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PULSATILLA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy PULSATILLA…


PULS. Pulsatilla. Nigricans, Anemone Pratensis, Pasque Flower. See Hahnemann’s “Mat. Pura,” IV.


Aconite, Agaricus, Ambr., Am., Am-mur., Ant., Angust., Arnica, Arsenicum, Asa-f., Aurum, Belladonna, Bovista, Bryonia, Calcarea, Camph., Cann., Cantharis, Caps., Carb-v., Chamomilla, China, Cicuta, Cocc., Coffea, Colchicum, Conium, Cuprum, Cyclamen, Digitalis, Drosera, Euphr., Ferrum, Graphites, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Ipecac., Kali., Lachesis, Ledum, Lycopodium, Mag-p-arct., Magn-mur., Menyan., Mercurius, Mosch., Natr., Natr-mur., Nitr-ac., Nux-v., Oleand., Opium, Par., Petrol., Phosph., Platina, Plumb., Ranunc., Ranunc-sceler., Rheum., Rhus-tox., Ruta., Sabad., Sabin., Sarsaparilla, Scilla., Sepia, Selenium, Silicea, Spigelia, Spongia, Stann., Staphysagria, Stramonium, Sulphur, Sulph-ac., Tartar., Thuja., Valer., Veratrum, Zincum met. Puls is frequently particularly suitable after: Asa-f., Antimonium, Aurum., China, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Nitr-ac., Rhus-tox., Sepia, Sulphur, Tartar., Thuja. After Puls, are frequently suitable: Asa-f., Bryonia, Nitr- ac., Sepia, Thuja.


Chamomilla, Coffea, Ignatia, Nux-v., Vinegar., Puls antidotes Agaricus, Ambr., Argentum, Belladonna, Chamomilla, China, Colchicum, Ferrum, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Platina, Ranunc., Sabad., Stann., Sulphur, Sulph-ac., Tartar.


Pulsatilla is especially adapted to ailments of the female sex, or to individuals with a gentle, good naturedly-mischievous disposition, who easily laugh or weep, with phlegmatic temper and inclination to melancholy, lymphatic constitution, pale face, blue eyes, and blonde, hair, freckles, disposition to catarrh, leucorrhoea or other kinds of blenorrhoea. Chronic ailments arising from the abuse of Sulphur water, Quinine, Chamomile. Mercury. Ailments from the use of pork, fat pastry, or other from fright or mortification. Ailments arising from taking cold by exposure to wet. or by placing the feet in water,. consequences of bruises and contusions. Ulceration of internal parts. Rheumatic and arthritic affections, also with swelling. Articular rheumatism. Erratic gout. Scrofulous affections and rickets, also with atrophy. Curvature of bones. Passive congestion, with distention of the veins. Blenorrhoea. Pains of the extremities (lacerating, drawing, or jerking) in the muscles, with aggravation of the pains at night or in the evening in bed, amelioration in the open air, attended with numbness and paralytic weakness or with swelling of the affected parts. Drawing lacerating in one or the other limb, also with chilliness and coldness, or in frequent repeated attacks. Stinging drawing in the limbs, particularly the joints, which feel painful as if bruised when touched. Darting pain in the left side. Rigidity in single limbs, as if the tendons were contracted. Erratic pains, rapidly shifting from one part to another, also with swelling and redness in the joints. Pain as if bruised or from subcutaneous ulceration on touching the part. Pains and ailments of one side of the body. Attacks of pain and other ailments, with chilliness, asthma, paleness of face, or also with trembling of the lower limbs. Desire for the open air although, while in it, colic and indisposition to vomit increase. Excessive debility and bruised feeling of the limbs. Painful feeling of lameness in the ligaments. Rigid immobility in the body. Heaviness of the whole body, also excessive, with chilliness in the arms and lower limbs. Troublesome beating of the arteries through the whole body, mostly perceptible when touching the parts. Tremulous weakness. Anxious feeling of trembling, with drawings in the limbs and the whole body, or with aggravation of the pains when sitting or lying and with amelioration by motion. Fainting turns, with cadaverous paleness of the face. Epileptic convulsions, with violent tossing of the limbs, followed by relaxation of the limbs, disposition to vomit, and eructations. Emaciations.


The pains are aggravated or excited when sitting, after long exercise; on rising, after having seen seated for a long time; during rest, particularly when lying one side or on the back; the pains which come on when lying on as back are sometimes relieved by turning to the one or other side or by lying on the affected side; the pains which are excited or aggravated by lying on the side are relieved by lying on the back; a number of pains are relieved by motion, walking, pressure, external warmth, and open air, whereas other pains are aggravated under those circumstances; the pains are generally worst in the evening, at night or before midnight; some of the pains are aggravated or come on early in the morning, or after dinner. The symptoms appear with particular violence every other evening.


Biting itching here and there, also like formication. Red hot spots on the body, like nettle-rash, with biting pain. Zona. Measles and their secondary ailments, or bad consequences from suppression of measles. Eruption, resembling varicella, after eating pork and fat things. Erysipelas, also with swelling, hardness, burning heat, and stinging when touching or moving the part. Cracking of the skin on wetting it. Boils here and there. Flat putrid ulcers. Carious ulcers. Suppurating wound. Swelling of the limbs, with stinging limbs, or with a feeling of numbness. Dropsical swellings. Jaundice. Chlorosis. Varices. Chilblains, with blue-red swelling, heat and burning, or throbbing.


Yawning. Drowsiness in the daytime. Constant drowsiness, with a number of dreams. Feverish somnolence, with uneasiness and anxious fancies day and night. Sleeplessness, also with excessive restlessness. Sleep prevented by ideas crowding upon one. Frequent waking at night. Light sleep. Restless sleep, with tossing about. Intolerable dry or burning heat, with restlessness. Great restlessness and tossing about. Anguish on waking. Snoring inspirations. Liability to start. Screaming and starting, as if in affright. Jerking of the limbs or the whole body. Spasmodic distortion of the mouth. Crying out. Nightmare. Sleep full of dreams. Confused, vivid dreams. Anxious dreams. Frightful dreams.


Coldness, with paleness and sweat over the whole body. Shuddering, in frequent. Chilliness and a chilly feeling internally. Chilliness in the evening, all over. Feeling of chilliness, with trembling. Fever. Chilliness, with occasional flushes of warmth. The Pulsat. fever and ague is generally characterized by the occurring only during the hot stage, rarely after the hot stage, or before the chilly stage. Chilliness without thirst; thirst during the hot stage. Chilliness in the evening, followed by heat. Great chilliness and external coldness in the evening, without shuddering or thirst. Violent chilliness, followed by a mixed sensation of internal heat and shuddering; afterwards a general burning heat, with very quick pulse and hurried breathing, as if suffering mortal anguish. Shaking and chilliness, followed by general heat and sweat, with drawing- jerking pains in the bones of the extremities. Intermittent fevers; quotidian, tertian, quartan. Intermittent fever, generally consisting of chilliness without thirst, followed by heat with thirst, accompanied or succeeded by sweat. The fever generally sets in or exacerbates in the evening or afternoon, remits towards morning. The chilliness is generally accompanied with paleness of face, vertigo, stupefaction, painfulness and heaviness of the head, anxiety and oppression of the chest, or vomiting of mucus. During the heat; paroxysms of anguish, headache with red, bloated face, sweat in the face. chilliness when taking off the cover of the bed, lamenting and moaning, deep or restless sleep, hurried and anxious breathing, disposition to vomit, diarrhoeic stools. The fever generally, or the apyrexia, is characterized by headache, painful oppression of the chest, moist cough, somnolence, bitterness of mouth, diarrhoea, or constipation. Intermittent fever after the abuse of Quinine or China. Violent thirst after the disappearance of the heat, especially for beer, with white tongue. Heat at night, and chilliness when turning in bed. Heat, followed by shuddering. Dry heat of the whole body at night and early in the morning. Hands and feet are hot. Flushes of heat. Heat of the whole face in the evening. Acute fevers. Mucous fevers. Gastric symptoms. Bilious fevers. Typhoid fevers, also with loss of consciousness, delirium, weeping, and wringing of hands, somnolence. Hectic fever. Pulse quick and small. Feeble and slow pulse. The pulse is feeble and almost collapsed. Disposition to sweat in the daytime. Copious morning sweat.


Gloomy and melancholy. Melancholy, with weeping, sadness, and apprehension of dying. Silent mood, also as if deranged, with cold, sombre, strange look, sitting silently with folded hands. Disposed to weep or laugh. Solicitude about his health. Anxiety. Anguish. Anguish in the region of the heart, even to desire for suicide, with a sensation in the pit of the stomach, as if he would vomit. Anxiety, as if he would have an apoplectic fit. Tremulous anguish, as if death were near. Anthropophobia. Suspicion and distrust. Timid, whining mood. Mild and yielding. Excessive irresoluteness. Peevishness. Sullen mood. Gloomy, ill- humored, chilly. Hypochondriac peevishness. Disposed to feel sad and aggrieved internally. He is disgusted with everything.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.