (cured). Three or four months after the headache returned, and was again cured by Defloratum.

Judge Martin for years has had a bloating, at times in the epigastric region, and with it he would always have an attack of asthma, so that he could scarcely breathe; then he would have a hard pressive pain at about the forth cervical vertebra. These symptoms were only relieved by taking pills, which would cause a free evacuation of the bowels. Was always constipated (cured).

Caroline Betz, German, aged 18: About 7 or 8 P.M. becomes so sleepy that she cannot resist and has to lie down about 9 P.M. A very hot fever comes on during which she sleeps; the fever continues till near morning, when she wakes in a profuse sweat which stains the linen yellow and is very difficult to wash out.

During the day her back usually feels cold; short dry cough with difficult expectoration of a small lump of mucus, which relieves the cough. Irregular menstruation, sometimes very dark and scanty, and sometimes colorless water. Pimples on face and forehead. Nov. 8, gave Deflor. 1M. Was entirely relieved of all the symptoms after the first dose. Nov. 14. The menstrual period is not yet due. “Sore aching, ” with some throbbing in the outer side, and partly along the sole of right foot, very excruciating pains coming an going by spells; walking did not seem to affect it. The pain would come quite often, perhaps every half hour, last a few moments, then pass away. It gave her a good deal of trouble and caused her to suddenly drop to the floor to hold the foot; she could not stand on the foot during the pain. The pain would come on suddenly and go away rather suddenly, but leave the part sore for a short time. Lac caninum CMM. in water, a spoonful every three hours, relieved.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.