LYCOPODIUM homeopathic remedy signs and symptoms from the Key to the Homeopathic Materia Medica by Alfred Pulford. Find the common uses of LYCOPODIUM…


      Hunger, but a little food seems to fill the stomach full and causes fullness and distension of abdomen; or, appetite wanting, which returns and increases as one begins to eat.


      The above IDENTIFICATION: Aggravation: 4 to 8 p.m., especially heat; and cold drinks, Lachesis amelioration. Amelioration 8 p.m., but weak; slow motion, like Ferrum and Pulsatilla; and warm drinks. Irritable; peevish, and especially cross on waking, a.m.; children waken cross and angry, strike, bite, kick, and scratch every one who approaches. Extremely emotional and sensitive. Great fear of being alone, like Kali-c., and Arsenicum, or of one’s shadow. Indifferent. Easy weeping and anger. Pulse rapid. Nervous. Rapid motion of alae nasi. Gastric flatulence predominates, Carb-v., abdominal.



      Conscientious about trifles, 4 p.m.; weak memory for names and letters; morose, before menses; inclines to weep, 4 p.m., or, when thanked. (L): Anger, p.m.; anxiety, on walking in open air; dullness of mind, amelioration walking in open air; laughs, during sleep; uses wrong syllables in speaking; restless in room or on sitting; weeps aloud. Haughty, when sick. Children push everything away angrily. Misers, forehead wrinkled. Fear of appearing in public is more marked in Silicea and Lycopodium than in any other known remedy. Desires to be by oneself, but not alone in the house, glad to know some one is in another room. Fear of stumbling, of making mistakes, or of forgetting, yet goes through, with ease, the things one undertakes, like Silicea, dreads the presence of new persons, during urination; Natr-m., during stool: Ambra.


      Involuntary shaking of head, which makes one dizzy; pain in head and red sand in urine alternate; cutting pain, as with a knife, during difficult stool or straining at stool; tearing, rending pain, over eyes, p.m., China: a.m., and in sides of forehead and root of nose. (L): Drawn to right, during epilepsy; hair becoming gray early; itching of scalp on becoming warm from exercise; pain, 4 to 8 p.m.; pain as with screws, on coughing and during menses; incipient paralysis of brain; pulsating, on bending head back; shocks, blows and jerks in temples. Our most important remedy for impeding paralysis of brain. Forehead wrinkles in misers, and with every pain, jar or noise in pneumonia; with brain symptoms: Helleborus and Stramonium Desires cool air and cool place, like Pulsatilla Rolls head from side to side, like a pendulum; nodding and side to side movement. The cold forehead becomes warm if lightly covered. Hair falls excessively and turns grey early. Pain amelioration eating, like Anacardium and the reverse of Cact.; hunger, where headache and appetite are associated, like Phosphorus and Psorinum


      Pain, 4 to 8 p.m.; stitching pain, p.m, on looking at light, anything white or red, or at sun; right swollen, Colocynthis, left side; polypus, outer canthus; weak, while looking intently; vision flickering afternoon, after a nap, or, lost 4 p.m.; objects tremble in artificial light; vibration, as of heated air. (L): Pain, 4 p.m.; stitching pain, p.m; vision feathery, or, lost p.m. or from light or in twilight; trembling p.m. Purulent mucus; has to wipe eyes in order to see more clearly, like Pulsatilla


      Itch, during sleep; din, when stepping hard; gurgling noise, as of air bubbles; noise reverberates, re – echoes, 4 p.m.; ringing, during stool; roaring, 4 p.m.; hearing lost, after scarlet fever. (L): Scurfy eruption in meatus; flushes of heat. As if hot blood rushed into Ears. Violent buzzing.


      Catarrh, right nose; obstructed by pus, at night. Posterior nares dry; fanlike motion, in pneumonia. (L): Must breathe through mouth at night, like Am-c. Child starts from sleep rubbing its nose, like Cina. Too frequently overlooked in acute coryza. Nostrils flap, but are not as wide open, nor as sooty inside as Ant-t.; motion of alae slow: Chlorof., rapid: Gaudus and Kreosotum Picks and bores into nose, like Aurum and Cina.


      Carbuncle on chin; sore pimples on tip of nose; inflamed parotids, right then left side, reverse of Lachesis; pain 4 to 8 p.m.; gnawing pain, right side; swelling of parotids right to left side. (L): Expression confused. Pale, sallow, sunken, blue rings around eyes, often withered and shrivelled.


      Speech indistinct, a.m. (L): Taste bitter, nights. Tongue in typhoid seems swollen, unable to protrude it, when protruded it rolls from side to side like a pendulum, is almost always dry and has blisters on it; vesicles on tip. Breathes through mouth with tongue protruded, in diphtheria. Angles of mouth alternately drawn up and relaxed. Spasmodic movement of tongue, it cannot be protruded. Thirstless, like Apis and Pulsatilla


      Stitching pain, amelioration warm bed. Jumping pain, amelioration warm drinks, reverse of Coffea Pain, as if festering on chewing or touch; or, pain at night, greatly excited and restless, preventing sleep.


      (L): Membrane (exudation, diphtheria, etc.) right or right to left side; pain and sore pain, right or right to left side, amelioration warm drinks or applied heat, reverse of Lachesis In diphtheria children wake cross and angry; often lie unconscious and in deep sleep, lower jaw drops, urine scanty or suppressed, and what does pass stains bedding or clothing red, and a little red sand; they cry out during sleep. As of oesophagus being clutched or twisted.


      Anxiety, after vexation; appetite increased, more after eating; aversion to food, ravenous after tasting it; sour eructations in intermittents; pain amelioration lying on side, and by rubbing; cramping, griping pain, after fruit; trembling in stomach, to all over body. (L): Appetite without relish until one begins to eat; disordered stomach, from oysters; heavy, afternoons; indigestion, after onions; nausea when fasting; pressing pain, p.m., in bed; vomiting during chill and fever. Avoid hot biscuits and oysters. Amelioration warm drinks and warm things. Aversion to bread and aggravation from bread and foods made from fermented and fermentable dough. Sinking sense in epigastrium afternoons, but especially at night, waking one, like Ignatia Aggravation cold drink, reverse of Phosphorus


      Flatulence, 4 p.m.; gurgling while walking and in hypochondrium; as of a hard body on turning to right side; inflamed liver after mortification; cutting pain, right to left side, reverse of Ipecac.; pressing pain in hypogastrium compels walking bent. (L): Bubbling; yellow green spots; fermentation, during menses. Flatus accumulates in splenoid flexure, like Momordica, while with Sulph. it accumulates in sigmoid flexure. Pressure in hypochondrium causes pain in epigastrium and vice versa; most of the pains are caused by flatus. As of a cord tied around waist; around chest: Cact. In flatulence compare: Carb-v. and China. Hernia: especially useful in children when the symptoms agree; inguinal right side, Nux vomica, left side; tearing stitches in inguinal region. As of a hand clutching entrails, like Belladonna Cordlike tension across hypochondria. Flatulent inflation of entire abdomen, after stool.


      Chilliness in rectum, before stool; constipation, when away from home, while traveling: Platina; pressing pain at night. (L): Constriction preventing stool; excoriation of perineum. Piles do not mature, but remain hard bluish lumps. constipation is the rule, diarrhoea rare, like Bryonia and Nux.


      First part knotty, then soft. (L): Red mucus.


      Crawling in bladder, after urination; dragging and pressing in bladder, night on lying, amelioration horseback riding; urine dribbles at 4 p.m.; urine seldom during day. (L): Pain in kidneys, after urination, or, in right ureter, or, amelioration after urination; aching pain, amelioration after urination; copious urine p.m.; urine amelioration pain in back. Sediment granular like red sand on sheet or diaper. Gravel or red sand, in children, when child wakens out of sleep screaming out with pain and kicking all around it. A marked feature of Lycopodium, and one of the most prominent remedies, is polyuria during the night, normal during day. Child screams just as the urine begins to pass, amelioration flow, red sand; Sarsaparilla cries before and during flow, with gray sand. Renal colic, right ureter, like Ocim., pains sting, tear, dig, as of a stone tearing its way through.


      Dry condylomata on female genitalia; bearing down pain, on stooping; boring pain, in right ovary; cutting pain, right to left side, in ovary; laborlike pain in female genitalia, right to left side. (L): Pain in under side of prepuce; chancre, sides elevated; tumor of right ovary. Chancres and chancroids often find their simillimum in Lycopodium Delayed menses at puberty when the girl does not develop, neither do the breasts nor ovaries. Widows suffering from ungratified sexual desire need Calcarea, Pic-ac., Platina and Lycopodium In labor or threatened miscarriage pains fly from right to left side, Ipecac., left side to right, Cim., side to side. Severe chill day before menses, with discomfort.


      Tickling in air passages, p.m. Hoarseness 4 to 6 or 8 p.m., like Helleborus, 4 p.m.: Collinsonia, Pulsatilla, 4 to 9 p.m.; Colocynthis, Mag-p., 4 to 6 also 3 p.m.: Carb-v.


      Wheezing breathing, during day. (L): Breathing arrested, at night; difficult before while lying on back. Asthmatic before after pneumonia, whistling, limbs cold, head and face hot, desires to go with head uncovered. Breathes through mouth with tongue protruded in diphtheria, like Am-c.


      Dry, chronic cough, in puny boys, or in emaciated boys; overpowering cough, as if larynx was tickled by a feather, p.m., before sleep. (L): Cough, p.m., on going to sleep. Cough rather aggravation going down hill, than up, reverse of Calcarea Gapes with cough. Dry cough remaining for a long time after pneumonia. Tickling, with gray expectoration.


      Anxiety about heart, with epilepsy; liver spots; pain in sides 4 p.m.; constant pressing pain; palpitation, night on waking, every half hour; tension under clavicles. (L): Gouty heart; palpitation, during digestion; shocks with cough. Neglected cases of pneumonia, dyspnoea from accumulation of serum in pleura and pericardium. In hepatization in closely resembles Phosphorus and Sulph. Is especially useful for old people with weak reaction and weakness of all functions and who do not tend to convalesce, and for children who are extremely cross on waking. Alternate sense of hot and icy cold balls dropping from each breast through to back, rolling down each breast, thence down each leg, dropping off at heels. Rattling, unable to expectorate, wings of nose flap.


      Heat in waves up spine; pain in lumbar region amelioration copious urination; boring pain, as with a gimlet; burning pain, after grief; cutting pain in scapula, to chest (l). (L): Heat between scapulae, like Phosphorus, and the reverse of Am-m.; pain amelioration urination; pain in lumbar region amelioration passing flatus and urine; pressing pain in lumbar region from obstructed flatus. Especially useful in lumbago when Bryonia apparently indicated fails; Calcarea flour., when Rhus fails. Wants back fanned. As if lying on ice. Unable to lie on back, during pneumonia. Burns like hot coals between scapulae; reverse: Am-m.


      Cracked skin on heels; inflamed finger joints; pain in joints with numbness; sciatica, in lower limbs, every 4 days; pain in hollows of knees, while sitting with legs crossed, and in legs aggravation heat of bed, reverse of Causticum; tearing pin in hands only while in bed; hands swell during intermittents. (L): Arthritic finger joints, stiff; one foot cold the other hot; arms alternately extended and flexed; oozing from oedematous legs; sciatica in lower limbs, aggravation sleep, amelioration heat of bed; withered skin of hand. Chalky deposits in joints. Ulcer on instep; on heel: Natr-c.; on and about joints of hands: Sepia Valuable in chronic rheumatism. Restless, amelioration motion, old cases; Rhus recent cases. Cold, haughty disposition, distrustful when sick. Sciatica cannot bear to lie on painful side, it is so sensitive especially right sided cases. Feet swell, also right, cold sweaty, like Calcarea, copious sweat.


      Fruitless efforts to yawn. (L): Wakens from hunger. Child starts from sleep rubbing its nose. Aggravation from sleep or a short nap, like Lachesis No position comfortable at night, like Rhus.


      4 to 8 p.m., hands numb and icy cold at 7 p.m. Long lasting, begins 9 a.m., generally passing off without heat or sweat. 6 or 7 p.m. Every other day. Sour vomiting; bitter: Eup. and Ipecac. As if lying on ice. Left side of body; right: Bryonia


      Burning, 4 to 8 p.m., lasting several hours; chill absent 4 to 8 p.m.; continued, typhoid, 4 to 8 p.m. (L): 6 to 8 p.m.


      On making any motion sweat disappears and heat comes on; sweat has odor of blood. Sweat followed by thirst. Immediately after chill.


      (L): Herpetic eruptions, tearing; painless. Modifies naevi. when rash fails to come out during typhoid, like Calcarea, the patient constipated. Scarlet fever with great irritability, no other drug being indicated; or when one parotid is inflamed and discharging pus. Ulcers that bleed when bandaged and have a sharp stitching pain. Dry scaly eruptions; Graphites, moist scabby. Scarlet fever, child suddenly wakens from sleep and cries out as if frightened, cannot be pacified, if the case is not arrested, it becomes unconscious and deep sleep ensues, lower jaw drops, urine becomes scanty or suppressed, what little does pass stains clothing and bedding red and deposits a little red sand, breathing becomes rapid with rattling and snoring; nervous, sensitive and extremely irritable; and long before the case develops or before serious symptoms appear, Lycopodium will be called upon by the child waking cross, irritable, kicking the clothing off and striking at those about him; the element of irritability and the absence of symptoms characteristic of the drug lead one to Lycopodium Ulcers amelioration applying cooling things, aggravation warm poultices, indolent. Hives from an unusually warm bed or room.


      Amelioration at midnight. (L): Amelioration forenoon; aggravation 4 p.m. or 4 to 8 p.m.; convulsion, right side of body; aggravation onions; pulse rapid after eating; right to left side, reverse of Lachesis Emaciation, muscles weak, mind well developed. More frequently indicated in emaciated than in well nourished people. One of our most important remedies in varicoses when the symptoms agree. Weakness more at rest than on motion. Suddenness: flashes of heat; lightninglike pains, like Mag-p.; satiety; pains and symptoms come and go suddenly like Belladonna Burning pains, amelioration heat, like Arsenicum Aggravation touch and pressure, except head. Extremely sensitive to warm atmosphere, when there are head and spinal symptoms. Poison from oysters in season; out of season: Aloe. A dose of Carb-v. every 8th day is said to facilitate the action of Lycopodium Unless undoubtedly indicated, the treatment of chronic diseases should never be begun by Lycopodium, it is better to begin with another antipsoric remedy; i.e., like Nux. Onions poison Thuja patients; strawberries poison Ox-ac. patients; and oysters poison Lycopodium patients. Cheese is said to digest oysters, strawberries and tomatoes in a few minutes. The higher potencies should be given with caution to prevent serious aggravation, as Lycopodium is very prone to cause aggravation when highly attenuated, hence the necessity of caution.

Alfred Pulford
Alfred Pulford, M.D., M.H.S., F.A.C.T.S. 1863-1948 – American Homeopath and author who carried out provings of new remedies. Author of Key to the Homeopathic Materia Medica, Repertoroy of the Symptoms of Rheumatism, Sciatica etc., Homeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures.